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Created May 31, 2022 01:22
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QR Code scan using rqrr rust.
/// Scan current video frame for a valid QR code containing customer id, returning it if found.
fn process_frame(&self) -> anyhow::Result<Option<i32>> {
// Get necessary elements
let video = self
.ok_or(anyhow!("Video required"))?;
let context = self.context.as_ref().ok_or(anyhow!("Context required"))?;
let (width, height) = self.camera_dim;
// Draw frame to canvas
width as f64,
height as f64,
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("{:?}", e))?;
// Get frame data
let frame = context
.get_image_data(0.0, 0.0, width as f64, height as f64)
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("{:?}", e))?
// Scan image data for a QR code
let image: image::RgbaImage =
image::ImageBuffer::from_vec(width as u32, height as u32, frame)
.ok_or(anyhow!("Error creating image buffer"))?;
let image = image::DynamicImage::ImageRgba8(image);
// rqrr will sometimes panic, so we need to catch it.
// See
std::panic::catch_unwind(|| {
let mut results = rqrr::PreparedImage::prepare(image.to_luma8());
for result in results.detect_grids().into_iter() {
// If a QR code is found and it can be parsed into a user ID, return it without
// looking at any other results.
if let Ok(Ok(id)) = result.decode().map(|(_, r)| r.parse::<i32>()) {
return Ok(Some(id));
.map_err(|e| anyhow!("rqrr error: {:?}", e))?
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