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Created April 6, 2023 09:21
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This is an example for a Dash app that includes AAD auth.
import jwt
from dash import Dash, Input, Output, html
from flask import Flask, redirect, url_for
from import azure, make_azure_blueprint
from werkzeug.middleware.proxy_fix import ProxyFix
def login_required(func):
"""Require a login for the given view function."""
def check_authorization(*args, **kwargs):
if not azure.authorized or azure.token.get("expires_in") < 0:
return redirect(url_for("azure.login"))
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return check_authorization
blueprint = make_azure_blueprint(
scope=["openid", "email", "profile"],
app = Flask(__name__)
app.config["SECRET_KEY"] = "secretkey"
app.register_blueprint(blueprint, url_prefix="/login")
dash_app = Dash(__name__, server=app)
# use this in your production environment since you will otherwise run into problems
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, x_proto=1, x_host=1)
for view_func in app.view_functions:
if not view_func.startswith("azure"):
app.view_functions[view_func] = login_required(app.view_functions[view_func])
@dash_app.callback([Output("userid", "children")], [Input("inputdiv", "children")])
def show_user(inputdiv):
# no need to verify the token here, that was already done before
id_claims = jwt.decode(azure.token.get("id_token"), options={"verify_signature": False})
return [id_claims.get("name")]
dash_app.layout = html.Div(
html.H1(children="Hello Dash"),
html.Div(children="You are logged in!"),
if __name__ == "__main__":
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