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Created October 26, 2018 15:12
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Git Cheat Sheets
Git Clone
git clone [repository] [local path]
git clone [repository] folder-name
git clone [repository] .
# If working directory is your desired destination, simply put a "."
git checkout -b name-of-branch
# create new branch and switch to that branch
# starts as a copy of the branch you are on
# think of this as "branching off of the current branch"
git branch my-branchname
# creates new branch
git checkout branch-name
# switch to branch-name
*** don’t forget to do this! ***
git push -u origin branch-name
# push new branch to remote
# -u flag is short for --set-upstream
git branch -D branch-name
# delete the branch
git add.
git commit -m "your message"
git add --all
git commit -m "your message"
git commit -a -m "your message"
git commit -am "your message"
Fetch, Pull
git fetch origin
# fetches everything merged to origin/master
git pull
git pull upstream master
# Updating your fork from original repo to keep up with their changes
Merge, Rebase
git checkout feature-branch
git merge master
# Merge master branch into the feature-branch
# Never use rebase on public branches
git checkout feature-branch
git rebase master
# This moves the entire feature-branch into the tip of the master branch
# Cleaner project history
Other Stuff
git status
# get your git status
git stash save --keep-index
git stash drop
# Remove changes that you do not what to add to the repo
git log
# opens the git logfile
Use "q" to quit
Reset a file
git checkout HEAD -- my-file.txt
# this is awesome!
Remove .DS_Store
find . -name .DS_Store -print0 | xargs -0 git rm -f --ignore-unmatch
Add: .DS_Store to .gitignore
git push origin branch-name
# Pushes the changes in your local repository up to the remote repository you specified as the origin
When pushing to a remote, the remote cannot be checked out at that time.
git remote add remote-name file-path-to-remote
# add my copy of a repository as a remote
git pull remote-name master
# pull changes from a remote
git remote add origin remote-repository-URL
# Sets the new remote
Pull Requests
Pull requests are specific to GitHub! I did not know that.
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