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Last active May 28, 2023 07:29
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#From pverspeelt/Quantfunctions
pack <- c("quantmod", "dygraphs", "htmltools", "magrittr", "TTR", "xts", "ggplot2", "gridExtra", "lubridate")
install.packages(pack[!(pack %in% unique(rownames(installed.packages())))], repos="")
for(n in 1:length(pack)){ eval(parse(text = paste0("library(", pack[n], ")"))) }; rm("n", "pack")
heikin_ashi <- function(x) {
stop("x must contain OHLC columns", call. = FALSE)
stop("x contains NA values, either remove these records or fix them",
call. = FALSE)
heikin_close <- xts::xts(rowMeans(quantmod::OHLC(x)), = zoo::index(x))
heikin_open <- quantmod::Op(x)
# need a loop: heiki ashi open is dependent on the previous value
for(i in 2:nrow(x)) {
heikin_open[i] <- (heikin_open[i-1] + heikin_close[i-1]) / 2
heikin_high <- xts::xts(apply(cbind(quantmod::Hi(x), heikin_open, heikin_close), 1, max), = zoo::index(x))
heikin_low <- xts::xts(apply(cbind(quantmod::Lo(x), heikin_open, heikin_close), 1, min), = zoo::index(x))
out <- merge(heikin_open, heikin_high, heikin_low, heikin_close)
names(out) <- c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close")
stochRSI <- function(x, n = 14L){
if (n < 1 || n > NROW(x))
stop(glue("n = {n} is outside valid range: [1, {NROW(X)}]"),
call. = FALSE)
x <- xts::try.xts(x, error = as.matrix)
stop("x must contain a close column.",
call. = FALSE)
rsi <- TTR::RSI(quantmod::Cl(x), n)
rsi_out <- (rsi - TTR::runMin(rsi, n)) / (TTR::runMax(rsi, n) - TTR::runMin(rsi, n))
names(rsi_out) <- "stochRSI"
stRSI <- function(x, n = 14L){
if (n < 1 || n > NROW(x)) {
stop(glue("n = {n} is outside valid range: [1, {NROW(X)}]"), call. = FALSE)}
x <- xts::try.xts(x, error = as.matrix)
stop("x must contain a close column.", call. = FALSE)}
rsi <- quantmod::Cl(x)
MIN <- (TTR::runMin(rsi, n-4) + TTR::runMin(rsi, n-2) + TTR::runMin(rsi, n) + TTR::runMin(rsi, n+2) + TTR::runMin(rsi, n+4))/5
MAX <- (TTR::runMax(rsi, n-4) + TTR::runMax(rsi, n-2) + TTR::runMax(rsi, n) + TTR::runMax(rsi, n+2) + TTR::runMax(rsi, n+4))/5
#matplot(data.frame(rsi, MIN, MAX), type="l")
rsi_out <- round((rsi - MIN), 3) / round((MAX - MIN), 3)
names(rsi_out) <- "stRSI"
ggChandles <- function(x, term, Tittle="BTC-USD", MonthlyAshi=FALSE, WeeklyAshi=FALSE, lwd=0.5){
#x=BTCw; term=term; Tittle="BTC-USD"; MonthlyAshi=FALSE; WeeklyAshi=FALSE; lwd=0.5
if(ncol(x) == 6){
x <- setNames(x, nm = c("Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume", "Adjusted"))
if(MonthlyAshi){x <- x[grepl("-01$", index(x)),]}
if(WeeklyAshi){index(x)[nrow(x)] <- index(x)[nrow(x)-1] + lubridate::ddays(7)}
x1 <- x[index(x) >= term[1],]
x2 <- x1[index(x1) <= term[2],]
x2$Date <- index(x2)
g <- x2 %>%
ggplot(data=., aes(x=Index, lower=pmin(Open, Close), middle=pmin(Open, Close),
upper=pmax(Open, Close), ymin=Low, ymax=High)) +
geom_boxplot(stat='identity', aes(group=Index, fill=ifelse(Close > Open, "up", "dn")),
alpha=0.9, fatten = 0, lwd=lwd) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
xlab("Date-Time") +
ylab("Price") +
labs(title = Tittle) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#ff5400", "#00cc00"))
ggChart <- function(x, y, term, Tittle="BTC-USD", linetype="solid", colour, y1=TRUE){
x1 <- x[index(x) >= term[1],]
x2 <- x1[index(x1) <= term[2],]
x2$Date <- index(x2)
g <- x2 %>%
ggplot(data=., aes(x=Index, y=get(y))) +
geom_line(aes(x=Index, y=get(y)), colour=colour, linetype=linetype) +
theme(legend.position = "none") +
xlab("Date-Time") +
ylab("") +
labs(title = Tittle) +
scale_fill_manual(values = c("#ff5400", "#00cc00"))
g <- g +
scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1))
pdf_png_save <- function(FileName){, type="pdf", width=8, height=7);;
pdftools::pdf_convert(pdf = FileName, format = "png", dpi = 300)
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