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Michael Kupietz kupietools

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kupietools /
Last active February 24, 2024 02:10 — forked from gboudreau/
Export TOTP tokens from Authy, with data URI to save and recreate QR code images without having to re-run the script

Note about this forked version: this is identical to the upstream version from which it is forked, except that under the "QR Codes" javascript below (which is marked in boldface as having been changed from the original), a single line has been added which exports the data URI of the QR Code as well, so the QR code can be saved or recreated without re-running the script.

Since you can't save the QR code images from the chrome app debugging console, I added console.log('qrcode_dataURL',qr_url); to the console logging lines before console_image(qr_url, qr_size);, so it'll save a data URI along with the other information in the log file that you can use to re-display the qrcode images at a later time.

For instance, if it gives you qrcode_dataURL , you can either paste  in the browser address bar as-is to see the QR code, or, in an HTML file as `` to cr

kupietools / Docker Desktop v 4.0.0 thru 4.22.1 direct download links
Last active February 8, 2025 17:27
List of Direct Download links for Docker Desktop from version 4.0.0 released 2021-08-31 thru 4.22.1 released 2023-08-24, as archived on