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Last active November 30, 2022 15:23
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BTC Polygon Plot + WMA
WMA_polygon_Plot <- function(Dat, term=c("2020-01-01", as.character(lubridate::today())),
lag=5, xax = 0.1, yax = 0.999, xcex=0.9, ycex=0.8, rou=0,
WMA_periods=c(1800, 2200, 2750, 3250, 3600),
M1=0.15, m1=0.9, line_col=F, LogY=F, Main_text="Polygon Plot"){
oldpar <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if(!all(colnames(Dat) == c("Date", "Close", "Month"))){
stop("Incorrect format of Dat object")
aa <- c(sum(Dat$Date <= term[1]):sum(Dat$Date <= term[2]))
M <- max(Dat$Close[aa]) + abs(max(Dat$Close[aa]) - min(Dat$Close[aa]))*M1
m <- min(Dat$Close[aa])*m1
par(family= "HiraKakuPro-W3", xpd =F)
layout(matrix(c(1), 1, 1, byrow = TRUE),
par(mar = c(4, 4, 2, 2))
plot(Dat$Date, Dat$Close,
ylim = c(m, M),
xlim = c(min(as.numeric(Dat$Date)[aa]),
xlab = "", ylab = "",
type = "l", col = "white",
lwd = 1,
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n",
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
plot(Dat$Date, Dat$Close,
ylim = c(m, M),
xlim = c(min(as.numeric(Dat$Date)[aa]),
xlab = "", ylab = "",
type = "l", col = "white",
lwd = 1,
xaxt = "n",
yaxt = "n",
xaxs="i", yaxs="i")
par(family= "HiraKakuPro-W3", xpd =F)
lab <- seq.Date(as.Date(term[1]), as.Date(term[2]), length.out = 5, format="%Y年%B")
axis.Date(1, at=lab, labels = FALSE, format="%Y年%B", cex=0.7)
text(lab, m - (M-m)*xax,
labels = format(lab, "%Y年%B"), srt = 35, pos = 1, xpd = TRUE, cex=xcex)
par(family= "HiraKakuPro-W3", xpd =F)
lab <- as.numeric(c(c(1,1.5,2,3,4, 5, 6, 8, 10) %o% 10^(-2:7)))
lab <- round(seq(signif(m, 1), signif(M, 1), length.out = 7),rou)
lab <- lab[lab > m]
lab <- lab[lab < M]
axis(2, at = lab, labels = F)
text(par("usr")[1]*yax, lab, labels = lab, srt = 0, pos = 2, xpd = TRUE, cex=ycex)
lines(Dat$Date, Dat$Close, type = "l", lwd = 1, col="grey")
#WMA: EMA with linear weighting
#WMA_periods=c(1800, 2200, 2750, 3250, 3600)
a <- as.numeric(Dat$Date)
aa1 <- WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[1])
aa2 <- WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[2])
aa3 <- WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[3])
aa4 <- WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[4])
aa5 <- WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[5])
#Blue zone
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa1, rev(aa2)), col="#709bf820", border = NA)
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa2, rev(aa3)), col="#709bf850", border = NA)
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa3, rev(aa4)), col="#709bf870", border = NA)
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa4, rev(aa5)), col="#709bf880", border = NA)
#Green zone
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa2*2.5, rev(aa2)*3), col="#56bc8210", border = NA)
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa2*3, rev(aa2)*4), col="#56bc8220", border = NA)
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa2*4, rev(aa2)*5), col="#56bc8250", border = NA)
polygon( c(a, rev(a)), c(aa2*5, rev(aa2)*6), col="#56bc8270", border = NA)
lines(a, aa1, col="#709bf870", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2, col="#709bf880", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa3, col="#709bf890", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa4, col="#709bf890", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa5, col="#709bf890", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2*2, col="#56bc8260", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2*2.5, col="#56bc8250", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2*3, col="#56bc8270", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2*4, col="#56bc8280", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2*5, col="#56bc8290", lwd=2)
lines(a, aa2*6, col="#56bc82", lwd=2)
dd <- Dat$Close < WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[2])
for(n in 2:length(dd)){
if(any(c(dd[n-1], dd[n]))){
lines(a[(n-1):n], Dat$Close[(n-1):n], type="l", col="#709bf8")
dd <- Dat$Close > WMA(Dat$Close, n = WMA_periods[2])*3
for(n in 2:length(dd)){
if(any(c(dd[n-1], dd[n]))){
lines(a[(n-1):n], Dat$Close[(n-1):n], type="l", col="#56bc82")
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