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Last active January 8, 2017 04:49
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/* eslint-env node */
var path = require( "path" );
var fs = require( "fs-extra" );
var instrumentedDir = "build/instrumented";
var reportDir = "build/report";
// Support: Node.js <4
var oldNode = /^v0\./.test( process.version );
module.exports = function( grunt ) {
// Load grunt tasks from NPM packages
// Don't load the eslint task in old Node.js, it won't parse
require( "load-grunt-tasks" )( grunt, {
pattern: oldNode ? [ "grunt-*", "!grunt-eslint" ] : [ "grunt-*" ]
} );
// Skip running tasks that dropped support for Node.js 0.12 in this Node version
function runIfNewNode( task ) {
return oldNode ? "print_old_node_message:" + task : task;
grunt.registerTask( "print_old_node_message", function() {
var task = [] arguments ).join( ":" );
grunt.log.writeln( "Old Node.js detected, running the task \"" + task + "\" skipped..." );
} );
function process( code ) {
return code
// Embed version
.replace( /@VERSION/g, grunt.config( "pkg" ).version )
// Embed date (yyyy-mm-ddThh:mmZ)
.replace( /@DATE/g, ( new Date() ).toISOString().replace( /:\d+\.\d+Z$/, "Z" ) );
grunt.initConfig( {
pkg: grunt.file.readJSON( "package.json" ),
copy: {
options: { process: process },
"src-js": {
src: "dist/qunit.js",
dest: "dist/qunit.js"
"src-css": {
src: "src/qunit.css",
dest: "dist/qunit.css"
// Moves files around during coverage runs
"dist-to-tmp": {
src: "dist/qunit.js",
dest: "dist/qunit.tmp.js"
"instrumented-to-dist": {
src: "build/instrumented/dist/qunit.js",
dest: "dist/qunit.js"
"tmp-to-dist": {
src: "dist/qunit.tmp.js",
dest: "dist/qunit.js"
rollup: {
options: require( "./rollup.config" ),
src: {
src: "src/qunit.js",
dest: "dist/qunit.js"
eslint: {
options: {
config: ".eslintrc.json"
all: [
// Linting HTML files via eslint-plugin-html
search: {
options: {
// Ensure that the only HTML entities used are those with a special status in XHTML
// and that any common singleton/empty HTML elements end with the XHTML-compliant
// "/>"rather than ">"
searchString: /(&(?!gt|lt|amp|quot)[A-Za-z0-9]+;|<(?:hr|HR|br|BR|input|INPUT)(?![^>]*\/>)(?:\s+[^>]*)?>)/g,
logFormat: "console",
failOnMatch: true
xhtml: [
qunit: {
options: {
timeout: 30000,
"--web-security": "no",
inject: [
path.resolve( "./build/coverage-bridge.js" ),
require.resolve( "grunt-contrib-qunit/phantomjs/bridge" )
qunit: [
"test-on-node": {
files: [
watch: {
options: {
atBegin: true,
spawn: false,
interrupt: true
files: [
tasks: "default"
instrument: {
files: "dist/qunit.js",
options: {
lazy: false,
basePath: instrumentedDir
storeCoverage: {
options: {
dir: reportDir
makeReport: {
src: reportDir + "/**/*.json",
options: {
type: [ "lcov" ],
dir: reportDir,
print: "detail"
coveralls: {
options: {
force: true
all: {
// LCOV coverage file relevant to every target
src: "build/report/"
} );
grunt.event.on( "qunit.coverage", function( file, coverage ) {
var testName = file.split( "/test/" ).pop().replace( ".html", "" );
var reportPath = path.join( "build/report/phantom", testName + ".json" );
fs.createFileSync( reportPath );
fs.writeJsonSync( reportPath, coverage, { spaces: 0 } );
} );
grunt.loadTasks( "build/tasks" );
grunt.registerTask( "build", [ "rollup:src", "copy:src-js", "copy:src-css" ] );
grunt.registerTask( "test", [ runIfNewNode( "eslint" ), "search", "test-on-node", "qunit" ] );
grunt.registerTask( "coverage", [
] );
grunt.registerTask( "default", [ "build", "test" ] );
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