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Prateep Kul kul1

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kul1 /
Last active March 14, 2022 10:04

Compare TCP/IP & OSI Model

TCP/IP Model Protocols and Services OSI Model Devices Security
Application HTTP, FTTP, Telnet,NTP, DHCP,PING, DNS, SMTP 7.Application(HTTP,DNS,FTP), 6.Presentation(encryption), 5.Session(connection) 7.Firewall, 6.Encrypt_Decryption, 5.Connection_Authentication, Stateful(3+4+5)Firewall 6.SSL>>TLS:Encode/Encrypt, Proxy+IPS>man-in-middle. 5.RPC+Update++
Transport TCP/UDP(Port#) 4.Transport(bit) Heart of OSI, 4.Firewall-Circuit_Firewall 4.Package-Filter>Port_scanner
Network Ping: IP(Address), ARP, ICMP, IGMP 3.Network(packets) 3.Router+Switch 3.Package-Filter> ping_Flood, IPS>Spoofing
Network Interface Ethernet 2.Data Link(Frame: protocol:802.11,802.3), 1.Physical 2.Network_card_Swith_Bridge_ Repeater 1.Cable/Connector/Hub) 2.IPS>Spoofing,VLAN:Trunk-/Access+, 1.Fiber+/Cat6-
kul1 /
Last active February 16, 2022 00:18

1. 6.05 & 6.06 – Explain the meaning of each of the themes in 6.05 in your own words. Use 6.06 to help with describing some of them. Take your time to make sure you have a full explanation.

- Industrial Revolution: the hardships of city life, and the injustices that surfaced in this period.
- Darwinism: Charles Darwin's theories of natural selection and evolution had a strong impact on the beliefs and values of Realism
- Individualism: focus on portraying ordinary life.
- Age of Doubt: optimism and anxiety in modernation effect tobe this theme.

2. 6.08 – Explain what the three philosophies listed in 6.08 are, including the names of the people mentioned. Include what themes they seem to reflect.

  • Darwinism: by Charles Darwin: "Natural Selection" while rejecting the religious belief in a special divine creation of each species.
kul1 /
Last active February 16, 2022 00:01

1. 5.05 & 5.06 – Explain the meaning of each of the themes in 5.05 in your own words. Use 5.06 to help with describing some of them.

- Nationalism: love and devotion for one's heritage and birthplace rather than one's personal beliefs usually much more in political: National Identity with focus in expanding their territories lik England to India and Africa.
- Individualism: The imginative genius showed what individuals were capable of
- Exoticism:  nonwestern cultures as "exotic", Many writers used this theme to transport readers to a location which they may never have heard of, let alone visited.
- Revolution: European countries were making outward changes, they also underwent important internal changes: internal change.(calls for action against tyranny, oppressive social and cultural conditions, and for the equal rights for all people
  • heroism: talented but non-traditional, used as a vessel to challenge deeply rooted customs, The embodiment of this theme was fashioned after Lor
kul1 /
Last active February 15, 2022 23:22

1. 3.05 & 3.06 – Explain the meaning of each of the themes in 3.05 in your own words. Use 3.06 to help with describing some of them.

- Humanism: is the believe that one could realize the full humanity only through classical education: culture of Western antiquity. 
- Rebirth of Classicm: resurgence of classical period in literature, art, religion, social life and music
- Reformation: Martin Luther broke away from Catholic Church started Protestant Church.
- Expansion of University: University for society in professional level: law, medicine, religion and civil government.
- Rationalism/Scientific Expansion: pursue of knowledge and exploration later than religious dogma and classical phylosophy
- Individualism/Self-fashioning: The potential and talents of the individual became a significant focus also people to deferring to individual than God.

2. 3.05 – How does Humanism in the Renaissance differ from Humanism in the Classical Period? How is it the same?

kul1 /
Last active February 11, 2022 14:18
How to create gist from terminal command.
  1. Click Your Gists (Top Right Your picture Menu)
  2. Create gist at + next to Your picture
  3. Enter info or any content and click Create secret gist / or public gist
  4. Copy url and
  5. At Terminal clone it
  6. Rename directory in local as wish
  7. Update local content and push to update in remote
 632 git clone
kul1 /
Last active February 14, 2022 23:47
C100 Classical Period

1. 2.05 & 2.06 – Explain the meaning of each of the themes in 2.05 in your own words. Use 2.06 to help with describing some of them.

- Balance meaning the balance and harmony of art, idea, life (Golden Mean), governing, archetecture especially the statues.
- Truth/Reason became which not come from God but acquire by human to find the truth through discussion and the use of reason
- Democracy/Republic are both themes of government formation by people as "Majority rules" while Republic has institutions that secure the rights of the minority
- Polytheism meaning many gods which expressed in poetry, music and art
- Humanism it all about human instead of god expressed in art, philosophy and literature.

2. 2.05 – Explain what “balance in philosophy” means.

kul1 /
Last active February 14, 2022 23:47
About Humanity C-100

1. 1.03 – Explain briefly in your own words what studying the Humanities means.

- Learn to be a human more subjective in culture, human beliefs, ideas, feelings and opinions in different time/period

2. 1.06 - Explain three technologies that are directly connected to the Humanities that had a major impact on our world.

- 1. Printing: distribute knowledge, idea 
- 2. Electic: Though electric known long before since Egypt, Once Edison invent electric bulb, our world change and now all devices depend on electric
    1. Internet: it make all device and people in the world connect and communicate like our world has no border any more.
kul1 / helpers.rb
Last active April 22, 2018 16:47
rspec test mongoid rails app
require 'active_support'
require 'active_support/core_ext'
module Jinda
module Helpers
require "rexml/document"
require 'pry'
include REXML
# methods from application_controller
kul1 / article.rb
Last active January 24, 2018 12:50
Hash method to controller from
# encoding: utf-8
class Article
include Mongoid::Document
include Mongoid::Attributes::Dynamic
# jinda begin
include Mongoid::Timestamps
field :title, :type => String
field :text, :type => String
belongs_to :user
has_many :comments