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range slider base on angular-material slider
Created by Kuitos on 2015/03/06 10:15 AM.
author: EdwardCTaylor
author: Kuitos
Licence: MIT
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/bower_components/angular-material/angular-material.min.css"/>
.range-slider-container {
position: relative;
height: 100px;
.range-slider-container md-slider {
margin: 0;
.range-track-line {
position: absolute;
height: 2px;
top: 23px;
background-color: rgb(255, 64, 129);
.range-slider-container .md-thumb:after {
background-color: rgb(255, 64, 129) !important;
.range-slider-left, .range-slider-right {
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
.range-slider-right {
right: 0px;
.range-slider-left md-slider .md-thumb-container {
transition: -webkit-transform 0s linear;
transition: transform 0s linear;
.range-slider-left {
background-color: rgba(188, 188, 188, 1) !important;
.range-slider-left .md-track:not(.md-track-fill) {
background-color: rgb(255, 64, 129) !important;
.range-slider-container md-slider .md-thumb-container {
transition: -webkit-transform 0s linear;
transition: transform 0s linear;
.range-slider-container md-slider .md-track-container {
transition: -webkit-transform 0s linear;
transition: transform 0s linear;
<body ng-app="sliderDemo1">
<div ng-init="lower=1;upper=40;gap=1;">
<md-content class="md-padding">
<h3>range slider</h3>
<range-slider min="1" max="40" step="1" lower-value="lower" upper-value="upper" gap="gap"></range-slider>
<script src="/bower_components/angular/angular.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/angular-animate/angular-animate.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/angular-aria/angular-aria.min.js"></script>
<script src="/bower_components/angular-material/angular-material.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="range-slider.tpl.html">
<div class='range-slider-container'>
<div class='range-slider-left' ng-style="{width:lowerWidth+'%'}">
<md-slider ng-model="lowerValue" min='{{min}}' max='{{lowerMaxLimit}}' step="{{step}}"
<div class="range-track-line"
<div class='range-slider-right' ng-style="{width:upperWidth+'%'}">
<md-slider ng-model="upperValue" min="{{upperMinLimit}}" max="{{max}}" step="{{step}}"
angular.module('sliderDemo1', ['ngMaterial', "directives.rangeSlider"]);
angular.module('directives.rangeSlider', ['ngMaterial'])
.directive('rangeSlider', function () {
return {
restrict : "E",
scope : {
max : '=',
min : '=',
gap : '=?',
step : '=?',
lowerValue: "=",
upperValue: "="
templateUrl: 'range-slider.tpl.html',
controller : ["$scope", function ($scope) {
var COMFORTABLE_STEP = $scope.step, // whether the step is comfortable that depends on u
tracker = $scope.tracker = { // track style
width: 0,
left : 0,
right: 0
function updateSliders() {
if ($scope.upperValue - $scope.lowerValue > $ {
$scope.lowerMaxLimit = $scope.lowerValue + COMFORTABLE_STEP;
$scope.upperMinLimit = $scope.upperValue - COMFORTABLE_STEP;
} else {
$scope.lowerMaxLimit = $scope.lowerValue;
$scope.upperMinLimit = $scope.upperValue;
function updateSlidersStyle() {
// update sliders style
$scope.lowerWidth = $scope.lowerMaxLimit / $scope.max * 100;
$scope.upperWidth = ($scope.max - $scope.upperMinLimit) / $scope.max * 100;
// update tracker line style
tracker.width = 100 - $scope.lowerWidth - $scope.upperWidth;
tracker.left = $scope.lowerWidth || 0;
tracker.right = $scope.upperWidth || 0;
// watch lowerValue & upperValue to update sliders
$scope.$watchGroup(["lowerValue", "upperValue"], function (newVal) {
// filter the default initialization
if (newVal !== undefined) {
// init
$scope.step = $scope.step || 1;
$ = $ || 0;
$scope.lowerMaxLimit = $scope.lowerValue + COMFORTABLE_STEP;
$scope.upperMinLimit = $scope.upperValue - COMFORTABLE_STEP;
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ziofat commented Jul 10, 2015

Hi, I'm very appreciate with your work of range-slider for AngularJS Material Design.
However, when I tried to use it in my own project, I found that every step's width is not same if the min value is not set to 0. It will be obvious if you set the min and value as 300 and 700, respectively.

I found that this segment of code is controlling the width of 2 md-sliders:

$scope.lowerWidth = $scope.lowerMaxLimit / $scope.max * 100;
$scope.upperWidth = ($scope.max - $scope.upperMinLimit) / $scope.max * 100;

And I change it to

$scope.lowerWidth = ($scope.lowerMaxLimit - $scope.min) / ($scope.max - $scope.min) * 100;
$scope.upperWidth = ($scope.max - $scope.upperMinLimit) / ($scope.max - $scope.min) * 100;

It will make sure every step has same width if the min value is not 0.

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Sorry but this not work as expected. When you start the slider the picker smooth motion.

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kamaal- commented Mar 20, 2016

Thanks it's working perfectly with angular material v1.0.6.

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FDIM commented May 9, 2016

I recently found the need for this component and based on this gist I made bower module mdRangeSlider.

You'll have to copy stylesheet for it to work with angular material < v1.1 as they are 'privatizing' classes by adding _md prefix. I can create a branch if anyone needs that.

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JWeich commented May 10, 2016

Thanks FDIM, I would like to use it with material 1.0.8. What do I need to do with the style sheet to get it to work?

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FDIM commented May 10, 2016

The only difference is the prefixed classes. I've just created another branch that will work with v1.0.x

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