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Last active August 4, 2022 20:35
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Font Icons public static class
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
namespace Rumble.Fonts
// Generated by IconFont2Code:
// If you change the class to 'public' in order to use it outside its assembly
// you should also change the fields from 'const' to 'public static readonly'
public static class FontIcon
public static readonly string VectorSquare = "\U000f0001";
public static readonly string AccessPointNetwork = "\U000f0002";
public static readonly string AccessPoint = "\U000f0003";
public static readonly string Account = "\U000f0004";
public static readonly string AccountAlert = "\U000f0005";
public static readonly string AccountBox = "\U000f0006";
public static readonly string AccountBoxOutline = "\U000f0007";
public static readonly string AccountCheck = "\U000f0008";
public static readonly string AccountCircle = "\U000f0009";
public static readonly string AccountConvert = "\U000f000a";
public static readonly string AccountKey = "\U000f000b";
public static readonly string TooltipAccount = "\U000f000c";
public static readonly string AccountMinus = "\U000f000d";
public static readonly string AccountMultiple = "\U000f000e";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleOutline = "\U000f000f";
public static readonly string AccountMultiplePlus = "\U000f0010";
public static readonly string AccountNetwork = "\U000f0011";
public static readonly string AccountOff = "\U000f0012";
public static readonly string AccountOutline = "\U000f0013";
public static readonly string AccountPlus = "\U000f0014";
public static readonly string AccountRemove = "\U000f0015";
public static readonly string AccountSearch = "\U000f0016";
public static readonly string AccountStar = "\U000f0017";
public static readonly string Orbit = "\U000f0018";
public static readonly string AccountSwitch = "\U000f0019";
public static readonly string Adjust = "\U000f001a";
public static readonly string AirConditioner = "\U000f001b";
public static readonly string Airballoon = "\U000f001c";
public static readonly string Airplane = "\U000f001d";
public static readonly string AirplaneOff = "\U000f001e";
public static readonly string AppleAirplay = "\U000f001f";
public static readonly string Alarm = "\U000f0020";
public static readonly string AlarmCheck = "\U000f0021";
public static readonly string AlarmMultiple = "\U000f0022";
public static readonly string AlarmOff = "\U000f0023";
public static readonly string AlarmPlus = "\U000f0024";
public static readonly string Album = "\U000f0025";
public static readonly string Alert = "\U000f0026";
public static readonly string AlertBox = "\U000f0027";
public static readonly string AlertCircle = "\U000f0028";
public static readonly string AlertOctagon = "\U000f0029";
public static readonly string AlertOutline = "\U000f002a";
public static readonly string Alpha = "\U000f002b";
public static readonly string Alphabetical = "\U000f002c";
public static readonly string Amazon = "\U000f002d";
public static readonly string RollerbladeOff = "\U000f002e";
public static readonly string Ambulance = "\U000f002f";
public static readonly string Amplifier = "\U000f0030";
public static readonly string Anchor = "\U000f0031";
public static readonly string Android = "\U000f0032";
public static readonly string AndroidDebugBridge = "\U000f0033";
public static readonly string AndroidStudio = "\U000f0034";
public static readonly string Apple = "\U000f0035";
public static readonly string AppleFinder = "\U000f0036";
public static readonly string AppleIos = "\U000f0037";
public static readonly string AppleIcloud = "\U000f0038";
public static readonly string AppleSafari = "\U000f0039";
public static readonly string FontAwesome = "\U000f003a";
public static readonly string Apps = "\U000f003b";
public static readonly string Archive = "\U000f003c";
public static readonly string ArrangeBringForward = "\U000f003d";
public static readonly string ArrangeBringToFront = "\U000f003e";
public static readonly string ArrangeSendBackward = "\U000f003f";
public static readonly string ArrangeSendToBack = "\U000f0040";
public static readonly string ArrowAll = "\U000f0041";
public static readonly string ArrowBottomLeft = "\U000f0042";
public static readonly string ArrowBottomRight = "\U000f0043";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseAll = "\U000f0044";
public static readonly string ArrowDown = "\U000f0045";
public static readonly string ArrowDownThick = "\U000f0046";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBoldCircle = "\U000f0047";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBoldCircleOutline = "\U000f0048";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBoldHexagonOutline = "\U000f0049";
public static readonly string ArrowDownDropCircle = "\U000f004a";
public static readonly string ArrowDownDropCircleOutline = "\U000f004b";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandAll = "\U000f004c";
public static readonly string ArrowLeft = "\U000f004d";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftThick = "\U000f004e";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBoldCircle = "\U000f004f";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBoldCircleOutline = "\U000f0050";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBoldHexagonOutline = "\U000f0051";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftDropCircle = "\U000f0052";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftDropCircleOutline = "\U000f0053";
public static readonly string ArrowRight = "\U000f0054";
public static readonly string ArrowRightThick = "\U000f0055";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBoldCircle = "\U000f0056";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBoldCircleOutline = "\U000f0057";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBoldHexagonOutline = "\U000f0058";
public static readonly string ArrowRightDropCircle = "\U000f0059";
public static readonly string ArrowRightDropCircleOutline = "\U000f005a";
public static readonly string ArrowTopLeft = "\U000f005b";
public static readonly string ArrowTopRight = "\U000f005c";
public static readonly string ArrowUp = "\U000f005d";
public static readonly string ArrowUpThick = "\U000f005e";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBoldCircle = "\U000f005f";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBoldCircleOutline = "\U000f0060";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBoldHexagonOutline = "\U000f0061";
public static readonly string ArrowUpDropCircle = "\U000f0062";
public static readonly string ArrowUpDropCircleOutline = "\U000f0063";
public static readonly string Assistant = "\U000f0064";
public static readonly string At = "\U000f0065";
public static readonly string Attachment = "\U000f0066";
public static readonly string BookMusic = "\U000f0067";
public static readonly string AutoFix = "\U000f0068";
public static readonly string AutoUpload = "\U000f0069";
public static readonly string Autorenew = "\U000f006a";
public static readonly string AvTimer = "\U000f006b";
public static readonly string Baby = "\U000f006c";
public static readonly string Backburger = "\U000f006d";
public static readonly string Backspace = "\U000f006e";
public static readonly string BackupRestore = "\U000f006f";
public static readonly string Bank = "\U000f0070";
public static readonly string Barcode = "\U000f0071";
public static readonly string BarcodeScan = "\U000f0072";
public static readonly string Barley = "\U000f0073";
public static readonly string Barrel = "\U000f0074";
public static readonly string IncognitoOff = "\U000f0075";
public static readonly string Basket = "\U000f0076";
public static readonly string BasketFill = "\U000f0077";
public static readonly string BasketUnfill = "\U000f0078";
public static readonly string Battery = "\U000f0079";
public static readonly string Battery10 = "\U000f007a";
public static readonly string Battery20 = "\U000f007b";
public static readonly string Battery30 = "\U000f007c";
public static readonly string Battery40 = "\U000f007d";
public static readonly string Battery50 = "\U000f007e";
public static readonly string Battery60 = "\U000f007f";
public static readonly string Battery70 = "\U000f0080";
public static readonly string Battery80 = "\U000f0081";
public static readonly string Battery90 = "\U000f0082";
public static readonly string BatteryAlert = "\U000f0083";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging = "\U000f0084";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging100 = "\U000f0085";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging20 = "\U000f0086";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging30 = "\U000f0087";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging40 = "\U000f0088";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging60 = "\U000f0089";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging80 = "\U000f008a";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging90 = "\U000f008b";
public static readonly string BatteryMinus = "\U000f008c";
public static readonly string BatteryNegative = "\U000f008d";
public static readonly string BatteryOutline = "\U000f008e";
public static readonly string BatteryPlus = "\U000f008f";
public static readonly string BatteryPositive = "\U000f0090";
public static readonly string BatteryUnknown = "\U000f0091";
public static readonly string Beach = "\U000f0092";
public static readonly string Flask = "\U000f0093";
public static readonly string FlaskEmpty = "\U000f0094";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyOutline = "\U000f0095";
public static readonly string FlaskOutline = "\U000f0096";
public static readonly string BunkBedOutline = "\U000f0097";
public static readonly string Beer = "\U000f0098";
public static readonly string BedOutline = "\U000f0099";
public static readonly string Bell = "\U000f009a";
public static readonly string BellOff = "\U000f009b";
public static readonly string BellOutline = "\U000f009c";
public static readonly string BellPlus = "\U000f009d";
public static readonly string BellRing = "\U000f009e";
public static readonly string BellRingOutline = "\U000f009f";
public static readonly string BellSleep = "\U000f00a0";
public static readonly string Beta = "\U000f00a1";
public static readonly string BookCross = "\U000f00a2";
public static readonly string Bike = "\U000f00a3";
public static readonly string MicrosoftBing = "\U000f00a4";
public static readonly string Binoculars = "\U000f00a5";
public static readonly string Bio = "\U000f00a6";
public static readonly string Biohazard = "\U000f00a7";
public static readonly string Bitbucket = "\U000f00a8";
public static readonly string BlackMesa = "\U000f00a9";
public static readonly string ShieldRefresh = "\U000f00aa";
public static readonly string BlenderSoftware = "\U000f00ab";
public static readonly string Blinds = "\U000f00ac";
public static readonly string BlockHelper = "\U000f00ad";
public static readonly string Blogger = "\U000f00ae";
public static readonly string Bluetooth = "\U000f00af";
public static readonly string BluetoothAudio = "\U000f00b0";
public static readonly string BluetoothConnect = "\U000f00b1";
public static readonly string BluetoothOff = "\U000f00b2";
public static readonly string BluetoothSettings = "\U000f00b3";
public static readonly string BluetoothTransfer = "\U000f00b4";
public static readonly string Blur = "\U000f00b5";
public static readonly string BlurLinear = "\U000f00b6";
public static readonly string BlurOff = "\U000f00b7";
public static readonly string BlurRadial = "\U000f00b8";
public static readonly string Bone = "\U000f00b9";
public static readonly string Book = "\U000f00ba";
public static readonly string BookMultiple = "\U000f00bb";
public static readonly string BookVariantMultiple = "\U000f00bc";
public static readonly string BookOpen = "\U000f00bd";
public static readonly string BookOpenBlankVariant = "\U000f00be";
public static readonly string BookVariant = "\U000f00bf";
public static readonly string Bookmark = "\U000f00c0";
public static readonly string BookmarkCheck = "\U000f00c1";
public static readonly string BookmarkMusic = "\U000f00c2";
public static readonly string BookmarkOutline = "\U000f00c3";
public static readonly string BookmarkPlusOutline = "\U000f00c4";
public static readonly string BookmarkPlus = "\U000f00c5";
public static readonly string BookmarkRemove = "\U000f00c6";
public static readonly string BorderAll = "\U000f00c7";
public static readonly string BorderBottom = "\U000f00c8";
public static readonly string BorderColor = "\U000f00c9";
public static readonly string BorderHorizontal = "\U000f00ca";
public static readonly string BorderInside = "\U000f00cb";
public static readonly string BorderLeft = "\U000f00cc";
public static readonly string BorderNone = "\U000f00cd";
public static readonly string BorderOutside = "\U000f00ce";
public static readonly string BorderRight = "\U000f00cf";
public static readonly string BorderStyle = "\U000f00d0";
public static readonly string BorderTop = "\U000f00d1";
public static readonly string BorderVertical = "\U000f00d2";
public static readonly string Bowling = "\U000f00d3";
public static readonly string Box = "\U000f00d4";
public static readonly string BoxCutter = "\U000f00d5";
public static readonly string Briefcase = "\U000f00d6";
public static readonly string BriefcaseCheck = "\U000f00d7";
public static readonly string BriefcaseDownload = "\U000f00d8";
public static readonly string BriefcaseUpload = "\U000f00d9";
public static readonly string Brightness1 = "\U000f00da";
public static readonly string Brightness2 = "\U000f00db";
public static readonly string Brightness3 = "\U000f00dc";
public static readonly string Brightness4 = "\U000f00dd";
public static readonly string Brightness5 = "\U000f00de";
public static readonly string Brightness6 = "\U000f00df";
public static readonly string Brightness7 = "\U000f00e0";
public static readonly string BrightnessAuto = "\U000f00e1";
public static readonly string Broom = "\U000f00e2";
public static readonly string Brush = "\U000f00e3";
public static readonly string Bug = "\U000f00e4";
public static readonly string BulletinBoard = "\U000f00e5";
public static readonly string Bullhorn = "\U000f00e6";
public static readonly string Bus = "\U000f00e7";
public static readonly string Cached = "\U000f00e8";
public static readonly string Cake = "\U000f00e9";
public static readonly string CakeLayered = "\U000f00ea";
public static readonly string CakeVariant = "\U000f00eb";
public static readonly string Calculator = "\U000f00ec";
public static readonly string Calendar = "\U000f00ed";
public static readonly string CalendarBlank = "\U000f00ee";
public static readonly string CalendarCheck = "\U000f00ef";
public static readonly string CalendarClock = "\U000f00f0";
public static readonly string CalendarMultiple = "\U000f00f1";
public static readonly string CalendarMultipleCheck = "\U000f00f2";
public static readonly string CalendarPlus = "\U000f00f3";
public static readonly string CalendarRemove = "\U000f00f4";
public static readonly string CalendarText = "\U000f00f5";
public static readonly string CalendarToday = "\U000f00f6";
public static readonly string CallMade = "\U000f00f7";
public static readonly string CallMerge = "\U000f00f8";
public static readonly string CallMissed = "\U000f00f9";
public static readonly string CallReceived = "\U000f00fa";
public static readonly string CallSplit = "\U000f00fb";
public static readonly string Camcorder = "\U000f00fc";
public static readonly string VideoBox = "\U000f00fd";
public static readonly string VideoBoxOff = "\U000f00fe";
public static readonly string CamcorderOff = "\U000f00ff";
public static readonly string Camera = "\U000f0100";
public static readonly string CameraEnhance = "\U000f0101";
public static readonly string CameraFront = "\U000f0102";
public static readonly string CameraFrontVariant = "\U000f0103";
public static readonly string CameraIris = "\U000f0104";
public static readonly string CameraPartyMode = "\U000f0105";
public static readonly string CameraRear = "\U000f0106";
public static readonly string CameraRearVariant = "\U000f0107";
public static readonly string CameraSwitch = "\U000f0108";
public static readonly string CameraTimer = "\U000f0109";
public static readonly string Candycane = "\U000f010a";
public static readonly string Car = "\U000f010b";
public static readonly string CarBattery = "\U000f010c";
public static readonly string CarConnected = "\U000f010d";
public static readonly string CarWash = "\U000f010e";
public static readonly string Carrot = "\U000f010f";
public static readonly string Cart = "\U000f0110";
public static readonly string CartOutline = "\U000f0111";
public static readonly string CartPlus = "\U000f0112";
public static readonly string CaseSensitiveAlt = "\U000f0113";
public static readonly string Cash = "\U000f0114";
public static readonly string Cash100 = "\U000f0115";
public static readonly string CashMultiple = "\U000f0116";
public static readonly string CashUsdOutline = "\U000f0117";
public static readonly string Cast = "\U000f0118";
public static readonly string CastConnected = "\U000f0119";
public static readonly string Castle = "\U000f011a";
public static readonly string Cat = "\U000f011b";
public static readonly string Cellphone = "\U000f011c";
public static readonly string CellphoneAndroid = "\U000f011d";
public static readonly string CellphoneBasic = "\U000f011e";
public static readonly string CellphoneDock = "\U000f011f";
public static readonly string CellphoneIphone = "\U000f0120";
public static readonly string CellphoneLink = "\U000f0121";
public static readonly string CellphoneLinkOff = "\U000f0122";
public static readonly string CellphoneSettings = "\U000f0123";
public static readonly string Certificate = "\U000f0124";
public static readonly string ChairSchool = "\U000f0125";
public static readonly string ChartArc = "\U000f0126";
public static readonly string ChartAreaspline = "\U000f0127";
public static readonly string ChartBar = "\U000f0128";
public static readonly string ChartHistogram = "\U000f0129";
public static readonly string ChartLine = "\U000f012a";
public static readonly string ChartPie = "\U000f012b";
public static readonly string Check = "\U000f012c";
public static readonly string CheckAll = "\U000f012d";
public static readonly string CheckboxBlank = "\U000f012e";
public static readonly string CheckboxBlankCircle = "\U000f012f";
public static readonly string CheckboxBlankCircleOutline = "\U000f0130";
public static readonly string CheckboxBlankOutline = "\U000f0131";
public static readonly string CheckboxMarked = "\U000f0132";
public static readonly string CheckboxMarkedCircle = "\U000f0133";
public static readonly string CheckboxMarkedCircleOutline = "\U000f0134";
public static readonly string CheckboxMarkedOutline = "\U000f0135";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleBlank = "\U000f0136";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleBlankOutline = "\U000f0137";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleMarked = "\U000f0138";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleMarkedOutline = "\U000f0139";
public static readonly string Checkerboard = "\U000f013a";
public static readonly string ChemicalWeapon = "\U000f013b";
public static readonly string ChevronDoubleDown = "\U000f013c";
public static readonly string ChevronDoubleLeft = "\U000f013d";
public static readonly string ChevronDoubleRight = "\U000f013e";
public static readonly string ChevronDoubleUp = "\U000f013f";
public static readonly string ChevronDown = "\U000f0140";
public static readonly string ChevronLeft = "\U000f0141";
public static readonly string ChevronRight = "\U000f0142";
public static readonly string ChevronUp = "\U000f0143";
public static readonly string Church = "\U000f0144";
public static readonly string RollerSkateOff = "\U000f0145";
public static readonly string City = "\U000f0146";
public static readonly string Clipboard = "\U000f0147";
public static readonly string ClipboardAccount = "\U000f0148";
public static readonly string ClipboardAlert = "\U000f0149";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowDown = "\U000f014a";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowLeft = "\U000f014b";
public static readonly string ClipboardOutline = "\U000f014c";
public static readonly string ClipboardText = "\U000f014d";
public static readonly string ClipboardCheck = "\U000f014e";
public static readonly string Clippy = "\U000f014f";
public static readonly string ClockOutline = "\U000f0150";
public static readonly string ClockEnd = "\U000f0151";
public static readonly string ClockFast = "\U000f0152";
public static readonly string ClockIn = "\U000f0153";
public static readonly string ClockOut = "\U000f0154";
public static readonly string ClockStart = "\U000f0155";
public static readonly string Close = "\U000f0156";
public static readonly string CloseBox = "\U000f0157";
public static readonly string CloseBoxOutline = "\U000f0158";
public static readonly string CloseCircle = "\U000f0159";
public static readonly string CloseCircleOutline = "\U000f015a";
public static readonly string CloseNetwork = "\U000f015b";
public static readonly string CloseOctagon = "\U000f015c";
public static readonly string CloseOctagonOutline = "\U000f015d";
public static readonly string ClosedCaption = "\U000f015e";
public static readonly string Cloud = "\U000f015f";
public static readonly string CloudCheck = "\U000f0160";
public static readonly string CloudCircle = "\U000f0161";
public static readonly string CloudDownload = "\U000f0162";
public static readonly string CloudOutline = "\U000f0163";
public static readonly string CloudOffOutline = "\U000f0164";
public static readonly string CloudPrint = "\U000f0165";
public static readonly string CloudPrintOutline = "\U000f0166";
public static readonly string CloudUpload = "\U000f0167";
public static readonly string CodeArray = "\U000f0168";
public static readonly string CodeBraces = "\U000f0169";
public static readonly string CodeBrackets = "\U000f016a";
public static readonly string CodeEqual = "\U000f016b";
public static readonly string CodeGreaterThan = "\U000f016c";
public static readonly string CodeGreaterThanOrEqual = "\U000f016d";
public static readonly string CodeLessThan = "\U000f016e";
public static readonly string CodeLessThanOrEqual = "\U000f016f";
public static readonly string CodeNotEqual = "\U000f0170";
public static readonly string CodeNotEqualVariant = "\U000f0171";
public static readonly string CodeParentheses = "\U000f0172";
public static readonly string CodeString = "\U000f0173";
public static readonly string CodeTags = "\U000f0174";
public static readonly string Codepen = "\U000f0175";
public static readonly string Coffee = "\U000f0176";
public static readonly string CoffeeToGo = "\U000f0177";
public static readonly string CurrencyUsdCircleOutline = "\U000f0178";
public static readonly string ColorHelper = "\U000f0179";
public static readonly string Comment = "\U000f017a";
public static readonly string CommentAccount = "\U000f017b";
public static readonly string CommentAccountOutline = "\U000f017c";
public static readonly string CommentAlert = "\U000f017d";
public static readonly string CommentAlertOutline = "\U000f017e";
public static readonly string CommentCheck = "\U000f017f";
public static readonly string CommentCheckOutline = "\U000f0180";
public static readonly string CommentMultipleOutline = "\U000f0181";
public static readonly string CommentOutline = "\U000f0182";
public static readonly string CommentPlusOutline = "\U000f0183";
public static readonly string CommentProcessing = "\U000f0184";
public static readonly string CommentProcessingOutline = "\U000f0185";
public static readonly string CommentQuestionOutline = "\U000f0186";
public static readonly string CommentRemoveOutline = "\U000f0187";
public static readonly string CommentText = "\U000f0188";
public static readonly string CommentTextOutline = "\U000f0189";
public static readonly string Compare = "\U000f018a";
public static readonly string Compass = "\U000f018b";
public static readonly string CompassOutline = "\U000f018c";
public static readonly string Console = "\U000f018d";
public static readonly string CardAccountMail = "\U000f018e";
public static readonly string ContentCopy = "\U000f018f";
public static readonly string ContentCut = "\U000f0190";
public static readonly string ContentDuplicate = "\U000f0191";
public static readonly string ContentPaste = "\U000f0192";
public static readonly string ContentSave = "\U000f0193";
public static readonly string ContentSaveAll = "\U000f0194";
public static readonly string Contrast = "\U000f0195";
public static readonly string ContrastBox = "\U000f0196";
public static readonly string ContrastCircle = "\U000f0197";
public static readonly string Cookie = "\U000f0198";
public static readonly string Counter = "\U000f0199";
public static readonly string Cow = "\U000f019a";
public static readonly string CreditCardOutline = "\U000f019b";
public static readonly string CreditCardMultipleOutline = "\U000f019c";
public static readonly string CreditCardScanOutline = "\U000f019d";
public static readonly string Crop = "\U000f019e";
public static readonly string CropFree = "\U000f019f";
public static readonly string CropLandscape = "\U000f01a0";
public static readonly string CropPortrait = "\U000f01a1";
public static readonly string CropSquare = "\U000f01a2";
public static readonly string Crosshairs = "\U000f01a3";
public static readonly string CrosshairsGps = "\U000f01a4";
public static readonly string Crown = "\U000f01a5";
public static readonly string Cube = "\U000f01a6";
public static readonly string CubeOutline = "\U000f01a7";
public static readonly string CubeSend = "\U000f01a8";
public static readonly string CubeUnfolded = "\U000f01a9";
public static readonly string Cup = "\U000f01aa";
public static readonly string CupWater = "\U000f01ab";
public static readonly string CurrencyBtc = "\U000f01ac";
public static readonly string CurrencyEur = "\U000f01ad";
public static readonly string CurrencyGbp = "\U000f01ae";
public static readonly string CurrencyInr = "\U000f01af";
public static readonly string CurrencyNgn = "\U000f01b0";
public static readonly string CurrencyRub = "\U000f01b1";
public static readonly string CurrencyTry = "\U000f01b2";
public static readonly string DeleteVariant = "\U000f01b3";
public static readonly string Delete = "\U000f01b4";
public static readonly string DecimalIncrease = "\U000f01b5";
public static readonly string DecimalDecrease = "\U000f01b6";
public static readonly string DebugStepOver = "\U000f01b7";
public static readonly string DebugStepOut = "\U000f01b8";
public static readonly string DebugStepInto = "\U000f01b9";
public static readonly string DatabasePlus = "\U000f01ba";
public static readonly string DatabaseMinus = "\U000f01bb";
public static readonly string Database = "\U000f01bc";
public static readonly string CursorPointer = "\U000f01bd";
public static readonly string CursorMove = "\U000f01be";
public static readonly string CursorDefaultOutline = "\U000f01bf";
public static readonly string CursorDefault = "\U000f01c0";
public static readonly string CurrencyUsd = "\U000f01c1";
public static readonly string Delta = "\U000f01c2";
public static readonly string Deskphone = "\U000f01c3";
public static readonly string DesktopMac = "\U000f01c4";
public static readonly string DesktopTower = "\U000f01c5";
public static readonly string Details = "\U000f01c6";
public static readonly string Deviantart = "\U000f01c7";
public static readonly string DiamondStone = "\U000f01c8";
public static readonly string AbTesting = "\U000f01c9";
public static readonly string Dice1 = "\U000f01ca";
public static readonly string Dice2 = "\U000f01cb";
public static readonly string Dice3 = "\U000f01cc";
public static readonly string Dice4 = "\U000f01cd";
public static readonly string Dice5 = "\U000f01ce";
public static readonly string Dice6 = "\U000f01cf";
public static readonly string Directions = "\U000f01d0";
public static readonly string DiscAlert = "\U000f01d1";
public static readonly string Disqus = "\U000f01d2";
public static readonly string VideoPlusOutline = "\U000f01d3";
public static readonly string Division = "\U000f01d4";
public static readonly string DivisionBox = "\U000f01d5";
public static readonly string Dns = "\U000f01d6";
public static readonly string Domain = "\U000f01d7";
public static readonly string DotsHorizontal = "\U000f01d8";
public static readonly string DotsVertical = "\U000f01d9";
public static readonly string Download = "\U000f01da";
public static readonly string Drag = "\U000f01db";
public static readonly string DragHorizontal = "\U000f01dc";
public static readonly string DragVertical = "\U000f01dd";
public static readonly string Drawing = "\U000f01de";
public static readonly string DrawingBox = "\U000f01df";
public static readonly string ShieldRefreshOutline = "\U000f01e0";
public static readonly string CalendarRefresh = "\U000f01e1";
public static readonly string Drone = "\U000f01e2";
public static readonly string Dropbox = "\U000f01e3";
public static readonly string Drupal = "\U000f01e4";
public static readonly string Duck = "\U000f01e5";
public static readonly string Dumbbell = "\U000f01e6";
public static readonly string Earth = "\U000f01e7";
public static readonly string EarthOff = "\U000f01e8";
public static readonly string MicrosoftEdge = "\U000f01e9";
public static readonly string Eject = "\U000f01ea";
public static readonly string ElevationDecline = "\U000f01eb";
public static readonly string ElevationRise = "\U000f01ec";
public static readonly string Elevator = "\U000f01ed";
public static readonly string Email = "\U000f01ee";
public static readonly string EmailOpen = "\U000f01ef";
public static readonly string EmailOutline = "\U000f01f0";
public static readonly string EmailLock = "\U000f01f1";
public static readonly string EmoticonOutline = "\U000f01f2";
public static readonly string EmoticonCoolOutline = "\U000f01f3";
public static readonly string EmoticonDevilOutline = "\U000f01f4";
public static readonly string EmoticonHappyOutline = "\U000f01f5";
public static readonly string EmoticonNeutralOutline = "\U000f01f6";
public static readonly string EmoticonPoop = "\U000f01f7";
public static readonly string EmoticonSadOutline = "\U000f01f8";
public static readonly string EmoticonTongue = "\U000f01f9";
public static readonly string Engine = "\U000f01fa";
public static readonly string EngineOutline = "\U000f01fb";
public static readonly string Equal = "\U000f01fc";
public static readonly string EqualBox = "\U000f01fd";
public static readonly string Eraser = "\U000f01fe";
public static readonly string Escalator = "\U000f01ff";
public static readonly string Ethernet = "\U000f0200";
public static readonly string EthernetCable = "\U000f0201";
public static readonly string EthernetCableOff = "\U000f0202";
public static readonly string CalendarRefreshOutline = "\U000f0203";
public static readonly string Evernote = "\U000f0204";
public static readonly string Exclamation = "\U000f0205";
public static readonly string ExitToApp = "\U000f0206";
public static readonly string Export = "\U000f0207";
public static readonly string Eye = "\U000f0208";
public static readonly string EyeOff = "\U000f0209";
public static readonly string Eyedropper = "\U000f020a";
public static readonly string EyedropperVariant = "\U000f020b";
public static readonly string Facebook = "\U000f020c";
public static readonly string OrderAlphabeticalAscending = "\U000f020d";
public static readonly string FacebookMessenger = "\U000f020e";
public static readonly string Factory = "\U000f020f";
public static readonly string Fan = "\U000f0210";
public static readonly string FastForward = "\U000f0211";
public static readonly string Fax = "\U000f0212";
public static readonly string Ferry = "\U000f0213";
public static readonly string File = "\U000f0214";
public static readonly string FileChart = "\U000f0215";
public static readonly string FileCheck = "\U000f0216";
public static readonly string FileCloud = "\U000f0217";
public static readonly string FileDelimited = "\U000f0218";
public static readonly string FileDocument = "\U000f0219";
public static readonly string TextBox = "\U000f021a";
public static readonly string FileExcel = "\U000f021b";
public static readonly string FileExcelBox = "\U000f021c";
public static readonly string FileExport = "\U000f021d";
public static readonly string FileFind = "\U000f021e";
public static readonly string FileImage = "\U000f021f";
public static readonly string FileImport = "\U000f0220";
public static readonly string FileLock = "\U000f0221";
public static readonly string FileMultiple = "\U000f0222";
public static readonly string FileMusic = "\U000f0223";
public static readonly string FileOutline = "\U000f0224";
public static readonly string FilePdf = "\U000f0225";
public static readonly string FilePdfBox = "\U000f0226";
public static readonly string FilePowerpoint = "\U000f0227";
public static readonly string FilePowerpointBox = "\U000f0228";
public static readonly string FilePresentationBox = "\U000f0229";
public static readonly string FileSend = "\U000f022a";
public static readonly string FileVideo = "\U000f022b";
public static readonly string FileWord = "\U000f022c";
public static readonly string FileWordBox = "\U000f022d";
public static readonly string FileCode = "\U000f022e";
public static readonly string Film = "\U000f022f";
public static readonly string Filmstrip = "\U000f0230";
public static readonly string FilmstripOff = "\U000f0231";
public static readonly string Filter = "\U000f0232";
public static readonly string FilterOutline = "\U000f0233";
public static readonly string FilterRemove = "\U000f0234";
public static readonly string FilterRemoveOutline = "\U000f0235";
public static readonly string FilterVariant = "\U000f0236";
public static readonly string Fingerprint = "\U000f0237";
public static readonly string Fire = "\U000f0238";
public static readonly string Firefox = "\U000f0239";
public static readonly string Fish = "\U000f023a";
public static readonly string Flag = "\U000f023b";
public static readonly string FlagCheckered = "\U000f023c";
public static readonly string FlagOutline = "\U000f023d";
public static readonly string FlagVariantOutline = "\U000f023e";
public static readonly string FlagTriangle = "\U000f023f";
public static readonly string FlagVariant = "\U000f0240";
public static readonly string Flash = "\U000f0241";
public static readonly string FlashAuto = "\U000f0242";
public static readonly string FlashOff = "\U000f0243";
public static readonly string Flashlight = "\U000f0244";
public static readonly string FlashlightOff = "\U000f0245";
public static readonly string StarHalf = "\U000f0246";
public static readonly string FlipToBack = "\U000f0247";
public static readonly string FlipToFront = "\U000f0248";
public static readonly string Floppy = "\U000f0249";
public static readonly string Flower = "\U000f024a";
public static readonly string Folder = "\U000f024b";
public static readonly string FolderAccount = "\U000f024c";
public static readonly string FolderDownload = "\U000f024d";
public static readonly string FolderGoogleDrive = "\U000f024e";
public static readonly string FolderImage = "\U000f024f";
public static readonly string FolderLock = "\U000f0250";
public static readonly string FolderLockOpen = "\U000f0251";
public static readonly string FolderMove = "\U000f0252";
public static readonly string FolderMultiple = "\U000f0253";
public static readonly string FolderMultipleImage = "\U000f0254";
public static readonly string FolderMultipleOutline = "\U000f0255";
public static readonly string FolderOutline = "\U000f0256";
public static readonly string FolderPlus = "\U000f0257";
public static readonly string FolderRemove = "\U000f0258";
public static readonly string FolderUpload = "\U000f0259";
public static readonly string Food = "\U000f025a";
public static readonly string FoodApple = "\U000f025b";
public static readonly string FoodVariant = "\U000f025c";
public static readonly string Football = "\U000f025d";
public static readonly string FootballAustralian = "\U000f025e";
public static readonly string FootballHelmet = "\U000f025f";
public static readonly string FormatAlignCenter = "\U000f0260";
public static readonly string FormatAlignJustify = "\U000f0261";
public static readonly string FormatAlignLeft = "\U000f0262";
public static readonly string FormatAlignRight = "\U000f0263";
public static readonly string FormatBold = "\U000f0264";
public static readonly string FormatClear = "\U000f0265";
public static readonly string FormatColorFill = "\U000f0266";
public static readonly string FormatFloatCenter = "\U000f0267";
public static readonly string FormatFloatLeft = "\U000f0268";
public static readonly string FormatFloatNone = "\U000f0269";
public static readonly string FormatFloatRight = "\U000f026a";
public static readonly string FormatHeader1 = "\U000f026b";
public static readonly string FormatHeader2 = "\U000f026c";
public static readonly string FormatHeader3 = "\U000f026d";
public static readonly string FormatHeader4 = "\U000f026e";
public static readonly string FormatHeader5 = "\U000f026f";
public static readonly string FormatHeader6 = "\U000f0270";
public static readonly string FormatHeaderDecrease = "\U000f0271";
public static readonly string FormatHeaderEqual = "\U000f0272";
public static readonly string FormatHeaderIncrease = "\U000f0273";
public static readonly string FormatHeaderPound = "\U000f0274";
public static readonly string FormatIndentDecrease = "\U000f0275";
public static readonly string FormatIndentIncrease = "\U000f0276";
public static readonly string FormatItalic = "\U000f0277";
public static readonly string FormatLineSpacing = "\U000f0278";
public static readonly string FormatListBulleted = "\U000f0279";
public static readonly string FormatListBulletedType = "\U000f027a";
public static readonly string FormatListNumbered = "\U000f027b";
public static readonly string FormatPaint = "\U000f027c";
public static readonly string FormatParagraph = "\U000f027d";
public static readonly string FormatQuoteClose = "\U000f027e";
public static readonly string FormatSize = "\U000f027f";
public static readonly string FormatStrikethrough = "\U000f0280";
public static readonly string FormatStrikethroughVariant = "\U000f0281";
public static readonly string FormatSubscript = "\U000f0282";
public static readonly string FormatSuperscript = "\U000f0283";
public static readonly string FormatText = "\U000f0284";
public static readonly string FormatTextdirectionLToR = "\U000f0285";
public static readonly string FormatTextdirectionRToL = "\U000f0286";
public static readonly string FormatUnderline = "\U000f0287";
public static readonly string FormatWrapInline = "\U000f0288";
public static readonly string FormatWrapSquare = "\U000f0289";
public static readonly string FormatWrapTight = "\U000f028a";
public static readonly string FormatWrapTopBottom = "\U000f028b";
public static readonly string Forum = "\U000f028c";
public static readonly string Forward = "\U000f028d";
public static readonly string Bowl = "\U000f028e";
public static readonly string FridgeOutline = "\U000f028f";
public static readonly string Fridge = "\U000f0290";
public static readonly string FridgeTop = "\U000f0291";
public static readonly string FridgeBottom = "\U000f0292";
public static readonly string Fullscreen = "\U000f0293";
public static readonly string FullscreenExit = "\U000f0294";
public static readonly string Function = "\U000f0295";
public static readonly string Gamepad = "\U000f0296";
public static readonly string GamepadVariant = "\U000f0297";
public static readonly string GasStation = "\U000f0298";
public static readonly string Gate = "\U000f0299";
public static readonly string Gauge = "\U000f029a";
public static readonly string Gavel = "\U000f029b";
public static readonly string GenderFemale = "\U000f029c";
public static readonly string GenderMale = "\U000f029d";
public static readonly string GenderMaleFemale = "\U000f029e";
public static readonly string GenderTransgender = "\U000f029f";
public static readonly string Ghost = "\U000f02a0";
public static readonly string GiftOutline = "\U000f02a1";
public static readonly string Git = "\U000f02a2";
public static readonly string CardAccountDetailsStar = "\U000f02a3";
public static readonly string Github = "\U000f02a4";
public static readonly string GlassFlute = "\U000f02a5";
public static readonly string GlassMug = "\U000f02a6";
public static readonly string GlassStange = "\U000f02a7";
public static readonly string GlassTulip = "\U000f02a8";
public static readonly string BowlOutline = "\U000f02a9";
public static readonly string Glasses = "\U000f02aa";
public static readonly string Gmail = "\U000f02ab";
public static readonly string Gnome = "\U000f02ac";
public static readonly string Google = "\U000f02ad";
public static readonly string GoogleCardboard = "\U000f02ae";
public static readonly string GoogleChrome = "\U000f02af";
public static readonly string GoogleCircles = "\U000f02b0";
public static readonly string GoogleCirclesCommunities = "\U000f02b1";
public static readonly string GoogleCirclesExtended = "\U000f02b2";
public static readonly string GoogleCirclesGroup = "\U000f02b3";
public static readonly string GoogleController = "\U000f02b4";
public static readonly string GoogleControllerOff = "\U000f02b5";
public static readonly string GoogleDrive = "\U000f02b6";
public static readonly string GoogleEarth = "\U000f02b7";
public static readonly string GoogleGlass = "\U000f02b8";
public static readonly string GoogleNearby = "\U000f02b9";
public static readonly string VideoMinusOutline = "\U000f02ba";
public static readonly string MicrosoftTeams = "\U000f02bb";
public static readonly string GooglePlay = "\U000f02bc";
public static readonly string GooglePlus = "\U000f02bd";
public static readonly string OrderBoolAscending = "\U000f02be";
public static readonly string GoogleTranslate = "\U000f02bf";
public static readonly string GoogleClassroom = "\U000f02c0";
public static readonly string Grid = "\U000f02c1";
public static readonly string GridOff = "\U000f02c2";
public static readonly string Group = "\U000f02c3";
public static readonly string GuitarElectric = "\U000f02c4";
public static readonly string GuitarPick = "\U000f02c5";
public static readonly string GuitarPickOutline = "\U000f02c6";
public static readonly string HandPointingRight = "\U000f02c7";
public static readonly string Hanger = "\U000f02c8";
public static readonly string GoogleHangouts = "\U000f02c9";
public static readonly string Harddisk = "\U000f02ca";
public static readonly string Headphones = "\U000f02cb";
public static readonly string HeadphonesBox = "\U000f02cc";
public static readonly string HeadphonesSettings = "\U000f02cd";
public static readonly string Headset = "\U000f02ce";
public static readonly string HeadsetDock = "\U000f02cf";
public static readonly string HeadsetOff = "\U000f02d0";
public static readonly string Heart = "\U000f02d1";
public static readonly string HeartBox = "\U000f02d2";
public static readonly string HeartBoxOutline = "\U000f02d3";
public static readonly string HeartBroken = "\U000f02d4";
public static readonly string HeartOutline = "\U000f02d5";
public static readonly string Help = "\U000f02d6";
public static readonly string HelpCircle = "\U000f02d7";
public static readonly string Hexagon = "\U000f02d8";
public static readonly string HexagonOutline = "\U000f02d9";
public static readonly string History = "\U000f02da";
public static readonly string Hololens = "\U000f02db";
public static readonly string Home = "\U000f02dc";
public static readonly string HomeModern = "\U000f02dd";
public static readonly string HomeVariant = "\U000f02de";
public static readonly string Hops = "\U000f02df";
public static readonly string HospitalBox = "\U000f02e0";
public static readonly string HospitalBuilding = "\U000f02e1";
public static readonly string HospitalMarker = "\U000f02e2";
public static readonly string Bed = "\U000f02e3";
public static readonly string BowlMixOutline = "\U000f02e4";
public static readonly string Pot = "\U000f02e5";
public static readonly string Human = "\U000f02e6";
public static readonly string HumanChild = "\U000f02e7";
public static readonly string HumanMaleFemale = "\U000f02e8";
public static readonly string Image = "\U000f02e9";
public static readonly string ImageAlbum = "\U000f02ea";
public static readonly string ImageArea = "\U000f02eb";
public static readonly string ImageAreaClose = "\U000f02ec";
public static readonly string ImageBroken = "\U000f02ed";
public static readonly string ImageBrokenVariant = "\U000f02ee";
public static readonly string ImageMultipleOutline = "\U000f02ef";
public static readonly string ImageFilterBlackWhite = "\U000f02f0";
public static readonly string ImageFilterCenterFocus = "\U000f02f1";
public static readonly string ImageFilterCenterFocusWeak = "\U000f02f2";
public static readonly string ImageFilterDrama = "\U000f02f3";
public static readonly string ImageFilterFrames = "\U000f02f4";
public static readonly string ImageFilterHdr = "\U000f02f5";
public static readonly string ImageFilterNone = "\U000f02f6";
public static readonly string ImageFilterTiltShift = "\U000f02f7";
public static readonly string ImageFilterVintage = "\U000f02f8";
public static readonly string ImageMultiple = "\U000f02f9";
public static readonly string Import = "\U000f02fa";
public static readonly string InboxArrowDown = "\U000f02fb";
public static readonly string Information = "\U000f02fc";
public static readonly string InformationOutline = "\U000f02fd";
public static readonly string Instagram = "\U000f02fe";
public static readonly string PotOutline = "\U000f02ff";
public static readonly string MicrosoftInternetExplorer = "\U000f0300";
public static readonly string InvertColors = "\U000f0301";
public static readonly string Jeepney = "\U000f0302";
public static readonly string Jira = "\U000f0303";
public static readonly string Jsfiddle = "\U000f0304";
public static readonly string Keg = "\U000f0305";
public static readonly string Key = "\U000f0306";
public static readonly string KeyChange = "\U000f0307";
public static readonly string KeyMinus = "\U000f0308";
public static readonly string KeyPlus = "\U000f0309";
public static readonly string KeyRemove = "\U000f030a";
public static readonly string KeyVariant = "\U000f030b";
public static readonly string Keyboard = "\U000f030c";
public static readonly string KeyboardBackspace = "\U000f030d";
public static readonly string KeyboardCaps = "\U000f030e";
public static readonly string KeyboardClose = "\U000f030f";
public static readonly string KeyboardOff = "\U000f0310";
public static readonly string KeyboardReturn = "\U000f0311";
public static readonly string KeyboardTab = "\U000f0312";
public static readonly string KeyboardVariant = "\U000f0313";
public static readonly string Kodi = "\U000f0314";
public static readonly string Label = "\U000f0315";
public static readonly string LabelOutline = "\U000f0316";
public static readonly string Lan = "\U000f0317";
public static readonly string LanConnect = "\U000f0318";
public static readonly string LanDisconnect = "\U000f0319";
public static readonly string LanPending = "\U000f031a";
public static readonly string LanguageCsharp = "\U000f031b";
public static readonly string LanguageCss3 = "\U000f031c";
public static readonly string LanguageHtml5 = "\U000f031d";
public static readonly string LanguageJavascript = "\U000f031e";
public static readonly string LanguagePhp = "\U000f031f";
public static readonly string LanguagePython = "\U000f0320";
public static readonly string ContactlessPaymentCircle = "\U000f0321";
public static readonly string Laptop = "\U000f0322";
public static readonly string LaptopChromebook = "\U000f0323";
public static readonly string LaptopMac = "\U000f0324";
public static readonly string LaptopWindows = "\U000f0325";
public static readonly string PotSteamOutline = "\U000f0326";
public static readonly string Launch = "\U000f0327";
public static readonly string Layers = "\U000f0328";
public static readonly string LayersOff = "\U000f0329";
public static readonly string Leaf = "\U000f032a";
public static readonly string LedOff = "\U000f032b";
public static readonly string LedOn = "\U000f032c";
public static readonly string LedOutline = "\U000f032d";
public static readonly string LedVariantOff = "\U000f032e";
public static readonly string LedVariantOn = "\U000f032f";
public static readonly string LedVariantOutline = "\U000f0330";
public static readonly string Library = "\U000f0331";
public static readonly string FilmstripBox = "\U000f0332";
public static readonly string MusicBoxMultiple = "\U000f0333";
public static readonly string PlusBoxMultiple = "\U000f0334";
public static readonly string Lightbulb = "\U000f0335";
public static readonly string LightbulbOutline = "\U000f0336";
public static readonly string Link = "\U000f0337";
public static readonly string LinkOff = "\U000f0338";
public static readonly string LinkVariant = "\U000f0339";
public static readonly string LinkVariantOff = "\U000f033a";
public static readonly string Linkedin = "\U000f033b";
public static readonly string SortReverseVariant = "\U000f033c";
public static readonly string Linux = "\U000f033d";
public static readonly string Lock = "\U000f033e";
public static readonly string LockOpen = "\U000f033f";
public static readonly string LockOpenOutline = "\U000f0340";
public static readonly string LockOutline = "\U000f0341";
public static readonly string Login = "\U000f0342";
public static readonly string Logout = "\U000f0343";
public static readonly string Looks = "\U000f0344";
public static readonly string Loupe = "\U000f0345";
public static readonly string Lumx = "\U000f0346";
public static readonly string Magnet = "\U000f0347";
public static readonly string MagnetOn = "\U000f0348";
public static readonly string Magnify = "\U000f0349";
public static readonly string MagnifyMinus = "\U000f034a";
public static readonly string MagnifyPlus = "\U000f034b";
public static readonly string PlusCircleMultiple = "\U000f034c";
public static readonly string Map = "\U000f034d";
public static readonly string MapMarker = "\U000f034e";
public static readonly string MapMarkerCircle = "\U000f034f";
public static readonly string MapMarkerMultiple = "\U000f0350";
public static readonly string MapMarkerOff = "\U000f0351";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRadius = "\U000f0352";
public static readonly string Margin = "\U000f0353";
public static readonly string LanguageMarkdown = "\U000f0354";
public static readonly string MarkerCheck = "\U000f0355";
public static readonly string GlassCocktail = "\U000f0356";
public static readonly string MaterialUi = "\U000f0357";
public static readonly string MathCompass = "\U000f0358";
public static readonly string Stackpath = "\U000f0359";
public static readonly string MinusCircleMultiple = "\U000f035a";
public static readonly string Memory = "\U000f035b";
public static readonly string Menu = "\U000f035c";
public static readonly string MenuDown = "\U000f035d";
public static readonly string MenuLeft = "\U000f035e";
public static readonly string MenuRight = "\U000f035f";
public static readonly string MenuUp = "\U000f0360";
public static readonly string Message = "\U000f0361";
public static readonly string MessageAlert = "\U000f0362";
public static readonly string MessageDraw = "\U000f0363";
public static readonly string MessageImage = "\U000f0364";
public static readonly string MessageOutline = "\U000f0365";
public static readonly string MessageProcessing = "\U000f0366";
public static readonly string MessageReply = "\U000f0367";
public static readonly string MessageReplyText = "\U000f0368";
public static readonly string MessageText = "\U000f0369";
public static readonly string MessageTextOutline = "\U000f036a";
public static readonly string MessageVideo = "\U000f036b";
public static readonly string Microphone = "\U000f036c";
public static readonly string MicrophoneOff = "\U000f036d";
public static readonly string MicrophoneOutline = "\U000f036e";
public static readonly string MicrophoneSettings = "\U000f036f";
public static readonly string MicrophoneVariant = "\U000f0370";
public static readonly string MicrophoneVariantOff = "\U000f0371";
public static readonly string Microsoft = "\U000f0372";
public static readonly string Minecraft = "\U000f0373";
public static readonly string Minus = "\U000f0374";
public static readonly string MinusBox = "\U000f0375";
public static readonly string MinusCircle = "\U000f0376";
public static readonly string MinusCircleOutline = "\U000f0377";
public static readonly string MinusNetwork = "\U000f0378";
public static readonly string Monitor = "\U000f0379";
public static readonly string MonitorMultiple = "\U000f037a";
public static readonly string More = "\U000f037b";
public static readonly string Motorbike = "\U000f037c";
public static readonly string Mouse = "\U000f037d";
public static readonly string MouseOff = "\U000f037e";
public static readonly string MouseVariant = "\U000f037f";
public static readonly string MouseVariantOff = "\U000f0380";
public static readonly string Movie = "\U000f0381";
public static readonly string Multiplication = "\U000f0382";
public static readonly string MultiplicationBox = "\U000f0383";
public static readonly string MusicBox = "\U000f0384";
public static readonly string MusicBoxOutline = "\U000f0385";
public static readonly string MusicCircle = "\U000f0386";
public static readonly string MusicNote = "\U000f0387";
public static readonly string MusicNoteHalf = "\U000f0389";
public static readonly string MusicNoteOff = "\U000f038a";
public static readonly string MusicNoteQuarter = "\U000f038b";
public static readonly string MusicNoteSixteenth = "\U000f038c";
public static readonly string MusicNoteWhole = "\U000f038d";
public static readonly string Nature = "\U000f038e";
public static readonly string NaturePeople = "\U000f038f";
public static readonly string Navigation = "\U000f0390";
public static readonly string Needle = "\U000f0391";
public static readonly string SmokeDetector = "\U000f0392";
public static readonly string Thermostat = "\U000f0393";
public static readonly string NewBox = "\U000f0394";
public static readonly string Newspaper = "\U000f0395";
public static readonly string Nfc = "\U000f0396";
public static readonly string NfcTap = "\U000f0397";
public static readonly string NfcVariant = "\U000f0398";
public static readonly string Nodejs = "\U000f0399";
public static readonly string Note = "\U000f039a";
public static readonly string NoteOutline = "\U000f039b";
public static readonly string NotePlus = "\U000f039c";
public static readonly string NotePlusOutline = "\U000f039d";
public static readonly string NoteText = "\U000f039e";
public static readonly string NotificationClearAll = "\U000f039f";
public static readonly string Numeric = "\U000f03a0";
public static readonly string Numeric0Box = "\U000f03a1";
public static readonly string Numeric0BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03a2";
public static readonly string Numeric0BoxOutline = "\U000f03a3";
public static readonly string Numeric1Box = "\U000f03a4";
public static readonly string Numeric1BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03a5";
public static readonly string Numeric1BoxOutline = "\U000f03a6";
public static readonly string Numeric2Box = "\U000f03a7";
public static readonly string Numeric2BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03a8";
public static readonly string Numeric2BoxOutline = "\U000f03a9";
public static readonly string Numeric3Box = "\U000f03aa";
public static readonly string Numeric3BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03ab";
public static readonly string Numeric3BoxOutline = "\U000f03ac";
public static readonly string Numeric4Box = "\U000f03ad";
public static readonly string Numeric4BoxOutline = "\U000f03ae";
public static readonly string Numeric5BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03af";
public static readonly string Numeric5BoxOutline = "\U000f03b0";
public static readonly string Numeric5Box = "\U000f03b1";
public static readonly string Numeric4BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03b2";
public static readonly string Numeric6Box = "\U000f03b3";
public static readonly string Numeric6BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03b4";
public static readonly string Numeric6BoxOutline = "\U000f03b5";
public static readonly string Numeric7Box = "\U000f03b6";
public static readonly string Numeric7BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03b7";
public static readonly string Numeric7BoxOutline = "\U000f03b8";
public static readonly string Numeric8Box = "\U000f03b9";
public static readonly string Numeric8BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03ba";
public static readonly string Numeric8BoxOutline = "\U000f03bb";
public static readonly string Numeric9Box = "\U000f03bc";
public static readonly string Numeric9BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03bd";
public static readonly string Numeric9BoxOutline = "\U000f03be";
public static readonly string Numeric9PlusBox = "\U000f03bf";
public static readonly string Numeric9PlusBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f03c0";
public static readonly string Numeric9PlusBoxOutline = "\U000f03c1";
public static readonly string Nutrition = "\U000f03c2";
public static readonly string Octagon = "\U000f03c3";
public static readonly string OctagonOutline = "\U000f03c4";
public static readonly string Odnoklassniki = "\U000f03c5";
public static readonly string MicrosoftOffice = "\U000f03c6";
public static readonly string Oil = "\U000f03c7";
public static readonly string CoolantTemperature = "\U000f03c8";
public static readonly string Omega = "\U000f03c9";
public static readonly string MicrosoftOnedrive = "\U000f03ca";
public static readonly string OpenInApp = "\U000f03cb";
public static readonly string OpenInNew = "\U000f03cc";
public static readonly string Openid = "\U000f03cd";
public static readonly string Opera = "\U000f03ce";
public static readonly string Ornament = "\U000f03cf";
public static readonly string OrnamentVariant = "\U000f03d0";
public static readonly string InboxArrowUp = "\U000f03d1";
public static readonly string Owl = "\U000f03d2";
public static readonly string Package = "\U000f03d3";
public static readonly string PackageDown = "\U000f03d4";
public static readonly string PackageUp = "\U000f03d5";
public static readonly string PackageVariant = "\U000f03d6";
public static readonly string PackageVariantClosed = "\U000f03d7";
public static readonly string Palette = "\U000f03d8";
public static readonly string PaletteAdvanced = "\U000f03d9";
public static readonly string Panda = "\U000f03da";
public static readonly string Pandora = "\U000f03db";
public static readonly string Panorama = "\U000f03dc";
public static readonly string PanoramaFisheye = "\U000f03dd";
public static readonly string PanoramaHorizontal = "\U000f03de";
public static readonly string PanoramaVertical = "\U000f03df";
public static readonly string PanoramaWideAngle = "\U000f03e0";
public static readonly string PaperCutVertical = "\U000f03e1";
public static readonly string Paperclip = "\U000f03e2";
public static readonly string Parking = "\U000f03e3";
public static readonly string Pause = "\U000f03e4";
public static readonly string PauseCircle = "\U000f03e5";
public static readonly string PauseCircleOutline = "\U000f03e6";
public static readonly string PauseOctagon = "\U000f03e7";
public static readonly string PauseOctagonOutline = "\U000f03e8";
public static readonly string Paw = "\U000f03e9";
public static readonly string Pen = "\U000f03ea";
public static readonly string Pencil = "\U000f03eb";
public static readonly string PencilBox = "\U000f03ec";
public static readonly string PencilBoxOutline = "\U000f03ed";
public static readonly string PencilLock = "\U000f03ee";
public static readonly string PencilOff = "\U000f03ef";
public static readonly string Percent = "\U000f03f0";
public static readonly string Pharmacy = "\U000f03f1";
public static readonly string Phone = "\U000f03f2";
public static readonly string PhoneBluetooth = "\U000f03f3";
public static readonly string PhoneForward = "\U000f03f4";
public static readonly string PhoneHangup = "\U000f03f5";
public static readonly string PhoneInTalk = "\U000f03f6";
public static readonly string PhoneIncoming = "\U000f03f7";
public static readonly string PhoneLock = "\U000f03f8";
public static readonly string PhoneLog = "\U000f03f9";
public static readonly string PhoneMissed = "\U000f03fa";
public static readonly string PhoneOutgoing = "\U000f03fb";
public static readonly string PhonePaused = "\U000f03fc";
public static readonly string PhoneSettings = "\U000f03fd";
public static readonly string PhoneVoip = "\U000f03fe";
public static readonly string Pi = "\U000f03ff";
public static readonly string PiBox = "\U000f0400";
public static readonly string Pig = "\U000f0401";
public static readonly string Pill = "\U000f0402";
public static readonly string Pin = "\U000f0403";
public static readonly string PinOff = "\U000f0404";
public static readonly string PineTree = "\U000f0405";
public static readonly string PineTreeBox = "\U000f0406";
public static readonly string Pinterest = "\U000f0407";
public static readonly string ContactlessPaymentCircleOutline = "\U000f0408";
public static readonly string Pizza = "\U000f0409";
public static readonly string Play = "\U000f040a";
public static readonly string PlayBoxOutline = "\U000f040b";
public static readonly string PlayCircle = "\U000f040c";
public static readonly string PlayCircleOutline = "\U000f040d";
public static readonly string PlayPause = "\U000f040e";
public static readonly string PlayProtectedContent = "\U000f040f";
public static readonly string PlaylistMinus = "\U000f0410";
public static readonly string PlaylistPlay = "\U000f0411";
public static readonly string PlaylistPlus = "\U000f0412";
public static readonly string PlaylistRemove = "\U000f0413";
public static readonly string SonyPlaystation = "\U000f0414";
public static readonly string Plus = "\U000f0415";
public static readonly string PlusBox = "\U000f0416";
public static readonly string PlusCircle = "\U000f0417";
public static readonly string PlusCircleMultipleOutline = "\U000f0418";
public static readonly string PlusCircleOutline = "\U000f0419";
public static readonly string PlusNetwork = "\U000f041a";
public static readonly string PlusOne = "\U000f041b";
public static readonly string WallSconceFlatVariant = "\U000f041c";
public static readonly string Pokeball = "\U000f041d";
public static readonly string Polaroid = "\U000f041e";
public static readonly string Poll = "\U000f041f";
public static readonly string PollBox = "\U000f0420";
public static readonly string Polymer = "\U000f0421";
public static readonly string Popcorn = "\U000f0422";
public static readonly string Pound = "\U000f0423";
public static readonly string PoundBox = "\U000f0424";
public static readonly string Power = "\U000f0425";
public static readonly string PowerSettings = "\U000f0426";
public static readonly string PowerSocket = "\U000f0427";
public static readonly string Presentation = "\U000f0428";
public static readonly string PresentationPlay = "\U000f0429";
public static readonly string Printer = "\U000f042a";
public static readonly string Printer3d = "\U000f042b";
public static readonly string PrinterAlert = "\U000f042c";
public static readonly string ProfessionalHexagon = "\U000f042d";
public static readonly string Projector = "\U000f042e";
public static readonly string ProjectorScreen = "\U000f042f";
public static readonly string Pulse = "\U000f0430";
public static readonly string Puzzle = "\U000f0431";
public static readonly string Qrcode = "\U000f0432";
public static readonly string QrcodeScan = "\U000f0433";
public static readonly string Quadcopter = "\U000f0434";
public static readonly string QualityHigh = "\U000f0435";
public static readonly string BookMultipleOutline = "\U000f0436";
public static readonly string Radar = "\U000f0437";
public static readonly string Radiator = "\U000f0438";
public static readonly string Radio = "\U000f0439";
public static readonly string RadioHandheld = "\U000f043a";
public static readonly string RadioTower = "\U000f043b";
public static readonly string Radioactive = "\U000f043c";
public static readonly string RadioboxMarked = "\U000f043e";
public static readonly string RaspberryPi = "\U000f043f";
public static readonly string RayEnd = "\U000f0440";
public static readonly string RayEndArrow = "\U000f0441";
public static readonly string RayStart = "\U000f0442";
public static readonly string RayStartArrow = "\U000f0443";
public static readonly string RayStartEnd = "\U000f0444";
public static readonly string RayVertex = "\U000f0445";
public static readonly string Lastpass = "\U000f0446";
public static readonly string Read = "\U000f0447";
public static readonly string YoutubeTv = "\U000f0448";
public static readonly string Receipt = "\U000f0449";
public static readonly string Record = "\U000f044a";
public static readonly string RecordRec = "\U000f044b";
public static readonly string Recycle = "\U000f044c";
public static readonly string Reddit = "\U000f044d";
public static readonly string Redo = "\U000f044e";
public static readonly string RedoVariant = "\U000f044f";
public static readonly string Refresh = "\U000f0450";
public static readonly string Regex = "\U000f0451";
public static readonly string RelativeScale = "\U000f0452";
public static readonly string Reload = "\U000f0453";
public static readonly string Remote = "\U000f0454";
public static readonly string RenameBox = "\U000f0455";
public static readonly string Repeat = "\U000f0456";
public static readonly string RepeatOff = "\U000f0457";
public static readonly string RepeatOnce = "\U000f0458";
public static readonly string Replay = "\U000f0459";
public static readonly string Reply = "\U000f045a";
public static readonly string ReplyAll = "\U000f045b";
public static readonly string Reproduction = "\U000f045c";
public static readonly string ResizeBottomRight = "\U000f045d";
public static readonly string Responsive = "\U000f045e";
public static readonly string Rewind = "\U000f045f";
public static readonly string Ribbon = "\U000f0460";
public static readonly string Road = "\U000f0461";
public static readonly string RoadVariant = "\U000f0462";
public static readonly string Rocket = "\U000f0463";
public static readonly string Rotate3dVariant = "\U000f0464";
public static readonly string RotateLeft = "\U000f0465";
public static readonly string RotateLeftVariant = "\U000f0466";
public static readonly string RotateRight = "\U000f0467";
public static readonly string RotateRightVariant = "\U000f0468";
public static readonly string RouterWireless = "\U000f0469";
public static readonly string Routes = "\U000f046a";
public static readonly string Rss = "\U000f046b";
public static readonly string RssBox = "\U000f046c";
public static readonly string Ruler = "\U000f046d";
public static readonly string RunFast = "\U000f046e";
public static readonly string Sale = "\U000f046f";
public static readonly string Satellite = "\U000f0470";
public static readonly string SatelliteVariant = "\U000f0471";
public static readonly string Scale = "\U000f0472";
public static readonly string ScaleBathroom = "\U000f0473";
public static readonly string School = "\U000f0474";
public static readonly string ScreenRotation = "\U000f0475";
public static readonly string Screwdriver = "\U000f0476";
public static readonly string ScriptOutline = "\U000f0477";
public static readonly string ScreenRotationLock = "\U000f0478";
public static readonly string Sd = "\U000f0479";
public static readonly string Seal = "\U000f047a";
public static readonly string SeatFlat = "\U000f047b";
public static readonly string SeatFlatAngled = "\U000f047c";
public static readonly string SeatIndividualSuite = "\U000f047d";
public static readonly string SeatLegroomExtra = "\U000f047e";
public static readonly string SeatLegroomNormal = "\U000f047f";
public static readonly string SeatLegroomReduced = "\U000f0480";
public static readonly string SeatReclineExtra = "\U000f0481";
public static readonly string SeatReclineNormal = "\U000f0482";
public static readonly string Security = "\U000f0483";
public static readonly string SecurityNetwork = "\U000f0484";
public static readonly string Select = "\U000f0485";
public static readonly string SelectAll = "\U000f0486";
public static readonly string SelectInverse = "\U000f0487";
public static readonly string SelectOff = "\U000f0488";
public static readonly string Selection = "\U000f0489";
public static readonly string Send = "\U000f048a";
public static readonly string Server = "\U000f048b";
public static readonly string ServerMinus = "\U000f048c";
public static readonly string ServerNetwork = "\U000f048d";
public static readonly string ServerNetworkOff = "\U000f048e";
public static readonly string ServerOff = "\U000f048f";
public static readonly string ServerPlus = "\U000f0490";
public static readonly string ServerRemove = "\U000f0491";
public static readonly string ServerSecurity = "\U000f0492";
public static readonly string Cog = "\U000f0493";
public static readonly string CogBox = "\U000f0494";
public static readonly string ShapePlus = "\U000f0495";
public static readonly string Share = "\U000f0496";
public static readonly string ShareVariant = "\U000f0497";
public static readonly string Shield = "\U000f0498";
public static readonly string ShieldOutline = "\U000f0499";
public static readonly string Shopping = "\U000f049a";
public static readonly string ShoppingMusic = "\U000f049b";
public static readonly string Shredder = "\U000f049c";
public static readonly string Shuffle = "\U000f049d";
public static readonly string ShuffleDisabled = "\U000f049e";
public static readonly string ShuffleVariant = "\U000f049f";
public static readonly string Sigma = "\U000f04a0";
public static readonly string SignCaution = "\U000f04a1";
public static readonly string Signal = "\U000f04a2";
public static readonly string Silverware = "\U000f04a3";
public static readonly string SilverwareFork = "\U000f04a4";
public static readonly string SilverwareSpoon = "\U000f04a5";
public static readonly string SilverwareVariant = "\U000f04a6";
public static readonly string Sim = "\U000f04a7";
public static readonly string SimAlert = "\U000f04a8";
public static readonly string SimOff = "\U000f04a9";
public static readonly string Sitemap = "\U000f04aa";
public static readonly string SkipBackward = "\U000f04ab";
public static readonly string SkipForward = "\U000f04ac";
public static readonly string SkipNext = "\U000f04ad";
public static readonly string SkipPrevious = "\U000f04ae";
public static readonly string Skype = "\U000f04af";
public static readonly string SkypeBusiness = "\U000f04b0";
public static readonly string Slack = "\U000f04b1";
public static readonly string Sleep = "\U000f04b2";
public static readonly string SleepOff = "\U000f04b3";
public static readonly string Smoking = "\U000f04b4";
public static readonly string SmokingOff = "\U000f04b5";
public static readonly string Snapchat = "\U000f04b6";
public static readonly string Snowman = "\U000f04b7";
public static readonly string Soccer = "\U000f04b8";
public static readonly string Sofa = "\U000f04b9";
public static readonly string Sort = "\U000f04ba";
public static readonly string SortAlphabeticalVariant = "\U000f04bb";
public static readonly string SortAscending = "\U000f04bc";
public static readonly string SortDescending = "\U000f04bd";
public static readonly string SortNumericVariant = "\U000f04be";
public static readonly string SortVariant = "\U000f04bf";
public static readonly string Soundcloud = "\U000f04c0";
public static readonly string SourceFork = "\U000f04c1";
public static readonly string SourcePull = "\U000f04c2";
public static readonly string Speaker = "\U000f04c3";
public static readonly string SpeakerOff = "\U000f04c4";
public static readonly string Speedometer = "\U000f04c5";
public static readonly string Spellcheck = "\U000f04c6";
public static readonly string Spotify = "\U000f04c7";
public static readonly string Spotlight = "\U000f04c8";
public static readonly string SpotlightBeam = "\U000f04c9";
public static readonly string BookRemoveMultipleOutline = "\U000f04ca";
public static readonly string AccountSwitchOutline = "\U000f04cb";
public static readonly string StackOverflow = "\U000f04cc";
public static readonly string Stairs = "\U000f04cd";
public static readonly string Star = "\U000f04ce";
public static readonly string StarCircle = "\U000f04cf";
public static readonly string StarHalfFull = "\U000f04d0";
public static readonly string StarOff = "\U000f04d1";
public static readonly string StarOutline = "\U000f04d2";
public static readonly string Steam = "\U000f04d3";
public static readonly string Steering = "\U000f04d4";
public static readonly string StepBackward = "\U000f04d5";
public static readonly string StepBackward2 = "\U000f04d6";
public static readonly string StepForward = "\U000f04d7";
public static readonly string StepForward2 = "\U000f04d8";
public static readonly string Stethoscope = "\U000f04d9";
public static readonly string Stocking = "\U000f04da";
public static readonly string Stop = "\U000f04db";
public static readonly string Store = "\U000f04dc";
public static readonly string Store24Hour = "\U000f04dd";
public static readonly string Stove = "\U000f04de";
public static readonly string SubwayVariant = "\U000f04df";
public static readonly string Sunglasses = "\U000f04e0";
public static readonly string SwapHorizontal = "\U000f04e1";
public static readonly string SwapVertical = "\U000f04e2";
public static readonly string Swim = "\U000f04e3";
public static readonly string Switch = "\U000f04e4";
public static readonly string Sword = "\U000f04e5";
public static readonly string Sync = "\U000f04e6";
public static readonly string SyncAlert = "\U000f04e7";
public static readonly string SyncOff = "\U000f04e8";
public static readonly string Tab = "\U000f04e9";
public static readonly string TabUnselected = "\U000f04ea";
public static readonly string Table = "\U000f04eb";
public static readonly string TableColumnPlusAfter = "\U000f04ec";
public static readonly string TableColumnPlusBefore = "\U000f04ed";
public static readonly string TableColumnRemove = "\U000f04ee";
public static readonly string TableColumnWidth = "\U000f04ef";
public static readonly string TableEdit = "\U000f04f0";
public static readonly string TableLarge = "\U000f04f1";
public static readonly string TableRowHeight = "\U000f04f2";
public static readonly string TableRowPlusAfter = "\U000f04f3";
public static readonly string TableRowPlusBefore = "\U000f04f4";
public static readonly string TableRowRemove = "\U000f04f5";
public static readonly string Tablet = "\U000f04f6";
public static readonly string TabletAndroid = "\U000f04f7";
public static readonly string TabletIpad = "\U000f04f8";
public static readonly string Tag = "\U000f04f9";
public static readonly string TagFaces = "\U000f04fa";
public static readonly string TagMultiple = "\U000f04fb";
public static readonly string TagOutline = "\U000f04fc";
public static readonly string TagTextOutline = "\U000f04fd";
public static readonly string Target = "\U000f04fe";
public static readonly string Taxi = "\U000f04ff";
public static readonly string Teamviewer = "\U000f0500";
public static readonly string Telegram = "\U000f0501";
public static readonly string Television = "\U000f0502";
public static readonly string TelevisionGuide = "\U000f0503";
public static readonly string TemperatureCelsius = "\U000f0504";
public static readonly string TemperatureFahrenheit = "\U000f0505";
public static readonly string TemperatureKelvin = "\U000f0506";
public static readonly string TennisBall = "\U000f0507";
public static readonly string Tent = "\U000f0508";
public static readonly string TextToSpeech = "\U000f050a";
public static readonly string TextToSpeechOff = "\U000f050b";
public static readonly string Texture = "\U000f050c";
public static readonly string Theater = "\U000f050d";
public static readonly string ThemeLightDark = "\U000f050e";
public static readonly string Thermometer = "\U000f050f";
public static readonly string ThermometerLines = "\U000f0510";
public static readonly string ThumbDown = "\U000f0511";
public static readonly string ThumbDownOutline = "\U000f0512";
public static readonly string ThumbUp = "\U000f0513";
public static readonly string ThumbUpOutline = "\U000f0514";
public static readonly string ThumbsUpDown = "\U000f0515";
public static readonly string Ticket = "\U000f0516";
public static readonly string TicketAccount = "\U000f0517";
public static readonly string TicketConfirmation = "\U000f0518";
public static readonly string Tie = "\U000f0519";
public static readonly string Timelapse = "\U000f051a";
public static readonly string TimerOutline = "\U000f051b";
public static readonly string Timer10 = "\U000f051c";
public static readonly string Timer3 = "\U000f051d";
public static readonly string TimerOffOutline = "\U000f051e";
public static readonly string TimerSand = "\U000f051f";
public static readonly string Timetable = "\U000f0520";
public static readonly string ToggleSwitch = "\U000f0521";
public static readonly string ToggleSwitchOff = "\U000f0522";
public static readonly string Tooltip = "\U000f0523";
public static readonly string TooltipEdit = "\U000f0524";
public static readonly string TooltipImage = "\U000f0525";
public static readonly string TooltipOutline = "\U000f0526";
public static readonly string TooltipPlusOutline = "\U000f0527";
public static readonly string TooltipText = "\U000f0528";
public static readonly string ToothOutline = "\U000f0529";
public static readonly string CloudRefresh = "\U000f052a";
public static readonly string TrafficLight = "\U000f052b";
public static readonly string Train = "\U000f052c";
public static readonly string Tram = "\U000f052d";
public static readonly string Transcribe = "\U000f052e";
public static readonly string TranscribeClose = "\U000f052f";
public static readonly string TransferRight = "\U000f0530";
public static readonly string Tree = "\U000f0531";
public static readonly string Trello = "\U000f0532";
public static readonly string TrendingDown = "\U000f0533";
public static readonly string TrendingNeutral = "\U000f0534";
public static readonly string TrendingUp = "\U000f0535";
public static readonly string Triangle = "\U000f0536";
public static readonly string TriangleOutline = "\U000f0537";
public static readonly string Trophy = "\U000f0538";
public static readonly string TrophyAward = "\U000f0539";
public static readonly string TrophyOutline = "\U000f053a";
public static readonly string TrophyVariant = "\U000f053b";
public static readonly string TrophyVariantOutline = "\U000f053c";
public static readonly string Truck = "\U000f053d";
public static readonly string TruckDelivery = "\U000f053e";
public static readonly string TshirtCrewOutline = "\U000f053f";
public static readonly string TshirtVOutline = "\U000f0540";
public static readonly string FileRefreshOutline = "\U000f0541";
public static readonly string FolderRefreshOutline = "\U000f0542";
public static readonly string Twitch = "\U000f0543";
public static readonly string Twitter = "\U000f0544";
public static readonly string OrderNumericAscending = "\U000f0545";
public static readonly string OrderNumericDescending = "\U000f0546";
public static readonly string TwitterRetweet = "\U000f0547";
public static readonly string Ubuntu = "\U000f0548";
public static readonly string Umbraco = "\U000f0549";
public static readonly string Umbrella = "\U000f054a";
public static readonly string UmbrellaOutline = "\U000f054b";
public static readonly string Undo = "\U000f054c";
public static readonly string UndoVariant = "\U000f054d";
public static readonly string UnfoldLessHorizontal = "\U000f054e";
public static readonly string UnfoldMoreHorizontal = "\U000f054f";
public static readonly string Ungroup = "\U000f0550";
public static readonly string Untappd = "\U000f0551";
public static readonly string Upload = "\U000f0552";
public static readonly string Usb = "\U000f0553";
public static readonly string VectorArrangeAbove = "\U000f0554";
public static readonly string VectorArrangeBelow = "\U000f0555";
public static readonly string VectorCircle = "\U000f0556";
public static readonly string VectorCircleVariant = "\U000f0557";
public static readonly string VectorCombine = "\U000f0558";
public static readonly string VectorCurve = "\U000f0559";
public static readonly string VectorDifference = "\U000f055a";
public static readonly string VectorDifferenceAb = "\U000f055b";
public static readonly string VectorDifferenceBa = "\U000f055c";
public static readonly string VectorIntersection = "\U000f055d";
public static readonly string VectorLine = "\U000f055e";
public static readonly string VectorPoint = "\U000f055f";
public static readonly string VectorPolygon = "\U000f0560";
public static readonly string VectorPolyline = "\U000f0561";
public static readonly string VectorSelection = "\U000f0562";
public static readonly string VectorTriangle = "\U000f0563";
public static readonly string VectorUnion = "\U000f0564";
public static readonly string ShieldCheck = "\U000f0565";
public static readonly string Vibrate = "\U000f0566";
public static readonly string Video = "\U000f0567";
public static readonly string VideoOff = "\U000f0568";
public static readonly string VideoSwitch = "\U000f0569";
public static readonly string ViewAgenda = "\U000f056a";
public static readonly string ViewArray = "\U000f056b";
public static readonly string ViewCarousel = "\U000f056c";
public static readonly string ViewColumn = "\U000f056d";
public static readonly string ViewDashboard = "\U000f056e";
public static readonly string ViewDay = "\U000f056f";
public static readonly string ViewGrid = "\U000f0570";
public static readonly string ViewHeadline = "\U000f0571";
public static readonly string ViewList = "\U000f0572";
public static readonly string ViewModule = "\U000f0573";
public static readonly string ViewQuilt = "\U000f0574";
public static readonly string ViewStream = "\U000f0575";
public static readonly string ViewWeek = "\U000f0576";
public static readonly string Vimeo = "\U000f0577";
public static readonly string Buffet = "\U000f0578";
public static readonly string Vk = "\U000f0579";
public static readonly string CreditCardWirelessOff = "\U000f057a";
public static readonly string CreditCardWirelessOffOutline = "\U000f057b";
public static readonly string Vlc = "\U000f057c";
public static readonly string Voicemail = "\U000f057d";
public static readonly string VolumeHigh = "\U000f057e";
public static readonly string VolumeLow = "\U000f057f";
public static readonly string VolumeMedium = "\U000f0580";
public static readonly string VolumeOff = "\U000f0581";
public static readonly string Vpn = "\U000f0582";
public static readonly string Walk = "\U000f0583";
public static readonly string Wallet = "\U000f0584";
public static readonly string WalletGiftcard = "\U000f0585";
public static readonly string WalletMembership = "\U000f0586";
public static readonly string WalletTravel = "\U000f0587";
public static readonly string Wan = "\U000f0588";
public static readonly string Watch = "\U000f0589";
public static readonly string WatchExport = "\U000f058a";
public static readonly string WatchImport = "\U000f058b";
public static readonly string Water = "\U000f058c";
public static readonly string WaterOff = "\U000f058d";
public static readonly string WaterPercent = "\U000f058e";
public static readonly string WaterPump = "\U000f058f";
public static readonly string WeatherCloudy = "\U000f0590";
public static readonly string WeatherFog = "\U000f0591";
public static readonly string WeatherHail = "\U000f0592";
public static readonly string WeatherLightning = "\U000f0593";
public static readonly string WeatherNight = "\U000f0594";
public static readonly string WeatherPartlyCloudy = "\U000f0595";
public static readonly string WeatherPouring = "\U000f0596";
public static readonly string WeatherRainy = "\U000f0597";
public static readonly string WeatherSnowy = "\U000f0598";
public static readonly string WeatherSunny = "\U000f0599";
public static readonly string WeatherSunset = "\U000f059a";
public static readonly string WeatherSunsetDown = "\U000f059b";
public static readonly string WeatherSunsetUp = "\U000f059c";
public static readonly string WeatherWindy = "\U000f059d";
public static readonly string WeatherWindyVariant = "\U000f059e";
public static readonly string Web = "\U000f059f";
public static readonly string Webcam = "\U000f05a0";
public static readonly string Weight = "\U000f05a1";
public static readonly string WeightKilogram = "\U000f05a2";
public static readonly string Whatsapp = "\U000f05a3";
public static readonly string WheelchairAccessibility = "\U000f05a4";
public static readonly string WhiteBalanceAuto = "\U000f05a5";
public static readonly string WhiteBalanceIncandescent = "\U000f05a6";
public static readonly string WhiteBalanceIridescent = "\U000f05a7";
public static readonly string WhiteBalanceSunny = "\U000f05a8";
public static readonly string Wifi = "\U000f05a9";
public static readonly string WifiOff = "\U000f05aa";
public static readonly string NintendoWii = "\U000f05ab";
public static readonly string Wikipedia = "\U000f05ac";
public static readonly string WindowClose = "\U000f05ad";
public static readonly string WindowClosed = "\U000f05ae";
public static readonly string WindowMaximize = "\U000f05af";
public static readonly string WindowMinimize = "\U000f05b0";
public static readonly string WindowOpen = "\U000f05b1";
public static readonly string WindowRestore = "\U000f05b2";
public static readonly string MicrosoftWindows = "\U000f05b3";
public static readonly string Wordpress = "\U000f05b4";
public static readonly string AccountHardHat = "\U000f05b5";
public static readonly string Wrap = "\U000f05b6";
public static readonly string Wrench = "\U000f05b7";
public static readonly string ContactsOutline = "\U000f05b8";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXbox = "\U000f05b9";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxController = "\U000f05ba";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerOff = "\U000f05bb";
public static readonly string TableFurniture = "\U000f05bc";
public static readonly string SortAlphabeticalAscending = "\U000f05bd";
public static readonly string Xing = "\U000f05be";
public static readonly string SortAlphabeticalDescending = "\U000f05bf";
public static readonly string Xml = "\U000f05c0";
public static readonly string Yeast = "\U000f05c1";
public static readonly string DatabaseRefresh = "\U000f05c2";
public static readonly string Youtube = "\U000f05c3";
public static readonly string ZipBox = "\U000f05c4";
public static readonly string SurroundSound = "\U000f05c5";
public static readonly string VectorRectangle = "\U000f05c6";
public static readonly string PlaylistCheck = "\U000f05c7";
public static readonly string FormatLineStyle = "\U000f05c8";
public static readonly string FormatLineWeight = "\U000f05c9";
public static readonly string Translate = "\U000f05ca";
public static readonly string AccountVoice = "\U000f05cb";
public static readonly string Opacity = "\U000f05cc";
public static readonly string NearMe = "\U000f05cd";
public static readonly string ClockAlertOutline = "\U000f05ce";
public static readonly string HumanPregnant = "\U000f05cf";
public static readonly string StickerCircleOutline = "\U000f05d0";
public static readonly string ScaleBalance = "\U000f05d1";
public static readonly string CardAccountDetails = "\U000f05d2";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleMinus = "\U000f05d3";
public static readonly string AirplaneLanding = "\U000f05d4";
public static readonly string AirplaneTakeoff = "\U000f05d5";
public static readonly string AlertCircleOutline = "\U000f05d6";
public static readonly string Altimeter = "\U000f05d7";
public static readonly string Animation = "\U000f05d8";
public static readonly string BookMinus = "\U000f05d9";
public static readonly string BookOpenPageVariant = "\U000f05da";
public static readonly string BookPlus = "\U000f05db";
public static readonly string Boombox = "\U000f05dc";
public static readonly string Bullseye = "\U000f05dd";
public static readonly string CommentRemove = "\U000f05de";
public static readonly string CameraOff = "\U000f05df";
public static readonly string CheckCircle = "\U000f05e0";
public static readonly string CheckCircleOutline = "\U000f05e1";
public static readonly string Candle = "\U000f05e2";
public static readonly string ChartBubble = "\U000f05e3";
public static readonly string CreditCardOffOutline = "\U000f05e4";
public static readonly string CupOff = "\U000f05e5";
public static readonly string Copyright = "\U000f05e6";
public static readonly string CursorText = "\U000f05e7";
public static readonly string DeleteForever = "\U000f05e8";
public static readonly string DeleteSweep = "\U000f05e9";
public static readonly string DiceD20Outline = "\U000f05ea";
public static readonly string DiceD4Outline = "\U000f05eb";
public static readonly string DiceD8Outline = "\U000f05ec";
public static readonly string DiceD6Outline = "\U000f05ed";
public static readonly string Disc = "\U000f05ee";
public static readonly string EmailOpenOutline = "\U000f05ef";
public static readonly string EmailVariant = "\U000f05f0";
public static readonly string EvStation = "\U000f05f1";
public static readonly string FoodForkDrink = "\U000f05f2";
public static readonly string FoodOff = "\U000f05f3";
public static readonly string FormatTitle = "\U000f05f4";
public static readonly string GoogleMaps = "\U000f05f5";
public static readonly string HeartPulse = "\U000f05f6";
public static readonly string Highway = "\U000f05f7";
public static readonly string HomeMapMarker = "\U000f05f8";
public static readonly string Incognito = "\U000f05f9";
public static readonly string Kettle = "\U000f05fa";
public static readonly string LockPlus = "\U000f05fb";
public static readonly string LogoutVariant = "\U000f05fd";
public static readonly string MusicNoteBluetooth = "\U000f05fe";
public static readonly string MusicNoteBluetoothOff = "\U000f05ff";
public static readonly string PageFirst = "\U000f0600";
public static readonly string PageLast = "\U000f0601";
public static readonly string PhoneClassic = "\U000f0602";
public static readonly string PriorityHigh = "\U000f0603";
public static readonly string PriorityLow = "\U000f0604";
public static readonly string Qqchat = "\U000f0605";
public static readonly string Pool = "\U000f0606";
public static readonly string RoundedCorner = "\U000f0607";
public static readonly string Rowing = "\U000f0608";
public static readonly string Saxophone = "\U000f0609";
public static readonly string SignalVariant = "\U000f060a";
public static readonly string StackExchange = "\U000f060b";
public static readonly string SubdirectoryArrowLeft = "\U000f060c";
public static readonly string SubdirectoryArrowRight = "\U000f060d";
public static readonly string FormTextbox = "\U000f060e";
public static readonly string Violin = "\U000f060f";
public static readonly string MicrosoftVisualStudio = "\U000f0610";
public static readonly string Wechat = "\U000f0611";
public static readonly string Watermark = "\U000f0612";
public static readonly string FileHidden = "\U000f0613";
public static readonly string Application = "\U000f0614";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapse = "\U000f0615";
public static readonly string ArrowExpand = "\U000f0616";
public static readonly string BowlMix = "\U000f0617";
public static readonly string Bridge = "\U000f0618";
public static readonly string Buffer = "\U000f0619";
public static readonly string Chip = "\U000f061a";
public static readonly string ContentSaveSettings = "\U000f061b";
public static readonly string Dialpad = "\U000f061c";
public static readonly string BookAlphabet = "\U000f061d";
public static readonly string FormatHorizontalAlignCenter = "\U000f061e";
public static readonly string FormatHorizontalAlignLeft = "\U000f061f";
public static readonly string FormatHorizontalAlignRight = "\U000f0620";
public static readonly string FormatVerticalAlignBottom = "\U000f0621";
public static readonly string FormatVerticalAlignCenter = "\U000f0622";
public static readonly string FormatVerticalAlignTop = "\U000f0623";
public static readonly string YCombinator = "\U000f0624";
public static readonly string HelpCircleOutline = "\U000f0625";
public static readonly string CodeJson = "\U000f0626";
public static readonly string Lambda = "\U000f0627";
public static readonly string Matrix = "\U000f0628";
public static readonly string Meteor = "\U000f0629";
public static readonly string CloseCircleMultiple = "\U000f062a";
public static readonly string SigmaLower = "\U000f062b";
public static readonly string SourceBranch = "\U000f062c";
public static readonly string SourceMerge = "\U000f062d";
public static readonly string Tune = "\U000f062e";
public static readonly string Webhook = "\U000f062f";
public static readonly string AccountSettings = "\U000f0630";
public static readonly string AccountDetails = "\U000f0631";
public static readonly string AppleKeyboardCaps = "\U000f0632";
public static readonly string AppleKeyboardCommand = "\U000f0633";
public static readonly string AppleKeyboardControl = "\U000f0634";
public static readonly string AppleKeyboardOption = "\U000f0635";
public static readonly string AppleKeyboardShift = "\U000f0636";
public static readonly string BoxShadow = "\U000f0637";
public static readonly string Cards = "\U000f0638";
public static readonly string CardsOutline = "\U000f0639";
public static readonly string CardsPlayingOutline = "\U000f063a";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleBlankCircle = "\U000f063b";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleBlankCircleOutline = "\U000f063c";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleMarkedCircle = "\U000f063d";
public static readonly string CheckboxMultipleMarkedCircleOutline = "\U000f063e";
public static readonly string CloudSync = "\U000f063f";
public static readonly string Collage = "\U000f0640";
public static readonly string DirectionsFork = "\U000f0641";
public static readonly string EraserVariant = "\U000f0642";
public static readonly string Face = "\U000f0643";
public static readonly string FaceProfile = "\U000f0644";
public static readonly string FileTree = "\U000f0645";
public static readonly string FormatAnnotationPlus = "\U000f0646";
public static readonly string GasCylinder = "\U000f0647";
public static readonly string GreasePencil = "\U000f0648";
public static readonly string HumanFemale = "\U000f0649";
public static readonly string HumanGreeting = "\U000f064a";
public static readonly string HumanHandsdown = "\U000f064b";
public static readonly string HumanHandsup = "\U000f064c";
public static readonly string HumanMale = "\U000f064d";
public static readonly string InformationVariant = "\U000f064e";
public static readonly string LeadPencil = "\U000f064f";
public static readonly string MapMarkerMinus = "\U000f0650";
public static readonly string MapMarkerPlus = "\U000f0651";
public static readonly string Marker = "\U000f0652";
public static readonly string MessagePlus = "\U000f0653";
public static readonly string Microscope = "\U000f0654";
public static readonly string MoveResize = "\U000f0655";
public static readonly string MoveResizeVariant = "\U000f0656";
public static readonly string PawOff = "\U000f0657";
public static readonly string PhoneMinus = "\U000f0658";
public static readonly string PhonePlus = "\U000f0659";
public static readonly string PotSteam = "\U000f065a";
public static readonly string PotMix = "\U000f065b";
public static readonly string SerialPort = "\U000f065c";
public static readonly string ShapeCirclePlus = "\U000f065d";
public static readonly string ShapePolygonPlus = "\U000f065e";
public static readonly string ShapeRectanglePlus = "\U000f065f";
public static readonly string ShapeSquarePlus = "\U000f0660";
public static readonly string SkipNextCircle = "\U000f0661";
public static readonly string SkipNextCircleOutline = "\U000f0662";
public static readonly string SkipPreviousCircle = "\U000f0663";
public static readonly string SkipPreviousCircleOutline = "\U000f0664";
public static readonly string Spray = "\U000f0665";
public static readonly string StopCircle = "\U000f0666";
public static readonly string StopCircleOutline = "\U000f0667";
public static readonly string TestTube = "\U000f0668";
public static readonly string TextShadow = "\U000f0669";
public static readonly string TuneVertical = "\U000f066a";
public static readonly string CartOff = "\U000f066b";
public static readonly string ChartGantt = "\U000f066c";
public static readonly string ChartScatterPlotHexbin = "\U000f066d";
public static readonly string ChartTimeline = "\U000f066e";
public static readonly string Discord = "\U000f066f";
public static readonly string FileRestore = "\U000f0670";
public static readonly string LanguageC = "\U000f0671";
public static readonly string LanguageCpp = "\U000f0672";
public static readonly string LanguageXaml = "\U000f0673";
public static readonly string Creation = "\U000f0674";
public static readonly string Bandcamp = "\U000f0675";
public static readonly string CreditCardPlusOutline = "\U000f0676";
public static readonly string PotMixOutline = "\U000f0677";
public static readonly string BowTie = "\U000f0678";
public static readonly string CalendarRange = "\U000f0679";
public static readonly string CurrencyUsdOff = "\U000f067a";
public static readonly string FlashRedEye = "\U000f067b";
public static readonly string Oar = "\U000f067c";
public static readonly string Piano = "\U000f067d";
public static readonly string WeatherLightningRainy = "\U000f067e";
public static readonly string WeatherSnowyRainy = "\U000f067f";
public static readonly string YinYang = "\U000f0680";
public static readonly string TowerBeach = "\U000f0681";
public static readonly string TowerFire = "\U000f0682";
public static readonly string DeleteCircle = "\U000f0683";
public static readonly string Dna = "\U000f0684";
public static readonly string Hamburger = "\U000f0685";
public static readonly string Gondola = "\U000f0686";
public static readonly string Inbox = "\U000f0687";
public static readonly string ReorderHorizontal = "\U000f0688";
public static readonly string ReorderVertical = "\U000f0689";
public static readonly string ShieldHome = "\U000f068a";
public static readonly string TagHeart = "\U000f068b";
public static readonly string Skull = "\U000f068c";
public static readonly string Solid = "\U000f068d";
public static readonly string AlarmSnooze = "\U000f068e";
public static readonly string BabyCarriage = "\U000f068f";
public static readonly string BeakerOutline = "\U000f0690";
public static readonly string Bomb = "\U000f0691";
public static readonly string CalendarQuestion = "\U000f0692";
public static readonly string CameraBurst = "\U000f0693";
public static readonly string CodeTagsCheck = "\U000f0694";
public static readonly string CircleMultipleOutline = "\U000f0695";
public static readonly string CropRotate = "\U000f0696";
public static readonly string DeveloperBoard = "\U000f0697";
public static readonly string DoNotDisturb = "\U000f0698";
public static readonly string DoNotDisturbOff = "\U000f0699";
public static readonly string Douban = "\U000f069a";
public static readonly string EmoticonDeadOutline = "\U000f069b";
public static readonly string EmoticonExcitedOutline = "\U000f069c";
public static readonly string FolderStar = "\U000f069d";
public static readonly string FormatColorText = "\U000f069e";
public static readonly string FormatSection = "\U000f069f";
public static readonly string Gradient = "\U000f06a0";
public static readonly string HomeOutline = "\U000f06a1";
public static readonly string MessageBulleted = "\U000f06a2";
public static readonly string MessageBulletedOff = "\U000f06a3";
public static readonly string Nuke = "\U000f06a4";
public static readonly string PowerPlug = "\U000f06a5";
public static readonly string PowerPlugOff = "\U000f06a6";
public static readonly string Publish = "\U000f06a7";
public static readonly string CreditCardMarker = "\U000f06a8";
public static readonly string Robot = "\U000f06a9";
public static readonly string FormatRotate90 = "\U000f06aa";
public static readonly string Scanner = "\U000f06ab";
public static readonly string Subway = "\U000f06ac";
public static readonly string TimerSandEmpty = "\U000f06ad";
public static readonly string TransitTransfer = "\U000f06ae";
public static readonly string Unity = "\U000f06af";
public static readonly string Update = "\U000f06b0";
public static readonly string WatchVibrate = "\U000f06b1";
public static readonly string Angular = "\U000f06b2";
public static readonly string Dolby = "\U000f06b3";
public static readonly string Emby = "\U000f06b4";
public static readonly string Lamp = "\U000f06b5";
public static readonly string MenuDownOutline = "\U000f06b6";
public static readonly string MenuUpOutline = "\U000f06b7";
public static readonly string NoteMultiple = "\U000f06b8";
public static readonly string NoteMultipleOutline = "\U000f06b9";
public static readonly string Plex = "\U000f06ba";
public static readonly string ShieldAirplane = "\U000f06bb";
public static readonly string AccountEdit = "\U000f06bc";
public static readonly string AlertDecagram = "\U000f06bd";
public static readonly string AllInclusive = "\U000f06be";
public static readonly string Angularjs = "\U000f06bf";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBox = "\U000f06c0";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBox = "\U000f06c1";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBox = "\U000f06c2";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBox = "\U000f06c3";
public static readonly string Asterisk = "\U000f06c4";
public static readonly string BombOff = "\U000f06c5";
public static readonly string Bootstrap = "\U000f06c6";
public static readonly string CardsVariant = "\U000f06c7";
public static readonly string ClipboardFlow = "\U000f06c8";
public static readonly string CloseOutline = "\U000f06c9";
public static readonly string CoffeeOutline = "\U000f06ca";
public static readonly string Contacts = "\U000f06cb";
public static readonly string DeleteEmpty = "\U000f06cc";
public static readonly string EarthBox = "\U000f06cd";
public static readonly string EarthBoxOff = "\U000f06ce";
public static readonly string EmailAlert = "\U000f06cf";
public static readonly string EyeOutline = "\U000f06d0";
public static readonly string EyeOffOutline = "\U000f06d1";
public static readonly string FastForwardOutline = "\U000f06d2";
public static readonly string Feather = "\U000f06d3";
public static readonly string FindReplace = "\U000f06d4";
public static readonly string FlashOutline = "\U000f06d5";
public static readonly string FormatFont = "\U000f06d6";
public static readonly string FormatPageBreak = "\U000f06d7";
public static readonly string FormatPilcrow = "\U000f06d8";
public static readonly string Garage = "\U000f06d9";
public static readonly string GarageOpen = "\U000f06da";
public static readonly string CardAccountDetailsStarOutline = "\U000f06db";
public static readonly string GoogleKeep = "\U000f06dc";
public static readonly string GooglePhotos = "\U000f06dd";
public static readonly string HeartHalfFull = "\U000f06de";
public static readonly string HeartHalf = "\U000f06df";
public static readonly string HeartHalfOutline = "\U000f06e0";
public static readonly string HexagonMultiple = "\U000f06e1";
public static readonly string Hook = "\U000f06e2";
public static readonly string HookOff = "\U000f06e3";
public static readonly string Infinity = "\U000f06e4";
public static readonly string LanguageSwift = "\U000f06e5";
public static readonly string LanguageTypescript = "\U000f06e6";
public static readonly string LaptopOff = "\U000f06e7";
public static readonly string LightbulbOn = "\U000f06e8";
public static readonly string LightbulbOnOutline = "\U000f06e9";
public static readonly string LockPattern = "\U000f06ea";
public static readonly string FolderZip = "\U000f06eb";
public static readonly string MagnifyMinusOutline = "\U000f06ec";
public static readonly string MagnifyPlusOutline = "\U000f06ed";
public static readonly string Mailbox = "\U000f06ee";
public static readonly string MedicalBag = "\U000f06ef";
public static readonly string MessageSettings = "\U000f06f0";
public static readonly string MessageCog = "\U000f06f1";
public static readonly string MinusBoxOutline = "\U000f06f2";
public static readonly string Network = "\U000f06f3";
public static readonly string DownloadNetwork = "\U000f06f4";
public static readonly string HelpNetwork = "\U000f06f5";
public static readonly string UploadNetwork = "\U000f06f6";
public static readonly string Npm = "\U000f06f7";
public static readonly string Nut = "\U000f06f8";
public static readonly string Octagram = "\U000f06f9";
public static readonly string PageLayoutBody = "\U000f06fa";
public static readonly string PageLayoutFooter = "\U000f06fb";
public static readonly string PageLayoutHeader = "\U000f06fc";
public static readonly string PageLayoutSidebarLeft = "\U000f06fd";
public static readonly string PageLayoutSidebarRight = "\U000f06fe";
public static readonly string PencilCircle = "\U000f06ff";
public static readonly string PentagonOutline = "\U000f0700";
public static readonly string Pentagon = "\U000f0701";
public static readonly string Pillar = "\U000f0702";
public static readonly string Pistol = "\U000f0703";
public static readonly string PlusBoxOutline = "\U000f0704";
public static readonly string PlusOutline = "\U000f0705";
public static readonly string Prescription = "\U000f0706";
public static readonly string PrinterSettings = "\U000f0707";
public static readonly string React = "\U000f0708";
public static readonly string Restart = "\U000f0709";
public static readonly string RewindOutline = "\U000f070a";
public static readonly string Rhombus = "\U000f070b";
public static readonly string RhombusOutline = "\U000f070c";
public static readonly string RobotVacuum = "\U000f070d";
public static readonly string Run = "\U000f070e";
public static readonly string SearchWeb = "\U000f070f";
public static readonly string Shovel = "\U000f0710";
public static readonly string ShovelOff = "\U000f0711";
public static readonly string Signal2g = "\U000f0712";
public static readonly string Signal3g = "\U000f0713";
public static readonly string Signal4g = "\U000f0714";
public static readonly string SignalHspa = "\U000f0715";
public static readonly string SignalHspaPlus = "\U000f0716";
public static readonly string Snowflake = "\U000f0717";
public static readonly string SourceCommit = "\U000f0718";
public static readonly string SourceCommitEnd = "\U000f0719";
public static readonly string SourceCommitEndLocal = "\U000f071a";
public static readonly string SourceCommitLocal = "\U000f071b";
public static readonly string SourceCommitNextLocal = "\U000f071c";
public static readonly string SourceCommitStart = "\U000f071d";
public static readonly string SourceCommitStartNextLocal = "\U000f071e";
public static readonly string SpeakerWireless = "\U000f071f";
public static readonly string StadiumVariant = "\U000f0720";
public static readonly string Svg = "\U000f0721";
public static readonly string TagPlus = "\U000f0722";
public static readonly string TagRemove = "\U000f0723";
public static readonly string TicketPercent = "\U000f0724";
public static readonly string Tilde = "\U000f0725";
public static readonly string TreasureChest = "\U000f0726";
public static readonly string TruckTrailer = "\U000f0727";
public static readonly string ViewParallel = "\U000f0728";
public static readonly string ViewSequential = "\U000f0729";
public static readonly string WashingMachine = "\U000f072a";
public static readonly string Webpack = "\U000f072b";
public static readonly string Widgets = "\U000f072c";
public static readonly string NintendoWiiu = "\U000f072d";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBold = "\U000f072e";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBoldBox = "\U000f072f";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBoldBoxOutline = "\U000f0730";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBold = "\U000f0731";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBoldBox = "\U000f0732";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBoldBoxOutline = "\U000f0733";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBold = "\U000f0734";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBoldBox = "\U000f0735";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBoldBoxOutline = "\U000f0736";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBold = "\U000f0737";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBoldBox = "\U000f0738";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBoldBoxOutline = "\U000f0739";
public static readonly string Cancel = "\U000f073a";
public static readonly string FileAccount = "\U000f073b";
public static readonly string GestureDoubleTap = "\U000f073c";
public static readonly string GestureSwipeDown = "\U000f073d";
public static readonly string GestureSwipeLeft = "\U000f073e";
public static readonly string GestureSwipeRight = "\U000f073f";
public static readonly string GestureSwipeUp = "\U000f0740";
public static readonly string GestureTap = "\U000f0741";
public static readonly string GestureTwoDoubleTap = "\U000f0742";
public static readonly string GestureTwoTap = "\U000f0743";
public static readonly string HumbleBundle = "\U000f0744";
public static readonly string Kickstarter = "\U000f0745";
public static readonly string Netflix = "\U000f0746";
public static readonly string MicrosoftOnenote = "\U000f0747";
public static readonly string WallSconceRound = "\U000f0748";
public static readonly string FolderRefresh = "\U000f0749";
public static readonly string VectorRadius = "\U000f074a";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryAlert = "\U000f074b";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryEmpty = "\U000f074c";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryFull = "\U000f074d";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryLow = "\U000f074e";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryMedium = "\U000f074f";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryUnknown = "\U000f0750";
public static readonly string ClipboardPlus = "\U000f0751";
public static readonly string FilePlus = "\U000f0752";
public static readonly string FormatAlignBottom = "\U000f0753";
public static readonly string FormatAlignMiddle = "\U000f0754";
public static readonly string FormatAlignTop = "\U000f0755";
public static readonly string FormatListChecks = "\U000f0756";
public static readonly string FormatQuoteOpen = "\U000f0757";
public static readonly string GridLarge = "\U000f0758";
public static readonly string HeartOff = "\U000f0759";
public static readonly string Music = "\U000f075a";
public static readonly string MusicOff = "\U000f075b";
public static readonly string TabPlus = "\U000f075c";
public static readonly string VolumePlus = "\U000f075d";
public static readonly string VolumeMinus = "\U000f075e";
public static readonly string VolumeMute = "\U000f075f";
public static readonly string UnfoldLessVertical = "\U000f0760";
public static readonly string UnfoldMoreVertical = "\U000f0761";
public static readonly string Taco = "\U000f0762";
public static readonly string SquareOutline = "\U000f0763";
public static readonly string Square = "\U000f0764";
public static readonly string AlertOctagram = "\U000f0767";
public static readonly string Atom = "\U000f0768";
public static readonly string CeilingLight = "\U000f0769";
public static readonly string ChartBarStacked = "\U000f076a";
public static readonly string ChartLineStacked = "\U000f076b";
public static readonly string Decagram = "\U000f076c";
public static readonly string DecagramOutline = "\U000f076d";
public static readonly string DiceMultiple = "\U000f076e";
public static readonly string DiceD10Outline = "\U000f076f";
public static readonly string FolderOpen = "\U000f0770";
public static readonly string GuitarAcoustic = "\U000f0771";
public static readonly string Loading = "\U000f0772";
public static readonly string LockReset = "\U000f0773";
public static readonly string Ninja = "\U000f0774";
public static readonly string OctagramOutline = "\U000f0775";
public static readonly string PencilCircleOutline = "\U000f0776";
public static readonly string SelectionOff = "\U000f0777";
public static readonly string SetAll = "\U000f0778";
public static readonly string SetCenter = "\U000f0779";
public static readonly string SetCenterRight = "\U000f077a";
public static readonly string SetLeft = "\U000f077b";
public static readonly string SetLeftCenter = "\U000f077c";
public static readonly string SetLeftRight = "\U000f077d";
public static readonly string SetNone = "\U000f077e";
public static readonly string SetRight = "\U000f077f";
public static readonly string ShieldHalfFull = "\U000f0780";
public static readonly string SignDirection = "\U000f0781";
public static readonly string SignText = "\U000f0782";
public static readonly string SignalOff = "\U000f0783";
public static readonly string SquareRoot = "\U000f0784";
public static readonly string StickerEmoji = "\U000f0785";
public static readonly string Summit = "\U000f0786";
public static readonly string SwordCross = "\U000f0787";
public static readonly string TruckFast = "\U000f0788";
public static readonly string MicrosoftYammer = "\U000f0789";
public static readonly string CastOff = "\U000f078a";
public static readonly string HelpBox = "\U000f078b";
public static readonly string TimerSandFull = "\U000f078c";
public static readonly string Waves = "\U000f078d";
public static readonly string AlarmBell = "\U000f078e";
public static readonly string AlarmLight = "\U000f078f";
public static readonly string VideoSwitchOutline = "\U000f0790";
public static readonly string CheckDecagram = "\U000f0791";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseDown = "\U000f0792";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseLeft = "\U000f0793";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseRight = "\U000f0794";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseUp = "\U000f0795";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandDown = "\U000f0796";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandLeft = "\U000f0797";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandRight = "\U000f0798";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandUp = "\U000f0799";
public static readonly string BookLock = "\U000f079a";
public static readonly string BookLockOpen = "\U000f079b";
public static readonly string BusArticulatedEnd = "\U000f079c";
public static readonly string BusArticulatedFront = "\U000f079d";
public static readonly string BusDoubleDecker = "\U000f079e";
public static readonly string BusSchool = "\U000f079f";
public static readonly string BusSide = "\U000f07a0";
public static readonly string CameraGopro = "\U000f07a1";
public static readonly string CameraMeteringCenter = "\U000f07a2";
public static readonly string CameraMeteringMatrix = "\U000f07a3";
public static readonly string CameraMeteringPartial = "\U000f07a4";
public static readonly string CameraMeteringSpot = "\U000f07a5";
public static readonly string Cannabis = "\U000f07a6";
public static readonly string CarConvertible = "\U000f07a7";
public static readonly string CarEstate = "\U000f07a8";
public static readonly string CarHatchback = "\U000f07a9";
public static readonly string CarPickup = "\U000f07aa";
public static readonly string CarSide = "\U000f07ab";
public static readonly string CarSports = "\U000f07ac";
public static readonly string Caravan = "\U000f07ad";
public static readonly string Cctv = "\U000f07ae";
public static readonly string ChartDonut = "\U000f07af";
public static readonly string ChartDonutVariant = "\U000f07b0";
public static readonly string ChartLineVariant = "\U000f07b1";
public static readonly string ChiliHot = "\U000f07b2";
public static readonly string ChiliMedium = "\U000f07b3";
public static readonly string ChiliMild = "\U000f07b4";
public static readonly string CloudBraces = "\U000f07b5";
public static readonly string CloudTags = "\U000f07b6";
public static readonly string ConsoleLine = "\U000f07b7";
public static readonly string Corn = "\U000f07b8";
public static readonly string FolderZipOutline = "\U000f07b9";
public static readonly string CurrencyCny = "\U000f07ba";
public static readonly string CurrencyEth = "\U000f07bb";
public static readonly string CurrencyKrw = "\U000f07bd";
public static readonly string CurrencySign = "\U000f07be";
public static readonly string CurrencyTwd = "\U000f07bf";
public static readonly string DesktopClassic = "\U000f07c0";
public static readonly string DipSwitch = "\U000f07c1";
public static readonly string Donkey = "\U000f07c2";
public static readonly string DotsHorizontalCircle = "\U000f07c3";
public static readonly string DotsVerticalCircle = "\U000f07c4";
public static readonly string EarHearing = "\U000f07c5";
public static readonly string Elephant = "\U000f07c6";
public static readonly string Storefront = "\U000f07c7";
public static readonly string FoodCroissant = "\U000f07c8";
public static readonly string Forklift = "\U000f07c9";
public static readonly string Fuel = "\U000f07ca";
public static readonly string Gesture = "\U000f07cb";
public static readonly string GoogleAnalytics = "\U000f07cc";
public static readonly string GoogleAssistant = "\U000f07cd";
public static readonly string HeadphonesOff = "\U000f07ce";
public static readonly string HighDefinition = "\U000f07cf";
public static readonly string HomeAssistant = "\U000f07d0";
public static readonly string HomeAutomation = "\U000f07d1";
public static readonly string HomeCircle = "\U000f07d2";
public static readonly string LanguageGo = "\U000f07d3";
public static readonly string LanguageR = "\U000f07d4";
public static readonly string LavaLamp = "\U000f07d5";
public static readonly string LedStrip = "\U000f07d6";
public static readonly string Locker = "\U000f07d7";
public static readonly string LockerMultiple = "\U000f07d8";
public static readonly string MapMarkerOutline = "\U000f07d9";
public static readonly string Metronome = "\U000f07da";
public static readonly string MetronomeTick = "\U000f07db";
public static readonly string MicroSd = "\U000f07dc";
public static readonly string FacebookGaming = "\U000f07dd";
public static readonly string MovieRoll = "\U000f07de";
public static readonly string Mushroom = "\U000f07df";
public static readonly string MushroomOutline = "\U000f07e0";
public static readonly string NintendoSwitch = "\U000f07e1";
public static readonly string Null = "\U000f07e2";
public static readonly string Passport = "\U000f07e3";
public static readonly string MoleculeCo2 = "\U000f07e4";
public static readonly string Pipe = "\U000f07e5";
public static readonly string PipeDisconnected = "\U000f07e6";
public static readonly string PowerSocketEu = "\U000f07e7";
public static readonly string PowerSocketUk = "\U000f07e8";
public static readonly string PowerSocketUs = "\U000f07e9";
public static readonly string Rice = "\U000f07ea";
public static readonly string Ring = "\U000f07eb";
public static readonly string Sass = "\U000f07ec";
public static readonly string SendLock = "\U000f07ed";
public static readonly string SoySauce = "\U000f07ee";
public static readonly string StandardDefinition = "\U000f07ef";
public static readonly string SurroundSound20 = "\U000f07f0";
public static readonly string SurroundSound31 = "\U000f07f1";
public static readonly string SurroundSound51 = "\U000f07f2";
public static readonly string SurroundSound71 = "\U000f07f3";
public static readonly string TelevisionClassic = "\U000f07f4";
public static readonly string FormTextboxPassword = "\U000f07f5";
public static readonly string ThoughtBubble = "\U000f07f6";
public static readonly string ThoughtBubbleOutline = "\U000f07f7";
public static readonly string Trackpad = "\U000f07f8";
public static readonly string UltraHighDefinition = "\U000f07f9";
public static readonly string VanPassenger = "\U000f07fa";
public static readonly string VanUtility = "\U000f07fb";
public static readonly string Vanish = "\U000f07fc";
public static readonly string Video3d = "\U000f07fd";
public static readonly string Wall = "\U000f07fe";
public static readonly string Xmpp = "\U000f07ff";
public static readonly string AccountMultiplePlusOutline = "\U000f0800";
public static readonly string AccountPlusOutline = "\U000f0801";
public static readonly string CreditCardWireless = "\U000f0802";
public static readonly string AccountMusic = "\U000f0803";
public static readonly string Atlassian = "\U000f0804";
public static readonly string MicrosoftAzure = "\U000f0805";
public static readonly string Basketball = "\U000f0806";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless = "\U000f0807";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless10 = "\U000f0808";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless20 = "\U000f0809";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless30 = "\U000f080a";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless40 = "\U000f080b";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless50 = "\U000f080c";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless60 = "\U000f080d";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless70 = "\U000f080e";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless80 = "\U000f080f";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWireless90 = "\U000f0810";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWirelessAlert = "\U000f0811";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingWirelessOutline = "\U000f0812";
public static readonly string Bitcoin = "\U000f0813";
public static readonly string BriefcaseOutline = "\U000f0814";
public static readonly string CellphoneWireless = "\U000f0815";
public static readonly string Clover = "\U000f0816";
public static readonly string CommentQuestion = "\U000f0817";
public static readonly string ContentSaveOutline = "\U000f0818";
public static readonly string DeleteRestore = "\U000f0819";
public static readonly string Door = "\U000f081a";
public static readonly string DoorClosed = "\U000f081b";
public static readonly string DoorOpen = "\U000f081c";
public static readonly string FanOff = "\U000f081d";
public static readonly string FilePercent = "\U000f081e";
public static readonly string Finance = "\U000f081f";
public static readonly string FlashCircle = "\U000f0820";
public static readonly string FloorPlan = "\U000f0821";
public static readonly string ForumOutline = "\U000f0822";
public static readonly string Golf = "\U000f0823";
public static readonly string GoogleHome = "\U000f0824";
public static readonly string GuyFawkesMask = "\U000f0825";
public static readonly string HomeAccount = "\U000f0826";
public static readonly string HomeHeart = "\U000f0827";
public static readonly string HotTub = "\U000f0828";
public static readonly string Hulu = "\U000f0829";
public static readonly string IceCream = "\U000f082a";
public static readonly string ImageOff = "\U000f082b";
public static readonly string Karate = "\U000f082c";
public static readonly string Ladybug = "\U000f082d";
public static readonly string Notebook = "\U000f082e";
public static readonly string PhoneReturn = "\U000f082f";
public static readonly string PokerChip = "\U000f0830";
public static readonly string Shape = "\U000f0831";
public static readonly string ShapeOutline = "\U000f0832";
public static readonly string ShipWheel = "\U000f0833";
public static readonly string SoccerField = "\U000f0834";
public static readonly string TableColumn = "\U000f0835";
public static readonly string TableOfContents = "\U000f0836";
public static readonly string TableRow = "\U000f0837";
public static readonly string TableSettings = "\U000f0838";
public static readonly string TelevisionBox = "\U000f0839";
public static readonly string TelevisionClassicOff = "\U000f083a";
public static readonly string TelevisionOff = "\U000f083b";
public static readonly string TowTruck = "\U000f083c";
public static readonly string UploadMultiple = "\U000f083d";
public static readonly string Video4kBox = "\U000f083e";
public static readonly string VideoInputAntenna = "\U000f083f";
public static readonly string VideoInputComponent = "\U000f0840";
public static readonly string VideoInputHdmi = "\U000f0841";
public static readonly string VideoInputSvideo = "\U000f0842";
public static readonly string ViewDashboardVariant = "\U000f0843";
public static readonly string Vuejs = "\U000f0844";
public static readonly string Xamarin = "\U000f0845";
public static readonly string XamarinOutline = "\U000f0846";
public static readonly string YoutubeStudio = "\U000f0847";
public static readonly string YoutubeGaming = "\U000f0848";
public static readonly string AccountGroup = "\U000f0849";
public static readonly string CameraSwitchOutline = "\U000f084a";
public static readonly string Airport = "\U000f084b";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseHorizontal = "\U000f084c";
public static readonly string ArrowCollapseVertical = "\U000f084d";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandHorizontal = "\U000f084e";
public static readonly string ArrowExpandVertical = "\U000f084f";
public static readonly string AugmentedReality = "\U000f0850";
public static readonly string Badminton = "\U000f0851";
public static readonly string Baseball = "\U000f0852";
public static readonly string BaseballBat = "\U000f0853";
public static readonly string BottleWine = "\U000f0854";
public static readonly string CheckOutline = "\U000f0855";
public static readonly string CheckboxIntermediate = "\U000f0856";
public static readonly string ChessKing = "\U000f0857";
public static readonly string ChessKnight = "\U000f0858";
public static readonly string ChessPawn = "\U000f0859";
public static readonly string ChessQueen = "\U000f085a";
public static readonly string ChessRook = "\U000f085b";
public static readonly string ChessBishop = "\U000f085c";
public static readonly string ClipboardPulse = "\U000f085d";
public static readonly string ClipboardPulseOutline = "\U000f085e";
public static readonly string CommentMultiple = "\U000f085f";
public static readonly string CommentTextMultiple = "\U000f0860";
public static readonly string CommentTextMultipleOutline = "\U000f0861";
public static readonly string Crane = "\U000f0862";
public static readonly string Curling = "\U000f0863";
public static readonly string CurrencyBdt = "\U000f0864";
public static readonly string CurrencyKzt = "\U000f0865";
public static readonly string DatabaseSearch = "\U000f0866";
public static readonly string DiceD12Outline = "\U000f0867";
public static readonly string Docker = "\U000f0868";
public static readonly string DoorbellVideo = "\U000f0869";
public static readonly string Ethereum = "\U000f086a";
public static readonly string EyePlus = "\U000f086b";
public static readonly string EyePlusOutline = "\U000f086c";
public static readonly string EyeSettings = "\U000f086d";
public static readonly string EyeSettingsOutline = "\U000f086e";
public static readonly string FileQuestion = "\U000f086f";
public static readonly string FolderNetwork = "\U000f0870";
public static readonly string FunctionVariant = "\U000f0871";
public static readonly string GarageAlert = "\U000f0872";
public static readonly string GaugeEmpty = "\U000f0873";
public static readonly string GaugeFull = "\U000f0874";
public static readonly string GaugeLow = "\U000f0875";
public static readonly string GlassWine = "\U000f0876";
public static readonly string Graphql = "\U000f0877";
public static readonly string HighDefinitionBox = "\U000f0878";
public static readonly string HockeyPuck = "\U000f0879";
public static readonly string HockeySticks = "\U000f087a";
public static readonly string HomeAlert = "\U000f087b";
public static readonly string ImagePlus = "\U000f087c";
public static readonly string Jquery = "\U000f087d";
public static readonly string Lifebuoy = "\U000f087e";
public static readonly string MixedReality = "\U000f087f";
public static readonly string Nativescript = "\U000f0880";
public static readonly string Onepassword = "\U000f0881";
public static readonly string Patreon = "\U000f0882";
public static readonly string CloseCircleMultipleOutline = "\U000f0883";
public static readonly string Peace = "\U000f0884";
public static readonly string PhoneRotateLandscape = "\U000f0885";
public static readonly string PhoneRotatePortrait = "\U000f0886";
public static readonly string Pier = "\U000f0887";
public static readonly string PierCrane = "\U000f0888";
public static readonly string PipeLeak = "\U000f0889";
public static readonly string Piston = "\U000f088a";
public static readonly string PlayNetwork = "\U000f088b";
public static readonly string Reminder = "\U000f088c";
public static readonly string RoomService = "\U000f088d";
public static readonly string Salesforce = "\U000f088e";
public static readonly string ShieldAccount = "\U000f088f";
public static readonly string Teach = "\U000f0890";
public static readonly string ThermostatBox = "\U000f0891";
public static readonly string Tractor = "\U000f0892";
public static readonly string VectorEllipse = "\U000f0893";
public static readonly string VirtualReality = "\U000f0894";
public static readonly string WatchExportVariant = "\U000f0895";
public static readonly string WatchImportVariant = "\U000f0896";
public static readonly string WatchVariant = "\U000f0897";
public static readonly string WeatherHurricane = "\U000f0898";
public static readonly string AccountHeart = "\U000f0899";
public static readonly string Alien = "\U000f089a";
public static readonly string Anvil = "\U000f089b";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging10 = "\U000f089c";
public static readonly string BatteryCharging70 = "\U000f089e";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingOutline = "\U000f089f";
public static readonly string BedEmpty = "\U000f08a0";
public static readonly string BorderAllVariant = "\U000f08a1";
public static readonly string BorderBottomVariant = "\U000f08a2";
public static readonly string BorderLeftVariant = "\U000f08a3";
public static readonly string BorderNoneVariant = "\U000f08a4";
public static readonly string BorderRightVariant = "\U000f08a5";
public static readonly string BorderTopVariant = "\U000f08a6";
public static readonly string CalendarEdit = "\U000f08a7";
public static readonly string ClipboardCheckOutline = "\U000f08a8";
public static readonly string ConsoleNetwork = "\U000f08a9";
public static readonly string FileCompare = "\U000f08aa";
public static readonly string FireTruck = "\U000f08ab";
public static readonly string FolderKey = "\U000f08ac";
public static readonly string FolderKeyNetwork = "\U000f08ad";
public static readonly string ExpansionCard = "\U000f08ae";
public static readonly string HomeCurrencyUsd = "\U000f08af";
public static readonly string InboxMultiple = "\U000f08b0";
public static readonly string LanguageLua = "\U000f08b1";
public static readonly string LockSmart = "\U000f08b2";
public static readonly string MicrophoneMinus = "\U000f08b3";
public static readonly string MicrophonePlus = "\U000f08b4";
public static readonly string PaletteSwatch = "\U000f08b5";
public static readonly string PeriodicTable = "\U000f08b6";
public static readonly string Pickaxe = "\U000f08b7";
public static readonly string QrcodeEdit = "\U000f08b8";
public static readonly string RemoteDesktop = "\U000f08b9";
public static readonly string Sausage = "\U000f08ba";
public static readonly string CogOutline = "\U000f08bb";
public static readonly string SignalCellular1 = "\U000f08bc";
public static readonly string SignalCellular2 = "\U000f08bd";
public static readonly string SignalCellular3 = "\U000f08be";
public static readonly string SignalCellularOutline = "\U000f08bf";
public static readonly string Ssh = "\U000f08c0";
public static readonly string SwapHorizontalVariant = "\U000f08c1";
public static readonly string SwapVerticalVariant = "\U000f08c2";
public static readonly string Tooth = "\U000f08c3";
public static readonly string TrainVariant = "\U000f08c4";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleCheck = "\U000f08c5";
public static readonly string AmazonAlexa = "\U000f08c6";
public static readonly string Arch = "\U000f08c7";
public static readonly string Axe = "\U000f08c8";
public static readonly string BullseyeArrow = "\U000f08c9";
public static readonly string BusClock = "\U000f08ca";
public static readonly string CameraAccount = "\U000f08cb";
public static readonly string CameraImage = "\U000f08cc";
public static readonly string CarLimousine = "\U000f08cd";
public static readonly string CardsClub = "\U000f08ce";
public static readonly string CardsDiamond = "\U000f08cf";
public static readonly string CardsSpade = "\U000f08d1";
public static readonly string CellphoneText = "\U000f08d2";
public static readonly string CellphoneMessage = "\U000f08d3";
public static readonly string ChartMultiline = "\U000f08d4";
public static readonly string CircleEditOutline = "\U000f08d5";
public static readonly string Cogs = "\U000f08d6";
public static readonly string CreditCardSettingsOutline = "\U000f08d7";
public static readonly string DeathStar = "\U000f08d8";
public static readonly string DeathStarVariant = "\U000f08d9";
public static readonly string Debian = "\U000f08da";
public static readonly string Fedora = "\U000f08db";
public static readonly string FileUndo = "\U000f08dc";
public static readonly string FloorLamp = "\U000f08dd";
public static readonly string FolderEdit = "\U000f08de";
public static readonly string FormatColumns = "\U000f08df";
public static readonly string Freebsd = "\U000f08e0";
public static readonly string GateAnd = "\U000f08e1";
public static readonly string GateNand = "\U000f08e2";
public static readonly string GateNor = "\U000f08e3";
public static readonly string GateNot = "\U000f08e4";
public static readonly string GateOr = "\U000f08e5";
public static readonly string GateXnor = "\U000f08e6";
public static readonly string GateXor = "\U000f08e7";
public static readonly string Gentoo = "\U000f08e8";
public static readonly string GlobeModel = "\U000f08e9";
public static readonly string Hammer = "\U000f08ea";
public static readonly string HomeLock = "\U000f08eb";
public static readonly string HomeLockOpen = "\U000f08ec";
public static readonly string LinuxMint = "\U000f08ed";
public static readonly string LockAlert = "\U000f08ee";
public static readonly string LockQuestion = "\U000f08ef";
public static readonly string MapMarkerDistance = "\U000f08f0";
public static readonly string Midi = "\U000f08f1";
public static readonly string MidiPort = "\U000f08f2";
public static readonly string Nas = "\U000f08f3";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength1 = "\U000f08f4";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength1Alert = "\U000f08f5";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength2 = "\U000f08f6";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength2Alert = "\U000f08f7";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength3 = "\U000f08f8";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength3Alert = "\U000f08f9";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength4 = "\U000f08fa";
public static readonly string NetworkStrength4Alert = "\U000f08fb";
public static readonly string NetworkStrengthOff = "\U000f08fc";
public static readonly string NetworkStrengthOffOutline = "\U000f08fd";
public static readonly string NetworkStrengthOutline = "\U000f08fe";
public static readonly string PlaySpeed = "\U000f08ff";
public static readonly string PlaylistEdit = "\U000f0900";
public static readonly string PowerCycle = "\U000f0901";
public static readonly string PowerOff = "\U000f0902";
public static readonly string PowerOn = "\U000f0903";
public static readonly string PowerSleep = "\U000f0904";
public static readonly string PowerSocketAu = "\U000f0905";
public static readonly string PowerStandby = "\U000f0906";
public static readonly string Rabbit = "\U000f0907";
public static readonly string RobotVacuumVariant = "\U000f0908";
public static readonly string SatelliteUplink = "\U000f0909";
public static readonly string ScannerOff = "\U000f090a";
public static readonly string BookMinusMultipleOutline = "\U000f090b";
public static readonly string SquareEditOutline = "\U000f090c";
public static readonly string SortNumericAscendingVariant = "\U000f090d";
public static readonly string SteeringOff = "\U000f090e";
public static readonly string TableSearch = "\U000f090f";
public static readonly string TagMinus = "\U000f0910";
public static readonly string TestTubeEmpty = "\U000f0911";
public static readonly string TestTubeOff = "\U000f0912";
public static readonly string TicketOutline = "\U000f0913";
public static readonly string TrackLight = "\U000f0914";
public static readonly string Transition = "\U000f0915";
public static readonly string TransitionMasked = "\U000f0916";
public static readonly string TumbleDryer = "\U000f0917";
public static readonly string FileRefresh = "\U000f0918";
public static readonly string VideoAccount = "\U000f0919";
public static readonly string VideoImage = "\U000f091a";
public static readonly string VideoStabilization = "\U000f091b";
public static readonly string WallSconce = "\U000f091c";
public static readonly string WallSconceFlat = "\U000f091d";
public static readonly string WallSconceRoundVariant = "\U000f091e";
public static readonly string WifiStrength1 = "\U000f091f";
public static readonly string WifiStrength1Alert = "\U000f0920";
public static readonly string WifiStrength1Lock = "\U000f0921";
public static readonly string WifiStrength2 = "\U000f0922";
public static readonly string WifiStrength2Alert = "\U000f0923";
public static readonly string WifiStrength2Lock = "\U000f0924";
public static readonly string WifiStrength3 = "\U000f0925";
public static readonly string WifiStrength3Alert = "\U000f0926";
public static readonly string WifiStrength3Lock = "\U000f0927";
public static readonly string WifiStrength4 = "\U000f0928";
public static readonly string WifiStrength4Alert = "\U000f0929";
public static readonly string WifiStrength4Lock = "\U000f092a";
public static readonly string WifiStrengthAlertOutline = "\U000f092b";
public static readonly string WifiStrengthLockOutline = "\U000f092c";
public static readonly string WifiStrengthOff = "\U000f092d";
public static readonly string WifiStrengthOffOutline = "\U000f092e";
public static readonly string WifiStrengthOutline = "\U000f092f";
public static readonly string PinOffOutline = "\U000f0930";
public static readonly string PinOutline = "\U000f0931";
public static readonly string ShareOutline = "\U000f0932";
public static readonly string TrackpadLock = "\U000f0933";
public static readonly string AccountBoxMultiple = "\U000f0934";
public static readonly string AccountSearchOutline = "\U000f0935";
public static readonly string Adobe = "\U000f0936";
public static readonly string AngleAcute = "\U000f0937";
public static readonly string AngleObtuse = "\U000f0938";
public static readonly string AngleRight = "\U000f0939";
public static readonly string AnimationPlay = "\U000f093a";
public static readonly string ArrowSplitHorizontal = "\U000f093b";
public static readonly string ArrowSplitVertical = "\U000f093c";
public static readonly string AudioVideo = "\U000f093d";
public static readonly string Battery10Bluetooth = "\U000f093e";
public static readonly string Battery20Bluetooth = "\U000f093f";
public static readonly string Battery30Bluetooth = "\U000f0940";
public static readonly string Battery40Bluetooth = "\U000f0941";
public static readonly string Battery50Bluetooth = "\U000f0942";
public static readonly string Battery60Bluetooth = "\U000f0943";
public static readonly string Battery70Bluetooth = "\U000f0944";
public static readonly string Battery80Bluetooth = "\U000f0945";
public static readonly string Battery90Bluetooth = "\U000f0946";
public static readonly string BatteryAlertBluetooth = "\U000f0947";
public static readonly string BatteryBluetooth = "\U000f0948";
public static readonly string BatteryBluetoothVariant = "\U000f0949";
public static readonly string BatteryUnknownBluetooth = "\U000f094a";
public static readonly string Buddhism = "\U000f094b";
public static readonly string CalendarSearch = "\U000f094c";
public static readonly string CellphoneErase = "\U000f094d";
public static readonly string CellphoneKey = "\U000f094e";
public static readonly string CellphoneLock = "\U000f094f";
public static readonly string CellphoneOff = "\U000f0950";
public static readonly string CellphoneCog = "\U000f0951";
public static readonly string CellphoneSound = "\U000f0952";
public static readonly string Christianity = "\U000f0953";
public static readonly string Clock = "\U000f0954";
public static readonly string ClockAlert = "\U000f0955";
public static readonly string CloudSearch = "\U000f0956";
public static readonly string CloudSearchOutline = "\U000f0957";
public static readonly string Cordova = "\U000f0958";
public static readonly string Cryengine = "\U000f0959";
public static readonly string Cupcake = "\U000f095a";
public static readonly string SineWave = "\U000f095b";
public static readonly string CurrentDc = "\U000f095c";
public static readonly string DatabaseImport = "\U000f095d";
public static readonly string DatabaseExport = "\U000f095e";
public static readonly string DeskLamp = "\U000f095f";
public static readonly string DiscPlayer = "\U000f0960";
public static readonly string EmailSearch = "\U000f0961";
public static readonly string EmailSearchOutline = "\U000f0962";
public static readonly string Exponent = "\U000f0963";
public static readonly string ExponentBox = "\U000f0964";
public static readonly string FileDownload = "\U000f0965";
public static readonly string FileDownloadOutline = "\U000f0966";
public static readonly string Firebase = "\U000f0967";
public static readonly string FolderSearch = "\U000f0968";
public static readonly string FolderSearchOutline = "\U000f0969";
public static readonly string FormatListCheckbox = "\U000f096a";
public static readonly string Fountain = "\U000f096b";
public static readonly string GoogleFit = "\U000f096c";
public static readonly string GreaterThan = "\U000f096d";
public static readonly string GreaterThanOrEqual = "\U000f096e";
public static readonly string HardHat = "\U000f096f";
public static readonly string HeadphonesBluetooth = "\U000f0970";
public static readonly string HeartCircle = "\U000f0971";
public static readonly string HeartCircleOutline = "\U000f0972";
public static readonly string Hinduism = "\U000f0973";
public static readonly string HomeMinus = "\U000f0974";
public static readonly string HomePlus = "\U000f0975";
public static readonly string ImageOutline = "\U000f0976";
public static readonly string ImageSearch = "\U000f0977";
public static readonly string ImageSearchOutline = "\U000f0978";
public static readonly string Islam = "\U000f0979";
public static readonly string Judaism = "\U000f097a";
public static readonly string KeyboardOutline = "\U000f097b";
public static readonly string LessThan = "\U000f097c";
public static readonly string LessThanOrEqual = "\U000f097d";
public static readonly string LightSwitch = "\U000f097e";
public static readonly string LockClock = "\U000f097f";
public static readonly string MagnifyClose = "\U000f0980";
public static readonly string MapMinus = "\U000f0981";
public static readonly string MapOutline = "\U000f0982";
public static readonly string MapPlus = "\U000f0983";
public static readonly string MapSearch = "\U000f0984";
public static readonly string MapSearchOutline = "\U000f0985";
public static readonly string MaterialDesign = "\U000f0986";
public static readonly string Medal = "\U000f0987";
public static readonly string MicrosoftDynamics365 = "\U000f0988";
public static readonly string MonitorCellphone = "\U000f0989";
public static readonly string MonitorCellphoneStar = "\U000f098a";
public static readonly string MouseBluetooth = "\U000f098b";
public static readonly string Muffin = "\U000f098c";
public static readonly string NotEqual = "\U000f098d";
public static readonly string NotEqualVariant = "\U000f098e";
public static readonly string OrderBoolAscendingVariant = "\U000f098f";
public static readonly string OrderBoolDescendingVariant = "\U000f0990";
public static readonly string OfficeBuilding = "\U000f0991";
public static readonly string PlusMinus = "\U000f0992";
public static readonly string PlusMinusBox = "\U000f0993";
public static readonly string Podcast = "\U000f0994";
public static readonly string ProgressCheck = "\U000f0995";
public static readonly string ProgressClock = "\U000f0996";
public static readonly string ProgressDownload = "\U000f0997";
public static readonly string ProgressUpload = "\U000f0998";
public static readonly string Qi = "\U000f0999";
public static readonly string RecordPlayer = "\U000f099a";
public static readonly string Restore = "\U000f099b";
public static readonly string ShieldOffOutline = "\U000f099c";
public static readonly string ShieldLock = "\U000f099d";
public static readonly string ShieldOff = "\U000f099e";
public static readonly string SetTopBox = "\U000f099f";
public static readonly string Shower = "\U000f09a0";
public static readonly string ShowerHead = "\U000f09a1";
public static readonly string SpeakerBluetooth = "\U000f09a2";
public static readonly string SquareRootBox = "\U000f09a3";
public static readonly string StarCircleOutline = "\U000f09a4";
public static readonly string StarFace = "\U000f09a5";
public static readonly string TableMergeCells = "\U000f09a6";
public static readonly string TabletCellphone = "\U000f09a7";
public static readonly string Text = "\U000f09a8";
public static readonly string TextShort = "\U000f09a9";
public static readonly string TextSubject = "\U000f09aa";
public static readonly string Toilet = "\U000f09ab";
public static readonly string Toolbox = "\U000f09ac";
public static readonly string ToolboxOutline = "\U000f09ad";
public static readonly string Tournament = "\U000f09ae";
public static readonly string TwoFactorAuthentication = "\U000f09af";
public static readonly string UmbrellaClosed = "\U000f09b0";
public static readonly string Unreal = "\U000f09b1";
public static readonly string VideoMinus = "\U000f09b2";
public static readonly string VideoPlus = "\U000f09b3";
public static readonly string Volleyball = "\U000f09b4";
public static readonly string WeightPound = "\U000f09b5";
public static readonly string Whistle = "\U000f09b6";
public static readonly string ArrowBottomLeftBoldOutline = "\U000f09b7";
public static readonly string ArrowBottomLeftThick = "\U000f09b8";
public static readonly string ArrowBottomRightBoldOutline = "\U000f09b9";
public static readonly string ArrowBottomRightThick = "\U000f09ba";
public static readonly string ArrowDecision = "\U000f09bb";
public static readonly string ArrowDecisionAuto = "\U000f09bc";
public static readonly string ArrowDecisionAutoOutline = "\U000f09bd";
public static readonly string ArrowDecisionOutline = "\U000f09be";
public static readonly string ArrowDownBoldOutline = "\U000f09bf";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftBoldOutline = "\U000f09c0";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftRightBoldOutline = "\U000f09c1";
public static readonly string ArrowRightBoldOutline = "\U000f09c2";
public static readonly string ArrowTopLeftBoldOutline = "\U000f09c3";
public static readonly string ArrowTopLeftThick = "\U000f09c4";
public static readonly string ArrowTopRightBoldOutline = "\U000f09c5";
public static readonly string ArrowTopRightThick = "\U000f09c6";
public static readonly string ArrowUpBoldOutline = "\U000f09c7";
public static readonly string ArrowUpDownBoldOutline = "\U000f09c8";
public static readonly string Ballot = "\U000f09c9";
public static readonly string BallotOutline = "\U000f09ca";
public static readonly string Betamax = "\U000f09cb";
public static readonly string BookmarkMinus = "\U000f09cc";
public static readonly string BookmarkMinusOutline = "\U000f09cd";
public static readonly string BookmarkOff = "\U000f09ce";
public static readonly string BookmarkOffOutline = "\U000f09cf";
public static readonly string Braille = "\U000f09d0";
public static readonly string Brain = "\U000f09d1";
public static readonly string CalendarHeart = "\U000f09d2";
public static readonly string CalendarStar = "\U000f09d3";
public static readonly string Cassette = "\U000f09d4";
public static readonly string CellphoneArrowDown = "\U000f09d5";
public static readonly string ChevronDownBox = "\U000f09d6";
public static readonly string ChevronDownBoxOutline = "\U000f09d7";
public static readonly string ChevronLeftBox = "\U000f09d8";
public static readonly string ChevronLeftBoxOutline = "\U000f09d9";
public static readonly string ChevronRightBox = "\U000f09da";
public static readonly string ChevronRightBoxOutline = "\U000f09db";
public static readonly string ChevronUpBox = "\U000f09dc";
public static readonly string ChevronUpBoxOutline = "\U000f09dd";
public static readonly string CircleMedium = "\U000f09de";
public static readonly string CircleSmall = "\U000f09df";
public static readonly string CloudAlert = "\U000f09e0";
public static readonly string CommentArrowLeft = "\U000f09e1";
public static readonly string CommentArrowLeftOutline = "\U000f09e2";
public static readonly string CommentArrowRight = "\U000f09e3";
public static readonly string CommentArrowRightOutline = "\U000f09e4";
public static readonly string CommentPlus = "\U000f09e5";
public static readonly string CurrencyPhp = "\U000f09e6";
public static readonly string DeleteOutline = "\U000f09e7";
public static readonly string DesktopMacDashboard = "\U000f09e8";
public static readonly string DownloadMultiple = "\U000f09e9";
public static readonly string EightTrack = "\U000f09ea";
public static readonly string EmailPlus = "\U000f09eb";
public static readonly string EmailPlusOutline = "\U000f09ec";
public static readonly string TextBoxOutline = "\U000f09ed";
public static readonly string FileDocumentOutline = "\U000f09ee";
public static readonly string FloppyVariant = "\U000f09ef";
public static readonly string FlowerOutline = "\U000f09f0";
public static readonly string FlowerTulip = "\U000f09f1";
public static readonly string FlowerTulipOutline = "\U000f09f2";
public static readonly string FormatFontSizeDecrease = "\U000f09f3";
public static readonly string FormatFontSizeIncrease = "\U000f09f4";
public static readonly string GhostOff = "\U000f09f5";
public static readonly string GoogleLens = "\U000f09f6";
public static readonly string GoogleSpreadsheet = "\U000f09f7";
public static readonly string ImageMove = "\U000f09f8";
public static readonly string KeyboardSettings = "\U000f09f9";
public static readonly string KeyboardSettingsOutline = "\U000f09fa";
public static readonly string Knife = "\U000f09fb";
public static readonly string KnifeMilitary = "\U000f09fc";
public static readonly string LayersOffOutline = "\U000f09fd";
public static readonly string LayersOutline = "\U000f09fe";
public static readonly string Lighthouse = "\U000f09ff";
public static readonly string LighthouseOn = "\U000f0a00";
public static readonly string MapLegend = "\U000f0a01";
public static readonly string MenuLeftOutline = "\U000f0a02";
public static readonly string MenuRightOutline = "\U000f0a03";
public static readonly string MessageAlertOutline = "\U000f0a04";
public static readonly string MiniSd = "\U000f0a05";
public static readonly string Minidisc = "\U000f0a06";
public static readonly string MonitorDashboard = "\U000f0a07";
public static readonly string Pirate = "\U000f0a08";
public static readonly string PokemonGo = "\U000f0a09";
public static readonly string Powershell = "\U000f0a0a";
public static readonly string PrinterWireless = "\U000f0a0b";
public static readonly string QualityLow = "\U000f0a0c";
public static readonly string QualityMedium = "\U000f0a0d";
public static readonly string ReflectHorizontal = "\U000f0a0e";
public static readonly string ReflectVertical = "\U000f0a0f";
public static readonly string RhombusMedium = "\U000f0a10";
public static readonly string RhombusSplit = "\U000f0a11";
public static readonly string ShieldAccountOutline = "\U000f0a12";
public static readonly string SquareMedium = "\U000f0a13";
public static readonly string SquareMediumOutline = "\U000f0a14";
public static readonly string SquareSmall = "\U000f0a15";
public static readonly string Subtitles = "\U000f0a16";
public static readonly string SubtitlesOutline = "\U000f0a17";
public static readonly string TableBorder = "\U000f0a18";
public static readonly string ToggleSwitchOffOutline = "\U000f0a19";
public static readonly string ToggleSwitchOutline = "\U000f0a1a";
public static readonly string Vhs = "\U000f0a1b";
public static readonly string VideoVintage = "\U000f0a1c";
public static readonly string ViewDashboardOutline = "\U000f0a1d";
public static readonly string MicrosoftVisualStudioCode = "\U000f0a1e";
public static readonly string Vote = "\U000f0a1f";
public static readonly string VoteOutline = "\U000f0a20";
public static readonly string MicrosoftWindowsClassic = "\U000f0a21";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerBatteryCharging = "\U000f0a22";
public static readonly string ZipDisk = "\U000f0a23";
public static readonly string AspectRatio = "\U000f0a24";
public static readonly string Babel = "\U000f0a25";
public static readonly string Balloon = "\U000f0a26";
public static readonly string BankTransfer = "\U000f0a27";
public static readonly string BankTransferIn = "\U000f0a28";
public static readonly string BankTransferOut = "\U000f0a29";
public static readonly string BriefcaseMinus = "\U000f0a2a";
public static readonly string BriefcasePlus = "\U000f0a2b";
public static readonly string BriefcaseRemove = "\U000f0a2c";
public static readonly string BriefcaseSearch = "\U000f0a2d";
public static readonly string BugCheck = "\U000f0a2e";
public static readonly string BugCheckOutline = "\U000f0a2f";
public static readonly string BugOutline = "\U000f0a30";
public static readonly string CalendarAlert = "\U000f0a31";
public static readonly string CalendarMultiselect = "\U000f0a32";
public static readonly string CalendarWeek = "\U000f0a33";
public static readonly string CalendarWeekBegin = "\U000f0a34";
public static readonly string CellphoneScreenshot = "\U000f0a35";
public static readonly string CityVariant = "\U000f0a36";
public static readonly string CityVariantOutline = "\U000f0a37";
public static readonly string ClipboardTextOutline = "\U000f0a38";
public static readonly string CloudQuestion = "\U000f0a39";
public static readonly string CommentEye = "\U000f0a3a";
public static readonly string CommentEyeOutline = "\U000f0a3b";
public static readonly string CommentSearch = "\U000f0a3c";
public static readonly string CommentSearchOutline = "\U000f0a3d";
public static readonly string Contain = "\U000f0a3e";
public static readonly string ContainEnd = "\U000f0a3f";
public static readonly string ContainStart = "\U000f0a40";
public static readonly string Dlna = "\U000f0a41";
public static readonly string Doctor = "\U000f0a42";
public static readonly string Dog = "\U000f0a43";
public static readonly string DogSide = "\U000f0a44";
public static readonly string EarHearingOff = "\U000f0a45";
public static readonly string EngineOff = "\U000f0a46";
public static readonly string EngineOffOutline = "\U000f0a47";
public static readonly string ExitRun = "\U000f0a48";
public static readonly string FeatureSearch = "\U000f0a49";
public static readonly string FeatureSearchOutline = "\U000f0a4a";
public static readonly string FileAlert = "\U000f0a4b";
public static readonly string FileAlertOutline = "\U000f0a4c";
public static readonly string FileUpload = "\U000f0a4d";
public static readonly string FileUploadOutline = "\U000f0a4e";
public static readonly string Hand = "\U000f0a4f";
public static readonly string HandOkay = "\U000f0a50";
public static readonly string HandPeace = "\U000f0a51";
public static readonly string HandPeaceVariant = "\U000f0a52";
public static readonly string HandPointingDown = "\U000f0a53";
public static readonly string HandPointingLeft = "\U000f0a54";
public static readonly string HandPointingUp = "\U000f0a55";
public static readonly string HeartMultiple = "\U000f0a56";
public static readonly string HeartMultipleOutline = "\U000f0a57";
public static readonly string Horseshoe = "\U000f0a58";
public static readonly string HumanFemaleBoy = "\U000f0a59";
public static readonly string HumanFemaleFemale = "\U000f0a5a";
public static readonly string HumanFemaleGirl = "\U000f0a5b";
public static readonly string HumanMaleBoy = "\U000f0a5c";
public static readonly string HumanMaleGirl = "\U000f0a5d";
public static readonly string HumanMaleMale = "\U000f0a5e";
public static readonly string Ip = "\U000f0a5f";
public static readonly string IpNetwork = "\U000f0a60";
public static readonly string Litecoin = "\U000f0a61";
public static readonly string MagnifyMinusCursor = "\U000f0a62";
public static readonly string MagnifyPlusCursor = "\U000f0a63";
public static readonly string MenuSwap = "\U000f0a64";
public static readonly string MenuSwapOutline = "\U000f0a65";
public static readonly string PuzzleOutline = "\U000f0a66";
public static readonly string RegisteredTrademark = "\U000f0a67";
public static readonly string Resize = "\U000f0a68";
public static readonly string RouterWirelessSettings = "\U000f0a69";
public static readonly string Safe = "\U000f0a6a";
public static readonly string ScissorsCutting = "\U000f0a6b";
public static readonly string SelectDrag = "\U000f0a6c";
public static readonly string SelectionDrag = "\U000f0a6d";
public static readonly string SettingsHelper = "\U000f0a6e";
public static readonly string Signal5g = "\U000f0a6f";
public static readonly string SilverwareForkKnife = "\U000f0a70";
public static readonly string Smog = "\U000f0a71";
public static readonly string SolarPower = "\U000f0a72";
public static readonly string StarBox = "\U000f0a73";
public static readonly string StarBoxOutline = "\U000f0a74";
public static readonly string TablePlus = "\U000f0a75";
public static readonly string TableRemove = "\U000f0a76";
public static readonly string TargetVariant = "\U000f0a77";
public static readonly string Trademark = "\U000f0a78";
public static readonly string TrashCan = "\U000f0a79";
public static readonly string TrashCanOutline = "\U000f0a7a";
public static readonly string TshirtCrew = "\U000f0a7b";
public static readonly string TshirtV = "\U000f0a7c";
public static readonly string ZodiacAquarius = "\U000f0a7d";
public static readonly string ZodiacAries = "\U000f0a7e";
public static readonly string ZodiacCancer = "\U000f0a7f";
public static readonly string ZodiacCapricorn = "\U000f0a80";
public static readonly string ZodiacGemini = "\U000f0a81";
public static readonly string ZodiacLeo = "\U000f0a82";
public static readonly string ZodiacLibra = "\U000f0a83";
public static readonly string ZodiacPisces = "\U000f0a84";
public static readonly string ZodiacSagittarius = "\U000f0a85";
public static readonly string ZodiacScorpio = "\U000f0a86";
public static readonly string ZodiacTaurus = "\U000f0a87";
public static readonly string ZodiacVirgo = "\U000f0a88";
public static readonly string AccountChild = "\U000f0a89";
public static readonly string AccountChildCircle = "\U000f0a8a";
public static readonly string AccountSupervisor = "\U000f0a8b";
public static readonly string AccountSupervisorCircle = "\U000f0a8c";
public static readonly string Ampersand = "\U000f0a8d";
public static readonly string AndroidAuto = "\U000f0a8e";
public static readonly string AnimationOutline = "\U000f0a8f";
public static readonly string AnimationPlayOutline = "\U000f0a90";
public static readonly string BellOffOutline = "\U000f0a91";
public static readonly string BellPlusOutline = "\U000f0a92";
public static readonly string BellSleepOutline = "\U000f0a93";
public static readonly string BookMinusMultiple = "\U000f0a94";
public static readonly string BookPlusMultiple = "\U000f0a95";
public static readonly string BookRemoveMultiple = "\U000f0a96";
public static readonly string BookRemove = "\U000f0a97";
public static readonly string BriefcaseEdit = "\U000f0a98";
public static readonly string BusAlert = "\U000f0a99";
public static readonly string CalculatorVariant = "\U000f0a9a";
public static readonly string CapsLock = "\U000f0a9b";
public static readonly string CashRefund = "\U000f0a9c";
public static readonly string Checkbook = "\U000f0a9d";
public static readonly string CircleSlice1 = "\U000f0a9e";
public static readonly string CircleSlice2 = "\U000f0a9f";
public static readonly string CircleSlice3 = "\U000f0aa0";
public static readonly string CircleSlice4 = "\U000f0aa1";
public static readonly string CircleSlice5 = "\U000f0aa2";
public static readonly string CircleSlice6 = "\U000f0aa3";
public static readonly string CircleSlice7 = "\U000f0aa4";
public static readonly string CircleSlice8 = "\U000f0aa5";
public static readonly string CollapseAll = "\U000f0aa6";
public static readonly string CollapseAllOutline = "\U000f0aa7";
public static readonly string CreditCardRefundOutline = "\U000f0aa8";
public static readonly string DatabaseCheck = "\U000f0aa9";
public static readonly string DatabaseLock = "\U000f0aaa";
public static readonly string DesktopTowerMonitor = "\U000f0aab";
public static readonly string Dishwasher = "\U000f0aac";
public static readonly string DogService = "\U000f0aad";
public static readonly string DotNet = "\U000f0aae";
public static readonly string Egg = "\U000f0aaf";
public static readonly string EggEaster = "\U000f0ab0";
public static readonly string EmailCheck = "\U000f0ab1";
public static readonly string EmailCheckOutline = "\U000f0ab2";
public static readonly string Et = "\U000f0ab3";
public static readonly string ExpandAll = "\U000f0ab4";
public static readonly string ExpandAllOutline = "\U000f0ab5";
public static readonly string FileCabinet = "\U000f0ab6";
public static readonly string TextBoxMultiple = "\U000f0ab7";
public static readonly string TextBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f0ab8";
public static readonly string FileMove = "\U000f0ab9";
public static readonly string FolderClock = "\U000f0aba";
public static readonly string FolderClockOutline = "\U000f0abb";
public static readonly string FormatAnnotationMinus = "\U000f0abc";
public static readonly string GesturePinch = "\U000f0abd";
public static readonly string GestureSpread = "\U000f0abe";
public static readonly string GestureSwipeHorizontal = "\U000f0abf";
public static readonly string GestureSwipeVertical = "\U000f0ac0";
public static readonly string Hail = "\U000f0ac1";
public static readonly string Helicopter = "\U000f0ac2";
public static readonly string HexagonSlice1 = "\U000f0ac3";
public static readonly string HexagonSlice2 = "\U000f0ac4";
public static readonly string HexagonSlice3 = "\U000f0ac5";
public static readonly string HexagonSlice4 = "\U000f0ac6";
public static readonly string HexagonSlice5 = "\U000f0ac7";
public static readonly string HexagonSlice6 = "\U000f0ac8";
public static readonly string Hexagram = "\U000f0ac9";
public static readonly string HexagramOutline = "\U000f0aca";
public static readonly string LabelOff = "\U000f0acb";
public static readonly string LabelOffOutline = "\U000f0acc";
public static readonly string LabelVariant = "\U000f0acd";
public static readonly string LabelVariantOutline = "\U000f0ace";
public static readonly string LanguageRubyOnRails = "\U000f0acf";
public static readonly string Laravel = "\U000f0ad0";
public static readonly string Mastodon = "\U000f0ad1";
public static readonly string SortNumericDescendingVariant = "\U000f0ad2";
public static readonly string MinusCircleMultipleOutline = "\U000f0ad3";
public static readonly string MusicCircleOutline = "\U000f0ad4";
public static readonly string Pinwheel = "\U000f0ad5";
public static readonly string PinwheelOutline = "\U000f0ad6";
public static readonly string RadiatorDisabled = "\U000f0ad7";
public static readonly string RadiatorOff = "\U000f0ad8";
public static readonly string SelectCompare = "\U000f0ad9";
public static readonly string ShieldPlus = "\U000f0ada";
public static readonly string ShieldPlusOutline = "\U000f0adb";
public static readonly string ShieldRemove = "\U000f0adc";
public static readonly string ShieldRemoveOutline = "\U000f0add";
public static readonly string BookPlusMultipleOutline = "\U000f0ade";
public static readonly string SinaWeibo = "\U000f0adf";
public static readonly string SprayBottle = "\U000f0ae0";
public static readonly string Squeegee = "\U000f0ae1";
public static readonly string StarFourPoints = "\U000f0ae2";
public static readonly string StarFourPointsOutline = "\U000f0ae3";
public static readonly string StarThreePoints = "\U000f0ae4";
public static readonly string StarThreePointsOutline = "\U000f0ae5";
public static readonly string Symfony = "\U000f0ae6";
public static readonly string Variable = "\U000f0ae7";
public static readonly string VectorBezier = "\U000f0ae8";
public static readonly string Wiper = "\U000f0ae9";
public static readonly string ZWave = "\U000f0aea";
public static readonly string Zend = "\U000f0aeb";
public static readonly string AccountMinusOutline = "\U000f0aec";
public static readonly string AccountRemoveOutline = "\U000f0aed";
public static readonly string AlphaA = "\U000f0aee";
public static readonly string AlphaB = "\U000f0aef";
public static readonly string AlphaC = "\U000f0af0";
public static readonly string AlphaD = "\U000f0af1";
public static readonly string AlphaE = "\U000f0af2";
public static readonly string AlphaF = "\U000f0af3";
public static readonly string AlphaG = "\U000f0af4";
public static readonly string AlphaH = "\U000f0af5";
public static readonly string AlphaI = "\U000f0af6";
public static readonly string AlphaJ = "\U000f0af7";
public static readonly string AlphaK = "\U000f0af8";
public static readonly string AlphaL = "\U000f0af9";
public static readonly string AlphaM = "\U000f0afa";
public static readonly string AlphaN = "\U000f0afb";
public static readonly string AlphaO = "\U000f0afc";
public static readonly string AlphaP = "\U000f0afd";
public static readonly string AlphaQ = "\U000f0afe";
public static readonly string AlphaR = "\U000f0aff";
public static readonly string AlphaS = "\U000f0b00";
public static readonly string AlphaT = "\U000f0b01";
public static readonly string AlphaU = "\U000f0b02";
public static readonly string AlphaV = "\U000f0b03";
public static readonly string AlphaW = "\U000f0b04";
public static readonly string AlphaX = "\U000f0b05";
public static readonly string AlphaY = "\U000f0b06";
public static readonly string AlphaZ = "\U000f0b07";
public static readonly string AlphaABox = "\U000f0b08";
public static readonly string AlphaBBox = "\U000f0b09";
public static readonly string AlphaCBox = "\U000f0b0a";
public static readonly string AlphaDBox = "\U000f0b0b";
public static readonly string AlphaEBox = "\U000f0b0c";
public static readonly string AlphaFBox = "\U000f0b0d";
public static readonly string AlphaGBox = "\U000f0b0e";
public static readonly string AlphaHBox = "\U000f0b0f";
public static readonly string AlphaIBox = "\U000f0b10";
public static readonly string AlphaJBox = "\U000f0b11";
public static readonly string AlphaKBox = "\U000f0b12";
public static readonly string AlphaLBox = "\U000f0b13";
public static readonly string AlphaMBox = "\U000f0b14";
public static readonly string AlphaNBox = "\U000f0b15";
public static readonly string AlphaOBox = "\U000f0b16";
public static readonly string AlphaPBox = "\U000f0b17";
public static readonly string AlphaQBox = "\U000f0b18";
public static readonly string AlphaRBox = "\U000f0b19";
public static readonly string AlphaSBox = "\U000f0b1a";
public static readonly string AlphaTBox = "\U000f0b1b";
public static readonly string AlphaUBox = "\U000f0b1c";
public static readonly string AlphaVBox = "\U000f0b1d";
public static readonly string AlphaWBox = "\U000f0b1e";
public static readonly string AlphaXBox = "\U000f0b1f";
public static readonly string AlphaYBox = "\U000f0b20";
public static readonly string AlphaZBox = "\U000f0b21";
public static readonly string Bulldozer = "\U000f0b22";
public static readonly string BullhornOutline = "\U000f0b23";
public static readonly string CalendarExport = "\U000f0b24";
public static readonly string CalendarImport = "\U000f0b25";
public static readonly string ChevronDownCircle = "\U000f0b26";
public static readonly string ChevronDownCircleOutline = "\U000f0b27";
public static readonly string ChevronLeftCircle = "\U000f0b28";
public static readonly string ChevronLeftCircleOutline = "\U000f0b29";
public static readonly string ChevronRightCircle = "\U000f0b2a";
public static readonly string ChevronRightCircleOutline = "\U000f0b2b";
public static readonly string ChevronUpCircle = "\U000f0b2c";
public static readonly string ChevronUpCircleOutline = "\U000f0b2d";
public static readonly string ContentSaveSettingsOutline = "\U000f0b2e";
public static readonly string CrystalBall = "\U000f0b2f";
public static readonly string Ember = "\U000f0b30";
public static readonly string FacebookWorkplace = "\U000f0b31";
public static readonly string FileReplace = "\U000f0b32";
public static readonly string FileReplaceOutline = "\U000f0b33";
public static readonly string FormatLetterCase = "\U000f0b34";
public static readonly string FormatLetterCaseLower = "\U000f0b35";
public static readonly string FormatLetterCaseUpper = "\U000f0b36";
public static readonly string LanguageJava = "\U000f0b37";
public static readonly string CircleMultiple = "\U000f0b38";
public static readonly string Numeric1 = "\U000f0b3a";
public static readonly string Numeric2 = "\U000f0b3b";
public static readonly string Numeric3 = "\U000f0b3c";
public static readonly string Numeric4 = "\U000f0b3d";
public static readonly string Numeric5 = "\U000f0b3e";
public static readonly string Numeric6 = "\U000f0b3f";
public static readonly string Numeric7 = "\U000f0b40";
public static readonly string Numeric8 = "\U000f0b41";
public static readonly string Numeric9 = "\U000f0b42";
public static readonly string Origin = "\U000f0b43";
public static readonly string Resistor = "\U000f0b44";
public static readonly string ResistorNodes = "\U000f0b45";
public static readonly string RobotIndustrial = "\U000f0b46";
public static readonly string ShoeFormal = "\U000f0b47";
public static readonly string ShoeHeel = "\U000f0b48";
public static readonly string Silo = "\U000f0b49";
public static readonly string BoxCutterOff = "\U000f0b4a";
public static readonly string TabMinus = "\U000f0b4b";
public static readonly string TabRemove = "\U000f0b4c";
public static readonly string TapeMeasure = "\U000f0b4d";
public static readonly string Telescope = "\U000f0b4e";
public static readonly string Yahoo = "\U000f0b4f";
public static readonly string AccountAlertOutline = "\U000f0b50";
public static readonly string AccountArrowLeft = "\U000f0b51";
public static readonly string AccountArrowLeftOutline = "\U000f0b52";
public static readonly string AccountArrowRight = "\U000f0b53";
public static readonly string AccountArrowRightOutline = "\U000f0b54";
public static readonly string AccountCircleOutline = "\U000f0b55";
public static readonly string AccountClock = "\U000f0b56";
public static readonly string AccountClockOutline = "\U000f0b57";
public static readonly string AccountGroupOutline = "\U000f0b58";
public static readonly string AccountQuestion = "\U000f0b59";
public static readonly string AccountQuestionOutline = "\U000f0b5a";
public static readonly string Artstation = "\U000f0b5b";
public static readonly string BackspaceOutline = "\U000f0b5c";
public static readonly string BarleyOff = "\U000f0b5d";
public static readonly string Barn = "\U000f0b5e";
public static readonly string Bat = "\U000f0b5f";
public static readonly string Battlenet = "\U000f0b60";
public static readonly string Billiards = "\U000f0b61";
public static readonly string BilliardsRack = "\U000f0b62";
public static readonly string BookOpenOutline = "\U000f0b63";
public static readonly string BookOutline = "\U000f0b64";
public static readonly string BoxingGlove = "\U000f0b65";
public static readonly string CalendarBlankOutline = "\U000f0b66";
public static readonly string CalendarOutline = "\U000f0b67";
public static readonly string CalendarRangeOutline = "\U000f0b68";
public static readonly string CameraControl = "\U000f0b69";
public static readonly string CameraEnhanceOutline = "\U000f0b6a";
public static readonly string CarDoor = "\U000f0b6b";
public static readonly string CarElectric = "\U000f0b6c";
public static readonly string CarKey = "\U000f0b6d";
public static readonly string CarMultiple = "\U000f0b6e";
public static readonly string Card = "\U000f0b6f";
public static readonly string CardBulleted = "\U000f0b70";
public static readonly string CardBulletedOff = "\U000f0b71";
public static readonly string CardBulletedOffOutline = "\U000f0b72";
public static readonly string CardBulletedOutline = "\U000f0b73";
public static readonly string CardBulletedSettings = "\U000f0b74";
public static readonly string CardBulletedSettingsOutline = "\U000f0b75";
public static readonly string CardOutline = "\U000f0b76";
public static readonly string CardText = "\U000f0b77";
public static readonly string CardTextOutline = "\U000f0b78";
public static readonly string Chat = "\U000f0b79";
public static readonly string ChatAlert = "\U000f0b7a";
public static readonly string ChatProcessing = "\U000f0b7b";
public static readonly string ChefHat = "\U000f0b7c";
public static readonly string CloudDownloadOutline = "\U000f0b7d";
public static readonly string CloudUploadOutline = "\U000f0b7e";
public static readonly string Coffin = "\U000f0b7f";
public static readonly string CompassOff = "\U000f0b80";
public static readonly string CompassOffOutline = "\U000f0b81";
public static readonly string ControllerClassic = "\U000f0b82";
public static readonly string ControllerClassicOutline = "\U000f0b83";
public static readonly string CubeScan = "\U000f0b84";
public static readonly string CurrencyBrl = "\U000f0b85";
public static readonly string DatabaseEdit = "\U000f0b86";
public static readonly string DeathlyHallows = "\U000f0b87";
public static readonly string DeleteCircleOutline = "\U000f0b88";
public static readonly string DeleteForeverOutline = "\U000f0b89";
public static readonly string Diamond = "\U000f0b8a";
public static readonly string DiamondOutline = "\U000f0b8b";
public static readonly string DnsOutline = "\U000f0b8c";
public static readonly string DotsHorizontalCircleOutline = "\U000f0b8d";
public static readonly string DotsVerticalCircleOutline = "\U000f0b8e";
public static readonly string DownloadOutline = "\U000f0b8f";
public static readonly string DragVariant = "\U000f0b90";
public static readonly string EjectOutline = "\U000f0b91";
public static readonly string EmailMarkAsUnread = "\U000f0b92";
public static readonly string ExportVariant = "\U000f0b93";
public static readonly string EyeCircle = "\U000f0b94";
public static readonly string EyeCircleOutline = "\U000f0b95";
public static readonly string FaceOutline = "\U000f0b96";
public static readonly string FileFindOutline = "\U000f0b97";
public static readonly string FileRemove = "\U000f0b98";
public static readonly string FlagMinus = "\U000f0b99";
public static readonly string FlagPlus = "\U000f0b9a";
public static readonly string FlagRemove = "\U000f0b9b";
public static readonly string FolderAccountOutline = "\U000f0b9c";
public static readonly string FolderPlusOutline = "\U000f0b9d";
public static readonly string FolderRemoveOutline = "\U000f0b9e";
public static readonly string FolderStarOutline = "\U000f0b9f";
public static readonly string Gitlab = "\U000f0ba0";
public static readonly string Gog = "\U000f0ba1";
public static readonly string GraveStone = "\U000f0ba2";
public static readonly string Halloween = "\U000f0ba3";
public static readonly string HatFedora = "\U000f0ba4";
public static readonly string HelpRhombus = "\U000f0ba5";
public static readonly string HelpRhombusOutline = "\U000f0ba6";
public static readonly string HomeVariantOutline = "\U000f0ba7";
public static readonly string InboxMultipleOutline = "\U000f0ba8";
public static readonly string LibraryShelves = "\U000f0ba9";
public static readonly string Mapbox = "\U000f0baa";
public static readonly string MenuOpen = "\U000f0bab";
public static readonly string Molecule = "\U000f0bac";
public static readonly string OneUp = "\U000f0bad";
public static readonly string OpenSourceInitiative = "\U000f0bae";
public static readonly string PacMan = "\U000f0baf";
public static readonly string PageNext = "\U000f0bb0";
public static readonly string PageNextOutline = "\U000f0bb1";
public static readonly string PagePrevious = "\U000f0bb2";
public static readonly string PagePreviousOutline = "\U000f0bb3";
public static readonly string Pan = "\U000f0bb4";
public static readonly string PanBottomLeft = "\U000f0bb5";
public static readonly string PanBottomRight = "\U000f0bb6";
public static readonly string PanDown = "\U000f0bb7";
public static readonly string PanHorizontal = "\U000f0bb8";
public static readonly string PanLeft = "\U000f0bb9";
public static readonly string PanRight = "\U000f0bba";
public static readonly string PanTopLeft = "\U000f0bbb";
public static readonly string PanTopRight = "\U000f0bbc";
public static readonly string PanUp = "\U000f0bbd";
public static readonly string PanVertical = "\U000f0bbe";
public static readonly string Pumpkin = "\U000f0bbf";
public static readonly string Rollupjs = "\U000f0bc0";
public static readonly string Script = "\U000f0bc1";
public static readonly string ScriptText = "\U000f0bc2";
public static readonly string ScriptTextOutline = "\U000f0bc3";
public static readonly string ShieldKey = "\U000f0bc4";
public static readonly string ShieldKeyOutline = "\U000f0bc5";
public static readonly string SkullCrossbones = "\U000f0bc6";
public static readonly string SkullCrossbonesOutline = "\U000f0bc7";
public static readonly string SkullOutline = "\U000f0bc8";
public static readonly string SpaceInvaders = "\U000f0bc9";
public static readonly string SpiderWeb = "\U000f0bca";
public static readonly string ViewSplitHorizontal = "\U000f0bcb";
public static readonly string ViewSplitVertical = "\U000f0bcc";
public static readonly string SwapHorizontalBold = "\U000f0bcd";
public static readonly string SwapVerticalBold = "\U000f0bce";
public static readonly string TagHeartOutline = "\U000f0bcf";
public static readonly string TargetAccount = "\U000f0bd0";
public static readonly string Timeline = "\U000f0bd1";
public static readonly string TimelineOutline = "\U000f0bd2";
public static readonly string TimelineText = "\U000f0bd3";
public static readonly string TimelineTextOutline = "\U000f0bd4";
public static readonly string TooltipImageOutline = "\U000f0bd5";
public static readonly string TooltipPlus = "\U000f0bd6";
public static readonly string TooltipTextOutline = "\U000f0bd7";
public static readonly string TrainCar = "\U000f0bd8";
public static readonly string Triforce = "\U000f0bd9";
public static readonly string Ubisoft = "\U000f0bda";
public static readonly string VideoOffOutline = "\U000f0bdb";
public static readonly string VideoOutline = "\U000f0bdc";
public static readonly string WalletOutline = "\U000f0bdd";
public static readonly string Waze = "\U000f0bde";
public static readonly string WrapDisabled = "\U000f0bdf";
public static readonly string WrenchOutline = "\U000f0be0";
public static readonly string AccessPointNetworkOff = "\U000f0be1";
public static readonly string AccountCheckOutline = "\U000f0be2";
public static readonly string AccountHeartOutline = "\U000f0be3";
public static readonly string AccountKeyOutline = "\U000f0be4";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleMinusOutline = "\U000f0be5";
public static readonly string AccountNetworkOutline = "\U000f0be6";
public static readonly string AccountOffOutline = "\U000f0be7";
public static readonly string AccountStarOutline = "\U000f0be8";
public static readonly string Airbag = "\U000f0be9";
public static readonly string AlarmLightOutline = "\U000f0bea";
public static readonly string AlphaABoxOutline = "\U000f0beb";
public static readonly string AlphaACircle = "\U000f0bec";
public static readonly string AlphaACircleOutline = "\U000f0bed";
public static readonly string AlphaBBoxOutline = "\U000f0bee";
public static readonly string AlphaBCircle = "\U000f0bef";
public static readonly string AlphaBCircleOutline = "\U000f0bf0";
public static readonly string AlphaCBoxOutline = "\U000f0bf1";
public static readonly string AlphaCCircle = "\U000f0bf2";
public static readonly string AlphaCCircleOutline = "\U000f0bf3";
public static readonly string AlphaDBoxOutline = "\U000f0bf4";
public static readonly string AlphaDCircle = "\U000f0bf5";
public static readonly string AlphaDCircleOutline = "\U000f0bf6";
public static readonly string AlphaEBoxOutline = "\U000f0bf7";
public static readonly string AlphaECircle = "\U000f0bf8";
public static readonly string AlphaECircleOutline = "\U000f0bf9";
public static readonly string AlphaFBoxOutline = "\U000f0bfa";
public static readonly string AlphaFCircle = "\U000f0bfb";
public static readonly string AlphaFCircleOutline = "\U000f0bfc";
public static readonly string AlphaGBoxOutline = "\U000f0bfd";
public static readonly string AlphaGCircle = "\U000f0bfe";
public static readonly string AlphaGCircleOutline = "\U000f0bff";
public static readonly string AlphaHBoxOutline = "\U000f0c00";
public static readonly string AlphaHCircle = "\U000f0c01";
public static readonly string AlphaHCircleOutline = "\U000f0c02";
public static readonly string AlphaIBoxOutline = "\U000f0c03";
public static readonly string AlphaICircle = "\U000f0c04";
public static readonly string AlphaICircleOutline = "\U000f0c05";
public static readonly string AlphaJBoxOutline = "\U000f0c06";
public static readonly string AlphaJCircle = "\U000f0c07";
public static readonly string AlphaJCircleOutline = "\U000f0c08";
public static readonly string AlphaKBoxOutline = "\U000f0c09";
public static readonly string AlphaKCircle = "\U000f0c0a";
public static readonly string AlphaKCircleOutline = "\U000f0c0b";
public static readonly string AlphaLBoxOutline = "\U000f0c0c";
public static readonly string AlphaLCircle = "\U000f0c0d";
public static readonly string AlphaLCircleOutline = "\U000f0c0e";
public static readonly string AlphaMBoxOutline = "\U000f0c0f";
public static readonly string AlphaMCircle = "\U000f0c10";
public static readonly string AlphaMCircleOutline = "\U000f0c11";
public static readonly string AlphaNBoxOutline = "\U000f0c12";
public static readonly string AlphaNCircle = "\U000f0c13";
public static readonly string AlphaNCircleOutline = "\U000f0c14";
public static readonly string AlphaOBoxOutline = "\U000f0c15";
public static readonly string AlphaOCircle = "\U000f0c16";
public static readonly string AlphaOCircleOutline = "\U000f0c17";
public static readonly string AlphaPBoxOutline = "\U000f0c18";
public static readonly string AlphaPCircle = "\U000f0c19";
public static readonly string AlphaPCircleOutline = "\U000f0c1a";
public static readonly string AlphaQBoxOutline = "\U000f0c1b";
public static readonly string AlphaQCircle = "\U000f0c1c";
public static readonly string AlphaQCircleOutline = "\U000f0c1d";
public static readonly string AlphaRBoxOutline = "\U000f0c1e";
public static readonly string AlphaRCircle = "\U000f0c1f";
public static readonly string AlphaRCircleOutline = "\U000f0c20";
public static readonly string AlphaSBoxOutline = "\U000f0c21";
public static readonly string AlphaSCircle = "\U000f0c22";
public static readonly string AlphaSCircleOutline = "\U000f0c23";
public static readonly string AlphaTBoxOutline = "\U000f0c24";
public static readonly string AlphaTCircle = "\U000f0c25";
public static readonly string AlphaTCircleOutline = "\U000f0c26";
public static readonly string AlphaUBoxOutline = "\U000f0c27";
public static readonly string AlphaUCircle = "\U000f0c28";
public static readonly string AlphaUCircleOutline = "\U000f0c29";
public static readonly string AlphaVBoxOutline = "\U000f0c2a";
public static readonly string AlphaVCircle = "\U000f0c2b";
public static readonly string AlphaVCircleOutline = "\U000f0c2c";
public static readonly string AlphaWBoxOutline = "\U000f0c2d";
public static readonly string AlphaWCircle = "\U000f0c2e";
public static readonly string AlphaWCircleOutline = "\U000f0c2f";
public static readonly string AlphaXBoxOutline = "\U000f0c30";
public static readonly string AlphaXCircle = "\U000f0c31";
public static readonly string AlphaXCircleOutline = "\U000f0c32";
public static readonly string AlphaYBoxOutline = "\U000f0c33";
public static readonly string AlphaYCircle = "\U000f0c34";
public static readonly string AlphaYCircleOutline = "\U000f0c35";
public static readonly string AlphaZBoxOutline = "\U000f0c36";
public static readonly string AlphaZCircle = "\U000f0c37";
public static readonly string AlphaZCircleOutline = "\U000f0c38";
public static readonly string BallotRecount = "\U000f0c39";
public static readonly string BallotRecountOutline = "\U000f0c3a";
public static readonly string BasketballHoop = "\U000f0c3b";
public static readonly string BasketballHoopOutline = "\U000f0c3c";
public static readonly string BriefcaseDownloadOutline = "\U000f0c3d";
public static readonly string BriefcaseEditOutline = "\U000f0c3e";
public static readonly string BriefcaseMinusOutline = "\U000f0c3f";
public static readonly string BriefcasePlusOutline = "\U000f0c40";
public static readonly string BriefcaseRemoveOutline = "\U000f0c41";
public static readonly string BriefcaseSearchOutline = "\U000f0c42";
public static readonly string BriefcaseUploadOutline = "\U000f0c43";
public static readonly string CalendarCheckOutline = "\U000f0c44";
public static readonly string CalendarRemoveOutline = "\U000f0c45";
public static readonly string CalendarTextOutline = "\U000f0c46";
public static readonly string CarBrakeAbs = "\U000f0c47";
public static readonly string CarBrakeAlert = "\U000f0c48";
public static readonly string CarEsp = "\U000f0c49";
public static readonly string CarLightDimmed = "\U000f0c4a";
public static readonly string CarLightFog = "\U000f0c4b";
public static readonly string CarLightHigh = "\U000f0c4c";
public static readonly string CarTireAlert = "\U000f0c4d";
public static readonly string CartArrowRight = "\U000f0c4e";
public static readonly string Charity = "\U000f0c4f";
public static readonly string ChartBellCurve = "\U000f0c50";
public static readonly string CheckBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f0c51";
public static readonly string CheckBoxOutline = "\U000f0c52";
public static readonly string CheckNetwork = "\U000f0c53";
public static readonly string CheckNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c54";
public static readonly string ClipboardAccountOutline = "\U000f0c55";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowDownOutline = "\U000f0c56";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowUp = "\U000f0c57";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowUpOutline = "\U000f0c58";
public static readonly string ClipboardPlay = "\U000f0c59";
public static readonly string ClipboardPlayOutline = "\U000f0c5a";
public static readonly string ClipboardTextPlay = "\U000f0c5b";
public static readonly string ClipboardTextPlayOutline = "\U000f0c5c";
public static readonly string CloseBoxMultiple = "\U000f0c5d";
public static readonly string CloseBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f0c5e";
public static readonly string CloseNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c5f";
public static readonly string ConsoleNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c60";
public static readonly string CurrencyIls = "\U000f0c61";
public static readonly string DeleteSweepOutline = "\U000f0c62";
public static readonly string Diameter = "\U000f0c63";
public static readonly string DiameterOutline = "\U000f0c64";
public static readonly string DiameterVariant = "\U000f0c65";
public static readonly string DownloadNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c66";
public static readonly string DumpTruck = "\U000f0c67";
public static readonly string Emoticon = "\U000f0c68";
public static readonly string EmoticonAngry = "\U000f0c69";
public static readonly string EmoticonAngryOutline = "\U000f0c6a";
public static readonly string EmoticonCool = "\U000f0c6b";
public static readonly string EmoticonCry = "\U000f0c6c";
public static readonly string EmoticonCryOutline = "\U000f0c6d";
public static readonly string EmoticonDead = "\U000f0c6e";
public static readonly string EmoticonDevil = "\U000f0c6f";
public static readonly string EmoticonExcited = "\U000f0c70";
public static readonly string EmoticonHappy = "\U000f0c71";
public static readonly string EmoticonKiss = "\U000f0c72";
public static readonly string EmoticonKissOutline = "\U000f0c73";
public static readonly string EmoticonNeutral = "\U000f0c74";
public static readonly string EmoticonPoopOutline = "\U000f0c75";
public static readonly string EmoticonSad = "\U000f0c76";
public static readonly string EmoticonTongueOutline = "\U000f0c77";
public static readonly string EmoticonWink = "\U000f0c78";
public static readonly string EmoticonWinkOutline = "\U000f0c79";
public static readonly string Eslint = "\U000f0c7a";
public static readonly string FaceRecognition = "\U000f0c7b";
public static readonly string FileSearch = "\U000f0c7c";
public static readonly string FileSearchOutline = "\U000f0c7d";
public static readonly string FileTable = "\U000f0c7e";
public static readonly string FileTableOutline = "\U000f0c7f";
public static readonly string FolderKeyNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c80";
public static readonly string FolderNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c81";
public static readonly string FolderText = "\U000f0c82";
public static readonly string FolderTextOutline = "\U000f0c83";
public static readonly string FoodAppleOutline = "\U000f0c84";
public static readonly string Fuse = "\U000f0c85";
public static readonly string FuseBlade = "\U000f0c86";
public static readonly string GoogleAds = "\U000f0c87";
public static readonly string GoogleStreetView = "\U000f0c88";
public static readonly string HazardLights = "\U000f0c89";
public static readonly string HelpNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c8a";
public static readonly string Iframe = "\U000f0c8b";
public static readonly string IframeOutline = "\U000f0c8c";
public static readonly string ImageSizeSelectActual = "\U000f0c8d";
public static readonly string ImageSizeSelectLarge = "\U000f0c8e";
public static readonly string ImageSizeSelectSmall = "\U000f0c8f";
public static readonly string IpNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c90";
public static readonly string Ipod = "\U000f0c91";
public static readonly string LanguageHaskell = "\U000f0c92";
public static readonly string LeafMaple = "\U000f0c93";
public static readonly string LinkPlus = "\U000f0c94";
public static readonly string MapMarkerCheck = "\U000f0c95";
public static readonly string MathCos = "\U000f0c96";
public static readonly string MathSin = "\U000f0c97";
public static readonly string MathTan = "\U000f0c98";
public static readonly string Microwave = "\U000f0c99";
public static readonly string MinusNetworkOutline = "\U000f0c9a";
public static readonly string NetworkOff = "\U000f0c9b";
public static readonly string NetworkOffOutline = "\U000f0c9c";
public static readonly string NetworkOutline = "\U000f0c9d";
public static readonly string Numeric1Circle = "\U000f0ca0";
public static readonly string Numeric1CircleOutline = "\U000f0ca1";
public static readonly string Numeric2Circle = "\U000f0ca2";
public static readonly string Numeric2CircleOutline = "\U000f0ca3";
public static readonly string Numeric3Circle = "\U000f0ca4";
public static readonly string Numeric3CircleOutline = "\U000f0ca5";
public static readonly string Numeric4Circle = "\U000f0ca6";
public static readonly string Numeric4CircleOutline = "\U000f0ca7";
public static readonly string Numeric5Circle = "\U000f0ca8";
public static readonly string Numeric5CircleOutline = "\U000f0ca9";
public static readonly string Numeric6Circle = "\U000f0caa";
public static readonly string Numeric6CircleOutline = "\U000f0cab";
public static readonly string Numeric7Circle = "\U000f0cac";
public static readonly string Numeric7CircleOutline = "\U000f0cad";
public static readonly string Numeric8Circle = "\U000f0cae";
public static readonly string Numeric8CircleOutline = "\U000f0caf";
public static readonly string Numeric9Circle = "\U000f0cb0";
public static readonly string Numeric9CircleOutline = "\U000f0cb1";
public static readonly string Numeric9PlusCircle = "\U000f0cb2";
public static readonly string Numeric9PlusCircleOutline = "\U000f0cb3";
public static readonly string Parachute = "\U000f0cb4";
public static readonly string ParachuteOutline = "\U000f0cb5";
public static readonly string PencilOutline = "\U000f0cb6";
public static readonly string PlayNetworkOutline = "\U000f0cb7";
public static readonly string PlaylistMusic = "\U000f0cb8";
public static readonly string PlaylistMusicOutline = "\U000f0cb9";
public static readonly string PlusNetworkOutline = "\U000f0cba";
public static readonly string PostageStamp = "\U000f0cbb";
public static readonly string ProgressAlert = "\U000f0cbc";
public static readonly string ProgressWrench = "\U000f0cbd";
public static readonly string RadioAm = "\U000f0cbe";
public static readonly string RadioFm = "\U000f0cbf";
public static readonly string Radius = "\U000f0cc0";
public static readonly string RadiusOutline = "\U000f0cc1";
public static readonly string RulerSquare = "\U000f0cc2";
public static readonly string Seat = "\U000f0cc3";
public static readonly string SeatOutline = "\U000f0cc4";
public static readonly string Seatbelt = "\U000f0cc5";
public static readonly string Sheep = "\U000f0cc6";
public static readonly string ShieldAirplaneOutline = "\U000f0cc7";
public static readonly string ShieldCheckOutline = "\U000f0cc8";
public static readonly string ShieldCross = "\U000f0cc9";
public static readonly string ShieldCrossOutline = "\U000f0cca";
public static readonly string ShieldHomeOutline = "\U000f0ccb";
public static readonly string ShieldLockOutline = "\U000f0ccc";
public static readonly string SortVariantLock = "\U000f0ccd";
public static readonly string SortVariantLockOpen = "\U000f0cce";
public static readonly string SourceRepository = "\U000f0ccf";
public static readonly string SourceRepositoryMultiple = "\U000f0cd0";
public static readonly string Spa = "\U000f0cd1";
public static readonly string SpaOutline = "\U000f0cd2";
public static readonly string ToasterOven = "\U000f0cd3";
public static readonly string TruckCheck = "\U000f0cd4";
public static readonly string Turnstile = "\U000f0cd5";
public static readonly string TurnstileOutline = "\U000f0cd6";
public static readonly string Turtle = "\U000f0cd7";
public static readonly string UploadNetworkOutline = "\U000f0cd8";
public static readonly string VibrateOff = "\U000f0cd9";
public static readonly string WatchVibrateOff = "\U000f0cda";
public static readonly string ArrowDownCircle = "\U000f0cdb";
public static readonly string ArrowDownCircleOutline = "\U000f0cdc";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftCircle = "\U000f0cdd";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftCircleOutline = "\U000f0cde";
public static readonly string ArrowRightCircle = "\U000f0cdf";
public static readonly string ArrowRightCircleOutline = "\U000f0ce0";
public static readonly string ArrowUpCircle = "\U000f0ce1";
public static readonly string ArrowUpCircleOutline = "\U000f0ce2";
public static readonly string AccountTie = "\U000f0ce3";
public static readonly string AlertBoxOutline = "\U000f0ce4";
public static readonly string AlertDecagramOutline = "\U000f0ce5";
public static readonly string AlertOctagonOutline = "\U000f0ce6";
public static readonly string AlertOctagramOutline = "\U000f0ce7";
public static readonly string Ammunition = "\U000f0ce8";
public static readonly string AccountMusicOutline = "\U000f0ce9";
public static readonly string Beaker = "\U000f0cea";
public static readonly string Blender = "\U000f0ceb";
public static readonly string BloodBag = "\U000f0cec";
public static readonly string BolnisiCross = "\U000f0ced";
public static readonly string BreadSlice = "\U000f0cee";
public static readonly string BreadSliceOutline = "\U000f0cef";
public static readonly string BriefcaseAccount = "\U000f0cf0";
public static readonly string BriefcaseAccountOutline = "\U000f0cf1";
public static readonly string BrightnessPercent = "\U000f0cf2";
public static readonly string Bullet = "\U000f0cf3";
public static readonly string CashRegister = "\U000f0cf4";
public static readonly string CelticCross = "\U000f0cf5";
public static readonly string ChristianityOutline = "\U000f0cf6";
public static readonly string ClipboardAlertOutline = "\U000f0cf7";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowLeftOutline = "\U000f0cf8";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowRight = "\U000f0cf9";
public static readonly string ClipboardArrowRightOutline = "\U000f0cfa";
public static readonly string ContentSaveEdit = "\U000f0cfb";
public static readonly string ContentSaveEditOutline = "\U000f0cfc";
public static readonly string CursorDefaultClick = "\U000f0cfd";
public static readonly string CursorDefaultClickOutline = "\U000f0cfe";
public static readonly string DatabaseSync = "\U000f0cff";
public static readonly string DatabaseRemove = "\U000f0d00";
public static readonly string DatabaseSettings = "\U000f0d01";
public static readonly string DramaMasks = "\U000f0d02";
public static readonly string EmailBox = "\U000f0d03";
public static readonly string EyeCheck = "\U000f0d04";
public static readonly string EyeCheckOutline = "\U000f0d05";
public static readonly string FastForward30 = "\U000f0d06";
public static readonly string OrderAlphabeticalDescending = "\U000f0d07";
public static readonly string FlowerPoppy = "\U000f0d08";
public static readonly string FolderPound = "\U000f0d09";
public static readonly string FolderPoundOutline = "\U000f0d0a";
public static readonly string FolderSync = "\U000f0d0b";
public static readonly string FolderSyncOutline = "\U000f0d0c";
public static readonly string FormatListNumberedRtl = "\U000f0d0d";
public static readonly string FormatTextWrappingClip = "\U000f0d0e";
public static readonly string FormatTextWrappingOverflow = "\U000f0d0f";
public static readonly string FormatTextWrappingWrap = "\U000f0d10";
public static readonly string FormatTextbox = "\U000f0d11";
public static readonly string FountainPen = "\U000f0d12";
public static readonly string FountainPenTip = "\U000f0d13";
public static readonly string HeartBrokenOutline = "\U000f0d14";
public static readonly string HomeCity = "\U000f0d15";
public static readonly string HomeCityOutline = "\U000f0d16";
public static readonly string Hubspot = "\U000f0d17";
public static readonly string FilmstripBoxMultiple = "\U000f0d18";
public static readonly string PlayBoxMultiple = "\U000f0d19";
public static readonly string LinkBox = "\U000f0d1a";
public static readonly string LinkBoxOutline = "\U000f0d1b";
public static readonly string LinkBoxVariant = "\U000f0d1c";
public static readonly string LinkBoxVariantOutline = "\U000f0d1d";
public static readonly string MapClock = "\U000f0d1e";
public static readonly string MapClockOutline = "\U000f0d1f";
public static readonly string MapMarkerPath = "\U000f0d20";
public static readonly string MotherNurse = "\U000f0d21";
public static readonly string MicrosoftOutlook = "\U000f0d22";
public static readonly string PerspectiveLess = "\U000f0d23";
public static readonly string PerspectiveMore = "\U000f0d24";
public static readonly string Podium = "\U000f0d25";
public static readonly string PodiumBronze = "\U000f0d26";
public static readonly string PodiumGold = "\U000f0d27";
public static readonly string PodiumSilver = "\U000f0d28";
public static readonly string Quora = "\U000f0d29";
public static readonly string Rewind10 = "\U000f0d2a";
public static readonly string RollerSkate = "\U000f0d2b";
public static readonly string Rollerblade = "\U000f0d2c";
public static readonly string LanguageRuby = "\U000f0d2d";
public static readonly string Sack = "\U000f0d2e";
public static readonly string SackPercent = "\U000f0d2f";
public static readonly string SafetyGoggles = "\U000f0d30";
public static readonly string SelectColor = "\U000f0d31";
public static readonly string SelectionEllipse = "\U000f0d32";
public static readonly string ShieldLinkVariant = "\U000f0d33";
public static readonly string ShieldLinkVariantOutline = "\U000f0d34";
public static readonly string Skate = "\U000f0d35";
public static readonly string SkewLess = "\U000f0d36";
public static readonly string SkewMore = "\U000f0d37";
public static readonly string SpeakerMultiple = "\U000f0d38";
public static readonly string Stamper = "\U000f0d39";
public static readonly string Tank = "\U000f0d3a";
public static readonly string Tortoise = "\U000f0d3b";
public static readonly string TransitConnection = "\U000f0d3c";
public static readonly string TransitConnectionVariant = "\U000f0d3d";
public static readonly string TransmissionTower = "\U000f0d3e";
public static readonly string WeightGram = "\U000f0d3f";
public static readonly string YoutubeSubscription = "\U000f0d40";
public static readonly string Zigbee = "\U000f0d41";
public static readonly string EmailAlertOutline = "\U000f0d42";
public static readonly string AirFilter = "\U000f0d43";
public static readonly string AirPurifier = "\U000f0d44";
public static readonly string AndroidMessages = "\U000f0d45";
public static readonly string AppsBox = "\U000f0d46";
public static readonly string Atm = "\U000f0d47";
public static readonly string Axis = "\U000f0d48";
public static readonly string AxisArrow = "\U000f0d49";
public static readonly string AxisArrowLock = "\U000f0d4a";
public static readonly string AxisLock = "\U000f0d4b";
public static readonly string AxisXArrow = "\U000f0d4c";
public static readonly string AxisXArrowLock = "\U000f0d4d";
public static readonly string AxisXRotateClockwise = "\U000f0d4e";
public static readonly string AxisXRotateCounterclockwise = "\U000f0d4f";
public static readonly string AxisXYArrowLock = "\U000f0d50";
public static readonly string AxisYArrow = "\U000f0d51";
public static readonly string AxisYArrowLock = "\U000f0d52";
public static readonly string AxisYRotateClockwise = "\U000f0d53";
public static readonly string AxisYRotateCounterclockwise = "\U000f0d54";
public static readonly string AxisZArrow = "\U000f0d55";
public static readonly string AxisZArrowLock = "\U000f0d56";
public static readonly string AxisZRotateClockwise = "\U000f0d57";
public static readonly string AxisZRotateCounterclockwise = "\U000f0d58";
public static readonly string BellAlert = "\U000f0d59";
public static readonly string BellCircle = "\U000f0d5a";
public static readonly string BellCircleOutline = "\U000f0d5b";
public static readonly string CalendarMinus = "\U000f0d5c";
public static readonly string CameraOutline = "\U000f0d5d";
public static readonly string CarBrakeHold = "\U000f0d5e";
public static readonly string CarBrakeParking = "\U000f0d5f";
public static readonly string CarCruiseControl = "\U000f0d60";
public static readonly string CarDefrostFront = "\U000f0d61";
public static readonly string CarDefrostRear = "\U000f0d62";
public static readonly string CarParkingLights = "\U000f0d63";
public static readonly string CarTractionControl = "\U000f0d64";
public static readonly string BagCarryOnCheck = "\U000f0d65";
public static readonly string CartArrowDown = "\U000f0d66";
public static readonly string CartArrowUp = "\U000f0d67";
public static readonly string CartMinus = "\U000f0d68";
public static readonly string CartRemove = "\U000f0d69";
public static readonly string ContactlessPayment = "\U000f0d6a";
public static readonly string CreativeCommons = "\U000f0d6b";
public static readonly string CreditCardWirelessOutline = "\U000f0d6c";
public static readonly string Cricket = "\U000f0d6d";
public static readonly string DevTo = "\U000f0d6e";
public static readonly string DomainOff = "\U000f0d6f";
public static readonly string FaceAgent = "\U000f0d70";
public static readonly string FastForward10 = "\U000f0d71";
public static readonly string Flare = "\U000f0d72";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationDown = "\U000f0d73";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationNone = "\U000f0d74";
public static readonly string Forwardburger = "\U000f0d75";
public static readonly string GestureSwipe = "\U000f0d76";
public static readonly string GestureTapHold = "\U000f0d77";
public static readonly string Gif = "\U000f0d78";
public static readonly string GoKart = "\U000f0d79";
public static readonly string GoKartTrack = "\U000f0d7a";
public static readonly string Goodreads = "\U000f0d7b";
public static readonly string Grain = "\U000f0d7c";
public static readonly string Hdr = "\U000f0d7d";
public static readonly string HdrOff = "\U000f0d7e";
public static readonly string Hiking = "\U000f0d7f";
public static readonly string HomeFloor1 = "\U000f0d80";
public static readonly string HomeFloor2 = "\U000f0d81";
public static readonly string HomeFloor3 = "\U000f0d82";
public static readonly string HomeFloorA = "\U000f0d83";
public static readonly string HomeFloorB = "\U000f0d84";
public static readonly string HomeFloorG = "\U000f0d85";
public static readonly string HomeFloorL = "\U000f0d86";
public static readonly string Kabaddi = "\U000f0d87";
public static readonly string MailboxOpen = "\U000f0d88";
public static readonly string MailboxOpenOutline = "\U000f0d89";
public static readonly string MailboxOpenUp = "\U000f0d8a";
public static readonly string MailboxOpenUpOutline = "\U000f0d8b";
public static readonly string MailboxOutline = "\U000f0d8c";
public static readonly string MailboxUp = "\U000f0d8d";
public static readonly string MailboxUpOutline = "\U000f0d8e";
public static readonly string MixedMartialArts = "\U000f0d8f";
public static readonly string MonitorOff = "\U000f0d90";
public static readonly string MotionSensor = "\U000f0d91";
public static readonly string PointOfSale = "\U000f0d92";
public static readonly string RacingHelmet = "\U000f0d93";
public static readonly string Racquetball = "\U000f0d94";
public static readonly string RestartOff = "\U000f0d95";
public static readonly string Rewind30 = "\U000f0d96";
public static readonly string RoomServiceOutline = "\U000f0d97";
public static readonly string RotateOrbit = "\U000f0d98";
public static readonly string Rugby = "\U000f0d99";
public static readonly string ShieldSearch = "\U000f0d9a";
public static readonly string SolarPanel = "\U000f0d9b";
public static readonly string SolarPanelLarge = "\U000f0d9c";
public static readonly string SubwayAlertVariant = "\U000f0d9d";
public static readonly string Tea = "\U000f0d9e";
public static readonly string TeaOutline = "\U000f0d9f";
public static readonly string Tennis = "\U000f0da0";
public static readonly string TransferDown = "\U000f0da1";
public static readonly string TransferLeft = "\U000f0da2";
public static readonly string TransferUp = "\U000f0da3";
public static readonly string TrophyBroken = "\U000f0da4";
public static readonly string WindTurbine = "\U000f0da5";
public static readonly string WiperWash = "\U000f0da6";
public static readonly string BadgeAccount = "\U000f0da7";
public static readonly string BadgeAccountAlert = "\U000f0da8";
public static readonly string BadgeAccountAlertOutline = "\U000f0da9";
public static readonly string BadgeAccountOutline = "\U000f0daa";
public static readonly string CardAccountDetailsOutline = "\U000f0dab";
public static readonly string AirHorn = "\U000f0dac";
public static readonly string ApplicationExport = "\U000f0dad";
public static readonly string ApplicationImport = "\U000f0dae";
public static readonly string Bandage = "\U000f0daf";
public static readonly string BankMinus = "\U000f0db0";
public static readonly string BankPlus = "\U000f0db1";
public static readonly string BankRemove = "\U000f0db2";
public static readonly string Bolt = "\U000f0db3";
public static readonly string Bugle = "\U000f0db4";
public static readonly string Cactus = "\U000f0db5";
public static readonly string CameraWireless = "\U000f0db6";
public static readonly string CameraWirelessOutline = "\U000f0db7";
public static readonly string CashMarker = "\U000f0db8";
public static readonly string ChevronTripleDown = "\U000f0db9";
public static readonly string ChevronTripleLeft = "\U000f0dba";
public static readonly string ChevronTripleRight = "\U000f0dbb";
public static readonly string ChevronTripleUp = "\U000f0dbc";
public static readonly string ClosedCaptionOutline = "\U000f0dbd";
public static readonly string CreditCardMarkerOutline = "\U000f0dbe";
public static readonly string DivingFlippers = "\U000f0dbf";
public static readonly string DivingHelmet = "\U000f0dc0";
public static readonly string DivingScuba = "\U000f0dc1";
public static readonly string DivingScubaFlag = "\U000f0dc2";
public static readonly string DivingScubaTank = "\U000f0dc3";
public static readonly string DivingScubaTankMultiple = "\U000f0dc4";
public static readonly string DivingSnorkel = "\U000f0dc5";
public static readonly string FileCancel = "\U000f0dc6";
public static readonly string FileCancelOutline = "\U000f0dc7";
public static readonly string FileDocumentEdit = "\U000f0dc8";
public static readonly string FileDocumentEditOutline = "\U000f0dc9";
public static readonly string FileEye = "\U000f0dca";
public static readonly string FileEyeOutline = "\U000f0dcb";
public static readonly string FolderAlert = "\U000f0dcc";
public static readonly string FolderAlertOutline = "\U000f0dcd";
public static readonly string FolderEditOutline = "\U000f0dce";
public static readonly string FolderOpenOutline = "\U000f0dcf";
public static readonly string FormatListBulletedSquare = "\U000f0dd0";
public static readonly string GantryCrane = "\U000f0dd1";
public static readonly string HomeFloor0 = "\U000f0dd2";
public static readonly string HomeFloorNegative1 = "\U000f0dd3";
public static readonly string HomeGroup = "\U000f0dd4";
public static readonly string Jabber = "\U000f0dd5";
public static readonly string KeyOutline = "\U000f0dd6";
public static readonly string Leak = "\U000f0dd7";
public static readonly string LeakOff = "\U000f0dd8";
public static readonly string MarkerCancel = "\U000f0dd9";
public static readonly string Mine = "\U000f0dda";
public static readonly string MonitorLock = "\U000f0ddb";
public static readonly string MonitorStar = "\U000f0ddc";
public static readonly string MovieOutline = "\U000f0ddd";
public static readonly string MusicNotePlus = "\U000f0dde";
public static readonly string Nail = "\U000f0ddf";
public static readonly string Ocarina = "\U000f0de0";
public static readonly string PassportBiometric = "\U000f0de1";
public static readonly string PenLock = "\U000f0de2";
public static readonly string PenMinus = "\U000f0de3";
public static readonly string PenOff = "\U000f0de4";
public static readonly string PenPlus = "\U000f0de5";
public static readonly string PenRemove = "\U000f0de6";
public static readonly string PencilLockOutline = "\U000f0de7";
public static readonly string PencilMinus = "\U000f0de8";
public static readonly string PencilMinusOutline = "\U000f0de9";
public static readonly string PencilOffOutline = "\U000f0dea";
public static readonly string PencilPlus = "\U000f0deb";
public static readonly string PencilPlusOutline = "\U000f0dec";
public static readonly string PencilRemove = "\U000f0ded";
public static readonly string PencilRemoveOutline = "\U000f0dee";
public static readonly string PhoneOff = "\U000f0def";
public static readonly string PhoneOutline = "\U000f0df0";
public static readonly string PiHole = "\U000f0df1";
public static readonly string PlaylistStar = "\U000f0df2";
public static readonly string ScrewFlatTop = "\U000f0df3";
public static readonly string ScrewLag = "\U000f0df4";
public static readonly string ScrewMachineFlatTop = "\U000f0df5";
public static readonly string ScrewMachineRoundTop = "\U000f0df6";
public static readonly string ScrewRoundTop = "\U000f0df7";
public static readonly string SendCircle = "\U000f0df8";
public static readonly string SendCircleOutline = "\U000f0df9";
public static readonly string ShoePrint = "\U000f0dfa";
public static readonly string Signature = "\U000f0dfb";
public static readonly string SignatureFreehand = "\U000f0dfc";
public static readonly string SignatureImage = "\U000f0dfd";
public static readonly string SignatureText = "\U000f0dfe";
public static readonly string SlopeDownhill = "\U000f0dff";
public static readonly string SlopeUphill = "\U000f0e00";
public static readonly string ThermometerAlert = "\U000f0e01";
public static readonly string ThermometerChevronDown = "\U000f0e02";
public static readonly string ThermometerChevronUp = "\U000f0e03";
public static readonly string ThermometerMinus = "\U000f0e04";
public static readonly string ThermometerPlus = "\U000f0e05";
public static readonly string TranslateOff = "\U000f0e06";
public static readonly string UploadOutline = "\U000f0e07";
public static readonly string VolumeVariantOff = "\U000f0e08";
public static readonly string Wallpaper = "\U000f0e09";
public static readonly string WaterOutline = "\U000f0e0a";
public static readonly string WifiStar = "\U000f0e0b";
public static readonly string PaletteOutline = "\U000f0e0c";
public static readonly string BadgeAccountHorizontal = "\U000f0e0d";
public static readonly string BadgeAccountHorizontalOutline = "\U000f0e0e";
public static readonly string Aws = "\U000f0e0f";
public static readonly string BagPersonal = "\U000f0e10";
public static readonly string BagPersonalOff = "\U000f0e11";
public static readonly string BagPersonalOffOutline = "\U000f0e12";
public static readonly string BagPersonalOutline = "\U000f0e13";
public static readonly string Biathlon = "\U000f0e14";
public static readonly string BookmarkMultiple = "\U000f0e15";
public static readonly string BookmarkMultipleOutline = "\U000f0e16";
public static readonly string CalendarMonth = "\U000f0e17";
public static readonly string CalendarMonthOutline = "\U000f0e18";
public static readonly string CameraRetake = "\U000f0e19";
public static readonly string CameraRetakeOutline = "\U000f0e1a";
public static readonly string CarBack = "\U000f0e1b";
public static readonly string CarOff = "\U000f0e1c";
public static readonly string CastEducation = "\U000f0e1d";
public static readonly string CheckBold = "\U000f0e1e";
public static readonly string CheckUnderline = "\U000f0e1f";
public static readonly string CheckUnderlineCircle = "\U000f0e20";
public static readonly string CheckUnderlineCircleOutline = "\U000f0e21";
public static readonly string CircularSaw = "\U000f0e22";
public static readonly string Comma = "\U000f0e23";
public static readonly string CommaBoxOutline = "\U000f0e24";
public static readonly string CommaCircle = "\U000f0e25";
public static readonly string CommaCircleOutline = "\U000f0e26";
public static readonly string ContentSaveMove = "\U000f0e27";
public static readonly string ContentSaveMoveOutline = "\U000f0e28";
public static readonly string FileCheckOutline = "\U000f0e29";
public static readonly string FileMusicOutline = "\U000f0e2a";
public static readonly string CommaBox = "\U000f0e2b";
public static readonly string FileVideoOutline = "\U000f0e2c";
public static readonly string FilePdfOutline = "\U000f0e2d";
public static readonly string Fireplace = "\U000f0e2e";
public static readonly string FireplaceOff = "\U000f0e2f";
public static readonly string Firework = "\U000f0e30";
public static readonly string FormatColorHighlight = "\U000f0e31";
public static readonly string FormatTextVariant = "\U000f0e32";
public static readonly string GamepadCircle = "\U000f0e33";
public static readonly string GamepadCircleDown = "\U000f0e34";
public static readonly string GamepadCircleLeft = "\U000f0e35";
public static readonly string GamepadCircleOutline = "\U000f0e36";
public static readonly string GamepadCircleRight = "\U000f0e37";
public static readonly string GamepadCircleUp = "\U000f0e38";
public static readonly string GamepadDown = "\U000f0e39";
public static readonly string GamepadLeft = "\U000f0e3a";
public static readonly string GamepadRight = "\U000f0e3b";
public static readonly string GamepadRound = "\U000f0e3c";
public static readonly string GamepadRoundDown = "\U000f0e3d";
public static readonly string GamepadRoundLeft = "\U000f0e3e";
public static readonly string GamepadRoundOutline = "\U000f0e3f";
public static readonly string GamepadRoundRight = "\U000f0e40";
public static readonly string GamepadRoundUp = "\U000f0e41";
public static readonly string GamepadUp = "\U000f0e42";
public static readonly string Gatsby = "\U000f0e43";
public static readonly string Gift = "\U000f0e44";
public static readonly string Grill = "\U000f0e45";
public static readonly string HandLeft = "\U000f0e46";
public static readonly string HandRight = "\U000f0e47";
public static readonly string HandSaw = "\U000f0e48";
public static readonly string ImageFrame = "\U000f0e49";
public static readonly string InvertColorsOff = "\U000f0e4a";
public static readonly string KeyboardOffOutline = "\U000f0e4b";
public static readonly string LayersMinus = "\U000f0e4c";
public static readonly string LayersPlus = "\U000f0e4d";
public static readonly string LayersRemove = "\U000f0e4e";
public static readonly string LightbulbOff = "\U000f0e4f";
public static readonly string LightbulbOffOutline = "\U000f0e50";
public static readonly string MonitorScreenshot = "\U000f0e51";
public static readonly string IceCreamOff = "\U000f0e52";
public static readonly string NfcSearchVariant = "\U000f0e53";
public static readonly string NfcVariantOff = "\U000f0e54";
public static readonly string NotebookMultiple = "\U000f0e55";
public static readonly string PdfBox = "\U000f0e56";
public static readonly string PictureInPictureBottomRight = "\U000f0e57";
public static readonly string PictureInPictureBottomRightOutline = "\U000f0e58";
public static readonly string PictureInPictureTopRight = "\U000f0e59";
public static readonly string PictureInPictureTopRightOutline = "\U000f0e5a";
public static readonly string Printer3dNozzle = "\U000f0e5b";
public static readonly string Printer3dNozzleOutline = "\U000f0e5c";
public static readonly string PrinterOff = "\U000f0e5d";
public static readonly string Rectangle = "\U000f0e5e";
public static readonly string RectangleOutline = "\U000f0e5f";
public static readonly string Rivet = "\U000f0e60";
public static readonly string SawBlade = "\U000f0e61";
public static readonly string Seed = "\U000f0e62";
public static readonly string SeedOutline = "\U000f0e63";
public static readonly string SignalDistanceVariant = "\U000f0e64";
public static readonly string Spade = "\U000f0e65";
public static readonly string Sprout = "\U000f0e66";
public static readonly string SproutOutline = "\U000f0e67";
public static readonly string TableTennis = "\U000f0e68";
public static readonly string TreeOutline = "\U000f0e69";
public static readonly string ViewComfy = "\U000f0e6a";
public static readonly string ViewCompact = "\U000f0e6b";
public static readonly string ViewCompactOutline = "\U000f0e6c";
public static readonly string Vuetify = "\U000f0e6d";
public static readonly string WeatherCloudyArrowRight = "\U000f0e6e";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerMenu = "\U000f0e6f";
public static readonly string MicrosoftXboxControllerView = "\U000f0e70";
public static readonly string AlarmNote = "\U000f0e71";
public static readonly string AlarmNoteOff = "\U000f0e72";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftRight = "\U000f0e73";
public static readonly string ArrowLeftRightBold = "\U000f0e74";
public static readonly string ArrowTopLeftBottomRight = "\U000f0e75";
public static readonly string ArrowTopLeftBottomRightBold = "\U000f0e76";
public static readonly string ArrowTopRightBottomLeft = "\U000f0e77";
public static readonly string ArrowTopRightBottomLeftBold = "\U000f0e78";
public static readonly string ArrowUpDown = "\U000f0e79";
public static readonly string ArrowUpDownBold = "\U000f0e7a";
public static readonly string AtomVariant = "\U000f0e7b";
public static readonly string BabyFace = "\U000f0e7c";
public static readonly string BabyFaceOutline = "\U000f0e7d";
public static readonly string BackspaceReverse = "\U000f0e7e";
public static readonly string BackspaceReverseOutline = "\U000f0e7f";
public static readonly string BankOutline = "\U000f0e80";
public static readonly string BellAlertOutline = "\U000f0e81";
public static readonly string BookPlay = "\U000f0e82";
public static readonly string BookPlayOutline = "\U000f0e83";
public static readonly string BookSearch = "\U000f0e84";
public static readonly string BookSearchOutline = "\U000f0e85";
public static readonly string BoomGate = "\U000f0e86";
public static readonly string BoomGateAlert = "\U000f0e87";
public static readonly string BoomGateAlertOutline = "\U000f0e88";
public static readonly string BoomGateDown = "\U000f0e89";
public static readonly string BoomGateDownOutline = "\U000f0e8a";
public static readonly string BoomGateOutline = "\U000f0e8b";
public static readonly string BoomGateUp = "\U000f0e8c";
public static readonly string BoomGateUpOutline = "\U000f0e8d";
public static readonly string CalendarSync = "\U000f0e8e";
public static readonly string CalendarSyncOutline = "\U000f0e8f";
public static readonly string CellphoneNfc = "\U000f0e90";
public static readonly string ChartAreasplineVariant = "\U000f0e91";
public static readonly string ChartScatterPlot = "\U000f0e92";
public static readonly string ChartTimelineVariant = "\U000f0e93";
public static readonly string ChartTree = "\U000f0e94";
public static readonly string CircleDouble = "\U000f0e95";
public static readonly string CircleExpand = "\U000f0e96";
public static readonly string ClockDigital = "\U000f0e97";
public static readonly string CardAccountMailOutline = "\U000f0e98";
public static readonly string CardAccountPhone = "\U000f0e99";
public static readonly string CardAccountPhoneOutline = "\U000f0e9a";
public static readonly string AccountCowboyHat = "\U000f0e9b";
public static readonly string CurrencyRial = "\U000f0e9c";
public static readonly string DeleteEmptyOutline = "\U000f0e9d";
public static readonly string Dolly = "\U000f0e9e";
public static readonly string ElectricSwitch = "\U000f0e9f";
public static readonly string Ellipse = "\U000f0ea0";
public static readonly string EllipseOutline = "\U000f0ea1";
public static readonly string Equalizer = "\U000f0ea2";
public static readonly string EqualizerOutline = "\U000f0ea3";
public static readonly string FerrisWheel = "\U000f0ea4";
public static readonly string FileDelimitedOutline = "\U000f0ea5";
public static readonly string TextBoxCheck = "\U000f0ea6";
public static readonly string TextBoxCheckOutline = "\U000f0ea7";
public static readonly string TextBoxMinus = "\U000f0ea8";
public static readonly string TextBoxMinusOutline = "\U000f0ea9";
public static readonly string TextBoxPlus = "\U000f0eaa";
public static readonly string TextBoxPlusOutline = "\U000f0eab";
public static readonly string TextBoxRemove = "\U000f0eac";
public static readonly string TextBoxRemoveOutline = "\U000f0ead";
public static readonly string TextBoxSearch = "\U000f0eae";
public static readonly string TextBoxSearchOutline = "\U000f0eaf";
public static readonly string FileImageOutline = "\U000f0eb0";
public static readonly string FingerprintOff = "\U000f0eb1";
public static readonly string FormatListBulletedTriangle = "\U000f0eb2";
public static readonly string FormatOverline = "\U000f0eb3";
public static readonly string FrequentlyAskedQuestions = "\U000f0eb4";
public static readonly string GamepadSquare = "\U000f0eb5";
public static readonly string GamepadSquareOutline = "\U000f0eb6";
public static readonly string GamepadVariantOutline = "\U000f0eb7";
public static readonly string GasStationOutline = "\U000f0eb8";
public static readonly string GooglePodcast = "\U000f0eb9";
public static readonly string HomeAnalytics = "\U000f0eba";
public static readonly string Mail = "\U000f0ebb";
public static readonly string MapCheck = "\U000f0ebc";
public static readonly string MapCheckOutline = "\U000f0ebd";
public static readonly string RulerSquareCompass = "\U000f0ebe";
public static readonly string NotebookOutline = "\U000f0ebf";
public static readonly string Penguin = "\U000f0ec0";
public static readonly string RadioactiveOff = "\U000f0ec1";
public static readonly string RecordCircle = "\U000f0ec2";
public static readonly string RecordCircleOutline = "\U000f0ec3";
public static readonly string RemoteOff = "\U000f0ec4";
public static readonly string RemoteTv = "\U000f0ec5";
public static readonly string RemoteTvOff = "\U000f0ec6";
public static readonly string Rotate3d = "\U000f0ec7";
public static readonly string SailBoat = "\U000f0ec8";
public static readonly string ScatterPlot = "\U000f0ec9";
public static readonly string ScatterPlotOutline = "\U000f0eca";
public static readonly string Segment = "\U000f0ecb";
public static readonly string ShieldAlert = "\U000f0ecc";
public static readonly string ShieldAlertOutline = "\U000f0ecd";
public static readonly string TabletDashboard = "\U000f0ece";
public static readonly string TelevisionPlay = "\U000f0ecf";
public static readonly string Unicode = "\U000f0ed0";
public static readonly string Video3dVariant = "\U000f0ed1";
public static readonly string VideoWireless = "\U000f0ed2";
public static readonly string VideoWirelessOutline = "\U000f0ed3";
public static readonly string VoiceOff = "\U000f0ed4";
public static readonly string Bacteria = "\U000f0ed5";
public static readonly string BacteriaOutline = "\U000f0ed6";
public static readonly string CalendarAccount = "\U000f0ed7";
public static readonly string CalendarAccountOutline = "\U000f0ed8";
public static readonly string CalendarWeekend = "\U000f0ed9";
public static readonly string CalendarWeekendOutline = "\U000f0eda";
public static readonly string CameraPlus = "\U000f0edb";
public static readonly string CameraPlusOutline = "\U000f0edc";
public static readonly string Campfire = "\U000f0edd";
public static readonly string ChatOutline = "\U000f0ede";
public static readonly string Cpu32Bit = "\U000f0edf";
public static readonly string Cpu64Bit = "\U000f0ee0";
public static readonly string CreditCardClock = "\U000f0ee1";
public static readonly string CreditCardClockOutline = "\U000f0ee2";
public static readonly string EmailEdit = "\U000f0ee3";
public static readonly string EmailEditOutline = "\U000f0ee4";
public static readonly string EmailMinus = "\U000f0ee5";
public static readonly string EmailMinusOutline = "\U000f0ee6";
public static readonly string EmailMultiple = "\U000f0ee7";
public static readonly string EmailMultipleOutline = "\U000f0ee8";
public static readonly string EmailOpenMultiple = "\U000f0ee9";
public static readonly string EmailOpenMultipleOutline = "\U000f0eea";
public static readonly string FileCad = "\U000f0eeb";
public static readonly string FileCadBox = "\U000f0eec";
public static readonly string FilePlusOutline = "\U000f0eed";
public static readonly string FilterMinus = "\U000f0eee";
public static readonly string FilterMinusOutline = "\U000f0eef";
public static readonly string FilterPlus = "\U000f0ef0";
public static readonly string FilterPlusOutline = "\U000f0ef1";
public static readonly string FireExtinguisher = "\U000f0ef2";
public static readonly string Fishbowl = "\U000f0ef3";
public static readonly string FishbowlOutline = "\U000f0ef4";
public static readonly string FitToPage = "\U000f0ef5";
public static readonly string FitToPageOutline = "\U000f0ef6";
public static readonly string FlashAlert = "\U000f0ef7";
public static readonly string FlashAlertOutline = "\U000f0ef8";
public static readonly string HeartFlash = "\U000f0ef9";
public static readonly string HomeFlood = "\U000f0efa";
public static readonly string HumanMaleHeight = "\U000f0efb";
public static readonly string HumanMaleHeightVariant = "\U000f0efc";
public static readonly string IcePop = "\U000f0efd";
public static readonly string Identifier = "\U000f0efe";
public static readonly string ImageFilterCenterFocusStrong = "\U000f0eff";
public static readonly string ImageFilterCenterFocusStrongOutline = "\U000f0f00";
public static readonly string Jellyfish = "\U000f0f01";
public static readonly string JellyfishOutline = "\U000f0f02";
public static readonly string Lasso = "\U000f0f03";
public static readonly string MusicBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f0f04";
public static readonly string MapMarkerAlert = "\U000f0f05";
public static readonly string MapMarkerAlertOutline = "\U000f0f06";
public static readonly string MapMarkerQuestion = "\U000f0f07";
public static readonly string MapMarkerQuestionOutline = "\U000f0f08";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRemove = "\U000f0f09";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRemoveVariant = "\U000f0f0a";
public static readonly string Necklace = "\U000f0f0b";
public static readonly string NewspaperMinus = "\U000f0f0c";
public static readonly string NewspaperPlus = "\U000f0f0d";
public static readonly string Numeric0BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f0e";
public static readonly string Numeric1BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f0f";
public static readonly string Numeric2BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f10";
public static readonly string Numeric3BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f11";
public static readonly string Numeric4BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f12";
public static readonly string Numeric5BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f13";
public static readonly string Numeric6BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f14";
public static readonly string Numeric7BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f15";
public static readonly string Numeric8BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f16";
public static readonly string Numeric9BoxMultiple = "\U000f0f17";
public static readonly string Numeric9PlusBoxMultiple = "\U000f0f18";
public static readonly string OilLamp = "\U000f0f19";
public static readonly string PhoneAlert = "\U000f0f1a";
public static readonly string PlayOutline = "\U000f0f1b";
public static readonly string Purse = "\U000f0f1c";
public static readonly string PurseOutline = "\U000f0f1d";
public static readonly string RailroadLight = "\U000f0f1e";
public static readonly string ReplyAllOutline = "\U000f0f1f";
public static readonly string ReplyOutline = "\U000f0f20";
public static readonly string RssOff = "\U000f0f21";
public static readonly string SelectionEllipseArrowInside = "\U000f0f22";
public static readonly string ShareOff = "\U000f0f23";
public static readonly string ShareOffOutline = "\U000f0f24";
public static readonly string SkipBackwardOutline = "\U000f0f25";
public static readonly string SkipForwardOutline = "\U000f0f26";
public static readonly string SkipNextOutline = "\U000f0f27";
public static readonly string SkipPreviousOutline = "\U000f0f28";
public static readonly string SnowflakeAlert = "\U000f0f29";
public static readonly string SnowflakeVariant = "\U000f0f2a";
public static readonly string StretchToPage = "\U000f0f2b";
public static readonly string StretchToPageOutline = "\U000f0f2c";
public static readonly string Typewriter = "\U000f0f2d";
public static readonly string Wave = "\U000f0f2e";
public static readonly string WeatherCloudyAlert = "\U000f0f2f";
public static readonly string WeatherHazy = "\U000f0f30";
public static readonly string WeatherNightPartlyCloudy = "\U000f0f31";
public static readonly string WeatherPartlyLightning = "\U000f0f32";
public static readonly string WeatherPartlyRainy = "\U000f0f33";
public static readonly string WeatherPartlySnowy = "\U000f0f34";
public static readonly string WeatherPartlySnowyRainy = "\U000f0f35";
public static readonly string WeatherSnowyHeavy = "\U000f0f36";
public static readonly string WeatherSunnyAlert = "\U000f0f37";
public static readonly string WeatherTornado = "\U000f0f38";
public static readonly string BabyBottle = "\U000f0f39";
public static readonly string BabyBottleOutline = "\U000f0f3a";
public static readonly string BagCarryOn = "\U000f0f3b";
public static readonly string BagCarryOnOff = "\U000f0f3c";
public static readonly string BagChecked = "\U000f0f3d";
public static readonly string Baguette = "\U000f0f3e";
public static readonly string BusMultiple = "\U000f0f3f";
public static readonly string CarShiftPattern = "\U000f0f40";
public static readonly string CellphoneInformation = "\U000f0f41";
public static readonly string ContentSaveAlert = "\U000f0f42";
public static readonly string ContentSaveAlertOutline = "\U000f0f43";
public static readonly string ContentSaveAllOutline = "\U000f0f44";
public static readonly string CrosshairsOff = "\U000f0f45";
public static readonly string Cupboard = "\U000f0f46";
public static readonly string CupboardOutline = "\U000f0f47";
public static readonly string ChairRolling = "\U000f0f48";
public static readonly string Draw = "\U000f0f49";
public static readonly string Dresser = "\U000f0f4a";
public static readonly string DresserOutline = "\U000f0f4b";
public static readonly string EmoticonFrown = "\U000f0f4c";
public static readonly string EmoticonFrownOutline = "\U000f0f4d";
public static readonly string FocusAuto = "\U000f0f4e";
public static readonly string FocusField = "\U000f0f4f";
public static readonly string FocusFieldHorizontal = "\U000f0f50";
public static readonly string FocusFieldVertical = "\U000f0f51";
public static readonly string FootPrint = "\U000f0f52";
public static readonly string Handball = "\U000f0f53";
public static readonly string HomeThermometer = "\U000f0f54";
public static readonly string HomeThermometerOutline = "\U000f0f55";
public static readonly string KettleOutline = "\U000f0f56";
public static readonly string Latitude = "\U000f0f57";
public static readonly string LayersTriple = "\U000f0f58";
public static readonly string LayersTripleOutline = "\U000f0f59";
public static readonly string Longitude = "\U000f0f5a";
public static readonly string LanguageMarkdownOutline = "\U000f0f5b";
public static readonly string Merge = "\U000f0f5c";
public static readonly string Middleware = "\U000f0f5d";
public static readonly string MiddlewareOutline = "\U000f0f5e";
public static readonly string MonitorSpeaker = "\U000f0f5f";
public static readonly string MonitorSpeakerOff = "\U000f0f60";
public static readonly string MoonFirstQuarter = "\U000f0f61";
public static readonly string MoonFull = "\U000f0f62";
public static readonly string MoonLastQuarter = "\U000f0f63";
public static readonly string MoonNew = "\U000f0f64";
public static readonly string MoonWaningCrescent = "\U000f0f65";
public static readonly string MoonWaningGibbous = "\U000f0f66";
public static readonly string MoonWaxingCrescent = "\U000f0f67";
public static readonly string MoonWaxingGibbous = "\U000f0f68";
public static readonly string MusicAccidentalDoubleFlat = "\U000f0f69";
public static readonly string MusicAccidentalDoubleSharp = "\U000f0f6a";
public static readonly string MusicAccidentalFlat = "\U000f0f6b";
public static readonly string MusicAccidentalNatural = "\U000f0f6c";
public static readonly string MusicAccidentalSharp = "\U000f0f6d";
public static readonly string MusicClefAlto = "\U000f0f6e";
public static readonly string MusicClefBass = "\U000f0f6f";
public static readonly string MusicClefTreble = "\U000f0f70";
public static readonly string MusicNoteEighthDotted = "\U000f0f71";
public static readonly string MusicNoteHalfDotted = "\U000f0f72";
public static readonly string MusicNoteOffOutline = "\U000f0f73";
public static readonly string MusicNoteOutline = "\U000f0f74";
public static readonly string MusicNoteQuarterDotted = "\U000f0f75";
public static readonly string MusicNoteSixteenthDotted = "\U000f0f76";
public static readonly string MusicNoteWholeDotted = "\U000f0f77";
public static readonly string MusicRestEighth = "\U000f0f78";
public static readonly string MusicRestHalf = "\U000f0f79";
public static readonly string MusicRestQuarter = "\U000f0f7a";
public static readonly string MusicRestSixteenth = "\U000f0f7b";
public static readonly string MusicRestWhole = "\U000f0f7c";
public static readonly string Numeric10Box = "\U000f0f7d";
public static readonly string Numeric10BoxOutline = "\U000f0f7e";
public static readonly string PageLayoutHeaderFooter = "\U000f0f7f";
public static readonly string PatioHeater = "\U000f0f80";
public static readonly string Warehouse = "\U000f0f81";
public static readonly string SelectGroup = "\U000f0f82";
public static readonly string ShieldCar = "\U000f0f83";
public static readonly string ShoppingSearch = "\U000f0f84";
public static readonly string SpeedometerMedium = "\U000f0f85";
public static readonly string SpeedometerSlow = "\U000f0f86";
public static readonly string TableLargePlus = "\U000f0f87";
public static readonly string TableLargeRemove = "\U000f0f88";
public static readonly string TelevisionPause = "\U000f0f89";
public static readonly string TelevisionStop = "\U000f0f8a";
public static readonly string TransitDetour = "\U000f0f8b";
public static readonly string VideoInputScart = "\U000f0f8c";
public static readonly string ViewGridPlus = "\U000f0f8d";
public static readonly string WalletPlus = "\U000f0f8e";
public static readonly string WalletPlusOutline = "\U000f0f8f";
public static readonly string Wardrobe = "\U000f0f90";
public static readonly string WardrobeOutline = "\U000f0f91";
public static readonly string WaterBoiler = "\U000f0f92";
public static readonly string WaterPumpOff = "\U000f0f93";
public static readonly string WebBox = "\U000f0f94";
public static readonly string TimelineAlert = "\U000f0f95";
public static readonly string TimelinePlus = "\U000f0f96";
public static readonly string TimelinePlusOutline = "\U000f0f97";
public static readonly string TimelineAlertOutline = "\U000f0f98";
public static readonly string TimelineHelp = "\U000f0f99";
public static readonly string TimelineHelpOutline = "\U000f0f9a";
public static readonly string HomeExportOutline = "\U000f0f9b";
public static readonly string HomeImportOutline = "\U000f0f9c";
public static readonly string AdobeAcrobat = "\U000f0f9d";
public static readonly string ApproximatelyEqual = "\U000f0f9e";
public static readonly string ApproximatelyEqualBox = "\U000f0f9f";
public static readonly string BabyCarriageOff = "\U000f0fa0";
public static readonly string Bee = "\U000f0fa1";
public static readonly string BeeFlower = "\U000f0fa2";
public static readonly string CarChildSeat = "\U000f0fa3";
public static readonly string CarSeat = "\U000f0fa4";
public static readonly string CarSeatCooler = "\U000f0fa5";
public static readonly string CarSeatHeater = "\U000f0fa6";
public static readonly string ChartBellCurveCumulative = "\U000f0fa7";
public static readonly string ClockCheck = "\U000f0fa8";
public static readonly string ClockCheckOutline = "\U000f0fa9";
public static readonly string CoffeeOff = "\U000f0faa";
public static readonly string CoffeeOffOutline = "\U000f0fab";
public static readonly string CreditCardMinus = "\U000f0fac";
public static readonly string CreditCardMinusOutline = "\U000f0fad";
public static readonly string CreditCardRemove = "\U000f0fae";
public static readonly string CreditCardRemoveOutline = "\U000f0faf";
public static readonly string Devices = "\U000f0fb0";
public static readonly string EmailNewsletter = "\U000f0fb1";
public static readonly string ExpansionCardVariant = "\U000f0fb2";
public static readonly string FilePdfBoxOutline = "\U000f0fb3";
public static readonly string FileSwap = "\U000f0fb4";
public static readonly string FileSwapOutline = "\U000f0fb5";
public static readonly string FolderSwap = "\U000f0fb6";
public static readonly string FolderSwapOutline = "\U000f0fb7";
public static readonly string FormatLetterEndsWith = "\U000f0fb8";
public static readonly string FormatLetterMatches = "\U000f0fb9";
public static readonly string FormatLetterStartsWith = "\U000f0fba";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationAngleDown = "\U000f0fbb";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationAngleUp = "\U000f0fbc";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationDownVertical = "\U000f0fbd";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationUp = "\U000f0fbe";
public static readonly string FormatTextRotationVertical = "\U000f0fbf";
public static readonly string IdCard = "\U000f0fc0";
public static readonly string ImageAutoAdjust = "\U000f0fc1";
public static readonly string KeyWireless = "\U000f0fc2";
public static readonly string License = "\U000f0fc3";
public static readonly string LocationEnter = "\U000f0fc4";
public static readonly string LocationExit = "\U000f0fc5";
public static readonly string LockOpenVariant = "\U000f0fc6";
public static readonly string LockOpenVariantOutline = "\U000f0fc7";
public static readonly string MathIntegral = "\U000f0fc8";
public static readonly string MathIntegralBox = "\U000f0fc9";
public static readonly string MathNorm = "\U000f0fca";
public static readonly string MathNormBox = "\U000f0fcb";
public static readonly string MessageLock = "\U000f0fcc";
public static readonly string MessageTextLock = "\U000f0fcd";
public static readonly string MovieOpen = "\U000f0fce";
public static readonly string MovieOpenOutline = "\U000f0fcf";
public static readonly string BedQueen = "\U000f0fd0";
public static readonly string BedKingOutline = "\U000f0fd1";
public static readonly string BedKing = "\U000f0fd2";
public static readonly string BedDoubleOutline = "\U000f0fd3";
public static readonly string BedDouble = "\U000f0fd4";
public static readonly string MicrosoftAzureDevops = "\U000f0fd5";
public static readonly string ArmFlexOutline = "\U000f0fd6";
public static readonly string ArmFlex = "\U000f0fd7";
public static readonly string Protocol = "\U000f0fd8";
public static readonly string SealVariant = "\U000f0fd9";
public static readonly string SelectPlace = "\U000f0fda";
public static readonly string BedQueenOutline = "\U000f0fdb";
public static readonly string SignDirectionPlus = "\U000f0fdc";
public static readonly string SignDirectionRemove = "\U000f0fdd";
public static readonly string SilverwareClean = "\U000f0fde";
public static readonly string SlashForward = "\U000f0fdf";
public static readonly string SlashForwardBox = "\U000f0fe0";
public static readonly string SwapHorizontalCircle = "\U000f0fe1";
public static readonly string SwapHorizontalCircleOutline = "\U000f0fe2";
public static readonly string SwapVerticalCircle = "\U000f0fe3";
public static readonly string SwapVerticalCircleOutline = "\U000f0fe4";
public static readonly string TankerTruck = "\U000f0fe5";
public static readonly string TextureBox = "\U000f0fe6";
public static readonly string TramSide = "\U000f0fe7";
public static readonly string VectorLink = "\U000f0fe8";
public static readonly string Numeric10 = "\U000f0fe9";
public static readonly string Numeric10BoxMultiple = "\U000f0fea";
public static readonly string Numeric10BoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f0feb";
public static readonly string Numeric10Circle = "\U000f0fec";
public static readonly string Numeric10CircleOutline = "\U000f0fed";
public static readonly string Numeric9Plus = "\U000f0fee";
public static readonly string CreditCard = "\U000f0fef";
public static readonly string CreditCardMultiple = "\U000f0ff0";
public static readonly string CreditCardOff = "\U000f0ff1";
public static readonly string CreditCardPlus = "\U000f0ff2";
public static readonly string CreditCardRefund = "\U000f0ff3";
public static readonly string CreditCardScan = "\U000f0ff4";
public static readonly string CreditCardSettings = "\U000f0ff5";
public static readonly string Hospital = "\U000f0ff6";
public static readonly string HospitalBoxOutline = "\U000f0ff7";
public static readonly string OilTemperature = "\U000f0ff8";
public static readonly string Stadium = "\U000f0ff9";
public static readonly string ZipBoxOutline = "\U000f0ffa";
public static readonly string AccountEditOutline = "\U000f0ffb";
public static readonly string Peanut = "\U000f0ffc";
public static readonly string PeanutOff = "\U000f0ffd";
public static readonly string PeanutOutline = "\U000f0ffe";
public static readonly string PeanutOffOutline = "\U000f0fff";
public static readonly string SignDirectionMinus = "\U000f1000";
public static readonly string NewspaperVariant = "\U000f1001";
public static readonly string NewspaperVariantMultiple = "\U000f1002";
public static readonly string NewspaperVariantMultipleOutline = "\U000f1003";
public static readonly string NewspaperVariantOutline = "\U000f1004";
public static readonly string Overscan = "\U000f1005";
public static readonly string PigVariant = "\U000f1006";
public static readonly string PiggyBank = "\U000f1007";
public static readonly string Post = "\U000f1008";
public static readonly string PostOutline = "\U000f1009";
public static readonly string AccountBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f100a";
public static readonly string AirballoonOutline = "\U000f100b";
public static readonly string AlphabeticalOff = "\U000f100c";
public static readonly string AlphabeticalVariant = "\U000f100d";
public static readonly string AlphabeticalVariantOff = "\U000f100e";
public static readonly string ApacheKafka = "\U000f100f";
public static readonly string Billboard = "\U000f1010";
public static readonly string BlindsOpen = "\U000f1011";
public static readonly string BusStop = "\U000f1012";
public static readonly string BusStopCovered = "\U000f1013";
public static readonly string BusStopUncovered = "\U000f1014";
public static readonly string Car2Plus = "\U000f1015";
public static readonly string Car3Plus = "\U000f1016";
public static readonly string CarBrakeRetarder = "\U000f1017";
public static readonly string CarClutch = "\U000f1018";
public static readonly string CarCoolantLevel = "\U000f1019";
public static readonly string CarTurbocharger = "\U000f101a";
public static readonly string CarWindshield = "\U000f101b";
public static readonly string CarWindshieldOutline = "\U000f101c";
public static readonly string CardsDiamondOutline = "\U000f101d";
public static readonly string CastAudio = "\U000f101e";
public static readonly string CellphonePlay = "\U000f101f";
public static readonly string CoachLamp = "\U000f1020";
public static readonly string CommentQuote = "\U000f1021";
public static readonly string CommentQuoteOutline = "\U000f1022";
public static readonly string DominoMask = "\U000f1023";
public static readonly string ElectronFramework = "\U000f1024";
public static readonly string Excavator = "\U000f1025";
public static readonly string EyeMinus = "\U000f1026";
public static readonly string EyeMinusOutline = "\U000f1027";
public static readonly string FileAccountOutline = "\U000f1028";
public static readonly string FileChartOutline = "\U000f1029";
public static readonly string FileCloudOutline = "\U000f102a";
public static readonly string FileCodeOutline = "\U000f102b";
public static readonly string FileExcelBoxOutline = "\U000f102c";
public static readonly string FileExcelOutline = "\U000f102d";
public static readonly string FileExportOutline = "\U000f102e";
public static readonly string FileImportOutline = "\U000f102f";
public static readonly string FileLockOutline = "\U000f1030";
public static readonly string FileMoveOutline = "\U000f1031";
public static readonly string FileMultipleOutline = "\U000f1032";
public static readonly string FilePercentOutline = "\U000f1033";
public static readonly string FilePowerpointBoxOutline = "\U000f1034";
public static readonly string FilePowerpointOutline = "\U000f1035";
public static readonly string FileQuestionOutline = "\U000f1036";
public static readonly string FileRemoveOutline = "\U000f1037";
public static readonly string FileRestoreOutline = "\U000f1038";
public static readonly string FileSendOutline = "\U000f1039";
public static readonly string FileStar = "\U000f103a";
public static readonly string FileStarOutline = "\U000f103b";
public static readonly string FileUndoOutline = "\U000f103c";
public static readonly string FileWordBoxOutline = "\U000f103d";
public static readonly string FileWordOutline = "\U000f103e";
public static readonly string FilterVariantRemove = "\U000f103f";
public static readonly string FloorLampDual = "\U000f1040";
public static readonly string FloorLampVariant = "\U000f1041";
public static readonly string FruitCherries = "\U000f1042";
public static readonly string FruitCitrus = "\U000f1043";
public static readonly string FruitGrapes = "\U000f1044";
public static readonly string FruitGrapesOutline = "\U000f1045";
public static readonly string FruitPineapple = "\U000f1046";
public static readonly string FruitWatermelon = "\U000f1047";
public static readonly string GoogleMyBusiness = "\U000f1048";
public static readonly string Graph = "\U000f1049";
public static readonly string GraphOutline = "\U000f104a";
public static readonly string HarddiskPlus = "\U000f104b";
public static readonly string HarddiskRemove = "\U000f104c";
public static readonly string HomeCircleOutline = "\U000f104d";
public static readonly string InstrumentTriangle = "\U000f104e";
public static readonly string Island = "\U000f104f";
public static readonly string KeyboardSpace = "\U000f1050";
public static readonly string LedStripVariant = "\U000f1051";
public static readonly string NumericNegative1 = "\U000f1052";
public static readonly string OilLevel = "\U000f1053";
public static readonly string OutdoorLamp = "\U000f1054";
public static readonly string PalmTree = "\U000f1055";
public static readonly string PartyPopper = "\U000f1056";
public static readonly string PrinterPos = "\U000f1057";
public static readonly string Robber = "\U000f1058";
public static readonly string RoutesClock = "\U000f1059";
public static readonly string ScaleOff = "\U000f105a";
public static readonly string CogTransfer = "\U000f105b";
public static readonly string CogTransferOutline = "\U000f105c";
public static readonly string ShieldSun = "\U000f105d";
public static readonly string ShieldSunOutline = "\U000f105e";
public static readonly string Sprinkler = "\U000f105f";
public static readonly string SprinklerVariant = "\U000f1060";
public static readonly string TableChair = "\U000f1061";
public static readonly string Terraform = "\U000f1062";
public static readonly string Toaster = "\U000f1063";
public static readonly string Tools = "\U000f1064";
public static readonly string Transfer = "\U000f1065";
public static readonly string Valve = "\U000f1066";
public static readonly string ValveClosed = "\U000f1067";
public static readonly string ValveOpen = "\U000f1068";
public static readonly string VideoCheck = "\U000f1069";
public static readonly string VideoCheckOutline = "\U000f106a";
public static readonly string WaterWell = "\U000f106b";
public static readonly string WaterWellOutline = "\U000f106c";
public static readonly string BedSingle = "\U000f106d";
public static readonly string BedSingleOutline = "\U000f106e";
public static readonly string BookInformationVariant = "\U000f106f";
public static readonly string BottleSoda = "\U000f1070";
public static readonly string BottleSodaClassic = "\U000f1071";
public static readonly string BottleSodaOutline = "\U000f1072";
public static readonly string CalendarBlankMultiple = "\U000f1073";
public static readonly string CardSearch = "\U000f1074";
public static readonly string CardSearchOutline = "\U000f1075";
public static readonly string FaceProfileWoman = "\U000f1076";
public static readonly string FaceWoman = "\U000f1077";
public static readonly string FaceWomanOutline = "\U000f1078";
public static readonly string FileSettings = "\U000f1079";
public static readonly string FileSettingsOutline = "\U000f107a";
public static readonly string FileCog = "\U000f107b";
public static readonly string FileCogOutline = "\U000f107c";
public static readonly string FolderSettings = "\U000f107d";
public static readonly string FolderSettingsOutline = "\U000f107e";
public static readonly string FolderCog = "\U000f107f";
public static readonly string FolderCogOutline = "\U000f1080";
public static readonly string FuriganaHorizontal = "\U000f1081";
public static readonly string FuriganaVertical = "\U000f1082";
public static readonly string GolfTee = "\U000f1083";
public static readonly string Lungs = "\U000f1084";
public static readonly string MathLog = "\U000f1085";
public static readonly string Moped = "\U000f1086";
public static readonly string RouterNetwork = "\U000f1087";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral2 = "\U000f1089";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral3 = "\U000f108a";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral4 = "\U000f108b";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral6 = "\U000f108d";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral7 = "\U000f108e";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral8 = "\U000f108f";
public static readonly string RomanNumeral9 = "\U000f1090";
public static readonly string SolderingIron = "\U000f1092";
public static readonly string Stomach = "\U000f1093";
public static readonly string TableEye = "\U000f1094";
public static readonly string FormTextarea = "\U000f1095";
public static readonly string Trumpet = "\U000f1096";
public static readonly string AccountCash = "\U000f1097";
public static readonly string AccountCashOutline = "\U000f1098";
public static readonly string AirHumidifier = "\U000f1099";
public static readonly string Ansible = "\U000f109a";
public static readonly string Api = "\U000f109b";
public static readonly string Bicycle = "\U000f109c";
public static readonly string CarDoorLock = "\U000f109d";
public static readonly string CoatRack = "\U000f109e";
public static readonly string CoffeeMaker = "\U000f109f";
public static readonly string ConcourseCi = "\U000f10a0";
public static readonly string Decimal = "\U000f10a1";
public static readonly string DecimalComma = "\U000f10a2";
public static readonly string DecimalCommaDecrease = "\U000f10a3";
public static readonly string DecimalCommaIncrease = "\U000f10a4";
public static readonly string DeleteAlert = "\U000f10a5";
public static readonly string DeleteAlertOutline = "\U000f10a6";
public static readonly string DeleteOff = "\U000f10a7";
public static readonly string DeleteOffOutline = "\U000f10a8";
public static readonly string DockBottom = "\U000f10a9";
public static readonly string DockLeft = "\U000f10aa";
public static readonly string DockRight = "\U000f10ab";
public static readonly string DockWindow = "\U000f10ac";
public static readonly string DomainPlus = "\U000f10ad";
public static readonly string DomainRemove = "\U000f10ae";
public static readonly string DoorClosedLock = "\U000f10af";
public static readonly string DownloadOff = "\U000f10b0";
public static readonly string DownloadOffOutline = "\U000f10b1";
public static readonly string FlagMinusOutline = "\U000f10b2";
public static readonly string FlagPlusOutline = "\U000f10b3";
public static readonly string FlagRemoveOutline = "\U000f10b4";
public static readonly string FolderHome = "\U000f10b5";
public static readonly string FolderHomeOutline = "\U000f10b6";
public static readonly string FolderInformation = "\U000f10b7";
public static readonly string FolderInformationOutline = "\U000f10b8";
public static readonly string IvBag = "\U000f10b9";
public static readonly string LinkLock = "\U000f10ba";
public static readonly string MessagePlusOutline = "\U000f10bb";
public static readonly string PhoneCancel = "\U000f10bc";
public static readonly string SmartCard = "\U000f10bd";
public static readonly string SmartCardOutline = "\U000f10be";
public static readonly string SmartCardReader = "\U000f10bf";
public static readonly string SmartCardReaderOutline = "\U000f10c0";
public static readonly string StorefrontOutline = "\U000f10c1";
public static readonly string ThermometerHigh = "\U000f10c2";
public static readonly string ThermometerLow = "\U000f10c3";
public static readonly string Ufo = "\U000f10c4";
public static readonly string UfoOutline = "\U000f10c5";
public static readonly string UploadOff = "\U000f10c6";
public static readonly string UploadOffOutline = "\U000f10c7";
public static readonly string AccountChildOutline = "\U000f10c8";
public static readonly string AccountSettingsOutline = "\U000f10c9";
public static readonly string AccountTieOutline = "\U000f10ca";
public static readonly string AlienOutline = "\U000f10cb";
public static readonly string BatteryAlertVariant = "\U000f10cc";
public static readonly string BatteryAlertVariantOutline = "\U000f10cd";
public static readonly string BeehiveOutline = "\U000f10ce";
public static readonly string Boomerang = "\U000f10cf";
public static readonly string BriefcaseClock = "\U000f10d0";
public static readonly string BriefcaseClockOutline = "\U000f10d1";
public static readonly string CellphoneMessageOff = "\U000f10d2";
public static readonly string CircleOffOutline = "\U000f10d3";
public static readonly string ClipboardList = "\U000f10d4";
public static readonly string ClipboardListOutline = "\U000f10d5";
public static readonly string CodeBracesBox = "\U000f10d6";
public static readonly string CodeParenthesesBox = "\U000f10d7";
public static readonly string Consolidate = "\U000f10d8";
public static readonly string ElectricSwitchClosed = "\U000f10d9";
public static readonly string EmailReceive = "\U000f10da";
public static readonly string EmailReceiveOutline = "\U000f10db";
public static readonly string EmailSend = "\U000f10dc";
public static readonly string EmailSendOutline = "\U000f10dd";
public static readonly string EmoticonConfused = "\U000f10de";
public static readonly string EmoticonConfusedOutline = "\U000f10df";
public static readonly string Epsilon = "\U000f10e0";
public static readonly string FileTableBox = "\U000f10e1";
public static readonly string FileTableBoxMultiple = "\U000f10e2";
public static readonly string FileTableBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f10e3";
public static readonly string FileTableBoxOutline = "\U000f10e4";
public static readonly string FilterMenu = "\U000f10e5";
public static readonly string FilterMenuOutline = "\U000f10e6";
public static readonly string FlipHorizontal = "\U000f10e7";
public static readonly string FlipVertical = "\U000f10e8";
public static readonly string FolderDownloadOutline = "\U000f10e9";
public static readonly string FolderHeart = "\U000f10ea";
public static readonly string FolderHeartOutline = "\U000f10eb";
public static readonly string FolderKeyOutline = "\U000f10ec";
public static readonly string FolderUploadOutline = "\U000f10ed";
public static readonly string Gamma = "\U000f10ee";
public static readonly string HairDryer = "\U000f10ef";
public static readonly string HairDryerOutline = "\U000f10f0";
public static readonly string HandHeart = "\U000f10f1";
public static readonly string HexagonMultipleOutline = "\U000f10f2";
public static readonly string HorizontalRotateClockwise = "\U000f10f3";
public static readonly string HorizontalRotateCounterclockwise = "\U000f10f4";
public static readonly string IframeArray = "\U000f10f5";
public static readonly string IframeArrayOutline = "\U000f10f6";
public static readonly string IframeBraces = "\U000f10f7";
public static readonly string IframeBracesOutline = "\U000f10f8";
public static readonly string IframeParentheses = "\U000f10f9";
public static readonly string IframeParenthesesOutline = "\U000f10fa";
public static readonly string IframeVariable = "\U000f10fb";
public static readonly string IframeVariableOutline = "\U000f10fc";
public static readonly string Khanda = "\U000f10fd";
public static readonly string Kubernetes = "\U000f10fe";
public static readonly string LinkVariantMinus = "\U000f10ff";
public static readonly string LinkVariantPlus = "\U000f1100";
public static readonly string LinkVariantRemove = "\U000f1101";
public static readonly string MapMarkerDown = "\U000f1102";
public static readonly string MapMarkerUp = "\U000f1103";
public static readonly string MonitorClean = "\U000f1104";
public static readonly string Nix = "\U000f1105";
public static readonly string Nuxt = "\U000f1106";
public static readonly string PowerSocketDe = "\U000f1107";
public static readonly string PowerSocketFr = "\U000f1108";
public static readonly string PowerSocketJp = "\U000f1109";
public static readonly string ProgressClose = "\U000f110a";
public static readonly string ReloadAlert = "\U000f110b";
public static readonly string RestartAlert = "\U000f110c";
public static readonly string RestoreAlert = "\U000f110d";
public static readonly string Shaker = "\U000f110e";
public static readonly string ShakerOutline = "\U000f110f";
public static readonly string TelevisionClean = "\U000f1110";
public static readonly string VariableBox = "\U000f1111";
public static readonly string FilterVariantMinus = "\U000f1112";
public static readonly string FilterVariantPlus = "\U000f1113";
public static readonly string SlotMachine = "\U000f1114";
public static readonly string SlotMachineOutline = "\U000f1115";
public static readonly string GlassMugVariant = "\U000f1116";
public static readonly string ClipboardFlowOutline = "\U000f1117";
public static readonly string SignRealEstate = "\U000f1118";
public static readonly string Antenna = "\U000f1119";
public static readonly string Centos = "\U000f111a";
public static readonly string Redhat = "\U000f111b";
public static readonly string WindowShutter = "\U000f111c";
public static readonly string WindowShutterAlert = "\U000f111d";
public static readonly string WindowShutterOpen = "\U000f111e";
public static readonly string BikeFast = "\U000f111f";
public static readonly string VolumeSource = "\U000f1120";
public static readonly string VolumeVibrate = "\U000f1121";
public static readonly string MovieEdit = "\U000f1122";
public static readonly string MovieEditOutline = "\U000f1123";
public static readonly string MovieFilter = "\U000f1124";
public static readonly string MovieFilterOutline = "\U000f1125";
public static readonly string Diabetes = "\U000f1126";
public static readonly string CursorDefaultGesture = "\U000f1127";
public static readonly string CursorDefaultGestureOutline = "\U000f1128";
public static readonly string Toothbrush = "\U000f1129";
public static readonly string ToothbrushPaste = "\U000f112a";
public static readonly string HomeRoof = "\U000f112b";
public static readonly string ToothbrushElectric = "\U000f112c";
public static readonly string AccountSupervisorOutline = "\U000f112d";
public static readonly string BottleTonic = "\U000f112e";
public static readonly string BottleTonicOutline = "\U000f112f";
public static readonly string BottleTonicPlus = "\U000f1130";
public static readonly string BottleTonicPlusOutline = "\U000f1131";
public static readonly string BottleTonicSkull = "\U000f1132";
public static readonly string BottleTonicSkullOutline = "\U000f1133";
public static readonly string CalendarArrowLeft = "\U000f1134";
public static readonly string CalendarArrowRight = "\U000f1135";
public static readonly string CrosshairsQuestion = "\U000f1136";
public static readonly string FireHydrant = "\U000f1137";
public static readonly string FireHydrantAlert = "\U000f1138";
public static readonly string FireHydrantOff = "\U000f1139";
public static readonly string Ocr = "\U000f113a";
public static readonly string ShieldStar = "\U000f113b";
public static readonly string ShieldStarOutline = "\U000f113c";
public static readonly string TextRecognition = "\U000f113d";
public static readonly string Handcuffs = "\U000f113e";
public static readonly string GenderMaleFemaleVariant = "\U000f113f";
public static readonly string GenderNonBinary = "\U000f1140";
public static readonly string MinusBoxMultiple = "\U000f1141";
public static readonly string MinusBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f1142";
public static readonly string PlusBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f1143";
public static readonly string PencilBoxMultiple = "\U000f1144";
public static readonly string PencilBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f1145";
public static readonly string PrinterCheck = "\U000f1146";
public static readonly string SortVariantRemove = "\U000f1147";
public static readonly string SortAlphabeticalAscendingVariant = "\U000f1148";
public static readonly string SortAlphabeticalDescendingVariant = "\U000f1149";
public static readonly string Dice1Outline = "\U000f114a";
public static readonly string Dice2Outline = "\U000f114b";
public static readonly string Dice3Outline = "\U000f114c";
public static readonly string Dice4Outline = "\U000f114d";
public static readonly string Dice5Outline = "\U000f114e";
public static readonly string Dice6Outline = "\U000f114f";
public static readonly string DiceD4 = "\U000f1150";
public static readonly string DiceD6 = "\U000f1151";
public static readonly string DiceD8 = "\U000f1152";
public static readonly string DiceD10 = "\U000f1153";
public static readonly string DiceD12 = "\U000f1154";
public static readonly string DiceD20 = "\U000f1155";
public static readonly string DiceMultipleOutline = "\U000f1156";
public static readonly string PaperRoll = "\U000f1157";
public static readonly string PaperRollOutline = "\U000f1158";
public static readonly string HomeEdit = "\U000f1159";
public static readonly string HomeEditOutline = "\U000f115a";
public static readonly string ArrowHorizontalLock = "\U000f115b";
public static readonly string ArrowVerticalLock = "\U000f115c";
public static readonly string WeightLifter = "\U000f115d";
public static readonly string AccountLock = "\U000f115e";
public static readonly string AccountLockOutline = "\U000f115f";
public static readonly string Pasta = "\U000f1160";
public static readonly string SendCheck = "\U000f1161";
public static readonly string SendCheckOutline = "\U000f1162";
public static readonly string SendClock = "\U000f1163";
public static readonly string SendClockOutline = "\U000f1164";
public static readonly string SendOutline = "\U000f1165";
public static readonly string SendLockOutline = "\U000f1166";
public static readonly string PoliceBadge = "\U000f1167";
public static readonly string PoliceBadgeOutline = "\U000f1168";
public static readonly string GateArrowRight = "\U000f1169";
public static readonly string GateOpen = "\U000f116a";
public static readonly string CurrencyUsdCircle = "\U000f116b";
public static readonly string MessageImageOutline = "\U000f116c";
public static readonly string MessageLockOutline = "\U000f116d";
public static readonly string MessageMinus = "\U000f116e";
public static readonly string MessageMinusOutline = "\U000f116f";
public static readonly string MessageProcessingOutline = "\U000f1170";
public static readonly string MessageSettingsOutline = "\U000f1171";
public static readonly string MessageCogOutline = "\U000f1172";
public static readonly string MessageTextClock = "\U000f1173";
public static readonly string MessageTextClockOutline = "\U000f1174";
public static readonly string MessageTextLockOutline = "\U000f1175";
public static readonly string CashUsd = "\U000f1176";
public static readonly string FileLink = "\U000f1177";
public static readonly string FileLinkOutline = "\U000f1178";
public static readonly string FilePhone = "\U000f1179";
public static readonly string FilePhoneOutline = "\U000f117a";
public static readonly string Meditation = "\U000f117b";
public static readonly string Yoga = "\U000f117c";
public static readonly string Leek = "\U000f117d";
public static readonly string Noodles = "\U000f117e";
public static readonly string PoundBoxOutline = "\U000f117f";
public static readonly string SchoolOutline = "\U000f1180";
public static readonly string BasketOutline = "\U000f1181";
public static readonly string PhoneInTalkOutline = "\U000f1182";
public static readonly string Bash = "\U000f1183";
public static readonly string FileKey = "\U000f1184";
public static readonly string FileKeyOutline = "\U000f1185";
public static readonly string FileCertificate = "\U000f1186";
public static readonly string FileCertificateOutline = "\U000f1187";
public static readonly string CertificateOutline = "\U000f1188";
public static readonly string Cigar = "\U000f1189";
public static readonly string GrillOutline = "\U000f118a";
public static readonly string QrcodePlus = "\U000f118b";
public static readonly string QrcodeMinus = "\U000f118c";
public static readonly string QrcodeRemove = "\U000f118d";
public static readonly string PhoneAlertOutline = "\U000f118e";
public static readonly string PhoneBluetoothOutline = "\U000f118f";
public static readonly string PhoneCancelOutline = "\U000f1190";
public static readonly string PhoneForwardOutline = "\U000f1191";
public static readonly string PhoneHangupOutline = "\U000f1192";
public static readonly string PhoneIncomingOutline = "\U000f1193";
public static readonly string PhoneLockOutline = "\U000f1194";
public static readonly string PhoneLogOutline = "\U000f1195";
public static readonly string PhoneMessage = "\U000f1196";
public static readonly string PhoneMessageOutline = "\U000f1197";
public static readonly string PhoneMinusOutline = "\U000f1198";
public static readonly string PhoneOutgoingOutline = "\U000f1199";
public static readonly string PhonePausedOutline = "\U000f119a";
public static readonly string PhonePlusOutline = "\U000f119b";
public static readonly string PhoneReturnOutline = "\U000f119c";
public static readonly string PhoneSettingsOutline = "\U000f119d";
public static readonly string KeyStar = "\U000f119e";
public static readonly string KeyLink = "\U000f119f";
public static readonly string ShieldEdit = "\U000f11a0";
public static readonly string ShieldEditOutline = "\U000f11a1";
public static readonly string ShieldSync = "\U000f11a2";
public static readonly string ShieldSyncOutline = "\U000f11a3";
public static readonly string GolfCart = "\U000f11a4";
public static readonly string PhoneMissedOutline = "\U000f11a5";
public static readonly string PhoneOffOutline = "\U000f11a6";
public static readonly string FormatQuoteOpenOutline = "\U000f11a7";
public static readonly string FormatQuoteCloseOutline = "\U000f11a8";
public static readonly string PhoneCheck = "\U000f11a9";
public static readonly string PhoneCheckOutline = "\U000f11aa";
public static readonly string PhoneRing = "\U000f11ab";
public static readonly string PhoneRingOutline = "\U000f11ac";
public static readonly string ShareCircle = "\U000f11ad";
public static readonly string ReplyCircle = "\U000f11ae";
public static readonly string FridgeOff = "\U000f11af";
public static readonly string FridgeOffOutline = "\U000f11b0";
public static readonly string FridgeAlert = "\U000f11b1";
public static readonly string FridgeAlertOutline = "\U000f11b2";
public static readonly string WaterBoilerAlert = "\U000f11b3";
public static readonly string WaterBoilerOff = "\U000f11b4";
public static readonly string AmplifierOff = "\U000f11b5";
public static readonly string AudioVideoOff = "\U000f11b6";
public static readonly string ToasterOff = "\U000f11b7";
public static readonly string DishwasherAlert = "\U000f11b8";
public static readonly string DishwasherOff = "\U000f11b9";
public static readonly string TumbleDryerAlert = "\U000f11ba";
public static readonly string TumbleDryerOff = "\U000f11bb";
public static readonly string WashingMachineAlert = "\U000f11bc";
public static readonly string WashingMachineOff = "\U000f11bd";
public static readonly string CarInfo = "\U000f11be";
public static readonly string CommentEdit = "\U000f11bf";
public static readonly string Printer3dNozzleAlert = "\U000f11c0";
public static readonly string Printer3dNozzleAlertOutline = "\U000f11c1";
public static readonly string AlignHorizontalLeft = "\U000f11c2";
public static readonly string AlignHorizontalCenter = "\U000f11c3";
public static readonly string AlignHorizontalRight = "\U000f11c4";
public static readonly string AlignVerticalBottom = "\U000f11c5";
public static readonly string AlignVerticalCenter = "\U000f11c6";
public static readonly string AlignVerticalTop = "\U000f11c7";
public static readonly string DistributeHorizontalLeft = "\U000f11c8";
public static readonly string DistributeHorizontalCenter = "\U000f11c9";
public static readonly string DistributeHorizontalRight = "\U000f11ca";
public static readonly string DistributeVerticalBottom = "\U000f11cb";
public static readonly string DistributeVerticalCenter = "\U000f11cc";
public static readonly string DistributeVerticalTop = "\U000f11cd";
public static readonly string AlertRhombus = "\U000f11ce";
public static readonly string AlertRhombusOutline = "\U000f11cf";
public static readonly string CrownOutline = "\U000f11d0";
public static readonly string ImageOffOutline = "\U000f11d1";
public static readonly string MovieSearch = "\U000f11d2";
public static readonly string MovieSearchOutline = "\U000f11d3";
public static readonly string RvTruck = "\U000f11d4";
public static readonly string ShoppingOutline = "\U000f11d5";
public static readonly string Strategy = "\U000f11d6";
public static readonly string NoteTextOutline = "\U000f11d7";
public static readonly string ViewAgendaOutline = "\U000f11d8";
public static readonly string ViewGridOutline = "\U000f11d9";
public static readonly string ViewGridPlusOutline = "\U000f11da";
public static readonly string WindowClosedVariant = "\U000f11db";
public static readonly string WindowOpenVariant = "\U000f11dc";
public static readonly string CogClockwise = "\U000f11dd";
public static readonly string CogCounterclockwise = "\U000f11de";
public static readonly string ChartSankey = "\U000f11df";
public static readonly string ChartSankeyVariant = "\U000f11e0";
public static readonly string VanityLight = "\U000f11e1";
public static readonly string Router = "\U000f11e2";
public static readonly string ImageEdit = "\U000f11e3";
public static readonly string ImageEditOutline = "\U000f11e4";
public static readonly string BellCheck = "\U000f11e5";
public static readonly string BellCheckOutline = "\U000f11e6";
public static readonly string FileEdit = "\U000f11e7";
public static readonly string FileEditOutline = "\U000f11e8";
public static readonly string Scooter = "\U000f11e9";
public static readonly string Spider = "\U000f11ea";
public static readonly string SpiderThread = "\U000f11eb";
public static readonly string PlusThick = "\U000f11ec";
public static readonly string AlertCircleCheck = "\U000f11ed";
public static readonly string AlertCircleCheckOutline = "\U000f11ee";
public static readonly string StateMachine = "\U000f11ef";
public static readonly string UsbPort = "\U000f11f0";
public static readonly string CloudLock = "\U000f11f1";
public static readonly string CloudLockOutline = "\U000f11f2";
public static readonly string RobotMowerOutline = "\U000f11f3";
public static readonly string ShareAll = "\U000f11f4";
public static readonly string ShareAllOutline = "\U000f11f5";
public static readonly string GoogleCloud = "\U000f11f6";
public static readonly string RobotMower = "\U000f11f7";
public static readonly string FastForward5 = "\U000f11f8";
public static readonly string Rewind5 = "\U000f11f9";
public static readonly string ShapeOvalPlus = "\U000f11fa";
public static readonly string TimelineClock = "\U000f11fb";
public static readonly string TimelineClockOutline = "\U000f11fc";
public static readonly string Mirror = "\U000f11fd";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleCheckOutline = "\U000f11fe";
public static readonly string CardPlus = "\U000f11ff";
public static readonly string CardPlusOutline = "\U000f1200";
public static readonly string CheckerboardPlus = "\U000f1201";
public static readonly string CheckerboardMinus = "\U000f1202";
public static readonly string CheckerboardRemove = "\U000f1203";
public static readonly string SelectSearch = "\U000f1204";
public static readonly string SelectionSearch = "\U000f1205";
public static readonly string LayersSearch = "\U000f1206";
public static readonly string LayersSearchOutline = "\U000f1207";
public static readonly string LightbulbCfl = "\U000f1208";
public static readonly string LightbulbCflOff = "\U000f1209";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleRemove = "\U000f120a";
public static readonly string AccountMultipleRemoveOutline = "\U000f120b";
public static readonly string MagnifyRemoveCursor = "\U000f120c";
public static readonly string MagnifyRemoveOutline = "\U000f120d";
public static readonly string ArchiveOutline = "\U000f120e";
public static readonly string BatteryHeart = "\U000f120f";
public static readonly string BatteryHeartOutline = "\U000f1210";
public static readonly string BatteryHeartVariant = "\U000f1211";
public static readonly string BusMarker = "\U000f1212";
public static readonly string ChartMultiple = "\U000f1213";
public static readonly string EmoticonLol = "\U000f1214";
public static readonly string EmoticonLolOutline = "\U000f1215";
public static readonly string FileSync = "\U000f1216";
public static readonly string FileSyncOutline = "\U000f1217";
public static readonly string Handshake = "\U000f1218";
public static readonly string LanguageKotlin = "\U000f1219";
public static readonly string LanguageFortran = "\U000f121a";
public static readonly string Offer = "\U000f121b";
public static readonly string RadioOff = "\U000f121c";
public static readonly string TableHeadersEye = "\U000f121d";
public static readonly string TableHeadersEyeOff = "\U000f121e";
public static readonly string TagMinusOutline = "\U000f121f";
public static readonly string TagOff = "\U000f1220";
public static readonly string TagOffOutline = "\U000f1221";
public static readonly string TagPlusOutline = "\U000f1222";
public static readonly string TagRemoveOutline = "\U000f1223";
public static readonly string TagText = "\U000f1224";
public static readonly string VectorPolylineEdit = "\U000f1225";
public static readonly string VectorPolylineMinus = "\U000f1226";
public static readonly string VectorPolylinePlus = "\U000f1227";
public static readonly string VectorPolylineRemove = "\U000f1228";
public static readonly string BeakerAlert = "\U000f1229";
public static readonly string BeakerAlertOutline = "\U000f122a";
public static readonly string BeakerCheck = "\U000f122b";
public static readonly string BeakerCheckOutline = "\U000f122c";
public static readonly string BeakerMinus = "\U000f122d";
public static readonly string BeakerMinusOutline = "\U000f122e";
public static readonly string BeakerPlus = "\U000f122f";
public static readonly string BeakerPlusOutline = "\U000f1230";
public static readonly string BeakerQuestion = "\U000f1231";
public static readonly string BeakerQuestionOutline = "\U000f1232";
public static readonly string BeakerRemove = "\U000f1233";
public static readonly string BeakerRemoveOutline = "\U000f1234";
public static readonly string BicycleBasket = "\U000f1235";
public static readonly string BarcodeOff = "\U000f1236";
public static readonly string DigitalOcean = "\U000f1237";
public static readonly string ExclamationThick = "\U000f1238";
public static readonly string Desk = "\U000f1239";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyMinus = "\U000f123a";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyMinusOutline = "\U000f123b";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyPlus = "\U000f123c";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyPlusOutline = "\U000f123d";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyRemove = "\U000f123e";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyRemoveOutline = "\U000f123f";
public static readonly string FlaskMinus = "\U000f1240";
public static readonly string FlaskMinusOutline = "\U000f1241";
public static readonly string FlaskPlus = "\U000f1242";
public static readonly string FlaskPlusOutline = "\U000f1243";
public static readonly string FlaskRemove = "\U000f1244";
public static readonly string FlaskRemoveOutline = "\U000f1245";
public static readonly string FolderMoveOutline = "\U000f1246";
public static readonly string HomeRemove = "\U000f1247";
public static readonly string Webrtc = "\U000f1248";
public static readonly string SeatPassenger = "\U000f1249";
public static readonly string WebClock = "\U000f124a";
public static readonly string FlaskRoundBottom = "\U000f124b";
public static readonly string FlaskRoundBottomEmpty = "\U000f124c";
public static readonly string FlaskRoundBottomEmptyOutline = "\U000f124d";
public static readonly string FlaskRoundBottomOutline = "\U000f124e";
public static readonly string Gold = "\U000f124f";
public static readonly string MicrosoftEdgeLegacy = "\U000f1250";
public static readonly string HomeLightbulb = "\U000f1251";
public static readonly string HomeLightbulbOutline = "\U000f1252";
public static readonly string LightbulbGroup = "\U000f1253";
public static readonly string LightbulbGroupOutline = "\U000f1254";
public static readonly string LightbulbMultiple = "\U000f1255";
public static readonly string LightbulbMultipleOutline = "\U000f1256";
public static readonly string ApiOff = "\U000f1257";
public static readonly string Allergy = "\U000f1258";
public static readonly string ArchiveArrowDown = "\U000f1259";
public static readonly string ArchiveArrowDownOutline = "\U000f125a";
public static readonly string ArchiveArrowUp = "\U000f125b";
public static readonly string ArchiveArrowUpOutline = "\U000f125c";
public static readonly string BatteryOff = "\U000f125d";
public static readonly string BatteryOffOutline = "\U000f125e";
public static readonly string Bookshelf = "\U000f125f";
public static readonly string CashMinus = "\U000f1260";
public static readonly string CashPlus = "\U000f1261";
public static readonly string CashRemove = "\U000f1262";
public static readonly string ClipboardCheckMultiple = "\U000f1263";
public static readonly string ClipboardCheckMultipleOutline = "\U000f1264";
public static readonly string ClipboardFile = "\U000f1265";
public static readonly string ClipboardFileOutline = "\U000f1266";
public static readonly string ClipboardMultiple = "\U000f1267";
public static readonly string ClipboardMultipleOutline = "\U000f1268";
public static readonly string ClipboardPlayMultiple = "\U000f1269";
public static readonly string ClipboardPlayMultipleOutline = "\U000f126a";
public static readonly string ClipboardTextMultiple = "\U000f126b";
public static readonly string ClipboardTextMultipleOutline = "\U000f126c";
public static readonly string FolderMarker = "\U000f126d";
public static readonly string FolderMarkerOutline = "\U000f126e";
public static readonly string FormatListText = "\U000f126f";
public static readonly string InboxArrowDownOutline = "\U000f1270";
public static readonly string InboxArrowUpOutline = "\U000f1271";
public static readonly string InboxFull = "\U000f1272";
public static readonly string InboxFullOutline = "\U000f1273";
public static readonly string InboxOutline = "\U000f1274";
public static readonly string LightbulbCflSpiral = "\U000f1275";
public static readonly string MagnifyScan = "\U000f1276";
public static readonly string MapMarkerMultipleOutline = "\U000f1277";
public static readonly string PercentOutline = "\U000f1278";
public static readonly string PhoneClassicOff = "\U000f1279";
public static readonly string PlayBox = "\U000f127a";
public static readonly string PollBoxOutline = "\U000f127b";
public static readonly string SafeSquare = "\U000f127c";
public static readonly string SafeSquareOutline = "\U000f127d";
public static readonly string Scoreboard = "\U000f127e";
public static readonly string ScoreboardOutline = "\U000f127f";
public static readonly string SelectMarker = "\U000f1280";
public static readonly string SelectMultiple = "\U000f1281";
public static readonly string SelectMultipleMarker = "\U000f1282";
public static readonly string SelectionMarker = "\U000f1283";
public static readonly string SelectionMultipleMarker = "\U000f1284";
public static readonly string SelectionMultiple = "\U000f1285";
public static readonly string StarBoxMultiple = "\U000f1286";
public static readonly string StarBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f1287";
public static readonly string ToyBrick = "\U000f1288";
public static readonly string ToyBrickMarker = "\U000f1289";
public static readonly string ToyBrickMarkerOutline = "\U000f128a";
public static readonly string ToyBrickMinus = "\U000f128b";
public static readonly string ToyBrickMinusOutline = "\U000f128c";
public static readonly string ToyBrickOutline = "\U000f128d";
public static readonly string ToyBrickPlus = "\U000f128e";
public static readonly string ToyBrickPlusOutline = "\U000f128f";
public static readonly string ToyBrickRemove = "\U000f1290";
public static readonly string ToyBrickRemoveOutline = "\U000f1291";
public static readonly string ToyBrickSearch = "\U000f1292";
public static readonly string ToyBrickSearchOutline = "\U000f1293";
public static readonly string Tray = "\U000f1294";
public static readonly string TrayAlert = "\U000f1295";
public static readonly string TrayFull = "\U000f1296";
public static readonly string TrayMinus = "\U000f1297";
public static readonly string TrayPlus = "\U000f1298";
public static readonly string TrayRemove = "\U000f1299";
public static readonly string TruckCheckOutline = "\U000f129a";
public static readonly string TruckDeliveryOutline = "\U000f129b";
public static readonly string TruckFastOutline = "\U000f129c";
public static readonly string TruckOutline = "\U000f129d";
public static readonly string UsbFlashDrive = "\U000f129e";
public static readonly string UsbFlashDriveOutline = "\U000f129f";
public static readonly string WaterPolo = "\U000f12a0";
public static readonly string BatteryLow = "\U000f12a1";
public static readonly string BatteryMedium = "\U000f12a2";
public static readonly string BatteryHigh = "\U000f12a3";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingLow = "\U000f12a4";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingMedium = "\U000f12a5";
public static readonly string BatteryChargingHigh = "\U000f12a6";
public static readonly string Hexadecimal = "\U000f12a7";
public static readonly string GestureTapButton = "\U000f12a8";
public static readonly string GestureTapBox = "\U000f12a9";
public static readonly string LanCheck = "\U000f12aa";
public static readonly string KeyboardF1 = "\U000f12ab";
public static readonly string KeyboardF2 = "\U000f12ac";
public static readonly string KeyboardF3 = "\U000f12ad";
public static readonly string KeyboardF4 = "\U000f12ae";
public static readonly string KeyboardF5 = "\U000f12af";
public static readonly string KeyboardF6 = "\U000f12b0";
public static readonly string KeyboardF7 = "\U000f12b1";
public static readonly string KeyboardF8 = "\U000f12b2";
public static readonly string KeyboardF9 = "\U000f12b3";
public static readonly string KeyboardF10 = "\U000f12b4";
public static readonly string KeyboardF11 = "\U000f12b5";
public static readonly string KeyboardF12 = "\U000f12b6";
public static readonly string KeyboardEsc = "\U000f12b7";
public static readonly string Toslink = "\U000f12b8";
public static readonly string Cheese = "\U000f12b9";
public static readonly string StringLights = "\U000f12ba";
public static readonly string StringLightsOff = "\U000f12bb";
public static readonly string WhistleOutline = "\U000f12bc";
public static readonly string StairsUp = "\U000f12bd";
public static readonly string StairsDown = "\U000f12be";
public static readonly string EscalatorUp = "\U000f12bf";
public static readonly string EscalatorDown = "\U000f12c0";
public static readonly string ElevatorUp = "\U000f12c1";
public static readonly string ElevatorDown = "\U000f12c2";
public static readonly string LightbulbCflSpiralOff = "\U000f12c3";
public static readonly string CommentEditOutline = "\U000f12c4";
public static readonly string TooltipEditOutline = "\U000f12c5";
public static readonly string MonitorEdit = "\U000f12c6";
public static readonly string EmailSync = "\U000f12c7";
public static readonly string EmailSyncOutline = "\U000f12c8";
public static readonly string ChatAlertOutline = "\U000f12c9";
public static readonly string ChatProcessingOutline = "\U000f12ca";
public static readonly string SnowflakeMelt = "\U000f12cb";
public static readonly string CloudCheckOutline = "\U000f12cc";
public static readonly string LightbulbGroupOff = "\U000f12cd";
public static readonly string LightbulbGroupOffOutline = "\U000f12ce";
public static readonly string LightbulbMultipleOff = "\U000f12cf";
public static readonly string LightbulbMultipleOffOutline = "\U000f12d0";
public static readonly string ChatSleep = "\U000f12d1";
public static readonly string ChatSleepOutline = "\U000f12d2";
public static readonly string GarageVariant = "\U000f12d3";
public static readonly string GarageOpenVariant = "\U000f12d4";
public static readonly string GarageAlertVariant = "\U000f12d5";
public static readonly string CloudSyncOutline = "\U000f12d6";
public static readonly string GlobeLight = "\U000f12d7";
public static readonly string CellphoneNfcOff = "\U000f12d8";
public static readonly string LeafOff = "\U000f12d9";
public static readonly string LeafMapleOff = "\U000f12da";
public static readonly string MapMarkerLeft = "\U000f12db";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRight = "\U000f12dc";
public static readonly string MapMarkerLeftOutline = "\U000f12dd";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRightOutline = "\U000f12de";
public static readonly string AccountCancel = "\U000f12df";
public static readonly string AccountCancelOutline = "\U000f12e0";
public static readonly string FileClock = "\U000f12e1";
public static readonly string FileClockOutline = "\U000f12e2";
public static readonly string FolderTable = "\U000f12e3";
public static readonly string FolderTableOutline = "\U000f12e4";
public static readonly string HydroPower = "\U000f12e5";
public static readonly string Doorbell = "\U000f12e6";
public static readonly string Bulma = "\U000f12e7";
public static readonly string Iobroker = "\U000f12e8";
public static readonly string Oci = "\U000f12e9";
public static readonly string LabelPercent = "\U000f12ea";
public static readonly string LabelPercentOutline = "\U000f12eb";
public static readonly string CheckboxBlankOff = "\U000f12ec";
public static readonly string CheckboxBlankOffOutline = "\U000f12ed";
public static readonly string SquareOff = "\U000f12ee";
public static readonly string SquareOffOutline = "\U000f12ef";
public static readonly string DragHorizontalVariant = "\U000f12f0";
public static readonly string DragVerticalVariant = "\U000f12f1";
public static readonly string MessageArrowLeft = "\U000f12f2";
public static readonly string MessageArrowLeftOutline = "\U000f12f3";
public static readonly string MessageArrowRight = "\U000f12f4";
public static readonly string MessageArrowRightOutline = "\U000f12f5";
public static readonly string DatabaseMarker = "\U000f12f6";
public static readonly string TagMultipleOutline = "\U000f12f7";
public static readonly string MapMarkerPlusOutline = "\U000f12f8";
public static readonly string MapMarkerMinusOutline = "\U000f12f9";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRemoveOutline = "\U000f12fa";
public static readonly string MapMarkerCheckOutline = "\U000f12fb";
public static readonly string MapMarkerRadiusOutline = "\U000f12fc";
public static readonly string MapMarkerOffOutline = "\U000f12fd";
public static readonly string MoleculeCo = "\U000f12fe";
public static readonly string JumpRope = "\U000f12ff";
public static readonly string Kettlebell = "\U000f1300";
public static readonly string AccountConvertOutline = "\U000f1301";
public static readonly string BunkBed = "\U000f1302";
public static readonly string FleurDeLis = "\U000f1303";
public static readonly string Ski = "\U000f1304";
public static readonly string SkiCrossCountry = "\U000f1305";
public static readonly string SkiWater = "\U000f1306";
public static readonly string Snowboard = "\U000f1307";
public static readonly string AccountTieVoice = "\U000f1308";
public static readonly string AccountTieVoiceOutline = "\U000f1309";
public static readonly string AccountTieVoiceOff = "\U000f130a";
public static readonly string AccountTieVoiceOffOutline = "\U000f130b";
public static readonly string BeerOutline = "\U000f130c";
public static readonly string GlassPintOutline = "\U000f130d";
public static readonly string CoffeeToGoOutline = "\U000f130e";
public static readonly string CupOutline = "\U000f130f";
public static readonly string BottleWineOutline = "\U000f1310";
public static readonly string EarthArrowRight = "\U000f1311";
public static readonly string KeyArrowRight = "\U000f1312";
public static readonly string FormatColorMarkerCancel = "\U000f1313";
public static readonly string MotherHeart = "\U000f1314";
public static readonly string CurrencyEurOff = "\U000f1315";
public static readonly string SemanticWeb = "\U000f1316";
public static readonly string KettleAlert = "\U000f1317";
public static readonly string KettleAlertOutline = "\U000f1318";
public static readonly string KettleSteam = "\U000f1319";
public static readonly string KettleSteamOutline = "\U000f131a";
public static readonly string KettleOff = "\U000f131b";
public static readonly string KettleOffOutline = "\U000f131c";
public static readonly string SimpleIcons = "\U000f131d";
public static readonly string BriefcaseCheckOutline = "\U000f131e";
public static readonly string ClipboardPlusOutline = "\U000f131f";
public static readonly string DownloadLock = "\U000f1320";
public static readonly string DownloadLockOutline = "\U000f1321";
public static readonly string HammerScrewdriver = "\U000f1322";
public static readonly string HammerWrench = "\U000f1323";
public static readonly string HydraulicOilLevel = "\U000f1324";
public static readonly string HydraulicOilTemperature = "\U000f1325";
public static readonly string MedalOutline = "\U000f1326";
public static readonly string Rodent = "\U000f1327";
public static readonly string AbjadArabic = "\U000f1328";
public static readonly string AbjadHebrew = "\U000f1329";
public static readonly string AbugidaDevanagari = "\U000f132a";
public static readonly string AbugidaThai = "\U000f132b";
public static readonly string AlphabetAurebesh = "\U000f132c";
public static readonly string AlphabetCyrillic = "\U000f132d";
public static readonly string AlphabetGreek = "\U000f132e";
public static readonly string AlphabetLatin = "\U000f132f";
public static readonly string AlphabetPiqad = "\U000f1330";
public static readonly string IdeogramCjk = "\U000f1331";
public static readonly string IdeogramCjkVariant = "\U000f1332";
public static readonly string SyllabaryHangul = "\U000f1333";
public static readonly string SyllabaryHiragana = "\U000f1334";
public static readonly string SyllabaryKatakana = "\U000f1335";
public static readonly string SyllabaryKatakanaHalfwidth = "\U000f1336";
public static readonly string AlphabetTengwar = "\U000f1337";
public static readonly string HeadAlert = "\U000f1338";
public static readonly string HeadAlertOutline = "\U000f1339";
public static readonly string HeadCheck = "\U000f133a";
public static readonly string HeadCheckOutline = "\U000f133b";
public static readonly string HeadCog = "\U000f133c";
public static readonly string HeadCogOutline = "\U000f133d";
public static readonly string HeadDotsHorizontal = "\U000f133e";
public static readonly string HeadDotsHorizontalOutline = "\U000f133f";
public static readonly string HeadFlash = "\U000f1340";
public static readonly string HeadFlashOutline = "\U000f1341";
public static readonly string HeadHeart = "\U000f1342";
public static readonly string HeadHeartOutline = "\U000f1343";
public static readonly string HeadLightbulb = "\U000f1344";
public static readonly string HeadLightbulbOutline = "\U000f1345";
public static readonly string HeadMinus = "\U000f1346";
public static readonly string HeadMinusOutline = "\U000f1347";
public static readonly string HeadPlus = "\U000f1348";
public static readonly string HeadPlusOutline = "\U000f1349";
public static readonly string HeadQuestion = "\U000f134a";
public static readonly string HeadQuestionOutline = "\U000f134b";
public static readonly string HeadRemove = "\U000f134c";
public static readonly string HeadRemoveOutline = "\U000f134d";
public static readonly string HeadSnowflake = "\U000f134e";
public static readonly string HeadSnowflakeOutline = "\U000f134f";
public static readonly string HeadSync = "\U000f1350";
public static readonly string HeadSyncOutline = "\U000f1351";
public static readonly string Hvac = "\U000f1352";
public static readonly string PencilRuler = "\U000f1353";
public static readonly string PipeWrench = "\U000f1354";
public static readonly string WidgetsOutline = "\U000f1355";
public static readonly string TelevisionAmbientLight = "\U000f1356";
public static readonly string PropaneTank = "\U000f1357";
public static readonly string PropaneTankOutline = "\U000f1358";
public static readonly string FolderMusic = "\U000f1359";
public static readonly string FolderMusicOutline = "\U000f135a";
public static readonly string Klingon = "\U000f135b";
public static readonly string PaletteSwatchOutline = "\U000f135c";
public static readonly string FormTextboxLock = "\U000f135d";
public static readonly string Head = "\U000f135e";
public static readonly string HeadOutline = "\U000f135f";
public static readonly string ShieldHalf = "\U000f1360";
public static readonly string StoreOutline = "\U000f1361";
public static readonly string GoogleDownasaur = "\U000f1362";
public static readonly string BottleSodaClassicOutline = "\U000f1363";
public static readonly string Sticker = "\U000f1364";
public static readonly string StickerAlert = "\U000f1365";
public static readonly string StickerAlertOutline = "\U000f1366";
public static readonly string StickerCheck = "\U000f1367";
public static readonly string StickerCheckOutline = "\U000f1368";
public static readonly string StickerMinus = "\U000f1369";
public static readonly string StickerMinusOutline = "\U000f136a";
public static readonly string StickerOutline = "\U000f136b";
public static readonly string StickerPlus = "\U000f136c";
public static readonly string StickerPlusOutline = "\U000f136d";
public static readonly string StickerRemove = "\U000f136e";
public static readonly string StickerRemoveOutline = "\U000f136f";
public static readonly string AccountCog = "\U000f1370";
public static readonly string AccountCogOutline = "\U000f1371";
public static readonly string AccountDetailsOutline = "\U000f1372";
public static readonly string UploadLock = "\U000f1373";
public static readonly string UploadLockOutline = "\U000f1374";
public static readonly string LabelMultiple = "\U000f1375";
public static readonly string LabelMultipleOutline = "\U000f1376";
public static readonly string RefreshCircle = "\U000f1377";
public static readonly string SyncCircle = "\U000f1378";
public static readonly string BookmarkMusicOutline = "\U000f1379";
public static readonly string BookmarkRemoveOutline = "\U000f137a";
public static readonly string BookmarkCheckOutline = "\U000f137b";
public static readonly string TrafficCone = "\U000f137c";
public static readonly string CupOffOutline = "\U000f137d";
public static readonly string AutoDownload = "\U000f137e";
public static readonly string Shuriken = "\U000f137f";
public static readonly string ChartPpf = "\U000f1380";
public static readonly string ElevatorPassenger = "\U000f1381";
public static readonly string CompassRose = "\U000f1382";
public static readonly string SpaceStation = "\U000f1383";
public static readonly string OrderBoolDescending = "\U000f1384";
public static readonly string SortBoolAscending = "\U000f1385";
public static readonly string SortBoolAscendingVariant = "\U000f1386";
public static readonly string SortBoolDescending = "\U000f1387";
public static readonly string SortBoolDescendingVariant = "\U000f1388";
public static readonly string SortNumericAscending = "\U000f1389";
public static readonly string SortNumericDescending = "\U000f138a";
public static readonly string HumanBabyChangingTable = "\U000f138b";
public static readonly string HumanMaleChild = "\U000f138c";
public static readonly string HumanWheelchair = "\U000f138d";
public static readonly string MicrosoftAccess = "\U000f138e";
public static readonly string MicrosoftExcel = "\U000f138f";
public static readonly string MicrosoftPowerpoint = "\U000f1390";
public static readonly string MicrosoftSharepoint = "\U000f1391";
public static readonly string MicrosoftWord = "\U000f1392";
public static readonly string NintendoGameBoy = "\U000f1393";
public static readonly string CableData = "\U000f1394";
public static readonly string CircleHalf = "\U000f1395";
public static readonly string CircleHalfFull = "\U000f1396";
public static readonly string CellphoneCharging = "\U000f1397";
public static readonly string CloseThick = "\U000f1398";
public static readonly string EscalatorBox = "\U000f1399";
public static readonly string LockCheck = "\U000f139a";
public static readonly string LockOpenAlert = "\U000f139b";
public static readonly string LockOpenCheck = "\U000f139c";
public static readonly string RecycleVariant = "\U000f139d";
public static readonly string StairsBox = "\U000f139e";
public static readonly string HandWater = "\U000f139f";
public static readonly string TableRefresh = "\U000f13a0";
public static readonly string TableSync = "\U000f13a1";
public static readonly string SizeXxs = "\U000f13a2";
public static readonly string SizeXs = "\U000f13a3";
public static readonly string SizeS = "\U000f13a4";
public static readonly string SizeM = "\U000f13a5";
public static readonly string SizeXl = "\U000f13a7";
public static readonly string SizeXxl = "\U000f13a8";
public static readonly string SizeXxxl = "\U000f13a9";
public static readonly string TicketConfirmationOutline = "\U000f13aa";
public static readonly string Timer = "\U000f13ab";
public static readonly string TimerOff = "\U000f13ac";
public static readonly string BookAccount = "\U000f13ad";
public static readonly string BookAccountOutline = "\U000f13ae";
public static readonly string RocketOutline = "\U000f13af";
public static readonly string HomeSearch = "\U000f13b0";
public static readonly string HomeSearchOutline = "\U000f13b1";
public static readonly string CarArrowLeft = "\U000f13b2";
public static readonly string CarArrowRight = "\U000f13b3";
public static readonly string MonitorEye = "\U000f13b4";
public static readonly string Lipstick = "\U000f13b5";
public static readonly string Virus = "\U000f13b6";
public static readonly string VirusOutline = "\U000f13b7";
public static readonly string TextSearch = "\U000f13b8";
public static readonly string TableAccount = "\U000f13b9";
public static readonly string TableAlert = "\U000f13ba";
public static readonly string TableArrowDown = "\U000f13bb";
public static readonly string TableArrowLeft = "\U000f13bc";
public static readonly string TableArrowRight = "\U000f13bd";
public static readonly string TableArrowUp = "\U000f13be";
public static readonly string TableCancel = "\U000f13bf";
public static readonly string TableCheck = "\U000f13c0";
public static readonly string TableClock = "\U000f13c1";
public static readonly string TableCog = "\U000f13c2";
public static readonly string TableEyeOff = "\U000f13c3";
public static readonly string TableHeart = "\U000f13c4";
public static readonly string TableKey = "\U000f13c5";
public static readonly string TableLock = "\U000f13c6";
public static readonly string TableMinus = "\U000f13c7";
public static readonly string TableMultiple = "\U000f13c8";
public static readonly string TableNetwork = "\U000f13c9";
public static readonly string TableOff = "\U000f13ca";
public static readonly string TableStar = "\U000f13cb";
public static readonly string CarCog = "\U000f13cc";
public static readonly string CarSettings = "\U000f13cd";
public static readonly string CogOff = "\U000f13ce";
public static readonly string CogOffOutline = "\U000f13cf";
public static readonly string CreditCardCheck = "\U000f13d0";
public static readonly string CreditCardCheckOutline = "\U000f13d1";
public static readonly string FileTreeOutline = "\U000f13d2";
public static readonly string FolderStarMultiple = "\U000f13d3";
public static readonly string FolderStarMultipleOutline = "\U000f13d4";
public static readonly string HomeMinusOutline = "\U000f13d5";
public static readonly string HomePlusOutline = "\U000f13d6";
public static readonly string HomeRemoveOutline = "\U000f13d7";
public static readonly string ScanHelper = "\U000f13d8";
public static readonly string Video3dOff = "\U000f13d9";
public static readonly string ShieldBug = "\U000f13da";
public static readonly string ShieldBugOutline = "\U000f13db";
public static readonly string EyedropperPlus = "\U000f13dc";
public static readonly string EyedropperMinus = "\U000f13dd";
public static readonly string EyedropperRemove = "\U000f13de";
public static readonly string EyedropperOff = "\U000f13df";
public static readonly string BabyBuggy = "\U000f13e0";
public static readonly string UmbrellaClosedVariant = "\U000f13e1";
public static readonly string UmbrellaClosedOutline = "\U000f13e2";
public static readonly string EmailOff = "\U000f13e3";
public static readonly string EmailOffOutline = "\U000f13e4";
public static readonly string FoodVariantOff = "\U000f13e5";
public static readonly string PlayBoxMultipleOutline = "\U000f13e6";
public static readonly string BellCancel = "\U000f13e7";
public static readonly string BellCancelOutline = "\U000f13e8";
public static readonly string BellMinus = "\U000f13e9";
public static readonly string BellMinusOutline = "\U000f13ea";
public static readonly string BellRemove = "\U000f13eb";
public static readonly string BellRemoveOutline = "\U000f13ec";
public static readonly string BeehiveOffOutline = "\U000f13ed";
public static readonly string CheeseOff = "\U000f13ee";
public static readonly string CornOff = "\U000f13ef";
public static readonly string EggOff = "\U000f13f0";
public static readonly string EggOffOutline = "\U000f13f1";
public static readonly string EggOutline = "\U000f13f2";
public static readonly string FishOff = "\U000f13f3";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyOff = "\U000f13f4";
public static readonly string FlaskEmptyOffOutline = "\U000f13f5";
public static readonly string FlaskOff = "\U000f13f6";
public static readonly string FlaskOffOutline = "\U000f13f7";
public static readonly string FruitCherriesOff = "\U000f13f8";
public static readonly string FruitCitrusOff = "\U000f13f9";
public static readonly string MushroomOff = "\U000f13fa";
public static readonly string MushroomOffOutline = "\U000f13fb";
public static readonly string SoySauceOff = "\U000f13fc";
public static readonly string SeedOff = "\U000f13fd";
public static readonly string SeedOffOutline = "\U000f13fe";
public static readonly string Tailwind = "\U000f13ff";
public static readonly string FormDropdown = "\U000f1400";
public static readonly string FormSelect = "\U000f1401";
public static readonly string Pump = "\U000f1402";
public static readonly string EarthPlus = "\U000f1403";
public static readonly string EarthMinus = "\U000f1404";
public static readonly string EarthRemove = "\U000f1405";
public static readonly string EarthBoxPlus = "\U000f1406";
public static readonly string EarthBoxMinus = "\U000f1407";
public static readonly string EarthBoxRemove = "\U000f1408";
public static readonly string GasStationOff = "\U000f1409";
public static readonly string GasStationOffOutline = "\U000f140a";
public static readonly string LightningBolt = "\U000f140b";
public static readonly string LightningBoltOutline = "\U000f140c";
public static readonly string SmokingPipe = "\U000f140d";
public static readonly string AxisArrowInfo = "\U000f140e";
public static readonly string ChatPlus = "\U000f140f";
public static readonly string ChatMinus = "\U000f1410";
public static readonly string ChatRemove = "\U000f1411";
public static readonly string ChatPlusOutline = "\U000f1412";
public static readonly string ChatMinusOutline = "\U000f1413";
public static readonly string ChatRemoveOutline = "\U000f1414";
public static readonly string Bucket = "\U000f1415";
public static readonly string BucketOutline = "\U000f1416";
public static readonly string Pail = "\U000f1417";
public static readonly string ImageRemove = "\U000f1418";
public static readonly string ImageMinus = "\U000f1419";
public static readonly string PineTreeFire = "\U000f141a";
public static readonly string CigarOff = "\U000f141b";
public static readonly string CubeOff = "\U000f141c";
public static readonly string CubeOffOutline = "\U000f141d";
public static readonly string DomeLight = "\U000f141e";
public static readonly string FoodDrumstick = "\U000f141f";
public static readonly string FoodDrumstickOutline = "\U000f1420";
public static readonly string IncognitoCircle = "\U000f1421";
public static readonly string IncognitoCircleOff = "\U000f1422";
public static readonly string MicrowaveOff = "\U000f1423";
public static readonly string PowerPlugOffOutline = "\U000f1424";
public static readonly string PowerPlugOutline = "\U000f1425";
public static readonly string PuzzleCheck = "\U000f1426";
public static readonly string PuzzleCheckOutline = "\U000f1427";
public static readonly string SmokingPipeOff = "\U000f1428";
public static readonly string SpoonSugar = "\U000f1429";
public static readonly string TableSplitCell = "\U000f142a";
public static readonly string TicketPercentOutline = "\U000f142b";
public static readonly string FuseOff = "\U000f142c";
public static readonly string FuseAlert = "\U000f142d";
public static readonly string HeartPlus = "\U000f142e";
public static readonly string HeartMinus = "\U000f142f";
public static readonly string HeartRemove = "\U000f1430";
public static readonly string HeartPlusOutline = "\U000f1431";
public static readonly string HeartMinusOutline = "\U000f1432";
public static readonly string HeartRemoveOutline = "\U000f1433";
public static readonly string HeartOffOutline = "\U000f1434";
public static readonly string MotionSensorOff = "\U000f1435";
public static readonly string PailPlus = "\U000f1436";
public static readonly string PailMinus = "\U000f1437";
public static readonly string PailRemove = "\U000f1438";
public static readonly string PailOff = "\U000f1439";
public static readonly string PailOutline = "\U000f143a";
public static readonly string PailPlusOutline = "\U000f143b";
public static readonly string PailMinusOutline = "\U000f143c";
public static readonly string PailRemoveOutline = "\U000f143d";
public static readonly string PailOffOutline = "\U000f143e";
public static readonly string ClockTimeOne = "\U000f143f";
public static readonly string ClockTimeTwo = "\U000f1440";
public static readonly string ClockTimeThree = "\U000f1441";
public static readonly string ClockTimeFour = "\U000f1442";
public static readonly string ClockTimeFive = "\U000f1443";
public static readonly string ClockTimeSix = "\U000f1444";
public static readonly string ClockTimeSeven = "\U000f1445";
public static readonly string ClockTimeEight = "\U000f1446";
public static readonly string ClockTimeNine = "\U000f1447";
public static readonly string ClockTimeTen = "\U000f1448";
public static readonly string ClockTimeEleven = "\U000f1449";
public static readonly string ClockTimeTwelve = "\U000f144a";
public static readonly string ClockTimeOneOutline = "\U000f144b";
public static readonly string ClockTimeTwoOutline = "\U000f144c";
public static readonly string ClockTimeThreeOutline = "\U000f144d";
public static readonly string ClockTimeFourOutline = "\U000f144e";
public static readonly string ClockTimeFiveOutline = "\U000f144f";
public static readonly string ClockTimeSixOutline = "\U000f1450";
public static readonly string ClockTimeSevenOutline = "\U000f1451";
public static readonly string ClockTimeEightOutline = "\U000f1452";
public static readonly string ClockTimeNineOutline = "\U000f1453";
public static readonly string ClockTimeTenOutline = "\U000f1454";
public static readonly string ClockTimeElevenOutline = "\U000f1455";
public static readonly string ClockTimeTwelveOutline = "\U000f1456";
public static readonly string PrinterSearch = "\U000f1457";
public static readonly string PrinterEye = "\U000f1458";
public static readonly string MinusCircleOff = "\U000f1459";
public static readonly string MinusCircleOffOutline = "\U000f145a";
public static readonly string ContentSaveCog = "\U000f145b";
public static readonly string ContentSaveCogOutline = "\U000f145c";
public static readonly string SetSquare = "\U000f145d";
public static readonly string CogRefresh = "\U000f145e";
public static readonly string CogRefreshOutline = "\U000f145f";
public static readonly string CogSync = "\U000f1460";
public static readonly string CogSyncOutline = "\U000f1461";
public static readonly string DownloadBox = "\U000f1462";
public static readonly string DownloadBoxOutline = "\U000f1463";
public static readonly string DownloadCircle = "\U000f1464";
public static readonly string DownloadCircleOutline = "\U000f1465";
public static readonly string AirHumidifierOff = "\U000f1466";
public static readonly string ChiliOff = "\U000f1467";
public static readonly string FoodDrumstickOff = "\U000f1468";
public static readonly string FoodDrumstickOffOutline = "\U000f1469";
public static readonly string FoodSteak = "\U000f146a";
public static readonly string FoodSteakOff = "\U000f146b";
public static readonly string FanAlert = "\U000f146c";
public static readonly string FanChevronDown = "\U000f146d";
public static readonly string FanChevronUp = "\U000f146e";
public static readonly string FanPlus = "\U000f146f";
public static readonly string FanMinus = "\U000f1470";
public static readonly string FanRemove = "\U000f1471";
public static readonly string FanSpeed1 = "\U000f1472";
public static readonly string FanSpeed2 = "\U000f1473";
public static readonly string FanSpeed3 = "\U000f1474";
public static readonly string Rug = "\U000f1475";
public static readonly string Lingerie = "\U000f1476";
public static readonly string WizardHat = "\U000f1477";
public static readonly string Hours24 = "\U000f1478";
public static readonly string CosineWave = "\U000f1479";
public static readonly string SawtoothWave = "\U000f147a";
public static readonly string SquareWave = "\U000f147b";
public static readonly string TriangleWave = "\U000f147c";
public static readonly string Waveform = "\U000f147d";
public static readonly string FolderMultiplePlus = "\U000f147e";
public static readonly string FolderMultiplePlusOutline = "\U000f147f";
public static readonly string CurrentAc = "\U000f1480";
public static readonly string WateringCan = "\U000f1481";
public static readonly string WateringCanOutline = "\U000f1482";
public static readonly string MonitorShare = "\U000f1483";
public static readonly string LaserPointer = "\U000f1484";
public static readonly string ViewArrayOutline = "\U000f1485";
public static readonly string ViewCarouselOutline = "\U000f1486";
public static readonly string ViewColumnOutline = "\U000f1487";
public static readonly string ViewComfyOutline = "\U000f1488";
public static readonly string ViewDashboardVariantOutline = "\U000f1489";
public static readonly string ViewDayOutline = "\U000f148a";
public static readonly string ViewListOutline = "\U000f148b";
public static readonly string ViewModuleOutline = "\U000f148c";
public static readonly string ViewParallelOutline = "\U000f148d";
public static readonly string ViewQuiltOutline = "\U000f148e";
public static readonly string ViewSequentialOutline = "\U000f148f";
public static readonly string ViewStreamOutline = "\U000f1490";
public static readonly string ViewWeekOutline = "\U000f1491";
public static readonly string CompareHorizontal = "\U000f1492";
public static readonly string CompareVertical = "\U000f1493";
public static readonly string BriefcaseVariant = "\U000f1494";
public static readonly string BriefcaseVariantOutline = "\U000f1495";
public static readonly string RelationManyToMany = "\U000f1496";
public static readonly string RelationManyToOne = "\U000f1497";
public static readonly string RelationManyToOneOrMany = "\U000f1498";
public static readonly string RelationManyToOnlyOne = "\U000f1499";
public static readonly string RelationManyToZeroOrMany = "\U000f149a";
public static readonly string RelationManyToZeroOrOne = "\U000f149b";
public static readonly string RelationOneOrManyToMany = "\U000f149c";
public static readonly string RelationOneOrManyToOne = "\U000f149d";
public static readonly string RelationOneOrManyToOneOrMany = "\U000f149e";
public static readonly string RelationOneOrManyToOnlyOne = "\U000f149f";
public static readonly string RelationOneOrManyToZeroOrMany = "\U000f14a0";
public static readonly string RelationOneOrManyToZeroOrOne = "\U000f14a1";
public static readonly string RelationOneToMany = "\U000f14a2";
public static readonly string RelationOneToOne = "\U000f14a3";
public static readonly string RelationOneToOneOrMany = "\U000f14a4";
public static readonly string RelationOneToOnlyOne = "\U000f14a5";
public static readonly string RelationOneToZeroOrMany = "\U000f14a6";
public static readonly string RelationOneToZeroOrOne = "\U000f14a7";
public static readonly string RelationOnlyOneToMany = "\U000f14a8";
public static readonly string RelationOnlyOneToOne = "\U000f14a9";
public static readonly string RelationOnlyOneToOneOrMany = "\U000f14aa";
public static readonly string RelationOnlyOneToOnlyOne = "\U000f14ab";
public static readonly string RelationOnlyOneToZeroOrMany = "\U000f14ac";
public static readonly string RelationOnlyOneToZeroOrOne = "\U000f14ad";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrManyToMany = "\U000f14ae";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrManyToOne = "\U000f14af";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrManyToOneOrMany = "\U000f14b0";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrManyToOnlyOne = "\U000f14b1";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrManyToZeroOrMany = "\U000f14b2";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrManyToZeroOrOne = "\U000f14b3";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrOneToMany = "\U000f14b4";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrOneToOne = "\U000f14b5";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrOneToOneOrMany = "\U000f14b6";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrOneToOnlyOne = "\U000f14b7";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrOneToZeroOrMany = "\U000f14b8";
public static readonly string RelationZeroOrOneToZeroOrOne = "\U000f14b9";
public static readonly string AlertPlus = "\U000f14ba";
public static readonly string AlertMinus = "\U000f14bb";
public static readonly string AlertRemove = "\U000f14bc";
public static readonly string AlertPlusOutline = "\U000f14bd";
public static readonly string AlertMinusOutline = "\U000f14be";
public static readonly string AlertRemoveOutline = "\U000f14bf";
public static readonly string Carabiner = "\U000f14c0";
public static readonly string Fencing = "\U000f14c1";
public static readonly string Skateboard = "\U000f14c2";
public static readonly string Polo = "\U000f14c3";
public static readonly string TractorVariant = "\U000f14c4";
public static readonly string RadiologyBox = "\U000f14c5";
public static readonly string RadiologyBoxOutline = "\U000f14c6";
public static readonly string SkullScan = "\U000f14c7";
public static readonly string SkullScanOutline = "\U000f14c8";
public static readonly string PlusMinusVariant = "\U000f14c9";
public static readonly string SourceBranchPlus = "\U000f14ca";
public static readonly string SourceBranchMinus = "\U000f14cb";
public static readonly string SourceBranchRemove = "\U000f14cc";
public static readonly string SourceBranchRefresh = "\U000f14cd";
public static readonly string SourceBranchSync = "\U000f14ce";
public static readonly string SourceBranchCheck = "\U000f14cf";
public static readonly string PuzzlePlus = "\U000f14d0";
public static readonly string PuzzleMinus = "\U000f14d1";
public static readonly string PuzzleRemove = "\U000f14d2";
public static readonly string PuzzleEdit = "\U000f14d3";
public static readonly string PuzzleHeart = "\U000f14d4";
public static readonly string PuzzleStar = "\U000f14d5";
public static readonly string PuzzlePlusOutline = "\U000f14d6";
public static readonly string PuzzleMinusOutline = "\U000f14d7";
public static readonly string PuzzleRemoveOutline = "\U000f14d8";
public static readonly string PuzzleEditOutline = "\U000f14d9";
public static readonly string PuzzleHeartOutline = "\U000f14da";
public static readonly string PuzzleStarOutline = "\U000f14db";
public static readonly string RhombusMediumOutline = "\U000f14dc";
public static readonly string RhombusSplitOutline = "\U000f14dd";
public static readonly string RocketLaunch = "\U000f14de";
public static readonly string RocketLaunchOutline = "\U000f14df";
public static readonly string SetMerge = "\U000f14e0";
public static readonly string SetSplit = "\U000f14e1";
public static readonly string Beekeeper = "\U000f14e2";
public static readonly string SnowflakeOff = "\U000f14e3";
public static readonly string WeatherSunnyOff = "\U000f14e4";
public static readonly string ClipboardEdit = "\U000f14e5";
public static readonly string ClipboardEditOutline = "\U000f14e6";
public static readonly string NotebookEdit = "\U000f14e7";
public static readonly string HumanEdit = "\U000f14e8";
public static readonly string NotebookEditOutline = "\U000f14e9";
public static readonly string CashLock = "\U000f14ea";
public static readonly string CashLockOpen = "\U000f14eb";
public static readonly string AccountSupervisorCircleOutline = "\U000f14ec";
public static readonly string CarOutline = "\U000f14ed";
public static readonly string CashCheck = "\U000f14ee";
public static readonly string FilterOff = "\U000f14ef";
public static readonly string FilterOffOutline = "\U000f14f0";
public static readonly string SpiritLevel = "\U000f14f1";
public static readonly string WheelBarrow = "\U000f14f2";
public static readonly string BookCheck = "\U000f14f3";
public static readonly string BookCheckOutline = "\U000f14f4";
public static readonly string NotebookCheck = "\U000f14f5";
public static readonly string NotebookCheckOutline = "\U000f14f6";
public static readonly string BookOpenVariant = "\U000f14f7";
public static readonly string SignPole = "\U000f14f8";
public static readonly string Shore = "\U000f14f9";
public static readonly string ShapeSquareRoundedPlus = "\U000f14fa";
public static readonly string SquareRounded = "\U000f14fb";
public static readonly string SquareRoundedOutline = "\U000f14fc";
public static readonly string ArchiveAlert = "\U000f14fd";
public static readonly string ArchiveAlertOutline = "\U000f14fe";
public static readonly string PowerSocketIt = "\U000f14ff";
public static readonly string SquareCircle = "\U000f1500";
public static readonly string Symbol = "\U000f1501";
public static readonly string WaterAlert = "\U000f1502";
public static readonly string WaterAlertOutline = "\U000f1503";
public static readonly string WaterCheck = "\U000f1504";
public static readonly string WaterCheckOutline = "\U000f1505";
public static readonly string WaterMinus = "\U000f1506";
public static readonly string WaterMinusOutline = "\U000f1507";
public static readonly string WaterOffOutline = "\U000f1508";
public static readonly string WaterPercentAlert = "\U000f1509";
public static readonly string WaterPlus = "\U000f150a";
public static readonly string WaterPlusOutline = "\U000f150b";
public static readonly string WaterRemove = "\U000f150c";
public static readonly string WaterRemoveOutline = "\U000f150d";
public static readonly string Snake = "\U000f150e";
public static readonly string FormatTextVariantOutline = "\U000f150f";
public static readonly string Grass = "\U000f1510";
public static readonly string AccessPointOff = "\U000f1511";
public static readonly string CurrencyMnt = "\U000f1512";
public static readonly string DockTop = "\U000f1513";
public static readonly string ShareVariantOutline = "\U000f1514";
public static readonly string TransitSkip = "\U000f1515";
public static readonly string Yurt = "\U000f1516";
public static readonly string FileDocumentMultiple = "\U000f1517";
public static readonly string FileDocumentMultipleOutline = "\U000f1518";
public static readonly string EvPlugCcs1 = "\U000f1519";
public static readonly string EvPlugCcs2 = "\U000f151a";
public static readonly string EvPlugChademo = "\U000f151b";
public static readonly string EvPlugTesla = "\U000f151c";
public static readonly string EvPlugType1 = "\U000f151d";
public static readonly string EvPlugType2 = "\U000f151e";
public static readonly string OfficeBuildingOutline = "\U000f151f";
public static readonly string OfficeBuildingMarker = "\U000f1520";
public static readonly string OfficeBuildingMarkerOutline = "\U000f1521";
public static readonly string ProgressQuestion = "\U000f1522";
public static readonly string BasketMinus = "\U000f1523";
public static readonly string BasketMinusOutline = "\U000f1524";
public static readonly string BasketOff = "\U000f1525";
public static readonly string BasketOffOutline = "\U000f1526";
public static readonly string BasketPlus = "\U000f1527";
public static readonly string BasketPlusOutline = "\U000f1528";
public static readonly string BasketRemove = "\U000f1529";
public static readonly string BasketRemoveOutline = "\U000f152a";
public static readonly string AccountReactivate = "\U000f152b";
public static readonly string AccountReactivateOutline = "\U000f152c";
public static readonly string CarLiftedPickup = "\U000f152d";
public static readonly string VideoHighDefinition = "\U000f152e";
public static readonly string PhoneRemove = "\U000f152f";
public static readonly string PhoneRemoveOutline = "\U000f1530";
public static readonly string ThermometerOff = "\U000f1531";
public static readonly string TimelineCheck = "\U000f1532";
public static readonly string TimelineCheckOutline = "\U000f1533";
public static readonly string TimelineMinus = "\U000f1534";
public static readonly string TimelineMinusOutline = "\U000f1535";
public static readonly string TimelineRemove = "\U000f1536";
public static readonly string TimelineRemoveOutline = "\U000f1537";
public static readonly string AccessPointCheck = "\U000f1538";
public static readonly string AccessPointMinus = "\U000f1539";
public static readonly string AccessPointPlus = "\U000f153a";
public static readonly string AccessPointRemove = "\U000f153b";
public static readonly string DataMatrix = "\U000f153c";
public static readonly string DataMatrixEdit = "\U000f153d";
public static readonly string DataMatrixMinus = "\U000f153e";
public static readonly string DataMatrixPlus = "\U000f153f";
public static readonly string DataMatrixRemove = "\U000f1540";
public static readonly string DataMatrixScan = "\U000f1541";
public static readonly string TuneVariant = "\U000f1542";
public static readonly string TuneVerticalVariant = "\U000f1543";
public static readonly string Rake = "\U000f1544";
public static readonly string Sparkles = "\U000f1545";
public static readonly string TransitConnectionHorizontal = "\U000f1546";
public static readonly string SortCalendarAscending = "\U000f1547";
public static readonly string SortCalendarDescending = "\U000f1548";
public static readonly string SortClockAscending = "\U000f1549";
public static readonly string SortClockAscendingOutline = "\U000f154a";
public static readonly string SortClockDescending = "\U000f154b";
public static readonly string SortClockDescendingOutline = "\U000f154c";
public static readonly string ChartBox = "\U000f154d";
public static readonly string ChartBoxOutline = "\U000f154e";
public static readonly string ChartBoxPlusOutline = "\U000f154f";
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