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Created November 1, 2017 05:45
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Flatpickr typescript files
import { FlatpickrFn } from "./src/types/instance";
export { Instance } from "./src/types/instance";
export * from "./src/types/options";
declare var flatpickr: FlatpickrFn;
export default flatpickr;
import { Options } from "./options";
import { Instance, FlatpickrFn } from "./instance";
declare global {
interface HTMLElement {
flatpickr: (config?: Options) => Instance | Instance[];
_flatpickr?: Instance;
interface NodeList {
flatpickr: (config?: Options) => Instance | Instance[];
interface HTMLCollection {
flatpickr: (config?: Options) => Instance | Instance[];
interface Window {
flatpickr: FlatpickrFn;
interface Date {
fp_incr: (n: number) => Date;
import { DateOption, Options, ParsedOptions } from "./options";
import { Locale, CustomLocale, key as LocaleKey } from "./locale";
import { RevFormat, Formats, TokenRegex } from "../utils/formatting";
interface Elements {
element: HTMLElement;
input: HTMLInputElement;
altInput?: HTMLInputElement;
_input: HTMLInputElement;
mobileInput?: HTMLInputElement;
mobileFormatStr?: string;
selectedDateElem?: DayElement;
todayDateElem?: HTMLSpanElement;
_positionElement: HTMLElement;
weekdayContainer: HTMLDivElement;
calendarContainer: HTMLDivElement;
innerContainer?: HTMLDivElement;
rContainer?: HTMLDivElement;
daysContainer?: HTMLDivElement;
days: HTMLDivElement;
weekWrapper?: HTMLDivElement;
weekNumbers?: HTMLDivElement;
oldCurMonth?: HTMLSpanElement;
navigationCurrentMonth: HTMLSpanElement;
monthNav: HTMLDivElement;
currentYearElement: HTMLInputElement;
currentMonthElement: HTMLSpanElement;
_hidePrevMonthArrow: boolean;
_hideNextMonthArrow: boolean;
prevMonthNav: HTMLElement;
nextMonthNav: HTMLElement;
timeContainer?: HTMLDivElement;
hourElement?: HTMLInputElement;
minuteElement?: HTMLInputElement;
secondElement?: HTMLInputElement;
amPM?: HTMLSpanElement;
interface Formatting {
revFormat: RevFormat;
formats: Formats;
tokenRegex: TokenRegex;
export type Instance = Elements &
Formatting & {
// Dates
minRangeDate?: Date;
maxRangeDate?: Date;
now: Date;
latestSelectedDateObj?: Date;
_selectedDateObj?: Date;
selectedDates: Date[];
// State
config: ParsedOptions;
l10n: Locale;
currentYear: number;
currentMonth: number;
isOpen: boolean;
isMobile: boolean;
minDateHasTime: boolean;
maxDateHasTime: boolean;
showTimeInput: boolean;
_showTimeInput: boolean;
// Methods
changeMonth: (
value: number,
is_offset?: boolean,
animate?: boolean,
from_keyboard?: boolean
) => void;
changeYear: (year: number) => void;
clear: (emitChangeEvent?: boolean) => void;
close: () => void;
destroy: () => void;
isEnabled: (date: DateOption, timeless?: boolean) => boolean;
jumpToDate: (date?: DateOption) => void;
open: (e?: Event, positionElement?: HTMLElement) => void;
redraw: () => void;
set: (option: keyof Options, value: any) => void;
setDate: (
date: DateOption | DateOption[],
triggerChange?: boolean,
format?: string
) => void;
toggle: () => void;
pad: (num: string | number) => string;
parseDate: (
date: Date | string | number,
givenFormat?: string,
timeless?: boolean
) => Date | undefined;
formatDate: (dateObj: Date, frmt: string) => string;
// Internals
_animationLoop: Function[];
_handlers: { event: string; element: Element; handler: EventListener }[];
_bind: <F extends EventListener, E extends Element>(
element: E | E[],
event: string | string[],
handler: F
) => void;
_createElement: <E extends HTMLElement>(
tag: keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap,
className: string,
content?: string
) => E;
_setHoursFromDate: (date: Date) => void;
_debouncedChange: () => void;
__hideNextMonthArrow: boolean;
__hidePrevMonthArrow: boolean;
utils: {
getDaysInMonth: (month?: number, year?: number) => number;
export interface FlatpickrFn {
(selector: NodeList | HTMLElement | string, config: Options):
| Instance
| Instance[];
defaultConfig: ParsedOptions;
l10ns: { [k in LocaleKey]?: CustomLocale } & { default: Locale };
localize: (l10n: CustomLocale) => void;
setDefaults: (config: Options) => void;
export type DayElement = HTMLSpanElement & { dateObj: Date; $i: number };
interface MonthsWeekDays {
weekdays: {
shorthand: [string, string, string, string, string, string, string];
longhand: [string, string, string, string, string, string, string];
months: {
shorthand: [
longhand: [
export type Locale = MonthsWeekDays & {
daysInMonth: [
firstDayOfWeek: number;
ordinal: (nth: number) => string;
rangeSeparator: string;
weekAbbreviation: string;
scrollTitle: string;
toggleTitle: string;
amPM: [string, string];
export type CustomLocale = MonthsWeekDays & {
ordinal?: Locale["ordinal"];
daysInMonth?: Locale["daysInMonth"];
firstDayOfWeek?: Locale["firstDayOfWeek"];
rangeSeparator?: Locale["rangeSeparator"];
weekAbbreviation?: Locale["weekAbbreviation"];
toggleTitle?: Locale["toggleTitle"];
scrollTitle?: Locale["scrollTitle"];
amPM?: Locale["amPM"];
export type key =
| "ar"
| "bg"
| "bn"
| "cat"
| "cs"
| "cy"
| "da"
| "de"
| "default"
| "en"
| "eo"
| "es"
| "et"
| "fa"
| "fi"
| "fr"
| "gr"
| "he"
| "hi"
| "hr"
| "hu"
| "id"
| "it"
| "ja"
| "ko"
| "lt"
| "lv"
| "mk"
| "mn"
| "ms"
| "my"
| "nl"
| "no"
| "pa"
| "pl"
| "pt"
| "ro"
| "ru"
| "si"
| "sk"
| "sl"
| "sq"
| "sr"
| "sv"
| "th"
| "tr"
| "uk"
| "vn"
| "zh";
import { Instance } from "./instance";
import { getWeek } from "../utils/dates";
import { CustomLocale, key as LocaleKey } from "./locale";
export type DateOption = Date | string | number;
export type DateRangeLimit<D = DateOption> = { from: D; to: D };
export type DateLimit<D = DateOption> =
| D
| DateRangeLimit<D>
| ((date: Date) => boolean);
export type Hook = (
dates: Date[],
currentDateString: string,
self: Instance,
data?: any
) => void;
export type HookKey =
| "onChange"
| "onClose"
| "onDayCreate"
| "onDestroy"
| "onKeyDown"
| "onMonthChange"
| "onOpen"
| "onParseConfig"
| "onReady"
| "onValueUpdate"
| "onYearChange";
export type Plugin = (fp: Instance) => Options;
export interface Options {
Allows the user to enter a date directly input the input field. By default, direct entry is disabled.
allowInput?: boolean;
/* Exactly the same as date format, but for the altInput field */
altFormat?: string;
/* Show the user a readable date (as per altFormat), but return something totally different to the server.*/
altInput?: boolean;
/* This class will be added to the input element created by the altInput option. Note that altInput already inherits classes from the original input. */
altInputClass?: string;
/* Whether to enable animations, such as month transitions */
animate?: boolean;
/* Instead of body, appends the calendar to the specified node instead. */
appendTo?: HTMLElement;
/* Defines how the date will be formatted in the aria-label for calendar days, using the same tokens as dateFormat. If you change this, you should choose a value that will make sense if a screen reader reads it out loud. */
/* Defaults to "F j, Y" */
ariaDateFormat?: string;
Whether clicking on the input should open the picker.
Set it to false if you only want to open the calendar programmatically
clickOpens?: boolean;
/* Whether calendar should close after date selection */
closeOnSelect?: boolean;
If "mode" is "multiple", this string will be used to join
selected dates together for the date input value.
conjunction?: string;
A string of characters which are used to define how the date will be displayed in the input box.
dateFormat?: string;
/* The initial selected date(s). */
defaultDate?: DateOption | DateOption[];
/* Initial value of the hour element, when no date is selected */
defaultHour?: number;
/* Initial value of the minute element, when no date is selected */
defaultMinute?: number;
/* Initial value of the seconds element, when no date is selected */
defaultSeconds?: number;
Disables certain dates, preventing them from being selected.
See */
disable?: DateLimit<DateOption>[];
/* Set this to true to always use the non-native picker on mobile devices.
By default, Flatpickr utilizes native datetime widgets unless certain options (e.g. disable) are used. */
disableMobile?: boolean;
/* Disables all dates except these specified. See */
enable?: DateLimit<DateOption>[];
/* Enables seconds selection in the time picker.
enableSeconds?: boolean;
/* Enables the time picker */
enableTime?: boolean;
/* Allows using a custom date formatting function instead of the built-in. Generally unnecessary. */
formatDate?: (date: Date, format: string) => string;
/* If "weekNumbers" are enabled, this is the function that outputs the week number for a given dates, optionally along with other text */
getWeek?: (date: Date) => string | number;
/* Adjusts the step for the hour input (incl. scrolling) */
hourIncrement?: number;
/* By default, clicking anywhere outside of calendar/input will close the calendar.
Clicking on elements specified in this option will not close the calendar */
ignoredFocusElements?: HTMLElement[];
/* Displays the calendar inline */
inline?: boolean;
/* The locale, either as a string (e.g. "ru", "en") or as an object.
See */
locale?: LocaleKey | CustomLocale;
/* The maximum date that a user can pick to (inclusive). */
maxDate?: DateOption;
/* The minimum date that a user can start picking from (inclusive). */
minDate?: DateOption;
/* Adjusts the step for the minute input (incl. scrolling)
Defaults to 5 */
minuteIncrement?: number;
/* Date selection mode, defaults to "single" */
mode?: "single" | "multiple" | "range";
/* HTML for the right arrow icon, used to switch months. */
nextArrow?: string;
/* Hides the day selection in calendar.
Use it along with "enableTime" to create a time picker. */
noCalendar?: boolean;
/* Fires when the selected dates have changed - when a date is picked or cleared, by user or programmatically */
onChange?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires when the calendar is closed */
onClose?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires for every day cell in the calendar, where the fourth argument is the html element of the cell. See*/
onDayCreate?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires before the calendar instance is destroyed */
onDestroy?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires when valid keyboard input for calendar is detected */
onKeyDown?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires after the month has changed */
onMonthChange?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires after the calendar is opened */
onOpen?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires after the configuration for the calendar is parsed */
onParseConfig?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires once the calendar instance is ready */
onReady?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Like onChange, but fires immediately after any date changes */
onValueUpdate?: Hook | Hook[];
/* Fires after the year has changed */
onYearChange?: Hook | Hook[];
/* A custom datestring parser */
parseDate?: (date: string, format: string) => Date;
/* Plugins. See */
plugins?: Plugin[];
/* How the calendar should be positioned with regards to the input. Defaults to "auto" */
position?: "auto" | "above" | "below";
The element off of which the calendar will be positioned.
Defaults to the date input
positionElement?: Element;
/* HTML for the left arrow icon, used to switch months. */
prevArrow?: string;
/* Whether to display the current month name in shorthand mode, e.g. "Sep" instead "September" */
shorthandCurrentMonth?: boolean;
/* Creates a wrapper to position the calendar. Use this if the input is inside a scrollable element */
static?: boolean;
/* Displays time picker in 24 hour mode without AM/PM selection when enabled.*/
time_24hr?: boolean;
/* Display week numbers left of the calendar. */
weekNumbers?: boolean;
/* See */
wrap?: boolean;
export interface ParsedOptions {
_disable: DateLimit<Date>[];
_enable: DateLimit<Date>[];
_maxDate?: Date;
_minDate?: Date;
allowInput: boolean;
altFormat: string;
altInput: boolean;
altInputClass: string;
animate: boolean;
appendTo?: HTMLElement;
ariaDateFormat: string;
clickOpens: boolean;
closeOnSelect: boolean;
conjunction: string;
dateFormat: string;
defaultDate?: Date | Date[];
defaultHour: number;
defaultMinute: number;
defaultSeconds: number;
disable: DateLimit<Date>[];
disableMobile: boolean;
enable: DateLimit<Date>[];
enableSeconds: boolean;
enableTime: boolean;
formatDate?: Options["formatDate"];
getWeek: (date: Date) => string | number;
hourIncrement: number;
ignoredFocusElements: HTMLElement[];
inline: boolean;
locale: LocaleKey | CustomLocale;
maxDate?: Date;
minDate?: Date;
minuteIncrement: number;
mode: "single" | "multiple" | "range";
nextArrow: string;
noCalendar: boolean;
onChange: Hook[];
onClose: Hook[];
onDayCreate: Hook[];
onDestroy: Hook[];
onKeyDown: Hook[];
onMonthChange: Hook[];
onOpen: Hook[];
onParseConfig: Hook[];
onReady: Hook[];
onValueUpdate: Hook[];
onYearChange: Hook[];
parseDate?: Options["parseDate"];
plugins: Plugin[];
position: "auto" | "below" | "above";
positionElement?: HTMLElement;
prevArrow: string;
shorthandCurrentMonth: boolean;
static: boolean;
time_24hr: boolean;
weekNumbers: boolean;
wrap: boolean;
export const defaults: ParsedOptions = {
_disable: [],
_enable: [],
allowInput: false,
altFormat: "F j, Y",
altInput: false,
altInputClass: "form-control input",
typeof window === "object" &&
window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") === -1,
ariaDateFormat: "F j, Y",
clickOpens: true,
closeOnSelect: true,
conjunction: ", ",
dateFormat: "Y-m-d",
defaultHour: 12,
defaultMinute: 0,
defaultSeconds: 0,
disable: [],
disableMobile: false,
enable: [],
enableSeconds: false,
enableTime: false,
hourIncrement: 1,
ignoredFocusElements: [],
inline: false,
locale: "default",
minuteIncrement: 5,
mode: "single",
"<svg version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 17 17'><g></g><path d='M13.207 8.472l-7.854 7.854-0.707-0.707 7.146-7.146-7.146-7.148 0.707-0.707 7.854 7.854z' /></svg>",
noCalendar: false,
onChange: [],
onClose: [],
onDayCreate: [],
onDestroy: [],
onKeyDown: [],
onMonthChange: [],
onOpen: [],
onParseConfig: [],
onReady: [],
onValueUpdate: [],
onYearChange: [],
plugins: [],
position: "auto",
positionElement: undefined,
"<svg version='1.1' xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' viewBox='0 0 17 17'><g></g><path d='M5.207 8.471l7.146 7.147-0.707 0.707-7.853-7.854 7.854-7.853 0.707 0.707-7.147 7.146z' /></svg>",
shorthandCurrentMonth: false,
static: false,
time_24hr: false,
weekNumbers: false,
wrap: false,
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