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Last active December 14, 2019 16:44
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I implemented simple (dumb) algorithm for finding the largest Collatz trajectory (see Collatz conjecture) for all numbers < 100,000,000 in Python, Rust and Elixir.

I benchmarked them with time command, assuming boot time is negligible (Python and Elixir need ~1 sec to boot before the calculation loop starts but their runtime is in hundreds of seconds anyway. Rust program boots in couple of milliseconds.)


Python (mem usage gradually grows up to ~1 GB):

174.02 real       173.34 user         0.60 sys

Rust (mem usage of 191 MB):

1.27 real         1.21 user         0.05 sys

Elixir (max mem usage 7.2 GB of RAM, but mostly between 3-4 GB):

305.90 real       275.36 user        35.41 sys

If we take Rust (shortest runtime) as baseline then:

lang times slower times memory
Rust 1 1
Python 137 5.2
Elixir 241 18.3 (mostly) / 37.6 (max)

Python impl

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# benchmarked with:
#   time python3

SIZE = 100000000 # 100M
# SIZE = 1000000

results = []
longest_number = 0
longest_steps = 0

for number in range(SIZE):
    n = number
    steps = 0

    while n > 1:
        if n < number:
            steps += results[n]

        steps += 1

        if n % 2 == 0:
            n = n // 2
            n = 3 * n + 1


    if steps > longest_steps:
        longest_steps = steps
        longest_number = number

print(f'{longest_number} - {longest_steps} steps')

Rust impl

// benchmarked with:
//   cargo build --release; time target/release/collatz

const SIZE: usize = 100_000_000;
// const SIZE: usize = 1_000_000_000;

fn main() {
    let mut results: Vec<u16> = vec![0; SIZE];
    let mut longest_number = 0;
    let mut longest_steps = 0;

    for number in 0..SIZE {
        let mut n = number;
        let mut steps = 0;

        while n > 1 {
            if n < number {
                steps += results[n];

            steps += 1;

            if n % 2 == 0 {
                n = n / 2;
            } else {
                n = 3 * n + 1;

        results[number] = steps;

        if steps > longest_steps {
            longest_steps = steps;
            longest_number = number;

    println!("{} - {} steps", longest_number, longest_steps);

Elixir impl

# benchmarked with:
#   time elixir collatz.ex

defmodule Collatz do
  @size 100_000_000

  def run do
    run(0, %{}, 0, 0)

  def run(number, results, longest_number, longest_steps) when number < @size do
    steps = count_steps(number, number, 0, results)
    results = Map.put(results, number, steps)

    if steps > longest_steps do
      run(number + 1, results, number, steps)
      run(number + 1, results, longest_number, longest_steps)

  def run(_number, _results, longest_number, longest_steps) do
    IO.puts("#{longest_number} - #{longest_steps} steps")

  defp count_steps(n, number, steps, results) when n > 1 do
    if n < number do
      steps + results[n]
      n =
        if rem(n, 2) == 0 do
          div(n, 2)
          3 * n + 1

      count_steps(n, number, steps + 1, results)

  defp count_steps(_n, _number, steps, _results), do: steps
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