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Created January 2, 2017 19:37
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various(4) BTC testnet transmit / propagate methods, all failed
various(4) BTC testnet transmit / pushtx/ propagate methods, all failed :(
sending using helloblock:
HTTPSConnectionPool(host='', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /v1/transactions (Caused by NewConnectionError('<requests.packages.urllib3.connection.VerifiedHTTPSConnection object at 0x000000000475E860>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 11001] getaddrinfo failed',))
sending using blockcypher:
{'error': "Couldn't deserialize request: invalid character 'x' in literal true (expecting 'r')"}
sending using blockcypher @ sessions:
{u'error': u"Couldn't deserialize request: invalid character 'x' in literal true (expecting 'r')"}
sending using webbtc:
{u'error': u'Connection refused - connect(2) for "node" port 9999'}
sending using pybitcointools:
{'status': 'fail', 'message': '', 'code': 500, 'data': 'Could not decode your transaction!'}
from pycoin.key.validate import is_address_valid
from pycoin.tx.tx_utils import create_signed_tx
from pycoin.convention import btc_to_satoshi
from pycoin.tx import Spendable
from urllib2 import urlopen
import json, pybitcointools
from pybitcointools import make_request
from pycoin.serialize import h2b, h2b_rev
from requests import session
import requests, ast
def helloblocksend(tx):
print 'sending using helloblock:'
helloblockurl = ''
payload = {'rawTxHex': tx.as_hex()}
return, data=payload).json()
except Exception, e:
errahmessage1 = e[0]
return errahmessage1
def blockcyphersend(tx):
print 'sending using blockcypher:'
blockcypherurl = ''
return json.loads(make_request(blockcypherurl, 'tx:%s' % tx.as_hex()))
except Exception, e:
errahmessage1 = ast.literal_eval(e[0])
return errahmessage1
def blockcypherREQsend(tx):
print 'sending using blockcypher @ sessions:'
blockcypherurl = ''
payload = {'tx': tx.as_hex(),}
return, data=payload).json()
def webbtcsend(tx):
print 'sending using webbtc:'
webbtc_url = ''
payload = {'tx': tx.as_hex(),}
return, data=payload).json()
def pybitcointoolssend(tx):
print 'sending using pybitcointools:'
return pybitcointools.blockr_pushtx(tx.as_hex(), network=pbtctNet)
except Exception, e:
errahmessage1 = ast.literal_eval(e[0])
return errahmessage1
wif = 'cMuqTgLkdQtsCD25HXDaStwjuBjb4TmdkV26FPjubjUGvRe8VRmy' #cQp5i1edstsXqyd1vKNU2HJyyhYrD5TxaiNh3NncnwjV9Y9r8qNV
address = 'mtyC8FT3vossVqhXQfrzWQ2WEqjm1bwi2u' #mt8kNQiejsjuZWAn5hse3nESfWb4hoadRU
netcode = 'XTN'
dst_address = 'mt8kNQiejsjuZWAn5hse3nESfWb4hoadRU'
if is_address_valid(address):
print("address ok! :)")
print("invalid address, please try again")
if netcode == "XTN":
URL = "" % address
pbtctNet = 'testnet'
if netcode == "BTC":
URL = "" % address
spendables = []
r = json.loads(urlopen(URL).read().decode("utf8"))
for u in r:
coin_value = btc_to_satoshi(u.get("amount"))
script = h2b(u.get("scriptPubKey"))
previous_hash = h2b_rev(u.get("txid"))
previous_index = u.get("vout")
spendables.append(Spendable(coin_value, script, previous_hash, previous_index))
print spendables
if spendables != []:
tx = create_signed_tx(spendables, payables=[dst_address], wifs=[wif], netcode=netcode)
print 'here is the signed output transaction (' + netcode + '): '
print '---------------------------------------'
print helloblocksend(tx)
print '---------------------------------------'
print blockcyphersend(tx)
print '---------------------------------------'
print blockcypherREQsend(tx)
print '---------------------------------------'
print webbtcsend(tx)
print '---------------------------------------'
print pybitcointoolssend(tx)
print '---------------------------------------'
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