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Forked from PaulStovell/gist:2944609
Last active April 24, 2021 17:39
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Create Nuget package for SSIS using MSBuild
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package xmlns="">
<Project xmlns="">
Configuration properties - you can override these from the command line
<DeployNugetProjectRoot Condition="'$(DeployNugetProjectRoot)' == ''">$(MSBuildProjectDirectory.TrimEnd('\'))</DeployNugetProjectRoot>
<DeployPackageName Condition="'$(DeployPackageName)' == ''">$(SSISProj)</DeployPackageName>
<DeployNugetNuSpecFileName Condition="'$(DeployNugetNuSpecFileName)' == ''">$(DeployPackageName).nuspec</DeployNugetNuSpecFileName>
<NuGetExe Condition="'$(NuGetExe)' == ''">C:\MSBuild\.nuget\nuget.exe</NuGetExe>
<DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory Condition="'$(DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory)' == ''">$(OutputPath.TrimEnd('\'))\NuGet-temp</DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory>
<MajorVersion Condition="'$(MajorVersion)'==''">1</MajorVersion>
<MinorVersion Condition="'$(MinorVersion)'==''">0</MinorVersion>
<RevisionVersion Condition="'$(RevisionVersion)'==''">0</RevisionVersion>
<DeployNugetPackageVersion Condition="'$(DeployNugetPackageVersion)' == ''">$(MajorVersion).$(MinorVersion).$(RevisionVersion).$(BUILD_NUMBER)</DeployNugetPackageVersion>
Establsh Context
This target figures out whether this is a web project or normal application, and whether it is being built in release mode.
It then discovers the location of NuGet.exe.
Find NuGet.exe and the project NuSpec
<Target Name="DeployNugetFindNuGetSettings">
Code="OCTO: 1001"
Text="OctoPack: Expected to find a NuGet spec file named $(DeployNugetNuSpecFileName) under $(MSBuildProjectDirectory). You can fix this error by adding a NuGet spec file with that name, or override the name of the file by setting a property called DeployNugetNuSpecFileName in your project."
Code="OCTO: 1002"
Text="OctoPack: Could not locate NuGet.exe. Please add a NuGet package reference for NuGet.CommandLine, or set the property DeployNugetNuGetExePath in your project. Current search path is: $(NuGetExe)"
<Message Importance="High" Text="NuGet.exe found: $(NuGetExe)"/>
Packaging DB
<Target Name="DeployNugetForDB" DependsOnTargets="DeployNugetFindNuGetSettings">
<Message Text="********************* start to create nuget package"/>
<RemoveDir Directories="$(DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory)" ContinueOnError="true" />
<MakeDir Directories="$(DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory)" />
<ContentToPackage Include="$(OutputPath)\**\*" Exclude="$(OutputPath)\**\*.vshost.*;$(OutputPath)\**\*.nupkg" />
<Copy SourceFiles="$(DeployNugetNuSpecFileName)" DestinationFolder="$(DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory)" />
<Exec Command='"$(NuGetExe)" pack "$(DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory)\$(DeployNugetNuSpecFileName)" -OutputDirectory "E:\webhome\nuget-deploy\Packages" -basePath "$(DeployNugetTemporaryDirectory)" -Version "$(DeployNugetPackageVersion)" -NoPackageAnalysis' />
#requires -version 2.0
Prepare projects to be able to build Nuget package using MSBuild.
Import MSBuild script for Nuget(DeployNugetForDB.targets) to project(.proj) files and copy Spec file(.nuspec) for those projects
1. Import DeployNugetForDB.targets to project(.proj) files in a folder
2. Copy Default.nuspec and modify contents and file name
ImportTargetsForDB.ps1 -DeployNuget
This command install the reports in the ReportList.txt from the DeployDemo project to Reporting Service defined in the Debug Configuration.
Version History
v1.0 - HJLee - 7/7/2012 - Created intial version
v1.1 - - 6/6/2013 - Modified to work on SSIS.
[switch]$Version = $false,
[switch]$DeployNuget = $false,
[string]$Path = "."
$DeployNugetTarget = (gi "C:\MSBuild\.nuget\DeployNugetForDB.targets")
function Install-Targets
[parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $true)]
[parameter(Position = 2)]
[string]$replace = ""
Write-Host ("Installing " + $target.BaseName + " Targets file import into project " + $project.Name)
$xmlns = ""
$xml = [xml](Get-Content $project.FullName)
$nsmgr = New-Object System.Xml.XmlNamespaceManager -ArgumentList $xml.NameTable
$nsmgr.AddNamespace('a', $xmlns)
$imports = $xml.SelectNodes('//a:Import', $nsmgr)
$imports | where { $_.Project -match $target.Name } | foreach-object {
Write-Host ("Removing old import: " + $_.Project)
if($replace -eq "") {
foreach($import in $imports) {
if($import.Project -match $target.Name) {
Write-Host ("Skip to add targets script ( '" + $target.Name + "' already exists )")
else {
foreach($import in $imports) {
if($import.Project -match $replace) {
#Write-Host ("The current project is: " + $project.FullName +" , Project parent directory: " + $project.Directory)
$importFile = $target.FullName
$import = $xml.CreateElement("Import", $xmlns);
#Copy-Item $target.FullName $project.Directory
#$importFile = ".\" + $target.Name
$import.SetAttribute("Project", $importFile);
if($replace -eq "") {
Write-Host ("Import is added for: " + $importFile)
else {
Write-Host ($replace + " is replaced with " + $importFile)
function Main
$PackageName = $env:JOB_NAME
$list = Get-ChildItem $Path *.proj
foreach($project in $list)
if($DeployNuget.isPresent) {
Install-Targets $project $DeployNugetTarget
$xml = [xml](Get-Content "C:\MSBuild\.nuget\Default.nuspec")
if($PackageName -eq "") {
$_PackageName = ($project.BaseName + "")
else {
$_PackageName = $PackageName
$ = $_PackageName
$xml.Package.metadata.description = ("Package build time is " + [datetime]::Now )
$newname = ($project.FullName | split-path) + "\" + $_PackageName + ".nuspec";
#Write-Host ("Copy nuget spec file as " + $newname)
$xml.Save($newname )
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