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Created March 11, 2014 16:13
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An IIR filter.
-export([gen_filter/2, filter/3]).
-export([loop/4, aggregate_filtered/2, apply_filter/3]).
-compile({nowarn_unused_function, [aggregate/1,
-define(PI, math:pi()).
loop(DelayerA, DelayerB, PastX, PastY) ->
{From, stop} ->
From ! {self(), stop};
{From, X} ->
PastX2 = queue:liat(queue:cons(X, PastX)),
Y = lists:sum(lists:map(fun({I, J}) -> I * J end,
lists:zip(DelayerB, queue:to_list((PastX2))))),
Y2 = Y + lists:sum(lists:map(fun({I, J}) -> -1 * I * J end,
lists:zip(DelayerA, queue:to_list(PastY)))),
From ! {self(), Y2},
PastY2 = queue:liat(queue:cons(Y2, PastY)),
loop(DelayerA, DelayerB, PastX2, PastY2)
start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB) ->
PastX = queue:from_list(lists:duplicate(length(DelayerB), 0)),
PastY = queue:from_list(lists:duplicate(length(DelayerA), 0)),
Pid = spawn_link(?MODULE, loop, [DelayerA, DelayerB, PastX, PastY]),
aggregate(Pid) ->
{Pid, stop} ->
{Pid, Y} ->
aggregate_buffered_acc(_Pid, 0, Y) ->
{continue, lists:reverse(Y)};
aggregate_buffered_acc(Pid, Count, Acc) ->
{Pid, stop} ->
{last, lists:reverse(Acc)};
{Pid, Y} ->
aggregate_buffered_acc(Pid, Count - 1, [Y | Acc])
aggregate_buffered(Pid, Count) ->
aggregate_buffered_acc(Pid, Count, []).
calc_discrete_frequency(F, Fs) ->
DiscreteFrequency = F / Fs,
math:tan(?PI * DiscreteFrequency) / (2 * ?PI).
calc_discrete_cutting_frequency(Options) ->
SamplingFrequency = proplists:get_value(sampling_frequency, Options),
CuttingFrequency = proplists:get_value(cutting_frequency, Options),
calc_discrete_frequency(CuttingFrequency, SamplingFrequency).
calc_discrete_ranged_frequency(Options) ->
SamplingFrequency = proplists:get_value(sampling_frequency, Options),
{F1, F2} = proplists:get_value(frequency_range, Options),
Fd1 = calc_discrete_frequency(F1, SamplingFrequency),
Fd2 = calc_discrete_frequency(F2, SamplingFrequency),
{lists:min([Fd1, Fd2]), lists:max([Fd1, Fd2])}.
% Supported only two denominators.
gen_filter(lpf, Options) ->
QualityFactor = proplists:get_value(cuality_factor, Options, 1 / math:sqrt(2)),
Fc = calc_discrete_cutting_frequency(Options),
Denominator = 1 + 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2),
DelayerA = [(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) - 2) / Denominator,
(1 - 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2)) / Denominator],
DelayerB = [4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) / Denominator,
8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) / Denominator,
4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) / Denominator],
Pid = start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB),
gen_filter(hpf, Options) ->
QualityFactor = proplists:get_value(cuality_factor, Options, 1 / math:sqrt(2)),
Fc = calc_discrete_cutting_frequency(Options),
Denominator = 1 + 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2),
DelayerA = [(8 * math:pow(?PI,2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) - 2) / Denominator,
(1 - 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2)) / Denominator],
DelayerB = [1 / Denominator,
-2 / Denominator,
1 / Denominator],
Pid = start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB),
gen_filter(bpf, Options) ->
{Fl, Fh} = calc_discrete_ranged_frequency(Options),
Denominator = 1 + 2 * ?PI * (Fh - Fl) + 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh,
DelayerA = [(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh - 2) / Denominator,
(1 - 2 * ?PI * (Fh - Fl) + 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh) / Denominator],
DelayerB = [2 * ?PI * (Fh - Fl) / Denominator,
-2 * ?PI * (Fh - Fl) / Denominator],
Pid = start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB),
gen_filter(bef, Options) ->
{Fl, Fh} = calc_discrete_ranged_frequency(Options),
Denominator = 1 + 2 * ?PI * (Fh - Fl) + 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh,
DelayerA = [(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh - 2) / Denominator,
(1 - 2 * ?PI * (Fh - Fl) + 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh) / Denominator],
DelayerB = [(4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh + 1) / Denominator,
(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh - 2) / Denominator,
(4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * Fl * Fh + 1) / Denominator],
Pid = start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB),
gen_filter(resonance, Options) ->
QualityFactor = proplists:get_value(cuality_factor, Options, 1 / math:sqrt(2)),
Fc = calc_discrete_cutting_frequency(Options),
Denominator = 1 + 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2),
DelayerA = [(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) - 2) / Denominator,
(1 - 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2)) / Denominator],
DelayerB = [2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor,
-2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor],
Pid = start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB),
gen_filter(notch, Options) ->
QualityFactor = proplists:get_value(cuality_factor, Options, 1 / math:sqrt(2)),
Fc = calc_discrete_cutting_frequency(Options),
Denominator = 1 + 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2),
DelayerA = [(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) -2) / Denominator,
(1 - 2 * ?PI * Fc / QualityFactor
+ 4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2)) / Denominator],
DelayerB = [(4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) + 1) / Denominator,
(8 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) - 2) / Denominator,
(4 * math:pow(?PI, 2) * math:pow(Fc, 2) + 1) / Denominator],
Pid = start_loop(DelayerA, DelayerB),
% Followings are usage functions.
aggregate_filtered_acc(FilterPid, CallerPid, Acc) ->
case aggregate_buffered(FilterPid, 512) of
{last, Y} ->
CallerPid ! {self(), lists:reverse(Y ++ Acc)};
{continue, Y} ->
aggregate_filtered_acc(FilterPid, CallerPid, Y ++ Acc)
aggregate_filtered(FilterPid, CallerPid) ->
aggregate_filtered_acc(FilterPid, CallerPid, []).
apply_filter([], FilterPid, AggregaterPid) ->
FilterPid ! {AggregaterPid, stop};
apply_filter([X | Xr], FilterPid, AggregaterPid) ->
FilterPid ! {AggregaterPid, X},
apply_filter(Xr, FilterPid, AggregaterPid).
filter(FilterName, Samples, Options) ->
FilterPid = gen_filter(FilterName, Options),
AggregaterPid = spawn_link(?MODULE, aggregate_filtered, [FilterPid, self()]),
spawn_link(?MODULE, apply_filter, [Samples, FilterPid, AggregaterPid]),
{AggregaterPid, Y} ->
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