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Created March 29, 2024 10:39
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Linde-Buzo-Gray / Generalized Lloyd algorithm implementation in Python *3*.
Heuristic process that can be used to generate cluster points from a big amount of multidimensional vectors.
import numpy as np
import math
from functools import reduce
from collections import defaultdict
_size_data = 0
_dim = 0
def generate_codebook(data, size_codebook, epsilon=0.00001):
Generate codebook of size <size_codebook> with convergence value <epsilon>. Will return a tuple with the
generated codebook, a vector with absolute weights and a vector with relative weights (the weight denotes how many
vectors for <data> are in the proximity of the codevector.
:param data: input data with N k-dimensional vectors
:param size_codebook: codebook size. Because the codevectors are split on each iteration, this should be a
:param epsilon: convergence value
:return tuple of: codebook of size <size_codebook>, absolute weights, relative weights
global _size_data, _dim
_size_data = len(data)
assert _size_data > 0
_dim = len(data[0])
assert _dim > 0
codebook = []
codebook_abs_weights = [_size_data]
codebook_rel_weights = [1.0]
# calculate initial codevector: average vector of whole input data
c0 = avg_vec_of_vecs(data, _dim, _size_data)
# calculate the average distortion
avg_dist = avg_distortion_c0(c0, data)
# split codevectors until we have have enough
while len(codebook) < size_codebook:
codebook, codebook_abs_weights, codebook_rel_weights, avg_dist = split_codebook(data, codebook,
epsilon, avg_dist)
return codebook, codebook_abs_weights, codebook_rel_weights
def split_codebook(data, codebook, epsilon, initial_avg_dist):
Split the codebook so that each codevector in the codebook is split into two.
:param data: input data
:param codebook: input codebook. its codevectors will be split into two.
:param epsilon: convergence value
:param initial_avg_dist: initial average distortion
:return Tuple with new codebook, codebook absolute weights and codebook relative weights
# split codevectors
new_codevectors = []
for c in codebook:
# the new codevectors c1 and c2 will moved by epsilon and -epsilon so to be apart from each other
c1 = new_codevector(c, epsilon)
c2 = new_codevector(c, -epsilon)
new_codevectors.extend((c1, c2))
codebook = new_codevectors
len_codebook = len(codebook)
abs_weights = [0] * len_codebook
rel_weights = [0.0] * len_codebook
# print('> splitting to size', len_codebook)
# try to reach a convergence by minimizing the average distortion. this is done by moving the codevectors step by
# step to the center of the points in their proximity
avg_dist = 0
err = epsilon + 1
num_iter = 0
while err > epsilon:
# find closest codevectors for each vector in data (find the proximity of each codevector)
closest_c_list = [None] * _size_data # list that contains the nearest codevector for each input data vector
vecs_near_c = defaultdict(list) # list with codevector index -> input data vector mapping
vec_idxs_near_c = defaultdict(list) # list with codevector index -> input data index mapping
for i, vec in enumerate(data): # for each input vector
min_dist = None
closest_c_index = None
for i_c, c in enumerate(codebook): # for each codevector
d = euclid_squared(vec, c)
if min_dist is None or d < min_dist: # found new closest codevector
min_dist = d
closest_c_list[i] = c
closest_c_index = i_c
# update codebook: recalculate each codevector so that it sits in the center of the points in their proximity
for i_c in range(len_codebook): # for each codevector index
vecs = vecs_near_c.get(i_c) or [] # get its proximity input vectors
num_vecs_near_c = len(vecs)
if num_vecs_near_c > 0:
new_c = avg_vec_of_vecs(vecs, _dim) # calculate the new center
codebook[i_c] = new_c # update in codebook
for i in vec_idxs_near_c[i_c]: # update in input vector index -> codevector mapping list
closest_c_list[i] = new_c
# update the weights
abs_weights[i_c] = num_vecs_near_c
rel_weights[i_c] = num_vecs_near_c / _size_data
# recalculate average distortion value
prev_avg_dist = avg_dist if avg_dist > 0 else initial_avg_dist
avg_dist = avg_distortion_c_list(closest_c_list, data)
# recalculate the new error value
err = (prev_avg_dist - avg_dist) / prev_avg_dist
# print(closest_c_list)
# print('> iteration', num_iter, 'avg_dist', avg_dist, 'prev_avg_dist', prev_avg_dist, 'err', err)
num_iter += 1
return codebook, abs_weights, rel_weights, avg_dist
def avg_vec_of_vecs(vecs, dim=None, size=None):
Calculate average vector (center vector) for input vectors <vecs>.
:param vecs: input vectors
:param dim: dimension of <vecs> if it was already calculated
:param size: size of <vecs> if it was already calculated
:return average vector (center vector) for input vectors <vecs>
size = size or len(vecs)
dim = dim or len(vecs[0])
avg_vec = [0.0] * 3
for vec in vecs:
p = np.cos(vec[0]), np.sin(vec[0]) * np.cos(vec[1]), np.sin(vec[0]) * np.sin(vec[1])
avg_vec[0] += p[0] / size
avg_vec[1] += p[1] / size
avg_vec[2] += p[2] / size
n = np.linalg.norm(avg_vec)
avg_vec[0], avg_vec[1], avg_vec[2] = avg_vec[0] / n, avg_vec[1] / n, avg_vec[2] / n
w = np.arccos(avg_vec[0])
p = np.arctan2(avg_vec[2], avg_vec[1])
return [w, p]
def new_codevector(c, e):
Create a new codevector based on <c> but moved by factor <e>
:param c: base codevector
:param e: move factor
:return new codevector
c = [x * (1.0 + e) for x in c]
c[0] = np.abs(c[0])
return c
def avg_distortion_c0(c0, data, size=None):
Average distortion of <c0> in relation to <data> (i.e. how good does <c0> describe <data>?).
:param c0: comparison vector
:param data: sample data
:param size: size of <data> if it was already calculated
:return average distortion
size = size or _size_data
return reduce(lambda s, d: s + d / size,
(euclid_squared(c0, vec)
for vec in data),
def avg_distortion_c_list(c_list, data, size=None):
Average distortion between input samples <data> and a list <c_list> that contains a codevector for each point in
:param c_list: list that contains a codevector for each point in <data>
:param data: input samples
:param size: Size of <data> if it was already calculated
size = size or _size_data
return reduce(lambda s, d: s + d / size,
(euclid_squared(c_i, data[i])
for i, c_i in enumerate(c_list)),
def euclid_squared(a, b):
return np.sin(b[0] - a[0])**2 + np.sin(2 * a[0]) * np.sin(2 * b[0]) * np.sin((b[1] - a[1]) / 2)**2
def code2mat(c):
V = np.array([[np.cos(c[0]), np.sin(c[0]) * np.exp(1j * c[1])],
[-np.sin(c[0]) * np.exp(-1j * c[1]), np.cos(c[0])]])
return V
if __name__ == "__main__":
testdata = []
N = 10000
for i in range(N):
H = np.random.randn(2,2) + 1j * np.random.randn(2,2)
U, S, Vh = np.linalg.svd(H)
V = Vh.conj().T
D = np.diag(np.exp(-1j * np.angle(np.diag(V))))
V = V @ D
U = U @ D
U @ np.diag(S) @ V.conj().T - H
w = np.arccos(np.real(V[0,0]))
phi = np.angle(V[0,1])
testdata.append([w, phi])
cb_size = 4
print('generating codebook for size', cb_size)
cb, cb_abs_w, cb_rel_w = generate_codebook(testdata, cb_size, 0.01)
correction = code2mat(cb[0]).T.conj()
for i, c in enumerate(cb):
print('> %s, abs_weight=%d, rel_weight=%f' % (c, cb_abs_w[i], cb_rel_w[i]))
print(code2mat(c) @ correction)
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