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Last active December 18, 2015 00:09
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Save kunjee17/5694534 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
F# with Servicestack and Razor viewengine on heroku
// NOTE: If warnings appear, you may need to retarget this project to .NET 4.0. Show the Solution
// Pad, right-click on the project node, choose 'Options --> Build --> General' and change the target
// framework to .NET 4.0 or .NET 4.5.
module ServiceStackHeroku.Main
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Net
open ServiceStack
open ServiceStack.ServiceInterface
open ServiceStack.ServiceHost
open ServiceStack.WebHost.Endpoints
open ServiceStack.Razor
open Funq
open ServiceStack.Text
open ServiceStack.Logging
open ServiceStack.Logging.Support.Logging
open ServiceStack.OrmLite
//open ServiceStack.OrmLite.Sqlite
//I can't but CLI can mutate this one
type HelloResponse = { Result:string }
//There always be hello world, atleast something should be running
type Hello() =
interface IReturn<HelloResponse>
member val Name = "" with get, set
type HelloService() =
inherit Service()
member this.Any (request:Hello) =
{Result = "Hello" + request.Name}
//This is neat feature. I need to call parameter based constructor first to use
//member val and then I can give default. So, I dont have to think for default
//constructor but I have to think about it.
type Rockstar(Id : int, firstName:string, lastName: string, age:int, alive:bool, url:string) =
member val Id = Id with get, set
member val FirstName = firstName with get, set
member val LastName = lastName with get, set
member val Age = age with get, set
member val Alive = alive with get, set
member val Url = url with get, set
// member this.Url = "/stars/{0}/{1}".Fmt(match this.Alive with
// | true -> "alive"
// | false -> "dead"
// , this.LastName.ToLower())
new () =
new Rockstar(0,"","",0,true,"")
type AppHost() =
inherit AppHostHttpListenerBase ("Hello F# Service", typeof<HelloService>.Assembly)
static member createUrl (alive:bool, lastname:string) =
AppHost.Instance.Config.WebHostUrl + "/stars/{0}/{1}".Fmt(match alive with
| true -> "alive"
| false -> "dead"
, lastname.ToLower());
static member SeedData: Rockstar [] =
[|new Rockstar(1, "Jimi", "Hendrix", 27, false, AppHost.createUrl(false,"Hendrix"));
new Rockstar(2, "Janis", "Joplin", 27, false,AppHost.createUrl(false,"Joplin"));
new Rockstar(4, "Kurt", "Cobain", 27, false,AppHost.createUrl(false,"Cobain"));
new Rockstar(5, "Elvis", "Presley", 42, false,AppHost.createUrl(false,"Presley"));
new Rockstar(6, "Michael", "Jackson", 50, false,AppHost.createUrl(false,"Jackson"));
new Rockstar(7, "Eddie", "Vedder", 47, true,AppHost.createUrl(true,"Vedder"));
new Rockstar(8, "Dave", "Grohl", 43, true,AppHost.createUrl(true,"Grohl"));
new Rockstar(9, "Courtney", "Love", 48, true,AppHost.createUrl(true,"Love"));
new Rockstar(10, "Bruce", "Springsteen", 62, true,AppHost.createUrl(true,"Springsteen")) |]
override this.Configure container =
this.Plugins.Add(new RazorFormat())
//commented as sqlite dll will not work on linux as dll
// container.Register<IDbConnectionFactory>(
// new OrmLiteConnectionFactory(":memory:", false, SqliteDialect.Provider));
//Nice implementation of using. No more curly braces to give the end
//commented as sqlite dll will not work on linux as dll
// use db = container.Resolve<IDbConnectionFactory>().OpenDbConnection()
// db.CreateTableIfNotExists<Rockstar>();
// db.InsertAll(AppHost.SeedData);
//TODO unable to convert this to F#, do the needful after words
//SetConfig(new EndpointHostConfig {
// CustomHttpHandlers = {
// { HttpStatusCode.NotFound, new RazorHandler("/notfound") }
// }
//Rockstars Defined Here
type Rockstars (Age:int, Id: int)=
//TODO implement nullable age with some-none
member val Age = Age with get, set
member val Id = Id with get, set
new () = new Rockstars (0, 0)
type DeleteRockStar(Id:int) =
member val Id = Id with get, set
//TODO fine a way to skip writing of class and end to define blank class
type ResetRockstars() =
//TODO aged is nullable implement some none of it
type RockstarsResponse(Aged:int, Total:int, Results: List<Rockstar>) =
member val Total = Total with get, set
member val Aged = Aged with get, set
member val Results = Results with get, set
type RockStarService() =
inherit Service()
member this.Get(request:Rockstars) =
let rockstarReturn = new List<Rockstar>()
let returnResult = match request.Id with
| 0 -> match request.Age with
| 0 -> rockstarReturn //return all
| _ -> rockstarReturn.FindAll(fun e -> e.Age = request.Age)
| _ -> rockstarReturn.FindAll(fun e -> e.Id = request.Id)
new RockstarsResponse(request.Age, AppHost.SeedData.Length,
member this.Any(request:DeleteRockStar) =
//commented as sqlite dll will not work on linux as dll
this.Get(new Rockstars())
member this.Post(request: Rockstar) =
//commented as sqlite dll will not work on linux as dll
this.Get(new Rockstars())
member this.Any(request: ResetRockstars) =
//commented as sqlite dll will not work on linux as dll
this.Get(new Rockstars())
let main args =
LogManager.LogFactory <- new ConsoleLogFactory()
let env_port = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PORT")
let port = if env_port = null then "1234" else env_port
let hostname = "servicestackheroku"
// let host = "http://" + hostname + "" + port + "/"
let host = "http://localhost:8080/"
printfn "listening on %s ..." host
let appHost = new AppHost()
appHost.Start host
while true do Console.ReadLine() |> ignore
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