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Last active March 30, 2021 08:13
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import java.util.*;
interface Node {}
class LeafNode implements Node {
String operand;
public LeafNode(String o) {
operand = o;
public String toString() {
return String.format("(%s)", operand);
class BinaryNode implements Node {
Node left;
Node right;
String operator;
public BinaryNode(String l, String r, String o) {
this(new LeafNode(l), new LeafNode(r), o);
public BinaryNode(Node l, Node r, String o) {
left = l;
right = r;
operator = o;
public String toString() {
return String.format("(%s%s%s)", left, operator, right);
class ExpCompare {
public static void main(String[] args) {
private static void test1() {
//System.out.println(new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), new LeafNode("b"), "+"));
Node aPlusB = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), new LeafNode("b"), "+");
Node aMinusB = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), new LeafNode("b"), "-");
System.out.println(isSame(aPlusB, aMinusB)); // false
private static void test2() {
Node aPlusB = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), new LeafNode("b"), "+");
Node cMinusD = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("c"), new LeafNode("d"), "-");
Node aPlusBMinusCMinusD = new BinaryNode(aPlusB, cMinusD, "-");
Node aPlusD = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), new LeafNode("d"), "+");
Node aPlusDPlusB = new BinaryNode(aPlusD, new LeafNode("b"), "+");
Node aPlusDPlusBMinusC = new BinaryNode(aPlusDPlusB, new LeafNode("c"), "-");
System.out.println(isSame(aPlusBMinusCMinusD, aPlusDPlusBMinusC));
private static void test3() {
Node aMinusB = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), new LeafNode("b"), "-");
Node cMinusD = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("c"), new LeafNode("d"), "-");
Node aMinusBPlusCMinusD = new BinaryNode(aMinusB, cMinusD, "+");
Node bMinusCMinusD = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("b"), cMinusD, "-");
Node aMinusBMinusCMinusD = new BinaryNode(new LeafNode("a"), bMinusCMinusD, "-");
System.out.println(isSame(aMinusBPlusCMinusD, aMinusBMinusCMinusD));
public static boolean isSame(Node a, Node b) {
Map<String, Integer> map1 = new HashMap<>();
count(a, map1, 0);
Map<String, Integer> map2 = new HashMap<>();
count(b, map2, 0);
return map1.equals(map2);
private static void count(Node root, Map<String, Integer> map, int minusCount) {
if(root instanceof LeafNode) {
LeafNode leaf = (LeafNode)root;
int count = map.getOrDefault(leaf.operand, 0);
int newCount = minusCount%2==0 ? count+1 : count-1;
if(newCount==0 && map.containsKey(leaf.operand)) {
} else {
map.put(leaf.operand, newCount);
} else if(root instanceof BinaryNode) {
BinaryNode binary = (BinaryNode)root;
int ext = binary.operator.equals("-") ? 1 : 0;
count(binary.left, map, minusCount);
count(binary.right, map, minusCount+ext);
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