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Created May 1, 2019 15:39
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N = (0,1)
E = (1,0)
def normalize(path):
""" convert path to a list of (0,1) and (1,0) """
l = len(path)
if l % 2 != 0:
raise ValueError("Not a lattice path: len(path)=%d is not even." % l)
if type(path) == type("NE"):
p = map( lambda step: {"N": N, "E": E}[step], path)
elif type(path) == type([N,E]):
p = path
raise ValueError("Unknown type")
return (p, int(l/2))
def lattice_path(path, label=[]):
p,n = normalize(path)
labelled_path = []
label = label + ['' for i in range(n-len(label))]
i = 0
for step in p:
if step == N:
i = i + 1
labelled_path.append((step, ''))
return labelled_path
def tikz_to_step( (dx,dy), node=''):
""" '-- ++(dx,dy)' with an optional node. """
return "-- ++(%d,%d)%s" % (dx,dy,node)
def tikz_to_point( (x,y), node=''):
""" '-- (x,y)' with an optional node. """
return "-- (%d,%d)%s" % (x,y,node)
def tikz_grid((x0,y0),(x1,y1)):
return "(%d,%d) grid (%d,%d)" % (x0,y0,x1,y1)
def tikz_draw(path, options):
return "\\draw[%s] %s;" % (options, path)
def tikz_draw_grid(start, end, options=''):
return tikz_draw(tikz_grid(start,end), options)
def tikz_draw_lattice_path(path, grid=True, diagonal=True, scale=1):
""" draw a lattice path with specified steps given by (direction, label) """
n = int(len(path)/2)
format_step = lambda (s,label): tikz_to_step(s, "node[below left] {%s}" % str(label))
lines = [
"\\begin{tikzpicture}[every node/.style={transform shape}, scale=%.1f]" % scale,
(not grid and ' ') or tikz_draw_grid((0,0), (n,n), 'dotted, very thin'),
(not diagonal and ' ') or tikz_draw('(0,0) -- (%d,%d)' % (n,n), 'thin'),
tikz_draw(' '.join(['(0,0)'] + map(format_step, path)), 'very thick'),
return "\n".join([ line for line in lines if line != ' ']) # leave out blank lines
p = lattice_path("NNEENNEE", [1,2,3])
print tikz_draw_lattice_path(p)
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