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Last active July 1, 2021 18:31
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This R function performs DeepL API on MacOSX/LINUX
##' @title DeepL API on R
##' @param Sentence an input string.
##' @param EN2JA a logical.
##' @param Auth_Key a string, Your Authentication Key
##' @return character
##' @author Satoshi Kume
##' @export DeePL
DeePL <- function(Sentence, EN2JA=TRUE, Auth_Key="Your Authentication Key"){
a <- system(paste0('curl -s -d "auth_key=', Auth_Key, '" -d "text=', Sentence, '" -d source_lang="EN" -d "target_lang=JA"'), intern = T)
a <- system(paste0('curl -s -d "auth_key=', Auth_Key, '" -d "text=', Sentence, '" -d source_lang="JA" -d "target_lang=EN"'), intern = T)
result <- strsplit(strsplit(as.character(a), "\"text\":\"")[[1]][2], "\"}]}")[[1]][1]
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