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Created October 28, 2019 17:24
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open System
open FSharpPlus
open FSharpPlus.Data
module Person=
type Name = { unName : String }
with static member create s={unName=s}
type Email = { unEmail : String }
with static member create s={unEmail=s}
type Age = { unAge : int }
with static member create i={unAge=i}
type Person = { name : Name
email : Email
age : Age }
with static member create name email age={name=name;email=email;age=age }
type Error =
| NameBetween1And50
| EmailMustContainAtChar
| AgeBetween0and120
// Smart constructors
let mkName s =
let l = length s
if (l >= 1 && l <= 50)
then Success <| Name.create s
else Failure [ NameBetween1And50 ]
let mkEmail s =
if String.contains '@' s
then Success <| Email.create s
else Failure [ EmailMustContainAtChar ]
let mkAge a =
if (a >= 0 && a <= 120)
then Success <| Age.create a
else Failure [ AgeBetween0and120 ]
let mkPerson pName pEmail pAge =
<!> mkName pName
<*> mkEmail pEmail
<*> mkAge pAge
// Examples
let validPerson = mkPerson "Bob" "" 25
// Success ({name = {unName = "Bob"}; email = {unEmail = ""}; age = {unAge = 25}})
let badName = mkPerson "" "" 25
// Failure [NameBetween1And50]
let badEmail = mkPerson "Bob" "bademail" 25
// Failure [EmailMustContainAtChar]
let badAge = mkPerson "Bob" "" 150
// Failure [AgeBetween0and120]
let badEverything = mkPerson "" "bademail" 150
// Failure [NameBetween1And50;EmailMustContainAtChar;AgeBetween0and120]
open FSharpPlus.Lens
let asMaybeGood = validPerson ^? Validation._Success
// Some ({name = {unName = "Bob"}; email = {unEmail = ""}; age = {unAge = 25}})
let asMaybeBad = badEverything ^? Validation._Success
// None
let asResultGood = validPerson ^. Validation.isoValidationResult
// Ok ({name = {unName = "Bob"}; email = {unEmail = ""}; age = {unAge = 25}})
let asResultBad = badEverything ^. Validation.isoValidationResult
// Error [NameBetween1And50;EmailMustContainAtChar;AgeBetween0and120]
module Email =
// ***** Types *****
type AtString = AtString of string
type PeriodString = PeriodString of string
type NonEmptyString = NonEmptyString of string
type Email = Email of string
type VError = | MustNotBeEmpty
| MustContainAt
| MustContainPeriod
// ***** Base smart constructors *****
// String must contain an '@' character
let atString (x:string) : Validation<VError list,AtString> =
if String.contains '@' x then Success <| AtString x
else Failure [MustContainAt]
// String must contain an '.' character
let periodString (x:string) : Validation<VError list,PeriodString> =
if String.contains '.' x
then Success <| PeriodString x
else Failure [MustContainPeriod]
// String must not be empty
let nonEmptyString (x:string) : Validation<VError list,NonEmptyString> =
if not <| String.IsNullOrEmpty x
then Success <| NonEmptyString x
else Failure [MustNotBeEmpty]
// ***** Combining smart constructors *****
let email (x:string) : Validation<VError list, Email> =
result (Email x) <*
nonEmptyString x <*
atString x <*
periodString x
// ***** Example usage *****
let success = email ""
// Success (Email "")
let failureAt = email ""
// Failure [MustContainAt]
let failurePeriod = email "bob@gmailcom"
// Failure [MustContainPeriod]
let failureAll = email ""
// Failure [MustNotBeEmpty;MustContainAt;MustContainPeriod]
module MovieValidations=
type VError= | MustNotBeEmpty
| MustBeAtLessThanChars of int
| MustBeADate
| MustBeOlderThan of int
| MustBeWithingRange of decimal*decimal
module String=
let nonEmpty (x:string) : Validation<VError list,string> =
if String.IsNullOrEmpty x
then Failure [MustNotBeEmpty]
else Success x
let mustBeLessThan (i:int) (x:string) : Validation<VError list,string> =
if isNull x || x.Length > i
then Failure [MustBeAtLessThanChars i]
else Success x
module Number=
let mustBeWithin (from,to') (x)=
if from<= x && x <= to'
then Success x
else Failure [MustBeWithingRange (from,to')]
module DateTime=
let classicMovie year (d:DateTime)=
if d.Year < year
then Success d
else Failure [MustBeOlderThan year]
let date (d:DateTime)=
if d.Date = d
then Success d
else Failure [MustBeADate]
type Genre=
type Movie = {
Id: int
Title: String
ReleaseDate: DateTime
Description: String
Price: decimal
Genre: Genre
with static member Create(id,title,releaseDate,description,price,genre): Validation<VError list,Movie> =
fun title releaseDate description price->{ Id=id;Title=title;ReleaseDate=releaseDate;Description=description;Price=price;Genre=genre }
<!> String.nonEmpty title <* String.mustBeLessThan 100 title
<*> DateTime.classicMovie 1960 releaseDate <* releaseDate
<*> String.nonEmpty description <* String.mustBeLessThan 1000 description
<*> Number.mustBeWithin (0.0m, 999.99m) price
let newRelease = Movie.Create(1,"Midsommar",DateTime(2019,6,24),"Midsommar is a 2019 folk horror film written...",1m,Classic) //Failure [MustBeOlderThan 1960]
let oldie = Movie.Create(2,"Modern Times",DateTime(1936,2,5),"Modern Times is a 1936 American comedy film...",1m,Classic) // Success..
let titleToLong = Movie.Create(3, String.Concat (seq{ 1..110 }), DateTime(1950,1,1),"11",1m,Classic) //Failure [MustBeAtLessThanChars 100]
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