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(u'/c/en/regard', u'/r/IsA', u'/c/en/affection')

joint sentences contexts

w1=regard, w2=affection

  • His aunt , Mademoiselle Justine Bastiat , acted towards him the part of a mother , and her affection was warmly reciprocated by Bastiat , who , to the day of his death , never ceased to regard her with filial love and reverence .19
  • He should learn to regard his school work with pleasure and his home with affection .4
  • The mutual love or affection for the same offspring is the bond of union in marriage -- a step-parent seldom exhibits any thing more than regard towards the child of another : it has been observed by Spurzheim that he found it small in 29 infanticides whom he had been able to examine : but as the faculty in its proper use produces feelings of the most delightful and exquisite character so is it the more liable to ABUSE .3
  • Cherishing the hope in his heart that after the fall of Bhishma and Drona , Karna would vanquish the Pandavas , and comforted -LRB- by it -RRB- , O Bharata , XXXXX then , filled with joy at having heard those words of Ashvatthama , steadying his mind and relying on the might of his arms , said unto Radha 's son , O monarch , these words that were fraught with affection and regard , and that were true , delightful , and beneficial to himself : `` O Karna , I know thy prowess , and the great friendship thou bearest to me ! Duryodhana O|Sanjaya|Yama|Karna|Duryodhana|Drona|Bharata|Partha|quietus|Kunti1 On the approach there of the evening twilight , he caused the troops to be withdrawn .2
  • `` This is all due to my lack of good fortune ; for in such a family as this , my father and mother-in-law treat me just as if I were a daughter of their own flesh and blood !14 Besides , your nephew , -LRB- my husband , -RRB- may , it is true , my dear aunt , be young in years , but he is full of regard for me , as I have regard for him , and we have had so far no misunderstanding between us !15 In fact , among the senior generation , as well as that of the same age as myself , in the whole clan , putting you aside , aunt , about whom no mention need be made , there is not one who has not ever had anything but love for me , and not one who has not ever shown me anything but kindness !16 But since I 've fallen ill with this complaint , all my energy has even every bit of it been taken out of me , so that I 've been unable to show to my father and mother-in-law any mark of filial attention , yea so much as for one single day and to you , my dear aunt , with all this affection of yours for me , I have every wish to be dutiful to the utmost degree , but , in my present state , I 'm really not equal to it ; my own idea is , that it is n't likely that I shall last through this year .
  • Surely , if she lived henceforth in fear of Him , He would let her keep this priceless love which had come to her !6 And it was impossible that He should regard it as an inordinate and sinful affection -- since it had filled her life with light .7
  • He should learn to regard his school work with pleasure and his home with affection .9
  • ''9 And how can I hope that she will continue to regard me with kindness if I suffer her to depart without any expression of interest in her ? ''10 Any expression of interest !11 I do not wish you to be colder to her than you have hitherto been , and I am much mistaken if Lilian would exchange your _ brotherly _ affection for all the gewgaws in life .
  • ''21 Surely his grandmother is a proper person to take charge of Harry ; though I have no cause to regard her with affection , '' said XXXXX , in a faint voice , yet I could with more confidence consign him to that kind and generous man , Mr. Kyffin ; I will do therefore as he wishes , only requesting that the boy may be allowed to remain as much as possible during his childhood with his grandmother .
  • ''13 Surely his grandmother is a proper person to take charge of Harry ; though I have no cause to regard her with affection , '' said Fanny , in a faint voice , yet I could with more confidence consign him to that kind and generous man , Mr. Kyffin ; I will do therefore as he wishes , only requesting that the boy may be allowed to remain as much as possible during his childhood with his grandmother .

random contexts

w1=regard, w2=affection regard contexts:

  • This irregularity , he discovered , depended upon the position of the Earth with regard to Jupiter .8 When the Earth , in traversing her orbit , moved
  • view to take of the case _ -- to regard our opponents as we regard ourselves , and to give due credit where credit is due for valor
  • 1843 -RRB- .21 While XXXXX had written only for his peasants , without any regard for others , Auerbach wrote for the same general readers of fiction as
  • done .8 Alexina , who still hoped that she would always be able to regard Life as God 's good joke , rather sympathized with him , and
  • Mrs Burton now spoke .10 You shall all be put on trial with regard to Ralph , '' she said , for the next week .11
  • to lay my hand on the mystery , that there is a mystery with regard to it , and that Harriet has a power over him which I
  • because it degrades and debases them ; and poor people who have but little regard to appearances , will seldom be found to have any great regard for
  • .10 Indeed this comparison holds -LRB- the shock once over -RRB- not merely with regard to their general function , but in their specific attitude toward most of
  • counting-house .21 Several circumstances had of late come under Mr. Kyffin 's notice with regard to XXXXX Sleech 's mode of life . Silas Kyffin|Wallis|Silas|Coppinger|Roger|Madam|Gauntlett|Jessop|Sleech|Park1 said Madam Everard , whose
  • appropriation of objects only when obtained by gift , the absence of cupidity , regard for the interests of others , compassion for all creatures , -- these affection contexts:
  • and the cruel treatment he received at the hands of his fellow-countrymen subdue the affection which he cherished towards his native land .18 Pondering over the past ,
  • and giving three hearty cheers !9 `` I like to see that proof of affection in your men , '' said the admiral , as he witnessed this
  • the creatures that lived in that forest , they used to approach him with affection .15 Fierce lions and tigers , infuriated elephants of huge size , leopards
  • , did not that love of former days , that faithful fellow 's long affection , which in time had become transferred to the younger sister , constitute
  • too common weakness of the superior woman for the inferior man who possesses her affection .3 Trafficking on her affection , and seeking to wring from her a
  • intent .11 There was little time to do that .12 The gradual growth of affection through intimacy and understanding was not possible here .13 It must come as
  • , seems to be different from Brahma .16 Indeed , when Jiva shows no affection for Prakriti and her principles , he then succeeds in beholding the Supreme
  • so lightly won , declared that he must first prove the depth of his affection by remaining constant to her for one whole year , at the end
  • were thus constantly thrown together , Frithiof soon made known to Ingeborg his deep affection , and received in return an avowal of her love .5 `` He
  • for ever .3 The contrast between the confidence , the hope , and the affection with which she had been , by her parents , contemplated , and

(u'/c/en/attention', u'/r/HasContext', u'/c/en/military')

joint sentences contexts

w1=attention, w2=military

  • I conducted them to the place of landing , and the first object which attracted their attention was the military officers forming the procession , with long feathers on their hats , and they begged me very hard to go purchase some of those feathers for them .2
  • The revolution which followed soon after , and the twenty-five years of war rendered glorious by so many famous campaigns , effaced the remembrance of the naval combat of Chesapeake Bay and the taking of Yorktown , and turned attention from military operations which are insignificant , if we consider the number of troops engaged , but important , if we look to the result .10
  • Two of these , De Werth and Enkeford , were afterwards sent by Richelieu 's orders into France , in order to flatter the vanity of the French by the sight of such distinguished prisoners , and by the pomp of military trophies , to withdraw the attention of the populace from the public distress .6
  • In the mind of the historical student whose attention is directed to this period , admiration and wonder go hand-in-hand as we contemplate the marvellous sagacity and prevision of the man , together with the skill wherewith he made Florence -- the weakest from a military point of view of the five greater Italian powers -- the one which exercised the most preponderating influence upon the affairs of the peninsula .10
  • In the second of the following papers , `` The Roots of the Great War , '' I have drawn attention to the influence of the military and commercial classes , especially in Germany , and the way in which their policy , coming into conflict with a similar policy in the other Western nations , has inevitably led to the present embroilment .18
  • Two of these , De Werth and Enkeford , were afterwards sent by Richelieu 's orders into France , in order to flatter the vanity of the French by the sight of such distinguished prisoners , and by the pomp of military trophies , to withdraw the attention of the populace from the public distress .7
  • _ -RSB- In default of important legislative tasks , the parliament which expired in 1806 devoted much attention to various features of the military system , as well as to proposed reforms in the public accounts .5
  • In the second of the following papers , `` The Roots of the Great War , '' I have drawn attention to the influence of the military and commercial classes , especially in Germany , and the way in which their policy , coming into conflict with a similar policy in the other Western nations , has inevitably led to the present embroilment .15
  • In the mind of the historical student whose attention is directed to this period , admiration and wonder go hand-in-hand as we contemplate the marvellous sagacity and prevision of the man , together with the skill wherewith he made Florence -- the weakest from a military point of view of the five greater Italian powers -- the one which exercised the most preponderating influence upon the affairs of the peninsula .21
  • From time immemorial there had been a particularly close connection between the Army and the Crown ; and Albert had devoted even more time and attention to the details of military business than to the processes of fresco-painting or the planning of sanitary cottages for the deserving poor .19

random contexts

w1=attention, w2=military attention contexts:

  • sympathetic glances at the bereaved parents .13 She was displaced from the focus of attention by the appearance of the two policemen who had been sent to the
  • He expressed great surprise at the way they dressed : ` With as much attention to the minutiae of dress as the ladies of France , with neither
  • away from Servia on the lower Danube , Karageorge was able to give more attention to the internal organization of Servia .6 The national assembly proclaimed Karageorge the
  • no longer able to minister to those poor unfortunate persons , the support and attention which the necessities of the latter , and the humanity of the former
  • the two that Mademoiselle as they drew near to me regarded me with sorrowful attention , XXXXX with a grave smile . Madame Clon|family|Mademoiselle|de|Cocheforet|Louis|Madame|ladies|Monsieur|time1 Madame lives retired , and the
  • had encircled her in health -- where the servants who had administered with obsequious attention to her lightest wish ?16 All had fled , for no gratified vanity
  • continental colonies .14 Colonial rejoicing .15 -- The Declaratory and other acts attracted little attention in America , where there was great rejoicing over the repeal of the
  • get New York within half an hour .19 -LRB- DR. FRYE nods .20 His attention is now fixed upon DR. JONATHAN , whose gaze is still focussed on
  • I command thee .2 When I speak the sea itself is wont to pay attention .3 Thou hast insulted the majesty of justice in its very sanctuary .4
  • increased till in 1837 about 130 received honours in a single year .17 The attention which the examination system received from the hebdomadal board , so often accused military contexts:
  • , Margrave of Baden , had for some time been engaged in assembling a military force , which soon amounted to a considerable army .11 Its destination was
  • , whether in his private capacity , or in any office , civil or military , with which he may be invested . ''5 The celebrated MONTESQUIEU ,
  • under supervision , order was partially established , and the chiefs , diplomatic and military , withdrew -- much too abruptly , it was generally thought -- to
  • kill him ; it was a straightforward course allowed by the usages of the military law .7 Mohammad had distinctly and expressly interdicted _ perfidy , deceit and
  • actual hostilities , the local authorities throughout the South had permitted the enrollment for military service of organizations formed of free Negroes , although no action had been
  • peoples act in concert , and form a coalition .11 The provinces in the military occupation of the legions , or held in fear by their proximity ,
  • that Austria desired .16 Rest was , however , essential to Austria .17 The military disasters of 1809 had been followed by national bankruptcy , and with the
  • bubble reputation in the cannon 's mouth , there is a psychological figment called military honour , which may be symbolised in various ways , as , for
  • killed and many wounded .11 General von Scholten did not at first let the military commander fire on the rioters .12 The planters appealed to him for permission
  • the science of disposing military and naval forces in order of battle and performing military and naval evolutions .5 It was strategy to bring the army here from

(u'/c/en/account', u'/r/IsA', u'/c/en/importance')

joint sentences contexts

w1=account, w2=importance

  • Mr. ABBOTT -LRB- aside from the society to which he had the entree on account of his professional merits , -RRB- was a personal favorite with many of the most eminent personages among the English nobility , with whom he was on terms of close intimacy ; but we never find him illustrating his own importance by the narration of the social anecdotes or careless table-talk of his distinguished friends , as too many of his contemporaries have done .21
  • He visited some nine times the entire province of Bisayas , and usually held the office of vicar-provincial -- obedience obliging him to accept it , on account of the great importance of his direction for the greater glory of the order .
  • This movement , though utterly insignificant in comparison with the vastly greater numbers which were moving from other Southern States into Kansas , seemed to be considered of very much more importance , in certain quarters , on account of its alleged political purposes and bearing .6
  • To Don Diego Faxardo , knight of the Order of Santiago , whom I have appointed as my governor and captain-general of the Philipinas Islands : report has been made to me , on the part of the archbishop of that city of Manila , that Don Sebastian Hurtado de Corcuera , your predecessor , gave the district of Quiapo -LRB- which belonged to the seculars -RRB- , and the Indians who were reserved for the service of the cathedral and of the archiepiscopal house -LRB- which was the sustenance of the cathedral -RRB- , to the fathers of the Society of Jesus , because of the great pressure that they exerted on him for it , on account of the advantages that would follow to them , as they have many estates of importance near that district .2
  • ''5 `` Mr Roebuck wished , on account of the great importance of the question , that the Government / would assume the initiative / by taking the question into its own hands ...
  • Though he was a young man during the Marsic war , he gave many proofs of courage and prudence ; but it was rather on account of the solidity of his character and the mildness of his temper that Sulla attached Lucullus to himself , and from the beginning he constantly employed him in affairs of the greatest importance ; one of which was the matter relating to the coinage .4
  • ''15 It is , indeed , of incalculable importance that they should be instructed ; but is it not of still greater importance that the UPPER CLASSES should be instructed , if only on account of their being the holders of that PROPERTY , in greater or less proportions , with its inseparable power and influence , which , directly or indirectly , determines all the movements of the state ?16 Could universal suffrage be supposed to exist consistently with the preservation of social order -- of society -- it would still be impossible to extirpate or effectually to counteract the influence of property , in whose hands soever it might be placed .17
  • '' Gammon interval|Gammon|expression|Tantallan|way|chair|packet|Holborn|table|Dreddlington1 cried the duke , rather impatiently -- `` it must be done !2 He 's come on matters of the very last importance -- the thing 's been put off to the very latest moment on your account -- that cursed Company ! ''3 The earl looked up at his companion , and a faint smile flitted over his wasted features .4
  • What d'ye mean , my dear Dreddlington ?2 I say -- let me tell him '' -- I mean , it was at his chambers , in Holborn -- I pledge my honor , I recollect as if it were yester '' -- Pho , pho ! ''3 cried the duke , rather impatiently -- it must be done !4 He 's come on matters of the very last importance -- the thing 's been put off to the very latest moment on your account -- that cursed Company ! ''5 The earl looked up at his companion , and a faint smile flitted over his wasted features .6
  • FATHER TOBIN MORE ABOUT NEGRO SOLDIERS The following account of the services of Negroes during the American Revolution appeared in the _ Washington Post _ , January 16 , 1917 : `` The employment of colored men became a subject of much importance at an early stage of the American war of independence .7

random contexts

w1=account, w2=importance account contexts:

  • that occasion , but the ceremony was remarkable for the absence of display on account of the emptiness of the treasury .21 -LSB- Illustration : 0223 -RSB- The
  • first beaten him out of the field , and then called upon him to account for his hostilities .12 It is related upon this occasion that , in
  • eleven states met in New York and agreed to support Clinton , not on account of his war views , which were not in accord with their own
  • chance meeting in Gaul was greatly incensed against him , bidding him give an account individually and separately of everything he had done instead of demanding a ratification
  • guarding , soldiers left behind by Gabinius as a favor to XXXXX and on account of the hatred felt by the Egyptians for the young prince 's father
  • wisest plan .6 Olive , who seldom did well in any subject , on account of carelessness and inattention , expected to `` get along somehow '' ;
  • kept on good terms with Francis .14 The Chronicle of Calais gives an interesting account of Henry 's meeting with Charles at Gravelines on the 10th of July
  • withdrew from the city .19 Mucius received his name Scaevola -LRB- left-handed -RRB- on account of this loss of his right hand .20 Tarquin went to Tusculum ,
  • shall do well there , and begin very auspiciously to me by having my account abovesaid passed , and put into a way of having it presently paid
  • but barons and distinguished ecclesiastics , and many men `` of great and good account , '' from all parts of England and Normandy , were present that importance contexts:
  • of revenue in XXXXX , and those who purchase the drug deriving wealth and importance from the disposal of it in China are free from blame , it
  • to advise with his brother Richard , Earl of Cornwall , on matters of importance .7 He sailed from Portsmouth August 6 , and arrived at Bordeaux on
  • remnants of posters adhering to Farmer Pyke 's barn , the only event of importance in Little Spudsey since the letting by auction of fifty-seven acres of summer
  • renowned for their valour , was thus dissolved .4 Nevertheless , it was of importance to the Roman general , in order to secure the pacification of the
  • details .17 Local truth is desirable in topographical art , although of quite secondary importance in compositions of a more ideal character .18 Since then this artist has
  • do as they pleased , so that they might be thoroughly aware how little importance was attached to their revolt .8 Many others went on board their boats
  • poorest emigrant , by industry and prudence , may rise to wealth and political importance , the appearance which individuals make , and the style in which they
  • and not a little disgusted , to discover the cause of his own temporary importance .14 `` Talk of the devil ! ''15 cried a comparative crony .16
  • by the north .9 That idea he monopolized to himself .10 He overvalued its importance and thought to be the Columbus of a new highway to the east
  • his efforts to articulate .12 Yet so far was she from thinking of the importance of the communication to herself , that she flattered him into the belief

(u'/c/en/celebration', u'/r/IsA', u'/c/en/affair')

joint sentences contexts

Sorry - no contexts for celebration affair

random contexts

w1=celebration, w2=affair celebration contexts:

  • baptism , '' that is the Paschal baptism which was followed immediately by a celebration of the Holy Eucharist , and which therefore implied non-fasting performance of the
  • were always in the front of the attack .4 -LSB- 73 -RSB- In the celebration of the victory which followed in the great public square , the Place
  • Henry the restoration of many old observances ; and the joyous feeling which this celebration of Christmas had diffused throughout an extensive district was a fresh argument in
  • the double wedding which was to prove , so to say , a supreme celebration of the glory of Chantebled , it had occurred to Mathieu 's daughter
  • as Dr. Tille points out , -LCB- 31 -RCB- tended to destroy the mid-November celebration .17 In the Carolingian period an improvement took place in the cultivation of
  • original purposes and in its execution , the Oregon people are sponsors for the celebration of its coming centennial anniversary mainly because of the consequences with which it
  • a great number of masses to be said for their souls , ended the celebration most happily on the seventh of June -LRB- the Sunday of the Trinity
  • transferred his feast to Jan. 15th , so as not to interfere with the celebration of the Octave of the Epiphany .17 The York Breviary and those of
  • given to Colonel Sleeman by the Ajit Singh already mentioned .14 It was in celebration of a dacoity in which they had obtained Rs .15 40,000 , out
  • the morning of the next day , the day of the chief 's marriage celebration , Kihanuilulumoku was summoned into the presence of Aiwohikupua 's sisters , the affair contexts:
  • the autumn of next year ; and as it had been rather a losing affair for some time , she had no inclination to request a renewal .16
  • last days .19 He was enlarging upon the inscrutability of that part of the affair , and upon the interest which it lent to the whole episode ,
  • gained no renown by this adventure .14 He felt heartily ashamed of the whole affair , while an innate sense of justice assured him and his companions that
  • Friar Peter : ' for why should the Duke unnecessarily trust two in an affair which required only one ?3 The name of Friar Thomas is never mentioned
  • ; a bagatelle , a thing that to many men was as small an affair as a stray sixpence ; and here was this man , as good
  • is all this that I hear about you ?11 A very , very sad affair , of course ; but you must come and tell me how you
  • charges and harassing the enemy by alternate retreat and advance .21 However , the affair at Tegyra , which in a manner was preliminary to that at Leuktra
  • fortunes on Huntly 's ruin .7 It is curious to see how all this affair is ingeniously misrepresented by Mr. Froude in his so-called history .8 Yielding to
  • friends .20 While I write , a Committee of Investigation is sitting upon this affair : but the public has not waited for its award ; and the
  • 's murder , and metaphorically dug the old belle up again to investigate the affair , and , so to speak , hold a general inquest without the

(u'/c/en/muttered', u'/r/FormOf', u'/c/en/mutter')

joint sentences contexts

Sorry - no contexts for muttered mutter

random contexts

w1=muttered, w2=mutter muttered contexts:

  • stared down at a crack in the pavement , and his lips moved in muttered speech .15 `` She 's worked three years in one of them places
  • the apartment .10 Slaves , women , laws , gladiators , '' he muttered , and brute power prevalent as a god .11 Every day ,
  • tear-stained eyes fixed on the baby ... There !4 there ! ''5 Miguev muttered with a pale face , twisting his lips into a smile .6
  • chafing at their bits .18 Six white horses and a coach , '' muttered Jan , stumbling bare-headed into the rain .19 Come back , ''
  • habit of praying every morning to the gods , clapping their hands as they muttered a set form of words in a singsong voice . ''3 -RSB- CHAPTER
  • deft fingers , a number of notes .5 `` Four fifty-five , '' he muttered , as he passed the rustling bundle across to his visitor , and
  • to take out his purse , and give him the difference , with a muttered curse ; and you may guess the scene which ensued on the deponent
  • ''20 Well , I 've had a year of the city , '' muttered Lawrence , and I do n't recommend it . ''21 `` After
  • ... ' Praskovia Ivanovna went on bowing .4 What ever for ? '5 muttered the astounded Pyetushkov .6 Oh , nothing , sir .7 For mercy
  • feyther o ' mine . ''16 Varty-vive and vour makes varty-nine , '' muttered the old man .17 I could do a bit o ' cipheren mutter contexts:
  • away did not cause them to cease from coming .10 Presently I heard Charles mutter : `` Now , then , look out , guv ` nor .11
  • Tony rather hurriedly .17 Aha , ze perfide ! ''18 they heard him mutter beneath his breath .19 He think ' e frighten me . ''20
  • what need I fear ? ''8 His mother , nee Hu , hearing him mutter ; Why meddle again , '' she explained , in things
  • what need I fear ? ''6 His mother , nee Hu , hearing him mutter ; Why meddle again , '' she explained , in things
  • even less superstitious times , and Ralph began to cross himself hastily and to mutter a prayer when recalled to himself by the sound of Edith 's voice
  • .19 `` Heavens !20 what guns ! ''21 XXXXX heard one of the officers mutter . Phil Menschikoff|Hill|Telegraph|Kourgani|scene|Tony|Bourliouk|Phil|Sebastopol|Eupatoria1 Me and all yer mates took yer for one of them quiet
  • bonds and mortgages for the country banks . '14 Actually , I heard Twigsmith mutter as he went out , that it was n't right to insult a
  • shelf and shove it into the still fervent oven , and to hear him mutter , `` Dat 's too bad I 'm forgot to put you back
  • John Mandecote of England . of Leicester|Torn|Claude|Horsan|Essex|of|Norman|London|Peter|Spizo1 `` Naught , My Lord ; thou didst but mutter incoherently , '' replied the Spaniard .2 The old man eyed him closely
  • .14 But the Judge , whose mind was on the argument , continued to mutter defiantly until his eye fell upon Stephen .15 `` Well , sir ,

(u'/c/en/criminals', u'/r/AtLocation', u'/c/en/politics')

joint sentences contexts

w1=criminals, w2=politics

  • In 1851 a Vigilance Committee had endeavored to purge the politics of the town and rid it of the criminals who had foisted themselves into office .20
  • In 1851 a Vigilance Committee had endeavored to purge the politics of the town and rid it of the criminals who had foisted themselves into office .20
  • In 1851 a Vigilance Committee had endeavored to purge the politics of the town and rid it of the criminals who had foisted themselves into office .20

random contexts

w1=criminals, w2=politics criminals contexts:

  • ordered to be buried in a nameless coffin in the burial-ground of the common criminals , .15 and for many years it was supposed that he had received
  • made ; to prevent warfare among the different villages ; to apprehend and punish criminals -LRB- for which purpose they may demand assistance from the French commandant -RRB-
  • that in England alone there are , I am told , some 30,000 confirmed criminals in the jails , not reckoning the 5,000 who are classed as convicts
  • countries .20 Especially did he desire to receive State aid in dealing with ascertained criminals , such as was extended to them in certain parts of the world
  • of free citizens in the several States '' and provided for the extradition of criminals .17 It also stated that , `` Full faith and credit shall be
  • assets of the big agency is its accumulated information concerning all sorts of professional criminals .3 Its galleries are quite as complete as those of the local police
  • relations between the colony of Hongkong and the empire of China , as regards criminals , debtors , & c. , required definition ; and , more important
  • no doubt many others escaped and took to other avocations , or became ordinary criminals when their armed gangs were broken up .15 In 1825 it had been
  • .20 In Palmero it is made up of `` gangs '' of toughs and criminals , not unlike the Camorrist gangs of Naples , but without their organization
  • proven before courts of justice .5 The most learned advocates employed to defend these criminals have not attempted to deny it .6 No less a legal light than politics contexts:
  • .15 By referring the matter from argument to arms , a new era for politics is struck ; a new method of thinking hath arisen .16 All plans
  • idle as it would be to assume the part of a prophet concerning American politics ; but , unless Miramon 's good genius should leave him , his
  • stamp serving an ungrateful public , while the conceited philosophers of his day regarded politics a contamination .10 Nor was it without a good influence upon the literary
  • which William H. Seward predicted , when , addressing himself to the commerce , politics , thought , and activities of Europe , he said they `` will
  • same opinions as did he .14 No one in that generation took part in politics from pure motives and without any individual desire of gain except Cato .15
  • of Spain his subsequent celebrity has tended to ground itself upon agreement with his politics , and not upon anything properly describable as a critical appreciation of his
  • idle as it would be to assume the part of a prophet concerning American politics ; but , unless Miramon 's good genius should leave him , his
  • , accordingly , modern inquirers may confidently rely as on a corner-stone of Anglo-Chinese politics well and truly laid .4 And the lapse of time , so far
  • on British credit to be able to adopt a line of her own in politics .2 But the hold which Great Britain had thus gained over Spain was
  • and let the future care for itself .2 It is the tradition of our politics , and a very poor tradition , that the Vice Presidency is a

(u'/c/en/ranking', u'/r/IsA', u'/c/en/standing')

joint sentences contexts

Sorry - no contexts for ranking standing

random contexts

w1=ranking, w2=standing ranking contexts:

  • famous for its celery , and the city is an important manufacturing centre , ranking third among the cities of the state in the value of its factory
  • K2 , or MT GODWIN-AUSTEN , the second highest mountain in the world , ranking after Mt Everest .15 It is a peak of the Karakoram extension of
  • justice , probity , temperance , and wisdom ; with the advantage of not ranking any thing in the class of blessings that could be taken from him
  • great ports in the Union , three are in the West , New Orleans ranking the third , Galveston sixth , and San Francisco seventh .15 New Orleans
  • famous for its celery , and the city is an important manufacturing centre , ranking third among the cities of the state in the value of its factory
  • -- as ever -- in abhorrence the _ system _ , esteeming it as ranking first in the dark list of systematized piracy , and all intelligent supporters
  • the exception of the Godolphins , were the chief families of the parish , ranking considerably above the rank of yeoman .17 William Orchard became a widower in
  • as it had passed the Gasconade Major Sturgis discovered that he was really the ranking officer , owing to the expiration of Sigel 's commission , or some
  • famous for its celery , and the city is an important manufacturing centre , ranking third among the cities of the state in the value of its factory
  • great ports in the Union , three are in the West , New Orleans ranking the third , Galveston sixth , and San Francisco seventh .6 New Orleans standing contexts:
  • me -- brave , noble old fellow that he is -- if you are standing by . ''11 The door opened , and the military nurse appeared .12
  • court of justice the informer as a professional criminal would have little or no standing or credence , and in addition would , under cross-examination , be compelled
  • Chen family of Chiang Nan has recently held , oh such a fine old standing !17 it alone has entertained the Emperor on four occasions !18 Had we
  • looking after your husband ? ''6 Lady Dunstable threw a sarcastic glance at Meadows standing tongue-tied in the background .7 `` I wanted to see you , ''
  • their situation .16 CHAPTER XVII `` PROMISE OR DIE '' While they were thus standing irresolute after the accident , suddenly a light glimmered upon them .17 It
  • shop itself was transformed .19 On one side were half a dozen new chairs standing in a row on a strip of bright red carpet .20 Gay festoons
  • placed in a classic vase ; ancient busts , candelabra , and urns are standing about ; the furniture , implements , and accessories are all fashioned after
  • most of his boy chums called `` doing nothing . ''3 He had been standing still , practising for two hours steadily , and his throbbing head and
  • christened at Dibbledean church -- and then abruptly turning away , left Mr. XXXXX standing in the middle of the high road , excitably making a note of
  • As he was finishing the pie , he became aware of the tavern keeper standing over him .12 `` Are you one of them flip Chicagy reporters ?

(u'/c/en/exclaimed', u'/r/FormOf', u'/c/en/exclaim')

joint sentences contexts

w1=exclaimed, w2=exclaim

  • At the same moment sounds of firing came from the street , and I heard the man Peleton exclaim , Fly !4 We are betrayed ! ''5 I turned to the door , but some one was already shooting the bolts , while a second person , pressing a pistol against my head , exclaimed roughly , Do n't move till we have a light .6
  • At the same moment sounds of firing came from the street , and I heard the man Peleton exclaim , Fly !6 We are betrayed ! ''7 I turned to the door , but some one was already shooting the bolts , while a second person , pressing a pistol against my head , exclaimed roughly , Do n't move till we have a light .8

random contexts

w1=exclaimed, w2=exclaim exclaimed contexts:

  • I pray thy help . '20 The Cadi , the Cadi , ' exclaimed Abdallah ; the knave has stolen my ring , the ring given
  • grapes . ''20 Thou shalt see thy Switzerland again , Rosalie , '' exclaimed Otto ; again hear the bells of the cows upon the green
  • she is . ''9 `` Lord bless you for saying that ! ''10 fervently exclaimed Mrs. Peckover , smiling for the first time , and smoothing out her
  • an admirable story for my Lady XXXXX the next time I see her . Battersby cloth|Theresa|Battersby|tongue|Marianne|life|Christopher|Frederick|bottom|Eden1 exclaimed Marianne .2 Oh , miss , ' continued the servant ,
  • , '' replied the youth .2 Stop , stop , callant ! ''3 exclaimed Andrew , as Will was about to renew the struggle .4 The
  • would gladly do what he could to assist such an unhappy fellow-creature ! ''8 exclaimed Paul .9 `` But she is not a fellow-creature , '' urged the
  • their eyes met .10 Losh , man , is that you ? ''11 exclaimed Black , a gleam of joy lighting up his sombre visage .12
  • and vegetables sufficient for our wants . ''18 An excellent plan ! ''19 exclaimed David .20 We shall thus be able to add largely to our
  • for him .20 `` God bless the lady that knit these socks ! ''21 exclaimed XXXXX , as he began to draw on the other . Tom Run|ladies|friends|Ben|Tom|Bull|cognizance|Hapgood|Boston|Lethbridge1 Without being
  • ? ''19 The lecture had reached an imaginary point at which the rector had exclaimed , with his hand on the bell : `` And now we understand exclaim contexts:
  • & c .18 The kind reader will easily imagine all that George Pepusch would exclaim in a such a moment .19 It is sufficient to say , that
  • and triumphant beauty , that he felt impelled to break the mournful silence and exclaim : `` Look there !4 look there !5 Is n't that gay ;
  • present Ministers look with just pride towards every quarter of the globe , and exclaim , _ Quae regio in terris nostri non plena laboris ?15 _ In
  • that she sacrificed even her lovers to her friends ; saw him merely to exclaim at the same moment , and with the same voices of thrilling joyousness
  • and stupid with misery .3 It was impossible to look on it and not exclaim , `` O Ecbatana , seat of princes !4 How is the mighty
  • Lane .12 While strolling along the street , I heard a female voice suddenly exclaim : `` Lord !13 here is Edward Myers , without anything on him
  • hear of an approaching marriage , without hearing at the same time some one exclaim , `` that it is strange , -- most passing strange . ''3
  • her appearance .19 `` You look too sweet for anything ! ''20 Helen would exclaim , rushing upon her new friend with an eager kiss .21 At this
  • , there is going to be a row , '' I heard Terence O'Brien exclaim to young Mr XXXXX . Rowley Rowley|navigation|line|Hyslop|Stanley|Loando|longitude|latitude|Kydd|seaman1 I said at length , seeing that he
  • prude , or some lady interested in the bride 's _ trousseau _ , exclaim against such unseemly haste ?7 We have but one excuse for them .8

(u'/c/en/bestow', u'/r/IsA', u'/c/en/give')

joint sentences contexts

w1=bestow, w2=give

  • ''12 Nay , '' cried the girl softly , monsieur must not speak of reward for what it has been our joy to give ; monsieur has already saved us from want , for , see , I was sick -- I could do but little spinning -- and my brother had but small money to bestow on me , until monsieur , in the generosity of his heart , gave him much silver , for which may our Lady and all the saints for ever bless you , monsieur , and deliver you from the hands of cruel men .
  • Were it merely personal danger you called upon me to undergo , I would not bestow a thought upon the risk : but my fame , my allegiance , my very salvation are concerned , and I will never give my sanction to a plan which begins by the treasonable proposal of bringing foreign enemies into the heart of the land .
  • ''10 `` I did not speak to her myself -- I commissioned Zebby to do it , for I knew it would give her quite as much pleasure as the poor woman herself could receive ; and surely she has a right to receive every good I can bestow , as a slight atonement for the pain I have so very frequently given her .
  • ''10 Nay , '' cried the girl softly , monsieur must not speak of reward for what it has been our joy to give ; monsieur has already saved us from want , for , see , I was sick -- I could do but little spinning -- and my brother had but small money to bestow on me , until monsieur , in the generosity of his heart , gave him much silver , for which may our Lady and all the saints for ever bless you , monsieur , and deliver you from the hands of cruel men .
  • ` So the fairy queen decided to bestow gifts upon the child ; and advised each of the three servants to give , in turn , a different gift .16
  • ''7 Nay , '' cried the girl softly , monsieur must not speak of reward for what it has been our joy to give ; monsieur has already saved us from want , for , see , I was sick -- I could do but little spinning -- and my brother had but small money to bestow on me , until monsieur , in the generosity of his heart , gave him much silver , for which may our Lady and all the saints for ever bless you , monsieur , and deliver you from the hands of cruel men .
  • Were it merely personal danger you called upon me to undergo , I would not bestow a thought upon the risk : but my fame , my allegiance , my very salvation are concerned , and I will never give my sanction to a plan which begins by the treasonable proposal of bringing foreign enemies into the heart of the land .
  • I would not dare to give this frail frame and too tenderly indulged heart into the keeping of one who could never , never bestow the love , the boundless love , which has surrounded me from infancy , like the firmament of heaven .7
  • Were it merely personal danger you called upon me to undergo , I would not bestow a thought upon the risk : but my fame , my allegiance , my very salvation are concerned , and I will never give my sanction to a plan which begins by the treasonable proposal of bringing foreign enemies into the heart of the land .
  • As the sickness that had so long raged in the colony had now nearly disappeared , and the advance of the season promised soon to open sources of plentiful provision in the and the fields and streams , Brewster felt that he could be spared for a time from the settlement ; and he proposed to Mr. Carver that he should return with Mooanam to his village , and endeavor to acquire such a knowledge of the native language , as should enable hint to act as an interpreter , and also give him the means of imparting to the red men the spiritual knowledge that he so ardently desired to bestow .5
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