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Created August 14, 2011 13:55
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Installer for my perl scripts
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
use Getopt::Long;
use Digest::MD5 'md5_hex';
$ENV{DEBUG} = 0;
my $BASHRC = '~/.bashrc';
my %options;
sub EscapeQuotes {
my ($string) = @_;
$string =~ s/'/'\\''/g;
return $string;
sub ShortenString {
my ($string) = @_;
my @lines = split /\n/, $string;
if (@lines > 5) {
return join "\n",
} else {
return $string;
sub GetScriptId {
my ($scriptPath) = @_;
return md5_hex($scriptPath);
sub MakeExportString {
my ($variable, $value) = @_;
return "export $variable=\$$variable:$value"
sub Log {
my ($message) = @_;
$message = ShortenString($message);
print STDERR "$message\n" if $options{verbose};
sub RunSystem {
my ($command) = @_;
Log("RunSystem: $command");
unless ($options{dryrun}) {
system($command) == 0
or die "Unable to run: $command";
sub CopyFiles {
my ($source, $prefix) = @_;
RunSystem("mkdir -p $prefix && scp -r $source $prefix");
sub RemoveFiles {
my ($prefix) = @_;
RunSystem("rm -r $prefix");
sub AppendBashrc {
my ($prefix) = @_;
my $scriptId = GetScriptId($prefix);
my $bashrcString = join "\n",
("# $scriptId",
MakeExportString('PATH', $prefix),
MakeExportString('PERL5LIB', $prefix),
$bashrcString = EscapeQuotes($bashrcString);
RunSystem("echo '$bashrcString' >> $BASHRC");
sub ClearBashrc {
my ($prefix) = @_;
my $bashrcString = `cat $BASHRC`;
my $scriptId = GetScriptId($prefix);
$bashrcString =~ s/# $scriptId.+?\n\n//sg;
$bashrcString = EscapeQuotes($bashrcString);
RunSystem("echo '$bashrcString' > $BASHRC");
sub FinalMessage {
my ($prefix) = @_;
print join "\n",
"To complete installation run",
MakeExportString('PATH', $prefix),
MakeExportString('PERL5LIB', $prefix),
sub Uninstall {
my ($prefix) = @_;
Log("Script from $prefix was uninstalled");
sub Install {
my ($source, $prefix) = @_;
CopyFiles($source, $prefix);
$options{uninstall} = 0;
$options{dryrun} = 1 if $ENV{DEBUG} or 0;
$options{verbose} = 1 if $ENV{DEBUG} or 0;
GetOptions('uninstall' => \$options{uninstall},
'prefix=s' => \$options{prefix},
'source=s' => \$options{source},
'verbose!' => \$options{verbose},
'dryrun!' => \$options{dryrun})
or die "Unable to parse options";
if ($options{uninstall}) {
defined $options{prefix}
or die "Usage: -uninstall " .
"-prefix \"abs/dir/to/uninstall\"";
} else {
defined $options{prefix}
&& defined $options{source}
or die "Usage: " .
"-source \"path/to/scripts\" " .
"-prefix \"abs/dir/to/install\" ";
Install($options{source}, $options{prefix});
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