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Created June 21, 2019 14:31
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Python script cleaning up fasd storage
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import os
import time
import argparse
def main(args):
1. Only keep directory.
2. Paths should have not less than 3 components.
3. Path haven't been accessed in 30 days will be removed.
4. Path have two last same components will be removed.
`~/.fasd` file is where to store fasd information
allow_output = True
if args.s == "true":
allow_output = False
frequent_used_dir = []
fasd_file_path = os.path.expanduser('~/.fasd')
current_time = time.time()
remove_count = 0
remain_count = 0
with open(fasd_file_path, 'r') as fasd_file:
if allow_output:
print("### Reading from '~/.fasd'")
for line in fasd_file:
if len(line) == 0:
keep_line = False
parts = line.split("|")
pathComponents = parts[0].split("/")
# Rule
if 'Pods' in pathComponents or 'pods' in pathComponents:
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + parts[0], ", Reason: I don't wanna search in Pods")
# Rule 1
if not os.path.isdir(parts[0]):
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + parts[0], ", Reason: 🤔 It's not a Dir")
components_count = len(pathComponents)
# Rule 2
# Path Components should more than 3: ["", "Users", "username"]
# and not too long
if not components_count > 3:
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + parts[0], ", Reason: 💩 Path is way too short.", end="\n")
if not components_count <= 12:
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + parts[0], ", Reason: 😈 Path is way too long.", end="\n")
# data structures: path|frequent_number|last_access_time
# remove infrequent files
# 30 day's second is 30 * 24 * 60 * 60 = 2592000
# Rule 3
time_offset = current_time - float(parts[2])
frequent_number = float(parts[1])
if time_offset < 2592000:
keep_line = True
elif frequent_number > 10:
keep_line = True
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + parts[0] + ", Reason: 🦄 Path not used in more than 30 days", end="\n")
if pathComponents[components_count - 1].lower() == pathComponents[components_count - 2].lower():
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + parts[0] + ", Reason: Path's last two parts are same, it's treated as a mistaken adding", end="\n")
if keep_line:
# Sort lines
frequent_used_dir = sorted(frequent_used_dir)
unique_frequent_used_dir = []
pre_line = None
for line in frequent_used_dir:
if pre_line is None:
elif pre_line.lower() != line.lower():
remove_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("Remove " + line + "Reason: 🙊 Duplicated", end="\n")
pre_line = line
with open(fasd_file_path, 'w') as fasd_file:
if allow_output:
print("### Writing to '~/.fasd'")
content = ""
for line in unique_frequent_used_dir:
content += line
remain_count += 1
if allow_output:
print("### Remove " + str(remove_count) + " lines")
print("### Remain " + str(remain_count) + " lines")
return remove_count
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Clean .fasd file')
parser.add_argument('-s', help='Silent output')
argvs = parser.parse_args()
t = time.process_time()
remove_count = main(argvs)
elapsed_time = time.process_time() - t
# print("$ Clean .fasd finished. Remove " + str(remove_count) + " lines, cost " + '%.5f' % elapsed_time + "s")
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