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Last active August 5, 2016 16:43
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using static System.Console;
static void Main(string[] args)
(int sum, int count) Tally(object[] values)
var r = (s: 0, c: 0);
foreach (var v in values)
case int i:
r = (r.s + i, r.c + 1);
case object[] l:
var n = Tally(l);
r = (r.s + n.sum, r.c + n.count);
return r;
object[] numbers = { 0b1, 0b10, 0b100, new object[] { 0b100, 0b1_0000 }, 0b10_0000 };
var t = Tally(numbers);
WriteLine($"Sum: {t.sum}, count: {t.count}");
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