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Created August 16, 2019 11:43
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Metaprogramming - convert color to use Design System
import color from "color";
import { DESIGN_SYSTEM } from "./ds";
const selectToken = (color) =>
.find(key => areTheSame(color, DESIGN_SYSTEM[key]));
const areTheSame = (c1, c2) => {
const { valpha: a1, color: [r1, g1, b1]} = color(c1).rgb();
const { valpha: a2, color: [r2, g2, b2]} = color(c2).rgb();
return a1 === a2 && r1 === r2 && g1 === g2 && b1 === b2;
export default (fileInfo, { jscodeshift: j }) => {
const code = j(fileInfo.source);
code.find(j.CallExpression, {
callee: {
type: "MemberExpression",
property: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "create",
object: {
type: "Identifier",
name: "Stylesheet"
.forEach(obj => j(obj.node.arguments)
.forEach(prop => {
if ( === "color") {
const token = selectToken(prop.node.value.value);
if (token) {
prop.node.value = j.memberExpression(
return code.toSource();
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