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Last active May 20, 2021 20:05
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Deriving typeclass instances for higher-kinded type in Scala 3
// This could be very useful for
trait TraverseK[Alg[_[_]]]:
def traverseK[F[_], G[_]: Applicative, H[_]](alg: Alg[F])(fk: F ~> ([a] =>> G[H[a]])): G[Alg[H]]
def sequenceK[F[_]: Applicative, G[_]](alg: Alg[[a] =>> F[G[a]]]): F[Alg[G]] =
def mapK[F[_], G[_]](af: Alg[F])(fk: F ~> G): Alg[G] = traverseK[F, cats.Id, G](af)(fk)
def sequenceKId[F[_]: Applicative](alg: Alg[F]): F[Alg[cats.Id]] = sequenceK[F, cats.Id](alg)
object TraverseK:
extension [Alg[_[_]]: TraverseK, F[_]](alg: Alg[F])
def sequenceKId(using Applicative[F]) = summon[TraverseK[Alg]].sequenceKId(alg)
def mapK[G[_]](fk: F ~> G) = summon[TraverseK[Alg]].mapK(alg)(fk)
private[example] def toTuple(list: List[Any]): Tuple = list match
case h :: t => h *: toTuple(t)
case Nil => EmptyTuple
def derived[Alg[_[_]]](using s: Mirror.Product { type MirroredType[F[_]] = Alg[F] }): TraverseK[Alg] = new TraverseK[Alg]:
import cats.implicits.*
def traverseK[F[_], G[_]: Applicative, H[_]](alg: Alg[F])(fk: F ~> ([a] =>> G[H[a]])): G[Alg[H]] =
alg.asInstanceOf[Product] => fk(field.asInstanceOf[F[Any]])) { listHAny =>
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