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Last active March 26, 2021 09:34
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Data Mining - Association Rule - Apriori Implementation
* =====================================================================================
* Filename: Data_Mining-Association_Rule-Apriori.cpp
* Description: Data Mining - Association Rule
* Apriori C++ Implementation
* Compiler: g++
* Platform: OS X 10.7
* Name: KuoE0 (
* School: Computer Science and Information Engineering
* National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan
* =====================================================================================
#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <fstream>
#include <map>
#include <cstring>
#include <set>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
typedef set< int > ItemSet;
typedef set< ItemSet > SuperItemSet;
typedef ItemSet::iterator ItemSetIter;
typedef SuperItemSet::iterator SuperItemSetIter;
SuperItemSet makeL1( const char *input_filename, map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, const double min_sup );
SuperItemSet scanDB( const char *input_filename, const SuperItemSet &L, map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, const double min_sup );
double calSupport( const char *input_filename, const ItemSet &itemset, map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport );
bool isSupport( const string &str, ItemSet itemset );
SuperItemSet generateCk( const SuperItemSet &L );
bool hasInfrequent( const ItemSet &itemset, const SuperItemSet &L );
SuperItemSet genSubset( const ItemSet &itemset );
void showRule( ofstream &outfile, const SuperItemSet &L, const map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, const double min_conf );
void partition( ofstream &outfile, const ItemSet &itemset, const map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, ItemSet &P1, ItemSet &P2, ItemSetIter iter, const double min_conf );
int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
if ( argc < 5 ) {
cout << "Find association rule:" << endl;
cout << "Usage: ./Apriori [data set] [output file] [min support] [min confidence]" << endl;
return 0;
const double min_sup = atof( argv[ 3 ] );
const double min_conf = atof( argv[ 4 ] );
const char *input_filename = argv[ 1 ];
const char *output_filename = argv[ 2 ];
ofstream outfile( output_filename );
map< ItemSet, int > SetSupport;
clock_t st = clock();
// generate L1
SuperItemSet L = makeL1( input_filename, SetSupport, min_sup );
while ( L.size() ) {
L = scanDB( input_filename, generateCk( L ), SetSupport, min_sup );
showRule( outfile, L, SetSupport, min_conf );
printf( "Execution time: %.2lf sec.\n", double( clock() ) / st );
return 0;
// generate L1 from database
SuperItemSet makeL1( const char *input_filename, map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, const double min_sup ){
string str;
ifstream in( input_filename );
SuperItemSet L;
while ( !in.eof() ) {
getline( in, str );
char cstr[ str.length() + 1 ];
strcpy( cstr, str.c_str() );
for ( char *token = strtok( cstr, " " ); token; token = strtok( 0, " " ) ) {
ItemSet temp;
temp.insert( atoi( token ) );
L.insert( temp );
return scanDB( input_filename, L, SetSupport, min_sup );
SuperItemSet scanDB( const char *input_filename, const SuperItemSet &L, map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, const double min_sup ) {
SuperItemSet ret;
for ( SuperItemSetIter iter = L.begin(); iter != L.end(); ++iter )
// check it is a frequet itemset
if ( calSupport( input_filename, *iter, SetSupport ) >= min_sup )
ret.insert( *iter );
return ret;
// calculate the support
double calSupport( const char *input_filename, const ItemSet &itemset, map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport ) {
ifstream infile( input_filename );
int cnt, total;
string str;
for ( total = 0, cnt = 0; !infile.eof(); ++total ) {
getline( infile, str );
if ( isSupport( str, itemset ) )
return double( cnt ) / total;
// check this transaction is a support for this itemset
bool isSupport( const string &str, ItemSet itemset ) {
char cstr[ str.length() + 1 ];
strcpy( cstr, str.c_str() );
// get elements in sting by split in into tokens
for ( char *token = strtok( cstr, ", " ); token; token = strtok( 0, ", " ) ) {
int x = atoi( token );
// if this element in our set, delete in from our set
if ( itemset.find( x ) != itemset.end() )
itemset.erase( x );
// if this set is empty, means that this set is a candicate
return itemset.empty();
// generate Ck from Lk-1
SuperItemSet generateCk( const SuperItemSet &L ) {
SuperItemSet ret;
for ( SuperItemSetIter iter = L.begin(); iter != L.end(); ++iter ) {
SuperItemSetIter t = iter;
for ( SuperItemSetIter iter2 = ++t; iter2 != L.end(); ++iter2 ) {
ItemSet s1( (*iter).begin(), --(*iter).end() ), s2( (*iter2).begin(), --(*iter2).end() );
int n1 = *( --(*iter).end() ), n2 = *( --(*iter2).end() );
if ( s1 == s2 && n1 != n2 ) {
ItemSet temp = *iter;
temp.insert( n2 );
if ( !hasInfrequent( temp, L ) )
ret.insert( temp );
return ret;
// is there any subset in this itemset is not a frequet itemset
bool hasInfrequent( const ItemSet &itemset, const SuperItemSet &L ) {
SuperItemSet temp = genSubset( itemset );
for ( SuperItemSetIter iter = temp.begin(); iter != temp.end(); ++iter ) {
if ( L.find( *iter ) == L.end() )
return 1;
return 0;
// generate all subset
SuperItemSet genSubset( const ItemSet &itemset ) {
SuperItemSet ret;
for ( ItemSetIter iter = itemset.begin(); iter != itemset.end(); ++iter ) {
ItemSet temp = itemset;
temp.erase( *iter );
ret.insert( temp );
return ret;
// show all rule
void showRule( ofstream &outfile, const SuperItemSet &L, const map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, const double min_conf ) {
for ( SuperItemSetIter iter = L.begin(); iter != L.end(); ++iter ) {
int s = (*iter).size();
// enumerate all partition
ItemSet P1, P2;
partition( outfile, *iter, SetSupport, P1, P2, (*iter).begin(), min_conf );
// enumerate to find the rule
void partition( ofstream &outfile, const ItemSet &itemset, const map< ItemSet, int > &SetSupport, ItemSet &P1, ItemSet &P2, ItemSetIter iter, const double min_conf ) {
if ( iter == itemset.end() ) {
if ( !P1.empty() && !P2.empty() ) {
double p;
// rule: P1 => P2
p = double( ( *SetSupport.find( itemset ) ).second ) / ( *SetSupport.find( P1 ) ).second;
if ( p >= min_conf ) {
for ( ItemSetIter it = P1.begin(); it != P1.end(); ++it )
outfile << *it << " ";
outfile << "=>";
for ( ItemSetIter it = P2.begin(); it != P2.end(); ++it )
outfile << " " << *it;
outfile << '(' << p << ')' << endl;
// rule: P2 => P1
p = double( ( *SetSupport.find( itemset ) ).second ) / ( *SetSupport.find( P2 ) ).second;
if ( p >= min_conf ) {
for ( ItemSetIter it = P2.begin(); it != P2.end(); ++it )
outfile << *it << " ";
outfile << "=>";
for ( ItemSetIter it = P1.begin(); it != P1.end(); ++it )
outfile << " " << *it;
outfile << '(' << p << ')' << endl;
P1.insert( *iter );
partition( outfile, itemset, SetSupport, P1, P2, ++iter, min_conf );
P1.erase( *(--iter) );
P2.insert( *iter );
partition( outfile, itemset, SetSupport, P1, P2, ++iter, min_conf );
P2.erase( *(--iter) );
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can you provide with the format of input file for testing?

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