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An implementation of JudyL with fewer memory allocations, when items are mainly appended to the array
// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include "july.h"
struct JulyL_item {
Word_t index;
void *value;
struct JulyL {
size_t entries;
size_t used;
// statistics
size_t bytes;
size_t bytes_moved;
size_t reallocs;
struct {
struct JulyL *prev;
struct JulyL *next;
} cache;
struct JulyL_item array[];
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JulyL cache
static struct {
struct {
SPINLOCK spinlock;
struct JulyL *available_items;
size_t available;
} protected;
struct {
size_t bytes;
size_t allocated;
size_t bytes_moved;
size_t reallocs;
} atomics;
} julyl_globals = {
.protected = {
.available_items = NULL,
.available = 0,
.atomics = {
.bytes = 0,
.allocated = 0,
.bytes_moved = 0,
.reallocs = 0,
void julyl_cleanup(void) {
while(julyl_globals.protected.available_items && julyl_globals.protected.available > 10) {
struct JulyL *item = julyl_globals.protected.available_items;
DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE_UNSAFE(julyl_globals.protected.available_items, item, cache.prev,;
size_t bytes = item->bytes;
__atomic_sub_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.bytes, bytes, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
__atomic_sub_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.allocated, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
struct JulyL *julyl_get(void) {
struct JulyL *j;
j = julyl_globals.protected.available_items;
if(likely(j)) {
DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_REMOVE_UNSAFE(julyl_globals.protected.available_items, j, cache.prev,;
if(unlikely(!j)) {
size_t bytes = sizeof(struct JulyL) + JULYL_MIN_ENTRIES * sizeof(struct JulyL_item);
j = mallocz(bytes);
j->bytes = bytes;
j->entries = JULYL_MIN_ENTRIES;
__atomic_add_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.bytes, bytes, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
__atomic_add_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.allocated, 1, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
j->used = 0;
j->bytes_moved = 0;
j->reallocs = 0;
j-> = j->cache.prev = NULL;
return j;
static void julyl_release(struct JulyL *j) {
if(unlikely(!j)) return;
__atomic_add_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.bytes_moved, j->bytes_moved, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
__atomic_add_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.reallocs, j->reallocs, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
DOUBLE_LINKED_LIST_APPEND_UNSAFE(julyl_globals.protected.available_items, j, cache.prev,;
size_t julyl_cache_size(void) {
return __atomic_load_n(&julyl_globals.atomics.bytes, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
size_t julyl_bytes_moved(void) {
return __atomic_load_n(&julyl_globals.atomics.bytes_moved, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// JulyL
size_t JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(const struct JulyL *July, Word_t Index) {
// return the position of the first item >= Index
size_t left = 0;
size_t right = July->used;
while(left < right) {
size_t middle = (left + right) >> 1;
if(July->array[middle].index > Index)
right = middle;
left = middle + 1;
internal_fatal(left > July->used, "JULY: invalid position returned");
if(left > 0 && July->array[left - 1].index == Index)
return left - 1;
internal_fatal( (left < July->used && July->array[left].index < Index) ||
(left > 0 && July->array[left - 1].index >= Index)
, "JULY: wrong item returned");
return left;
PPvoid_t JulyLGet(Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t Index, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
const struct JulyL *July = PArray;
return NULL;
size_t pos = JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(July, Index);
if(unlikely(pos >= July->used || July->array[pos].index != Index))
return NULL;
return (PPvoid_t)&July->array[pos].value;
PPvoid_t JulyLIns(PPvoid_t PPArray, Word_t Index, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
struct JulyL *July = *PPArray;
if(unlikely(!July)) {
July = julyl_get();
July->used = 0;
*PPArray = July;
size_t pos = JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(July, Index);
if((pos == July->used || July->array[pos].index != Index)) {
// we have to add this entry
if (unlikely(July->used == July->entries)) {
// we have to expand the array
size_t bytes = sizeof(struct JulyL) + July->entries * 2 * sizeof(struct JulyL_item);
__atomic_add_fetch(&julyl_globals.atomics.bytes, bytes - July->bytes, __ATOMIC_RELAXED);
July = reallocz(July, bytes);
July->bytes = bytes;
July->entries *= 2;
*PPArray = July;
if (unlikely(pos != July->used)) {
// we have to shift some members to make room
size_t size = (July->used - pos) * sizeof(struct JulyL_item);
memmove(&July->array[pos + 1], &July->array[pos], size);
July->bytes_moved += size;
July->array[pos].value = NULL;
July->array[pos].index = Index;
return &July->array[pos].value;
PPvoid_t JulyLFirst(Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t *Index, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
const struct JulyL *July = PArray;
return NULL;
size_t pos = JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(July, *Index);
// pos is >= Index
if(unlikely(pos == July->used))
return NULL;
*Index = July->array[pos].index;
return (PPvoid_t)&July->array[pos].value;
PPvoid_t JulyLNext(Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t *Index, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
const struct JulyL *July = PArray;
return NULL;
size_t pos = JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(July, *Index);
// pos is >= Index
if(unlikely(pos == July->used))
return NULL;
if(July->array[pos].index == *Index) {
if(unlikely(pos == July->used))
return NULL;
*Index = July->array[pos].index;
return (PPvoid_t)&July->array[pos].value;
PPvoid_t JulyLLast(Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t *Index, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
const struct JulyL *July = PArray;
return NULL;
size_t pos = JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(July, *Index);
// pos is >= Index
if(pos > 0 && (pos == July->used || July->array[pos].index > *Index))
if(unlikely(pos == 0 && July->array[0].index > *Index))
return NULL;
*Index = July->array[pos].index;
return (PPvoid_t)&July->array[pos].value;
PPvoid_t JulyLPrev(Pcvoid_t PArray, Word_t *Index, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
const struct JulyL *July = PArray;
return NULL;
size_t pos = JulyLGet_binary_search_position_of_index(July, *Index);
// pos is >= Index
if(unlikely(pos == 0 || July->used == 0))
return NULL;
// get the previous one
*Index = July->array[pos].index;
return (PPvoid_t)&July->array[pos].value;
Word_t JulyLFreeArray(PPvoid_t PPArray, PJError_t PJError __maybe_unused) {
struct JulyL *July = *PPArray;
return 0;
size_t bytes = July->bytes;
*PPArray = NULL;
return bytes;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// unittest
#define item_index(i) (((i) * 2) + 100)
int julytest(void) {
Word_t entries = 10000;
Pvoid_t array = NULL;
// test additions
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) {
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLIns(&array, item_index(i), PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot insert item %lu", item_index(i));
*PValue = (void *)(item_index(i));
// test successful finds
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) {
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLGet(array, item_index(i), PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find item %lu", item_index(i));
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
// test finding the first item
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) {
Word_t index = item_index(i);
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLFirst(array, &index, PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find first item %lu", item_index(i));
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
// test finding the next item
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries - 1 ;i++) {
Word_t index = item_index(i);
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLNext(array, &index, PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find next item %lu", item_index(i));
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i + 1)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu next has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i + 1))
fatal("JULY: item %lu next has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
// test finding the last item
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) {
Word_t index = item_index(i);
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLLast(array, &index, PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find last item %lu", item_index(i));
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
// test finding the prev item
for(Word_t i = 1; i < entries ;i++) {
Word_t index = item_index(i);
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLPrev(array, &index, PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find prev item %lu", item_index(i));
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i - 1)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu prev has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i - 1))
fatal("JULY: item %lu prev has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
// test full traversal forward
Word_t i = 0;
Word_t index = 0;
bool first = true;
Pvoid_t *PValue;
while((PValue = JulyLFirstThenNext(array, &index, &first))) {
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu traversal has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i))
fatal("JULY: item %lu traversal has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
if(i != entries)
fatal("JULY: expected to forward traverse %lu entries, but traversed %lu", entries, i);
// test full traversal backward
Word_t i = 0;
Word_t index = (Word_t)(-1);
bool first = true;
Pvoid_t *PValue;
while((PValue = JulyLLastThenPrev(array, &index, &first))) {
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(entries - i - 1)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu traversal has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(entries - i - 1))
fatal("JULY: item %lu traversal has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
if(i != entries)
fatal("JULY: expected to back traverse %lu entries, but traversed %lu", entries, i);
// test finding non-existing first item
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) {
Word_t index = item_index(i) - 1;
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLFirst(array, &index, PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find first item %lu", item_index(i) - 1);
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
// test finding non-existing last item
for(Word_t i = 0; i < entries ;i++) {
Word_t index = item_index(i) + 1;
Pvoid_t *PValue = JulyLLast(array, &index, PJE0);
fatal("JULY: cannot find last item %lu", item_index(i) + 1);
if(*PValue != (void *)(item_index(i)))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has the value %lu", item_index(i), (unsigned long)(*PValue));
if(index != item_index(i))
fatal("JULY: item %lu has index %lu", item_index(i), index);
JulyLFreeArray(&array, PJE0);
return 0;
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