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Last active April 19, 2024 16:32
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Takes as input a video with hardsubs, and will generate translated softsubs in the target language
# Requirements:
# - ImageMagick binary
# - Windows.Media.Ocr.Cli binary
# - VideoSubFinder binary
# Official GCloud Translate Setup:
# First 500k characters / mo is free:
# Install Python Module: pip install google-cloud-translate
# Setup Google Cloud account and billing information:
# Make a new project and enable "Cloud Translation API":
# Install GCloud CLI:
# Setup authentication:
import argparse
import glob
import os
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from import translate
def gcloud_API_translate_text(textList, project_id, target_language_code):
client = translate.TranslationServiceClient()
location = "global"
parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
MAX_STRINGS = 1024 # GCloud API has hard limit of 1024 lines per request
numStringsToTranslate = len(textList)
numStringsTranslated = 0
translations = []
while numStringsTranslated < numStringsToTranslate:
endIndex = numStringsTranslated + MAX_STRINGS
if endIndex > numStringsToTranslate:
endIndex = numStringsToTranslate
contents = textList[numStringsTranslated:endIndex]
response = client.translate_text(
"parent": parent,
"contents": contents,
"mime_type": "text/plain",
"target_language_code": target_language_code,
numStringsTranslated += len(response.translations)
return translations
os.system("") # enables ansi escape characters in terminal
LINE_CLEAR = '\x1b[2K' # <-- ANSI sequence
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Takes as input a video with hardsubs, and will generate translated softsubs in the target language.")
parser.add_argument('video_path', help='Path to input video')
parser.add_argument('-pid', '--project_id', help='Google Cloud Project ID', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-t', '--tmp_dir', help='Path to tmp dir', default='tmp')
parser.add_argument('-te', '--top_edge_offset', help='How much of top of video to ignore', default=0.75)
parser.add_argument('-be', '--bottom_edge_offset', help='How much of bottom of video to ignore', default=0.0)
parser.add_argument('-l', '--language', help='Language to translate to', default='en-US', choices=['en-US', 'zh-CN', 'zh-TW', 'ja', 'ko'])
parser.add_argument('--test_run', action='store_true', help='Runs a few times and displays debug info')
parser.add_argument('--skip_cleanup', action='store_true', help='Does not delete temporary files')
parser.add_argument('--skip_extract', action='store_true', help='Skips extracting subtitle images step (uses cached temporary files)')
args = parser.parse_args()
video_path = args.video_path
video_filename, ext = os.path.splitext(video_path)
tmp_dir = args.tmp_dir
txt_images_folder = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "TXTImages")
txt_results_folder = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "TXTResults")
target_language_code = args.language
project_id = args.project_id
test_run = args.test_run
skip_cleanup = args.skip_cleanup or test_run
skip_extract = args.skip_extract
# Generate raw images of the subtitles
if not skip_extract:
print("Extracting subtitle images with VideoSubFinder (takes quite a long time) ...")
startTime = time.time()[
"--input_video", video_path,
"--output_dir", tmp_dir,
"--num_threads", str(4),
"--num_ocr_threads", str(4),
"--top_video_image_percent_end", str(0.25),
"--bottom_video_image_percent_end", str(0.0)
], capture_output=True)
endTime = time.time()
print("Completed! Took "+str(endTime - startTime)+"s")
# Enumerate all the images
imagePaths = []
if os.path.isdir(txt_images_folder):
filetypes = ('*.jpg', '*.jpeg', '*.png')
for filetype in filetypes:
globPath = os.path.join(txt_images_folder, filetype);
print("ERROR: Invalid paths provided!\n")
numImages = len(imagePaths)
# Reduce image size OCR has a max image size
i = 0
totalTimeElapsedS = 0
estimateText = "Estimated time remaining: Unknown"
for imagePath in imagePaths:
if test_run and i > 10:
progressText = "Preprocessing image "+str(i+1)+"/"+str(numImages)+". "+estimateText+". Filename: " + os.path.basename(imagePath)
print(progressText, end='\r')
startTime = time.time()
# Leaving some padding and not doing "-trim" seems to be important["magick", "convert", imagePath, "-resize", "x200>", imagePath], capture_output=True)
endTime = time.time()
i += 1
# Some logic to provide an estimated time
timeElapsed = endTime - startTime
totalTimeElapsedS += timeElapsed
averageTime = totalTimeElapsedS / float(i)
numImagesRemaining = numImages - i
estimateText = "Estimated time remaining: "+str(averageTime * numImagesRemaining)+"s"
# Run Windows OCR on the images and save to text file
i = 0
totalTimeElapsedS = 0
totalCharacterCount = 0
estimateText = "Estimated time remaining: Unknown"
baseNameList = []
textList = []
for imagePath in imagePaths:
if test_run and i > 10:
progressText = "Running OCR on image "+str(i+1)+"/"+str(numImages)+". "+estimateText+". Filename: " + os.path.basename(imagePath)
print(progressText, end='\r')
startTime = time.time()
result =["Windows.Media.Ocr.Cli.exe", imagePath], capture_output=True)
ocrText = result.stdout.decode("utf-8")
# Replace carriage returns with spaces.
# This leads to more naturally flowing translations most of the time.
ocrText = " ".join(ocrText.splitlines()).strip()
filename, ext = os.path.splitext(imagePath)
basename = os.path.basename(filename)
# GCloud API throws error if we give it blanks
if len(ocrText) > 0:
totalCharacterCount += len(ocrText)
endTime = time.time()
i += 1
# Some logic to provide an estimated time
timeElapsed = endTime - startTime
totalTimeElapsedS += timeElapsed
averageTime = totalTimeElapsedS / float(i)
numImagesRemaining = numImages - i
estimateText = "Estimated time remaining: "+str(averageTime * numImagesRemaining)+"s"
# Additionally writeout to file for easier debugging
original_text_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "original_text.txt")
with open(original_text_file, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
for i in range(len(textList)):
f.write(str(i)+": "+textList[i]+"\n")
# Translate via Google Cloud Translation API and output to disk
print("Translating text...")
translations = gcloud_API_translate_text(textList, project_id, target_language_code)
print("# of characters translated: " + str(totalCharacterCount))
print("# of lines translated: " + str(len(translations)))
for i in range(len(translations)):
out_filepath = os.path.join(txt_results_folder, baseNameList[i]) + '.txt'
translated_text = translations[i].translated_text
if test_run:
print("Orignal text: " + repr(textList[i]))
print("Translated text: " + repr(translated_text))
with open(out_filepath, 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
# Additionally writeout to file for easier debugging
with open(os.path.join(tmp_dir, "translated_text.txt"), 'w', encoding="utf-8") as f:
for i in range(len(translations)):
f.write(str(i)+": "+translations[i].translated_text+"\n")
# Generate subtitle file
srt_path = video_filename+".srt"
print("Generating softsubs with VideoSubFinder... Output file: "+srt_path)
startTime = time.time()[
"--create_sub_from_txt_results", srt_path,
"--output_dir", tmp_dir
], capture_output=True)
endTime = time.time()
print("Completed! Took "+str(endTime - startTime)+"s")
# Cleanup if needed
if not skip_cleanup:
shutil.rmtree(tmp_dir, ignore_errors=True)
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kumorikuma commented Jan 31, 2023


I was trying to watch a video that only had hard-coded subs in a foreign language. Following this guide, I found a process that could extract the subs into images, perform OCR, then combine it back into a subtitle file (.srt). However, the OCR solution it presented was not free, and it also could not handle auto-translation.

This script performs both the OCR bit using a native Windows API, and the auto-translation with Google Cloud Translation (which is free for up to 500k characters per month).

Example Usage

Run python script from terminal

py "C:\path\to\video.mp4" -pid fuzzy-robot-123456

Sample output

C:\python_scripts\subbing> py video.mp4 -pid fuzzy-robot-123456
Extracting subtitle images with VideoSubFinder (takes quite a long time) ...
Completed! Took 54.869500160217285s
Running OCR on image 5/5. Estimated time remaining: 0.283750057220459s. Filename: 0_00_19_000__0_00_26_299_0143100000033600190803360.jpeg
Translating text...
# of characters translated: 151
Generating softsubs with VideoSubFinder... Output file:
Completed! Took 0.45099902153015137s

Requirements (Windows 10)

This script depends on several binaries being accessible from shell invocation. Thus they will need to be downloaded / installed somewhere and added to the PATH environment variable.

  • Python3 for Windows
  • Install Image Magick and add binaries to PATH
  • Install this simple binary wrapper around Windows OCR and add it to PATH
  • Install VideoSubFinder and add the binary to PATH. Discussion can be found in the SourceForge forums for tweaking settings with this program to improve subtitle detection.
  • Setup Google Cloud Translation API and local authentication (see comments at top of file). You will need to pass the script your project ID. Make sure your local machine is authenticated to access the project ID.
  • Windows language pack installed for whatever language the video is in

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Can you write me a version for linux/ubuntu?

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