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Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
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Save kuc-arc-f/c092fb1f75783683c239 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ctlNews.prototype.load_rss = function( surl ) {
var items =new Array();
console.log( 'surl=' + surl );
url: surl,
type: 'get',
dataType: 'xml',
timeout: 5000,
success: function(xml, status) {
if (status === 'success') {
var row = 0;
var data = [];
var nodeName;
$(xml).find('item').each(function() {
data[row] = {};
$(this).children().each(function() {
nodeName = $(this)[0].nodeName;
data[row][nodeName] = {};
// sttr
attributes = $(this)[0].attributes;
for (var i in attributes) {
data[row][nodeName][attributes[i].name] = attributes[i].value;
data[row][nodeName]['text'] = $(this).text();
var ict= 0;
for (i in data) {
var itm= new Item( );
itm.title= data[i].title.text;
itm.url = data[i].link.text;
if(ict < mMAX_CountItem){
items[i] =itm;
console.log( 'lnk='+ itm.title );
console.log( 'url='+ itm.url );
} //if_stat_success.
$(this).delay( 500 ).queue(function() {
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