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Created October 12, 2016 08:01
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Sublime-Eclipse shortcuts
* 常用快捷键(Sublime默认)
* --------------
* 光标一个单词一个单词的移动
* { "keys": ["ctrl+left"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": false} },
* 按住shift来选文字时, 一个个单词的选而不是一个个字母
* { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+left"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "words", "forward": false, "extend": true} },
* 类似光标一个个单词的移动
* { "keys": ["alt+left"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "subwords", "forward": false} },
* { "keys": ["alt+shift+right"], "command": "move", "args": {"by": "subword_ends", "forward": true, "extend": true} },
* 缩进
* { "keys": ["ctrl+]"], "command": "indent" },
* { "keys": ["ctrl+["], "command": "unindent" },
* 删除整个单词
* { "keys": ["ctrl+backspace"], "command": "delete_word", "args": { "forward": false } },
* { "keys": ["ctrl+delete"], "command": "delete_word", "args": { "forward": true } },
* 行排序(例如选中几个JSON字段, 让这些字段名按字母顺序排序)
* { "keys": ["f9"], "command": "sort_lines", "args": {"case_sensitive": false} },
* 参考
* ----------------------
* Using Sublime Text as your IDE
* Web Development With Sublime Text 2
// editor配置
{ "keys": ["ctrl+v"], "command": "paste_and_indent" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+v"], "command": "paste" },
* 适配eclipse快捷键
* Eclipse shortcuts for Sublime Text 2
// 代码提示
{ "keys": ["alt+/"], "command": "auto_complete" },
// 缩进选中内容
{ "keys": ["ctrl+i"], "command": "reindent", "args": {"single_line": false} },
// 当前行和下面一行交互位置
{ "keys": ["alt+up"], "command": "swap_line_up" },
{ "keys": ["alt+down"], "command": "swap_line_down" },
// 复制当前行到上一行
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+up"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/User/duplicate_line_up.sublime-macro"} },
// 复制当前行到下一行
{ "keys": ["ctrl+alt+down"], "command": "duplicate_line" },
// 删除整行
{ "keys": ["ctrl+d"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/Default/Delete Line.sublime-macro"} },
// 快速定位到选中的文字
{ "keys": ["ctrl+k"], "command": "find_under_expand_skip" },
// 显示隐藏侧边栏
{ "keys": ["ctrl+b"], "command": "toggle_side_bar" },
// 大小写转换
// { "keys": ["ctrl+shift+z"], "command": "swap_case" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+x"], "command": "upper_case" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+y"], "command": "lower_case" },
// 在当前行的下一行插入空行(这时鼠标可以在当前行的任一位置, 不一定是最后)
{ "keys": ["shift+enter"], "command": "run_macro_file", "args": {"file": "Packages/Default/Add Line.sublime-macro"} },
// 定位到对于的匹配符(譬如{})(从前面定位后面时,光标要在匹配符里面,后面到前面,则反之)
{ "keys": ["ctrl+p"], "command": "move_to", "args": {"to": "brackets"} },
// 这个命令默认使用的是ctrl+shift+p
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+p"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "command_palette"} },
// 显示大纲
{ "keys": ["ctrl+g"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": "@"} },
// 光标移动到指定行
{ "keys": ["ctrl+l"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": ":"} },
// 当前文件中的关键字(方便快速查找内容)
{ "keys": ["ctrl+o"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "text": "#"} },
// 打开源码文件
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+r"], "command": "show_overlay", "args": {"overlay": "goto", "show_files": true} },
// 文件内查找/替换
{ "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "replace"} },
//{ "keys": ["ctrl+f"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find_in_files"} },
// 全局查找/替换, 在查询结果中双击跳转到匹配位置
{ "keys": ["ctrl+h"], "command": "show_panel", "args": {"panel": "find_in_files"} },
// plugin配置
{ "keys": ["alt+a"], "command": "alignment" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+f"], "command": "htmlprettify"},
//{ "keys": ["ctrl+r"], "command": "open_in_browser" },
{ "keys": ["f12"], "command": "open_in_browser" },
//{ "keys": ["f2"], "command": "rename_file", "args": { "paths": ["$file"] } },
{ "keys": ["f2"], "command": "side_bar_rename" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+c"], "command": "css_comb" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+t"], "command": "delete_trailing_spaces" },
{ "keys": ["ctrl+shift+d"], "command": "color_picker", "context": [ { "key": "color_highlighter.color_picker" } ] },
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