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Created June 11, 2009 20:23
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# Example Chef Server Config File
# We recommend using Opscode's chef cookbook for managing chef itself,
# instead of using this file.
log_level :info
log_location "/var/log/chef/server.log"
ssl_verify_mode :verify_none
registration_url "https://localhost"
openid_url "https://localhost"
template_url "https://localhost"
remotefile_url "https://localhost"
search_url "https://localhost"
role_url "https://localhost"
#validation_token "change_this_token"
cookbook_path [ "/srv/chef/site-cookbooks", "/srv/chef/cookbooks" ]
file_store_path "/srv/chef/file_store"
file_cache_path "/srv/chef/cache"
node_path "/srv/chef/nodes"
openid_store_path "/srv/chef/openid/store"
openid_cstore_path "/srv/chef/openid/cstore"
search_index_path "/srv/chef/search_index"
# uncomment and modify to allow specific openid providers
#openid_providers [ "https://localhost", "https://chef" ]
# uncomment and modify to lock down openid identifiers, ie ''
#authorized_openid_identifiers [ "" ]
Chef::Log::Formatter.show_time = true
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