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Last active December 14, 2019 11:06
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  • Save kuhel/4f5d46ebc81165c461676b757591e63e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save kuhel/4f5d46ebc81165c461676b757591e63e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import fetchStream from 'fetch-readablestream';
const CORS_PROXY = "";
const APP_ID = 9999999;
async function fetchFileStream(fileAddress, filename, imgType) {
return fetchStream(fileAddress)
.then(response => readAllChunks(response.body))
.then(chunks => new File(chunks, filename, {type: imgType}));
const readAllChunks = (readableStream) {
const reader = readableStream.getReader();
const chunks = [];
const pump = () => {
return{value, done}) => {
if (done)
return chunks;
return pump();
return pump();
async function publishOnWall() {
const authToken = await connect.send("VKWebAppGetAuthToken", {
"app_id": APP_ID,
"scope": "photos"
const serverToPhoto = await connect.send("VKWebAppCallAPIMethod", {
method: "photos.getWallUploadServer",
params: {access_token:, v: "5.95"}
const uploadUrl =;
const request = new FormData();
request.append("photo", await fetchFileStream(wallPhoto, "story.png", 'image/png'));
const {server, photo, hash} = await fetch(CORS_PROXY + uploadUrl, {
method: "POST",
body: request
}).then((response) => response.json());
const res = await connect.send("VKWebAppCallAPIMethod", {
method: "photos.saveWallPhoto",
params: {
access_token:, server, photo, hash,
v: "5.95"
const {id: photo_id, owner_id} =[0];
await connect.send("VKWebAppShowWallPostBox", {
message: `Сообщение на стену с фото`,
attachments: `photo${owner_id}_${photo_id},${APP_ID}`
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