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Last active November 1, 2017 05:42
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Interface problem with Fable
namespace Fable.Import
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.Browser
type [<StringEnum>] IziToastPosition =
BottomRight | BottomLeft | TopRight | TopLeft | TopCenter | BottomCenter | Center
and [<StringEnum>] IziToastTransitionIn =
BounceInLeft | BounceInRight | BounceInUp | BounceInDown | FadeIn | FadeInDown | FadeInUp | FadeInLeft | FadeInRight | FlipInX
and [<StringEnum>] IziToastTransitionOut =
FadeOut | FadeOutUp | FadeOutDown | FadeOutLeft | FadeOutRight | FlipOutX
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] IziToastSettings =
abstract id: string option with get, set
abstract ``class``: string option with get, set
abstract title: string option with get, set
abstract titleColor: string option with get, set
abstract titleSize: string option with get, set
abstract titleLineHeight: string option with get, set
abstract message: string with get, set
abstract messageColor: string option with get, set
abstract messageSize: string option with get, set
abstract messageLineHeight: string option with get, set
abstract backgroundColor: string option with get, set
abstract color: string option with get, set
abstract icon: string option with get, set
abstract iconText: string option with get, set
abstract iconColor: string option with get, set
abstract image: string option with get, set
abstract imageWidth: U2<float, obj> option with get, set
and [<AllowNullLiteral>] IziToast =
abstract show: settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
abstract hide: settings: IziToastSettings * toast: HTMLDivElement * closedBy: string -> unit
abstract info: settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
abstract error: settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
abstract warning: settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
abstract success: settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
abstract destroy: unit -> unit
abstract settings: settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
type [<Erase>]Globals =
[<Global>] static member iziToast with get(): IziToast = jsNative and set(v: IziToast): unit = jsNative
// Type definitions for IziToast
// Project
// Definitions by: Tarık İNCE <> and Marcelo Dolce <>
// Definitions:
type IziToastPosition = "bottomRight" | "bottomLeft" | "topRight" | "topLeft" | "topCenter" | "bottomCenter" | "center"
type IziToastTransitionIn = "bounceInLeft" | "bounceInRight" | "bounceInUp" | "bounceInDown" | "fadeIn" | "fadeInDown" | "fadeInUp" | "fadeInLeft" | "fadeInRight" | "flipInX"
type IziToastTransitionOut = "fadeOut" | "fadeOutUp" | "fadeOutDown" | "fadeOutLeft" | "fadeOutRight" | "flipOutX"
interface IziToastSettings {
* Id of the toast
id?: string,
* The class that will be applied to the toast. It may be used as a reference.
class?: string,
* Title of the toast.
title?: string,
* Title color.
titleColor?: string,
* Title fontSize.
titleSize?: string,
* Title lineHeight.
titleLineHeight?: string,
* Message of notification.
message: string,
* Message color.
messageColor?: string,
* Message fontSize.
messageSize?: string,
* Message lineHeight.
messageLineHeight?: string,
* Background color of the Toast
backgroundColor?: string,
* It can be #hexadecimal, pre-defined themes like blue, red, green and yellow or set another class. Create and use like this ".iziToast-color-name"
color?: string,
* Icon class (font-icon of your choice, Icomoon, Fontawesome etc.).
icon?: string,
* Icon text (font-icon using text, Material Icons, etc.).
iconText?: string,
* Icon color.
iconColor?: string,
* Cover image.
image?: string,
* Width of cover image.
* Example 100(px)
* Default value: null
imageWidth?: number | null,
* Sets maxWidth of toast.
* Example 500px
* Default value: null
maxWidth?: number | null,
* The z-index CSS attribute of the toast
* Default value: null
zindex?: number | null,
* It can be 1 or 2, or use another layout, creating the class like this: ".iziToast-layout3"
* Default value: 1
layout?: number,
* Applies a balloon like toast.
* Default value: false
balloon?: boolean,
* Show "x" close button.
* Default value: true
close?: boolean,
* RTL option
* Default value: false
rtl?: boolean,
* Where it will be shown.
* Default value: bottomRight
position?: IziToastPosition
/** Fixed place where you want to show the toasts. */
target?: string,
* Add toast to first position.
* Default value: true
targetFirst?: boolean,
* Waits for another toast to be closed on 'onClosed' function. You'll need an ID to use it.
toastOnce?: boolean,
* Amount in milliseconds to close the toast or false to disable.
* Default value: 5000
timeout?: boolean | number,
* Drag feature used to close the toast.
* Default value: true
drag?: boolean,
* Pause the toast timeout while the cursor is on it.
* Default value: true
pauseOnHover?: boolean,
* Reset the toast timeout while the cursor is on it.
* Default value: false
resetOnHover?: boolean,
* Enable timeout progress bar.
* Default value: true
progressBar?: boolean,
* Progress bar color.
progressBarColor?: string,
* Enable animations of elements in the toast.
* Default value: true
animateInside?: boolean,
* Array of buttons.
* Array is an array of array that contains (string, function (instance, toast)) types.
buttons?: ([string, (instance: IziToast, toast: HTMLDivElement) => void])[],
* Default toast open animation.
* Default value: 'fadeInUp'
transitionIn?: IziToastTransitionIn,
* Default toast close animation.
* Default value: 'fadeOut'
transitionOut?: IziToastTransitionOut,
* Default toast opening mobile transition.
* Default value: 'fadeInUp'
transitionInMobile?: IziToastTransitionIn,
* Default toast closing mobile transition.
* Default value: 'fadeOutDown'
transitionOutMobile?: IziToastTransitionOut,
* Callback function triggered when opening the toast.
* @param settings Settings of opening toast.
* @param toast Toast DOM element.
onOpening?: (settings: IziToastSettings, toast: HTMLDivElement) => void,
* Callback function triggered when opened the toast.
* @param settings Settings of opening toast.
* @param toast Toast DOM element.
onOpened?: (settings: IziToastSettings, toast: HTMLDivElement) => void,
* Callback function triggered when closing the toast.
* @param settings Settings of closing toast.
* @param toast Toast DOM element.
* @param closedBy Closed by info set by hide method.
onClosing?: (settings: IziToastSettings, toast: HTMLDivElement, closedBy: string) => void,
* Callback function triggered when closed the toast.
* @param settings Settings of closing toast.
* @param toast Toast DOM element.
* @param closedBy Closed by info set by hide method.
onClosed?: (settings: IziToastSettings, toast: HTMLDivElement, closedBy: string) => void,
interface IziToast {
* Opens the toast.
show(settings: IziToastSettings): void
* Closes the specific toast.
* @param settings Settings for this toast.
* @param toast Toast element to hide.
* @param closedBy Custom closed by info to use in other functions.
hide(settings: IziToastSettings, toast: HTMLDivElement, closedBy: string): void
* Shows an info toast.
* @param settings Settings for this toast.
info(settings: IziToastSettings): void
* Shows an error toast.
* @param settings Settings for this toast.
error(settings: IziToastSettings): void
* Shows a warning toast.
* @param settings Settings for this toast.
warning(settings: IziToastSettings): void
* Shows a success toast.
* @param settings Settings for this toast.
success(settings: IziToastSettings): void
* Destroys all toasts.
destroy(): void
* Sets default values.
* @param settings Settings to set as default.
settings(settings: IziToastSettings): void;
declare var iziToast: IziToast
namespace Fable.Import
open Fable.Core
open Fable.Import.Browser
type [<StringEnum>] IziToastPosition =
BottomRight | BottomLeft | TopRight | TopLeft | TopCenter | BottomCenter | Center
and [<StringEnum>] IziToastTransitionIn =
BounceInLeft | BounceInRight | BounceInUp | BounceInDown | FadeIn | FadeInDown | FadeInUp | FadeInLeft | FadeInRight | FlipInX
and [<StringEnum>] IziToastTransitionOut =
FadeOut | FadeOutUp | FadeOutDown | FadeOutLeft | FadeOutRight | FlipOutX
and IziToastSettings =
id: string option
``class``: string option
title: string option
titleColor: string option
titleSize: string option
titleLineHeight: string option
message: string
messageColor: string option
messageSize: string option
messageLineHeight: string option
backgroundColor: string option
color: string option
icon: string option
iconText: string option
iconColor: string option
image: string option
imageWidth: U2<float, obj> option
and IziToast =
show: IziToastSettings -> unit
hide: IziToastSettings * HTMLDivElement * string -> unit
info: IziToastSettings -> unit
error: IziToastSettings -> unit
warning: IziToastSettings -> unit
success: IziToastSettings -> unit
destroy: unit -> unit
settings: IziToastSettings -> unit
type [<Erase>]Globals =
[<Global>] static member iziToast with get(): IziToast = jsNative and set(v: IziToast): unit = jsNative
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