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Forked from numeraltwo/git_aliases
Last active May 3, 2017 14:11
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useful git and git-flow aliases
# alias gs="git status" # Unfortunately Ghost Script used `gs` already.
alias gss="git status"
alias gd="git diff"
alias gdc="git diff --cached"
gdn() { git diff --no-index -- $1 $2; }
alias gb="git branch"
alias gbr="git branch -r"
alias gst="git stash"
alias gsta="git stash apply"
alias gstl="git stash list"
alias gstc="git stash clear"
gl() { [[ $1 = "" ]] && git log -5 || git log -$1 ; }
glo() { [[ $1 = "" ]] && git log -5 --oneline || git log -$1 --oneline ; }
alias gft="git fetch --tags"
alias gfp="git fetch --prune"
alias gpt="git push --tags"
alias gpu="git push"
alias gp="git pull"
alias gaa="git add -A"
alias gau="git add -u"
ga() { git add $@; }
gc() { git commit -m "$@"; }
alias gca="git commit --amend"
alias gcm="git checkout master"
alias gmm="git merge master"
alias gcd="git checkout develop"
alias gmd="git merge develop"
gcf() { git checkout feature/$1; }
gffs() { git flow feature start $1; }
gfff() { git flow feature finish -F $(git_flow_current_branch); }
# Pick up the first "one" feature
gcfo() { git checkout $(git branch | grep feature | tail -1); }
gffo() { git flow feature finish -F $(git branch | grep feature | tail -1 | sed s/feature\/// | sed s/*//); }
gch() { git checkout hotfix/$1; }
gfhs() { git flow hotfix start $1; }
gfhf() { git fetch --tags; git pull origin master; git flow hotfix finish -F $(git_flow_current_branch); }
gcr() { git checkout release/$1; }
gfrs() { git flow release start $1; }
gfrf() { git flow release finish -F $(git_flow_current_branch); }
git_flow_current_branch(){ git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD | cut -d/ -f 2; }
glt() {
LAST_TAG=$(git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short)" --sort=taggerdate refs/tags | tail -1 | git for-each-ref --format="%(refname:short)" --sort=taggerdate refs/tags | tail -1);
echo $LAST_TAG | xargs echo -n | pbcopy;
gut (){
git tag -d $1;
git push --progress origin :refs/tags/$1;
gbd (){
git branch -D $1;
gpo (){
git push origin $1;
gpod (){
git push origin :$1;
alias gitrevert="git checkout -- $1"
alias gc--="git checkout -- $1"
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kujiy commented May 19, 2016

# alias gs="git status"   # Unfortunately Ghost Script used `gs` `gst` already.
alias gss="git status"

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