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Created February 23, 2017 03:51
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Chessie compiled to JS using Fable.
/// Contains error propagation functions and a computation expression builder for Railway-oriented programming.
namespace Chessie.ErrorHandling
open System
/// Represents the result of a computation.
type Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> =
/// Represents the result of a successful computation.
| Ok of 'TSuccess * 'TMessage list
/// Represents the result of a failed computation.
| Bad of 'TMessage list
/// Creates a Failure result with the given messages.
static member FailWith(messages:'TMessage seq) : Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> = Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage>.Bad(messages |> Seq.toList)
/// Creates a Failure result with the given message.
static member FailWith(message:'TMessage) : Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> = Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage>.Bad([message])
/// Creates a Success result with the given value.
static member Succeed(value:'TSuccess) : Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> = Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage>.Ok(value,[])
/// Creates a Success result with the given value and the given message.
static member Succeed(value:'TSuccess,message:'TMessage) : Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> = Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage>.Ok(value,[message])
/// Creates a Success result with the given value and the given message.
static member Succeed(value:'TSuccess,messages:'TMessage seq) : Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage> = Result<'TSuccess, 'TMessage>.Ok(value,messages |> Seq.toList)
/// Executes the given function on a given success or captures the failure
static member Try(func: Func<_>) : Result<'TSuccess,exn> =
| exn -> Bad[exn]
/// Converts the result into a string.
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| Ok(v,msgs) -> sprintf "OK: %A - %s" v (String.Join("\r\n", msgs |> (fun x -> x.ToString())))
| Bad(msgs) -> sprintf "Error: %s" (String.Join("\r\n", msgs |> (fun x -> x.ToString())))
/// Basic combinators and operators for error handling.
module Trial =
/// Wraps a value in a Success
let inline ok<'TSuccess,'TMessage> (x:'TSuccess) : Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> = Ok(x, [])
/// Wraps a value in a Success
let inline pass<'TSuccess,'TMessage> (x:'TSuccess) : Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> = Ok(x, [])
/// Wraps a value in a Success and adds a message
let inline warn<'TSuccess,'TMessage> (msg:'TMessage) (x:'TSuccess) : Result<'TSuccess,'TMessage> = Ok(x,[msg])
/// Wraps a message in a Failure
let inline fail<'TSuccess,'Message> (msg:'Message) : Result<'TSuccess,'Message> = Bad([ msg ])
/// Executes the given function on a given success or captures the exception in a failure
let inline Catch f x = Result<_,_>.Try(fun () -> f x)
/// Returns true if the result was not successful.
let inline failed result =
match result with
| Bad _ -> true
| _ -> false
/// Takes a Result and maps it with fSuccess if it is a Success otherwise it maps it with fFailure.
let inline either fSuccess fFailure trialResult =
match trialResult with
| Ok(x, msgs) -> fSuccess (x, msgs)
| Bad(msgs) -> fFailure (msgs)
/// If the given result is a Success the wrapped value will be returned.
///Otherwise the function throws an exception with Failure message of the result.
let inline returnOrFail result =
let inline raiseExn msgs =
|> (sprintf "%O")
|> String.concat (Environment.NewLine + "\t")
|> failwith
either fst raiseExn result
/// Appends the given messages with the messages in the given result.
let inline mergeMessages msgs result =
let inline fSuccess (x, msgs2) = Ok(x, msgs @ msgs2)
let inline fFailure errs = Bad(errs @ msgs)
either fSuccess fFailure result
/// If the result is a Success it executes the given function on the value.
/// Otherwise the exisiting failure is propagated.
let inline bind f result =
let inline fSuccess (x, msgs) = f x |> mergeMessages msgs
let inline fFailure (msgs) = Bad msgs
either fSuccess fFailure result
/// Flattens a nested result given the Failure types are equal
let inline flatten (result : Result<Result<_,_>,_>) =
result |> bind id
/// If the result is a Success it executes the given function on the value.
/// Otherwise the exisiting failure is propagated.
/// This is the infix operator version of ErrorHandling.bind
let inline (>>=) result f = bind f result
/// If the wrapped function is a success and the given result is a success the function is applied on the value.
/// Otherwise the exisiting error messages are propagated.
let inline apply wrappedFunction result =
match wrappedFunction, result with
| Ok(f, msgs1), Ok(x, msgs2) -> Ok(f x, msgs1 @ msgs2)
| Bad errs, Ok(_, _msgs) -> Bad(errs)
| Ok(_, _msgs), Bad errs -> Bad(errs)
| Bad errs1, Bad errs2 -> Bad(errs1 @ errs2)
/// If the wrapped function is a success and the given result is a success the function is applied on the value.
/// Otherwise the exisiting error messages are propagated.
/// This is the infix operator version of ErrorHandling.apply
let inline (<*>) wrappedFunction result = apply wrappedFunction result
/// Lifts a function into a Result container and applies it on the given result.
let inline lift f result = apply (ok f) result
/// Maps a function over the existing error messages in case of failure. In case of success, the message type will be changed and warnings will be discarded.
let inline mapFailure f result =
match result with
| Ok (v,_) -> ok v
| Bad errs -> Bad (f errs)
/// Lifts a function into a Result and applies it on the given result.
/// This is the infix operator version of ErrorHandling.lift
let inline (<!>) f result = lift f result
/// Promote a function to a monad/applicative, scanning the monadic/applicative arguments from left to right.
let inline lift2 f a b = f <!> a <*> b
/// If the result is a Success it executes the given success function on the value and the messages.
/// If the result is a Failure it executes the given failure function on the messages.
/// Result is propagated unchanged.
let inline eitherTee fSuccess fFailure result =
let inline tee f x = f x; x;
tee (either fSuccess fFailure) result
/// If the result is a Success it executes the given function on the value and the messages.
/// Result is propagated unchanged.
let inline successTee f result =
eitherTee f ignore result
/// If the result is a Failure it executes the given function on the messages.
/// Result is propagated unchanged.
let inline failureTee f result =
eitherTee ignore f result
/// Collects a sequence of Results and accumulates their values.
/// If the sequence contains an error the error will be propagated.
let inline collect xs =
Seq.fold (fun result next ->
match result, next with
| Ok(rs, m1), Ok(r, m2) -> Ok(r :: rs, m1 @ m2)
| Ok(_, m1), Bad(m2) | Bad(m1), Ok(_, m2) -> Bad(m1 @ m2)
| Bad(m1), Bad(m2) -> Bad(m1 @ m2)) (ok []) xs
|> lift List.rev
/// Converts an option into a Result.
let inline failIfNone message result =
match result with
| Some x -> ok x
| None -> fail message
/// Converts a Choice into a Result.
let inline ofChoice choice =
match choice with
| Choice1Of2 v -> ok v
| Choice2Of2 v -> fail v
/// Categorizes a result based on its state and the presence of extra messages
let inline (|Pass|Warn|Fail|) result =
match result with
| Ok (value, [] ) -> Pass value
| Ok (value, msgs) -> Warn (value,msgs)
| Bad msgs -> Fail msgs
let inline failOnWarnings result =
match result with
| Warn (_,msgs) -> Bad msgs
| _ -> result
/// Builder type for error handling computation expressions.
type TrialBuilder() =
member __.Zero() = ok()
member __.Bind(m, f) = bind f m
member __.Return(x) = ok x
member __.ReturnFrom(x) = x
member __.Combine (a, b) = bind b a
member __.Delay f = f
member __.Run f = f ()
member __.TryWith (body, handler) =
| e -> handler e
member __.TryFinally (body, compensation) =
member x.Using(d:#IDisposable, body) =
let result = fun () -> body d
x.TryFinally (result, fun () ->
match d with
| null -> ()
| d -> d.Dispose())
member x.While (guard, body) =
if not <| guard () then
bind (fun () -> x.While(guard, body)) (body())
member x.For(s:seq<_>, body) =
x.Using(s.GetEnumerator(), fun enum ->
x.Delay(fun () -> body enum.Current)))
/// Wraps computations in an error handling computation expression.
let trial = TrialBuilder()
/// Represents the result of an async computation
type AsyncResult<'a, 'b> =
| AR of Async<Result<'a, 'b>>
/// Useful functions for combining error handling computations with async computations.
module AsyncExtensions =
/// Useful functions for combining error handling computations with async computations.
module Async =
/// Creates an async computation that return the given value
let singleton value = value |> async.Return
/// Creates an async computation that runs a computation and
/// when it generates a result run a binding function on the said result
let bind f x = async.Bind(x, f)
/// Creates an async computation that runs a mapping function on the result of an async computation
let map f x = x |> bind (f >> singleton)
/// Creates an async computation from an asyncTrial computation
let ofAsyncResult (AR x) = x
/// Basic support for async error handling computation
module AsyncTrial =
/// Builder type for error handling in async computation expressions.
type AsyncTrialBuilder() =
member __.Return value : AsyncResult<'a, 'b> =
|> ok
|> Async.singleton
|> AR
member __.ReturnFrom(asyncResult : AsyncResult<'a, 'b>) = asyncResult
member this.Zero() : AsyncResult<unit, 'b> = this.Return()
member __.Delay(generator : unit -> AsyncResult<'a, 'b>) : AsyncResult<'a, 'b> =
async.Delay(generator >> Async.ofAsyncResult) |> AR
member __.Bind(asyncResult : AsyncResult<'a, 'c>, binder : 'a -> AsyncResult<'b, 'c>) : AsyncResult<'b, 'c> =
let fSuccess (value, msgs) =
value |> (binder
>> Async.ofAsyncResult
>> (mergeMessages msgs))
let fFailure errs =
|> Bad
|> Async.singleton
|> Async.ofAsyncResult
|> Async.bind (either fSuccess fFailure)
|> AR
member this.Bind(result : Result<'a, 'c>, binder : 'a -> AsyncResult<'b, 'c>) : AsyncResult<'b, 'c> =
|> Async.singleton
|> AR, binder)
member __.Bind(async : Async<'a>, binder : 'a -> AsyncResult<'b, 'c>) : AsyncResult<'b, 'c> =
|> Async.bind (binder >> Async.ofAsyncResult)
|> AR
member __.TryWith(asyncResult : AsyncResult<'a, 'b>, catchHandler : exn -> AsyncResult<'a, 'b>) : AsyncResult<'a, 'b> =
async.TryWith(asyncResult |> Async.ofAsyncResult, (catchHandler >> Async.ofAsyncResult)) |> AR
member __.TryFinally(asyncResult : AsyncResult<'a, 'b>, compensation : unit -> unit) : AsyncResult<'a, 'b> =
async.TryFinally(asyncResult |> Async.ofAsyncResult, compensation) |> AR
member __.Using(resource : 'T when 'T :> System.IDisposable, binder : 'T -> AsyncResult<'a, 'b>) : AsyncResult<'a, 'b> =
async.Using(resource, (binder >> Async.ofAsyncResult)) |> AR
// Wraps async computations in an error handling computation expression.
let asyncTrial = AsyncTrialBuilder()
import { setType } from "fable-core/Symbol";
import _Symbol from "fable-core/Symbol";
import { toString, compareUnions, equalsUnions, makeGeneric, GenericParam } from "fable-core/Util";
import { append, ofArray } from "fable-core/List";
import List from "fable-core/List";
import { getEnumerator, map as map_1, toList } from "fable-core/Seq";
import { join, fsFormat } from "fable-core/String";
import Async_1 from "fable-core/Async";
import { singleton as singleton_1 } from "fable-core/AsyncBuilder";
export class Result {
constructor(tag, a, b) {
this.size = arguments.length - 1 | 0;
this.tag = tag | 0;
this.a = a;
this.b = b;
[_Symbol.reflection]() {
return {
type: "Chessie.ErrorHandling.Result",
interfaces: ["FSharpUnion", "System.IEquatable", "System.IComparable"],
cases: [["Ok", GenericParam("TSuccess"), makeGeneric(List, {
T: GenericParam("TMessage")
})], ["Bad", makeGeneric(List, {
T: GenericParam("TMessage")
Equals(other) {
return equalsUnions(this, other);
CompareTo(other) {
return compareUnions(this, other) | 0;
static FailWith_0(messages) {
return new Result(1, toList(messages));
static FailWith_1(message) {
return new Result(1, ofArray([message]));
static Succeed_0(value) {
return new Result(0, value, new List());
static Succeed_1(value, message) {
return new Result(0, value, ofArray([message]));
static Succeed_2(value, messages) {
return new Result(0, value, toList(messages));
static Try(func) {
try {
return new Result(0, func(), new List());
} catch (exn) {
return new Result(1, ofArray([exn]));
ToString() {
if (this.tag === 1) {
return fsFormat("Error: %s")(x => x)(join("\r\n", map_1(x => toString(x), this.a)));
} else {
return fsFormat("OK: %A - %s")(x => x)(this.a, join("\r\n", map_1(x_1 => toString(x_1), this.b)));
setType("Chessie.ErrorHandling.Result", Result);
export const Trial = function (__exports) {
const TrialBuilder = __exports.TrialBuilder = class TrialBuilder {
[_Symbol.reflection]() {
return {
type: "Chessie.ErrorHandling.Trial.TrialBuilder",
properties: {}
constructor() {}
Zero() {
return new Result(0, null, new List());
Bind(m, f) {
if (m.tag === 1) {
return (msgs => new Result(1, msgs))()(m.a);
} else {
return (tupledArg => (result => result.tag === 1 ? (errs => new Result(1, append(errs, tupledArg[1])))()(result.a) : (tupledArg_1 => new Result(0, tupledArg_1[0], append(tupledArg[1], tupledArg_1[1])))()([result.a, result.b]))(f(tupledArg[0])))([m.a, m.b]);
Return(x) {
return new Result(0, x, new List());
ReturnFrom(x) {
return x;
Combine(a, b) {
if (a.tag === 1) {
return (msgs => new Result(1, msgs))()(a.a);
} else {
return (tupledArg => (result => result.tag === 1 ? (errs => new Result(1, append(errs, tupledArg[1])))()(result.a) : (tupledArg_1 => new Result(0, tupledArg_1[0], append(tupledArg[1], tupledArg_1[1])))()([result.a, result.b]))(b(tupledArg[0])))([a.a, a.b]);
Delay(f) {
return f;
Run(f) {
return f();
TryWith(body, handler) {
try {
return body();
} catch (e) {
return handler(e);
TryFinally(body, compensation) {
try {
return body();
} finally {
Using(d, body) {
const result = () => {
return body(d);
return this.TryFinally(result, () => {
if (d == null) {} else {
While(guard, body) {
if (!guard()) {
return this.Zero();
} else if (body().tag === 1) {
return (msgs => new Result(1, msgs))()(body().a);
} else {
return (tupledArg => (result => result.tag === 1 ? (errs => new Result(1, append(errs, tupledArg[1])))()(result.a) : (tupledArg_1 => new Result(0, null, append(tupledArg[1], tupledArg_1[1])))()([null, result.b]))((() => this.While(guard, body))()))([null, body().b]);
For(s, body) {
return this.Using(getEnumerator(s), _enum => this.While(() => _enum.MoveNext(), this.Delay(() => body(_enum.get_Current))));
setType("Chessie.ErrorHandling.Trial.TrialBuilder", TrialBuilder);
const trial = __exports.trial = new TrialBuilder();
return __exports;
export class AsyncResult {
constructor(tag, a) {
this.size = arguments.length - 1 | 0;
this.tag = tag | 0;
this.a = a;
[_Symbol.reflection]() {
return {
type: "Chessie.ErrorHandling.AsyncResult",
interfaces: ["FSharpUnion"],
cases: [["AR", Async_1]]
setType("Chessie.ErrorHandling.AsyncResult", AsyncResult);
export const AsyncExtensions = function (__exports) {
const Async = __exports.Async = function (__exports) {
const singleton = __exports.singleton = function singleton(value) {
return function (arg00) {
return singleton_1.Return(arg00);
const bind = __exports.bind = function bind(f, x) {
return singleton_1.Bind(x, f);
const map = = function map(f, x) {
return bind($var1 => function (value) {
return singleton(value);
}(f($var1)), x);
const ofAsyncResult = __exports.ofAsyncResult = function ofAsyncResult(_arg1) {
return _arg1.a;
return __exports;
return __exports;
export const AsyncTrial = function (__exports) {
const AsyncTrialBuilder = __exports.AsyncTrialBuilder = class AsyncTrialBuilder {
[_Symbol.reflection]() {
return {
type: "Chessie.ErrorHandling.AsyncTrial.AsyncTrialBuilder",
properties: {}
constructor() {}
Return(value) {
return new AsyncResult(0, AsyncExtensions.Async.singleton(new Result(0, value, new List())));
ReturnFrom(asyncResult) {
return asyncResult;
Zero() {
return this.Return();
Delay(generator) {
return new AsyncResult(0, singleton_1.Delay($var2 => (arg00_ => AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(arg00_))(generator($var2))));
Bind_0(asyncResult, binder) {
const fSuccess = tupledArg => {
return ($var4 => (() => {
const f = result => {
if (result.tag === 1) {
return (errs => new Result(1, append(errs, tupledArg[1])))()(result.a);
} else {
return (tupledArg_1 => new Result(0, tupledArg_1[0], append(tupledArg[1], tupledArg_1[1])))()([result.a, result.b]);
return x =>, x);
})()(($var3 => (arg00_ => AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(arg00_))(binder($var3)))($var4)))(tupledArg[0]);
const fFailure = errs_1 => {
return AsyncExtensions.Async.singleton(new Result(1, errs_1));
return new AsyncResult(0, AsyncExtensions.Async.bind((() => {
const fFailure_1 = fFailure;
return trialResult => trialResult.tag === 1 ? fFailure_1(trialResult.a) : fSuccess([trialResult.a, trialResult.b]);
})(), AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(asyncResult)));
Bind_1(result, binder) {
return this.Bind_0(new AsyncResult(0, AsyncExtensions.Async.singleton(result)), binder);
Bind_2(async, binder) {
return new AsyncResult(0, AsyncExtensions.Async.bind($var5 => (arg00_ => AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(arg00_))(binder($var5)), async));
TryWith(asyncResult, catchHandler) {
return new AsyncResult(0, singleton_1.TryWith(AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(asyncResult), $var6 => (arg00_ => AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(arg00_))(catchHandler($var6))));
TryFinally(asyncResult, compensation) {
return new AsyncResult(0, singleton_1.TryFinally(AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(asyncResult), compensation));
Using(resource, binder) {
return new AsyncResult(0, singleton_1.Using(resource, $var7 => (arg00_ => AsyncExtensions.Async.ofAsyncResult(arg00_))(binder($var7))));
setType("Chessie.ErrorHandling.AsyncTrial.AsyncTrialBuilder", AsyncTrialBuilder);
const asyncTrial = __exports.asyncTrial = new AsyncTrialBuilder();
return __exports;
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