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Last active June 24, 2023 07:51
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#!/usr/bin/env -S perl -CSDA
use 5.03;
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use open ':std', ':encoding(UTF-8)';
use URI;
use IPC::Open2;
use List::Util qw(pairmap);
sub load_bookmarks {
# Open ~/.my-bookmarks.txt
open my $fh, '<', "$ENV{HOME}/.my-bookmarks.txt" or die $!;
# Read the file
my @bookmarks = <$fh>;
# Close the file
close $fh;
@bookmarks = pairmap { "$a\n<small>$b</small>\N{NUL}" }
grep { !m/^\s*$/ && !m/^\s*#/ }
map { s/^\s*:?\s*|\s+$//gr; }
# Sort the bookmarks
@bookmarks = sort @bookmarks;
# Return the bookmarks
return join '', @bookmarks;
sub pipe_to_rofi {
my ( $bookmarks ) = @_;
my $rofi = q{ rofi -dmenu -i -sep '\x00' -no-custom -p bookmarks -theme ~/.config/sway/scripts/my-bookmarks };
my $pid = open2(my $rofi_output, my $pipe, $rofi) or die $!;
binmode $pipe, ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)";
binmode $rofi_output, ":raw:encoding(UTF-8)";
# Open pipe to rofi and get rofi's output
print {$pipe} $bookmarks;
close $pipe;
# Get the exit status
my $exit_status = $? >> 8;
if ($exit_status != 0) {
return undef;
} else {
# Get rofi's output
my $output = do { local $/; <$rofi_output> };
# Close rofi's output
close $rofi_output;
# Return the output
return $output;
sub handle_response {
my ( $response ) = @_;
my ($title, $url) = split /\n/, $response;
if (defined $url) {
$url =~ s{ \A \Q<small>\E (.*) \Q</small>\E \z }{$1}msx;
my $parsed_url = URI->new($url);
if ( $parsed_url->host !~ /[.]onion/ ) {
system "xdg-open", $url;
} else {
print "Opening of .onion links is not implemented yet\n";
my $bookmarks = load_bookmarks();
my $response = pipe_to_rofi($bookmarks);
if (defined $response) {
@theme "~/.config/rofi/config.rasi"
listview {
spacing: 25;
element-text {
markup: true;
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