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Fix for color components with single digit values
// get the average color of two hex colors.
function avgcolor(color1,color2){
var avg = function(a,b){ return (a+b)/2; },
t16 = function(c){ return parseInt((''+c).replace('#',''),16) },
hex = function(c){ var t = (c>>0).toString(16);
return t.length == 2 ? t : '0' + t },
hex1 = t16(color1),
hex2 = t16(color2),
r = function(hex){ return hex >> 16 & 0xFF},
g = function(hex){ return hex >> 8 & 0xFF},
b = function(hex){ return hex & 0xFF},
res = '#' + hex(avg(r(hex1),r(hex2)))
+ hex(avg(g(hex1),g(hex2)))
+ hex(avg(b(hex1),b(hex2)));
return res;
// e.g.
avgcolor('#ffffff','#000000'); // "#7f7f7f"
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