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Created November 14, 2020 14:06
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playcanvas for nodejs to prevent ReferenceError: window is not defined
global.window = {
navigator: {
userAgent: "node"
removeEventListener() {}
var fakeCanvas = {
id: "fakecanvas",
getBoundingClientRect: function() {
return {
bottom: 969,
height: 969,
left: 0,
right: 980,
top: 0,
width: 980,
x: 0,
y: 0
getContext() {
return {
getSupportedExtensions: function() {
return ["OES_vertex_array_object"];
getContextAttributes: function() {
return {
"alpha": true,
"antialias": true,
"depth": true,
"failIfMajorPerformanceCaveat": false,
"powerPreference": "default",
"premultipliedAlpha": true,
"preserveDrawingBuffer": false,
"stencil": true,
"desynchronized": false,
"xrCompatible": true
getParameter: function() {
return 0;
disable: function() {},
enable: function() {},
blendFunc: function() {},
blendEquation: function() {},
colorMask: function() {},
cullFace: function() {},
depthFunc: function() {},
depthMask: function() {},
stencilFunc: function() {},
stencilOp: function() {},
stencilMask: function() {},
clearDepth: function() {},
clearColor: function() {},
clearStencil: function() {},
hint: function() {},
pixelStorei: function() {},
addEventListener() {
removeEventListener() {},
global.navigator = {
global.document = {
getElementById: function() {
return fakeCanvas;
createElement: function() {
console.log("createElement", arguments);
return fakeCanvas;
addEventListener: function() {
removeEventListener: function() {}
function Element() {
Element.prototype.getPointerLock = function() {
global.Element = Element;
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