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Last active December 19, 2021 04:46
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  • Save ktusznio/fe6a13298b72e6439da09ee10c36e97b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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const fs = require('fs');
const input = fs.readFileSync("./day-18/input.sample", "utf8").split("\n");
function magnitude(num) {
if (typeof num === "number") return num;
const [left, right] = num;
return 3 * magnitude(left) + 2 * magnitude(right);
function add(left, right) {
return reduce([left, right]);
function reduce(pair) {
while (true) {
if (explode(pair)) continue;
if (!split(pair)) break;
return pair;
function pushRight(pair, n) {
if (!n) return pair;
if (typeof pair === "number") return pair + n;
return [pushRight(pair[0], n), pair[1]];
function pushLeft(pair, n) {
if (!n) return pair;
if (typeof pair === "number") return pair + n;
return [pair[0], pushLeft(pair[1], n)];
function explode(pair, depth = 0, lastLeft = null, lastRight = null) {
if (typeof pair === "number") {
const [left, right] = pair;
if (depth === 3) {
if (typeof left === "object") {
pair[0] = 0;
pair[1] = pushRight(pair[1], left[1]);
return { pushLeft: left[0], insert: lastRight };
if (typeof right === "object") {
pair[1] = 0;
pair[0] = pushLeft(pair[0], right[0]);
return { pushRight: right[1], insert: lastLeft };
let result = explode(left, depth + 1, depth, lastRight);
if (!result) result = explode(right, depth + 1, lastLeft, depth);
if (result && result.pushLeft && result.insert === depth) {
pair[0] = pushLeft(pair[0], result.pushLeft);
delete result.pushLeft;
if (result && result.pushRight && result.insert === depth) {
pair[1] = pushRight(pair[1], result.pushRight);
delete result.pushRight;
return result;
function split(pair) {
if (typeof pair === "number") return;
for (let i = 0; i < pair.length; i++) {
let n = pair[i];
if (typeof n === "number" && n >= 10) {
q = n / 2;
pair[i] = [Math.floor(q), Math.ceil(q)];
return true;
return split(pair[0]) || split(pair[1]);
// let arr = [[3,[2,[1,[7,3]]]],[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]];
// explode(arr)
// console.log(JSON.stringify(arr) === "[[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]")
// arr = [[3,[[1,[7,3]],2]],[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]];
// explode(arr)
// console.log(JSON.stringify(arr));
// console.log(JSON.stringify(arr) === "[[3,[[8,0],5]],[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]")
let pair = [
//for (let i = 1; i < input.length; i++) {
// const pair2 = JSON.parse(input[i]);
// pair = add(pair, pair2);
//console.log("problem 1");
//console.log( JSON.stringify(pair) );
//console.log({ answer: magnitude(pair) });
// explode() test cases:
// ---------------------
// let arr = [[[[[9,8],1],2],3],4];
// explode(arr);
// let expected = '[[[[0,9],2],3],4]';
// let actual = JSON.stringify(arr);
// console.log({ success: expected === actual, actual });
// arr = [7,[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]];
// explode(arr);
// expected = '[7,[6,[5,[7,0]]]]';
// actual = JSON.stringify(arr);
// console.log({ success: expected === actual, actual });
// arr = [[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]],1];
// explode(arr);
// expected = '[[6,[5,[7,0]]],3]';
// actual = JSON.stringify(arr);
// console.log({ success: expected === actual, actual });
// arr = [[3,[2,[1,[7,3]]]],[6,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]];
// explode(arr);
// expected = '[[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]]';
// actual = JSON.stringify(arr);
// console.log({ success: expected === actual, actual });
// arr = [[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[4,[3,2]]]]];
// explode(arr);
// expected = '[[3,[2,[8,0]]],[9,[5,[7,0]]]]';
// actual = JSON.stringify(arr);
// console.log({ success: expected === actual, actual });
// arr = [[3,[2,[1,[7,3]]]],[[[[3,2],4],5],9]];
// explode(arr);
// expected = JSON.stringify([[3,[2,[8,0]]],[[[[6,2],4],5],9]]);
// actual = JSON.stringify(arr);
// console.log({ success: expected === actual, actual });
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