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Last active November 3, 2023 17:47
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import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
import requests
apiKey = ""
stationID = ""
weatherUnits = ""
rainfallLog = "rainfallLog.csv"
lastTotalLog = "lastTotal"
now =
def calc(precipTotal):
if now.hour == 0:
lastTotal = 0.0
with open(lastTotalLog, "r") as f:
lastTotal = float(f.readline())
return round(precipTotal - lastTotal, 2)
def create_empty_files():
if not os.path.isfile(lastTotalLog):
with open(lastTotalLog, "w") as f:
if not os.path.isfile(rainfallLog):
with open(rainfallLog, "w") as f:
f.write("Time,Hourly Rainfall (mm)\n")
def get_weather_data_from_api():
r = requests.get(
return json.loads(r.text)
if __name__ == "__main__":
weather = get_weather_data_from_api()
except requests.RequestException as e:
dataTime = weather["observations"][0]["obsTimeLocal"]
precipTotal = weather["observations"][0]["uk_hybrid"]["precipTotal"]
if weatherUnits == "h":
precipTotal *= 25.4 # API bug shows inch so convert to mm
hourlyRain = calc(precipTotal)
with open(rainfallLog, "a") as f:
with open(lastTotalLog, "w") as f:
import datetime
import json
import os
from http.client import HTTPSConnection
API_KEY = ""
CSV = "rainfall.csv"
def calc(current_value, last_value):
if current_value == 0 or last_value == 0:
return current_value
return round(last_value - current_value, 2)
def create_empty_files():
if os.path.exists(CSV):
one_hour_before = (
datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)
with open(CSV, "w") as f:
f.write("Time,Hourly Rainfall (mm)\n")
def write_data(data):
dt = datetime.datetime.utcnow().isoformat()
with open(CSV, "a") as f:
def get_last_entry():
with open(CSV) as f:
l = f.readlines()[-1].strip()
return float(l.partition(",")[2])
# API Call
def get_weather_data_from_api():
conn = HTTPSConnection("")
r = conn.getresponse()
return json.loads(["observations"][0]
if __name__ == "__main__": # The main routine
last_entry = get_last_entry()
data = get_weather_data_from_api()
precipitation = calc(
float(data["uk_hybrid"]["precipTotal"]), last_entry
except (OSError, json.JSONDecodeError) as e:
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Fantastic thanks! Added it. Not sure if we even need

if not os.path.isfile(rainfallLog):
open(rainfallLog, "w").close()

as it's addded later anyway.

I'm happy with my basic csv for this task. I looked into creating json files and decided the scope of the project wasn't worth it.

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kura commented Nov 1, 2023

JSON is pretty easy. The Python json module will basically turn anything in to a JSON object but is probably annoying and overkill for this. You'd need to try something like I'd guess:

    "last_value": 0,
    "data_points": [
        {"datetime": "2023-10-31 00:00:00", "rainfall": 0.0},
        {"datetime": "2023-10-31 01:00:00", "rainfaill": 5.0},
        # etc

And then whenever you want to add to it, you'd need to load the whole thing in Python, add your record, and write the whole thing again:

# Load previous data
with open("data.json") as f:
    data = json.loads(

# Add new entry to previous data
data["last_value"] = 11.0
data["datapoints"].append({"datetime": "2023-11-01 12:00:00", "rainfall": 11.0})

# Overwrite old data + new entry in file
with open("data.json", "w") as f:

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The zeroing isn't working. It's not using '0' as lastTotal at midnight.

Latest reading with the 0ing removed shows the same negative value, so if hour == 0 isn't being used...

2023-11-01 22:55:21,0.25
Hourly Rain: 0.25
Precip Total: 2.2859999999999996
Last Total: 2.032
2023-11-01 23:55:21,0.76
Hourly Rain: 0.76
Precip Total: 3.0479999999999996
Last Total: 2.2859999999999996
2023-11-02 00:55:21,-1.78
Hourly Rain: -1.78
Precip Total: 1.27
Last Total: 3.0479999999999996
2023-11-02 01:55:21,2.03
Hourly Rain: 2.03
Precip Total: 3.302
Last Total: 1.27

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tripplehelix commented Nov 2, 2023

No, Precip Total is the data straight from the API.

2023-11-02 00:55:21,-1.78
Hourly Rain: -1.78
Precip Total: 1.27
Last Total: 3.0479999999999996

It should pull 1.27 as that's the total rainfall for the first hour of the day. Maybe skip the math if it's hour 0 and instead log precip total?

This was the temp code I used to get those readings:

# import datetime
import json
import os
import sys
import requests

# Settings
apiKey = ""
stationID = ""
weatherUnits = "h"

# File Locations
rainfallLog = "rainfallLog.csv"
lastTotalLog = "lastTotal"
# Get current time as variable 'now'
#now =

# Calculate the precipTotal by doing math with lastTotal
# def calc(precipTotal):
    # #if now.hour == 0:
    # #    lastTotal = 0.0
    with open(lastTotalLog, "r") as f:
        lastTotal = float(f.readline())
    return round(precipTotal - lastTotal, 2)

# Create files
def create_empty_files():
    if not os.path.isfile(lastTotalLog):
        with open(lastTotalLog, "w") as f:
    if not os.path.isfile(rainfallLog):
        open(rainfallLog, "w").close()

# API Call
def get_weather_data_from_api():
    r = requests.get(
    return json.loads(r.text)

if __name__ == "__main__": # The main routine
    create_empty_files() # Call function
        weather = get_weather_data_from_api() # Call function and apply it to variable 'weather'
    except requests.RequestException as e:

    # Collect only the needed data
    dataTime = weather["observations"][0]["obsTimeLocal"]
    precipTotal = weather["observations"][0]["uk_hybrid"]["precipTotal"]

    if weatherUnits == "h":
        precipTotal *= 25.4  # API bug shows inch so convert to mm

    # Get variable by calling function
    hourlyRain = calc(precipTotal)

    # # Testing
    # with open(lastTotalLog, "r") as f:
            # lastLog = float(f.readline())

    if os.path.getsize(rainfallLog) == 0:  # Check if the file is empty
        with open(rainfallLog, "w") as f:
            f.write("Time,Hourly Rainfall (mm)\n")
        with open(rainfallLog, "a") as f:
            # f.write(f"Hourly Rain: {hourlyRain}\n")
            # f.write(f"Precip Total: {precipTotal}\n")
            # f.write(f"Last Total: {lastLog}\n")

    # Store precipTotal to call next time for math
    with open(lastTotalLog, "w") as f:

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kura commented Nov 2, 2023

You put your API keys in that comment. Might wanna delete that. :P

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I did realise my api key is public on the site I use it on... but that's for another day lol

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kura commented Nov 2, 2023

def calc(precipTotal):
    # bail early if midnight
    if now.hour == 0:
        return round(recipTotal, 2)

    with open(lastTotalLog, "r") as f:
        lastTotal = float(f.readline())
    return round(precipTotal - lastTotal, 2)

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With an else in that gap correct?

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OK! I think we have something. A quick test worked... time for midnight again.

Btw, thank you so much for all this help. It would have driven me crazy doing it all alone.

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kura commented Nov 2, 2023

No need for an else, that func call bails early so the with is never hit.

No worries. :)

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You are well versed in python. It's these weird little rules that are fun to learn.

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kura commented Nov 2, 2023

Most programming language allows you to return early from a function if a condition isn't met tbh. Sometimes it just looks odd or people don't think about doing it that way and wrap it in an else for no real gain.

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