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Last active December 29, 2021 05:05
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Custom Grails JSON marshalling
package example
import example.Book
import grails.converters.JSON
class BookController {
// e.g. GET '../rest/books/$bookId'
def show = {
// nothing special here, just render domain objects as usual
render (Book.findById('bookId')) as JSON)
package example
import example.Book
import example.Author
import grails.converters.JSON
* Probably the cleanest way to define custom JSON marshalling in Grails.
* Imagine Book and Author are domain classes with some typical fields.
* File location: src/groovy/example
class JsonMarshallers {
// call this in BootStrap init()
static init() {
JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Author, authorMarshaller)
JSON.registerObjectMarshaller(Book, bookMarshaller)
// marshaller is simply a closure taking a domain class and returning a map
static authorMarshaller = { Author author ->
return [
firstName: author.firstName,
lastName: author.lastName,
numberOfBooks: author.books?.size()
static bookMarshaller = { Book book ->
return [
isbn: book.isbn,
title: book.title,
author: "${}, ${}",
year: book.releaseDate?.format("yyyy"),
publisher: book.publisher?.name,
pages: book.pageCount
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