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Last active January 28, 2024 10:18
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// Variables used by Scriptable.
// These must be at the very top of the file. Do not edit.
// icon-color: blue; icon-glyph: bus-alt;
// Script to show real time SL departure information using the SL real-time API
// Todo: Pass siteID and StopPointNumber as arguments
const siteID = "9001" // 9001 is T-Centralen, replace with your station's ID. See:
const myKey = "thekey" // Replace with your key, get it from
const timeWindow = "30" // Show departures in the next 30 minutes
const myStopPointNumber = "" // Specify a StopPointNumber if you want departures only from a specific spot — e.g. with buses, each "direction" has a direction has a different StopPointNumber, even if siteID is the same. Leave it blank if you want to track departures in all directions
const maxEntries = 6 // Display the next 6 departures
const maxChars = 22 // Max characters to display of the Destination (middle column)
const bgColour = new Color("#000000") // Use solid black background
const lineFont = new Font("Menlo",14)
const footerFont = new Font("Helvetica",13)
let url = "" + myKey + "&siteid=" + siteID + "&timewindow=" + timeWindow
let req = new Request(url)
let json = await req.loadJSON()
// Todo: Show all/ specific departure types (e.g. Metro/ Train/ Ship etc.) as well
items = json.ResponseData.Buses // This script only cares about buses, refer to documentation at for details about other departure types
let widget = await createWidget(items)
if (!config.runsInWidget) { // Show a preview of the widget, if it's not being run as a widget
await widget.presentMedium()
async function createWidget(items) {
let w = new ListWidget()
let num = 0
w.backgroundColor = bgColour
for (item of items) {
let lineNumber = item.LineNumber
let stopPointNumber = item.StopPointNumber
if (myStopPointNumber != "") { // If it's not empty, we only care about a specific StopPointNumber
if (stopPointNumber != myStopPointNumber) { // We don't care about this StopPointNumber
let destination = item.Destination
let displayTime = item.DisplayTime
let theLine = w.addText(lineNumber + "\t" + destination.trim(maxChars).padEnd(maxChars," ") + "\t" + displayTime)
theLine.font = lineFont
num = num + 1
if (num == maxEntries) {
let theFooter = w.addText("Updated: " + await timehMMSS())
theFooter.font = footerFont
return w
async function timehMMSS() {
var theDate = new Date()
return theDate.getHours() + ":" + ("0"+theDate.getMinutes()).slice(-2) + ":" + ("0"+theDate.getSeconds()).slice(-2)
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