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Costa Tsaousis ktsaou

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sophieforceno /
Last active August 10, 2020 18:48
Turn your CHIP into a monitoring server with Netdata

This guide will cover installing and configuring netdata to turn your CHIP (or other Linux device) into a monitoring server. I will also review the steps needed to configure a "client" device that sends it's netdata metrics to CHIP. It's actually very easy to do, thanks to the fantastic job the Netdata developers did in making setup and configuration easy. Yes, the sheer number of configuration options is daunting, but getting netdata running on CHIP actually requires no configuration at all.

This guide will cover installing and configuring netdata to turn your CHIP into a monitoring server. Netdata monitors hardware, networking, applications (web servers, db servers, mail servers), as well as many other things, and visualizes the data in real-time on a web dashboard. I will also cover how to configure CHIP as a “server” that receives and makes accessible monitoring data from other Linux devices, or clients. Installing Netdata isn’t difficult, and to just get it running on CHIP requires no configuration.