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An Implementation of a Trie Data Strcture, with Insertion, Searching and Deletion
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Purpose: A Trie Data Structure Implementation in C
@author: Vijay Ramachandran
@date: 20-02-2020
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
// The number of children for each node
// We will construct a N-ary tree and make it
// a Trie
// Since we have 26 english letters, we need
// 26 children per node
#define N 26
typedef struct TrieNode TrieNode;
struct TrieNode {
// The Trie Node Structure
// Each node has N children, starting from the root
// and a flag to check if it's a leaf node
char data; // Storing for printing purposes only
TrieNode* children[N];
int is_leaf;
TrieNode* make_trienode(char data) {
// Allocate memory for a TrieNode
TrieNode* node = (TrieNode*) calloc (1, sizeof(TrieNode));
for (int i=0; i<N; i++)
node->children[i] = NULL;
node->is_leaf = 0;
node->data = data;
return node;
void free_trienode(TrieNode* node) {
// Free the trienode sequence
for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
if (node->children[i] != NULL) {
else {
TrieNode* insert_trie(TrieNode* root, char* word) {
// Inserts the word onto the Trie
// ASSUMPTION: The word only has lower case characters
TrieNode* temp = root;
for (int i=0; word[i] != '\0'; i++) {
// Get the relative position in the alphabet list
int idx = (int) word[i] - 'a';
if (temp->children[idx] == NULL) {
// If the corresponding child doesn't exist,
// simply create that child!
temp->children[idx] = make_trienode(word[i]);
else {
// Do nothing. The node already exists
// Go down a level, to the child referenced by idx
// since we have a prefix match
temp = temp->children[idx];
// At the end of the word, mark this node as the leaf node
temp->is_leaf = 1;
return root;
int search_trie(TrieNode* root, char* word)
// Searches for word in the Trie
TrieNode* temp = root;
for(int i=0; word[i]!='\0'; i++)
int position = word[i] - 'a';
if (temp->children[position] == NULL)
return 0;
temp = temp->children[position];
if (temp != NULL && temp->is_leaf == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
int check_divergence(TrieNode* root, char* word) {
// Checks if there is branching at the last character of word
// and returns the largest position in the word where branching occurs
TrieNode* temp = root;
int len = strlen(word);
if (len == 0)
return 0;
// We will return the largest index where branching occurs
int last_index = 0;
for (int i=0; i < len; i++) {
int position = word[i] - 'a';
if (temp->children[position]) {
// If a child exists at that position
// we will check if there exists any other child
// so that branching occurs
for (int j=0; j<N; j++) {
if (j != position && temp->children[j]) {
// We've found another child! This is a branch.
// Update the branch position
last_index = i + 1;
// Go to the next child in the sequence
temp = temp->children[position];
return last_index;
char* find_longest_prefix(TrieNode* root, char* word) {
// Finds the longest common prefix substring of word
// in the Trie
if (!word || word[0] == '\0')
return NULL;
// Length of the longest prefix
int len = strlen(word);
// We initially set the longest prefix as the word itself,
// and try to back-tracking from the deepst position to
// a point of divergence, if it exists
char* longest_prefix = (char*) calloc (len + 1, sizeof(char));
for (int i=0; word[i] != '\0'; i++)
longest_prefix[i] = word[i];
longest_prefix[len] = '\0';
// If there is no branching from the root, this
// means that we're matching the original string!
// This is not what we want!
int branch_idx = check_divergence(root, longest_prefix) - 1;
if (branch_idx >= 0) {
// There is branching, We must update the position
// to the longest match and update the longest prefix
// by the branch index length
longest_prefix[branch_idx] = '\0';
longest_prefix = (char*) realloc (longest_prefix, (branch_idx + 1) * sizeof(char));
return longest_prefix;
int is_leaf_node(TrieNode* root, char* word) {
// Checks if the prefix match of word and root
// is a leaf node
TrieNode* temp = root;
for (int i=0; word[i]; i++) {
int position = (int) word[i] - 'a';
if (temp->children[position]) {
temp = temp->children[position];
return temp->is_leaf;
TrieNode* delete_trie(TrieNode* root, char* word) {
// Will try to delete the word sequence from the Trie only it
// ends up in a leaf node
if (!root)
return NULL;
if (!word || word[0] == '\0')
return root;
// If the node corresponding to the match is not a leaf node,
// we stop
if (!is_leaf_node(root, word)) {
return root;
TrieNode* temp = root;
// Find the longest prefix string that is not the current word
char* longest_prefix = find_longest_prefix(root, word);
//printf("Longest Prefix = %s\n", longest_prefix);
if (longest_prefix[0] == '\0') {
return root;
// Keep track of position in the Trie
int i;
for (i=0; longest_prefix[i] != '\0'; i++) {
int position = (int) longest_prefix[i] - 'a';
if (temp->children[position] != NULL) {
// Keep moving to the deepest node in the common prefix
temp = temp->children[position];
else {
// There is no such node. Simply return.
return root;
// Now, we have reached the deepest common node between
// the two strings. We need to delete the sequence
// corresponding to word
int len = strlen(word);
for (; i < len; i++) {
int position = (int) word[i] - 'a';
if (temp->children[position]) {
// Delete the remaining sequence
TrieNode* rm_node = temp->children[position];
temp->children[position] = NULL;
return root;
void print_trie(TrieNode* root) {
// Prints the nodes of the trie
if (!root)
TrieNode* temp = root;
printf("%c -> ", temp->data);
for (int i=0; i<N; i++) {
void print_search(TrieNode* root, char* word) {
printf("Searching for %s: ", word);
if (search_trie(root, word) == 0)
printf("Not Found\n");
int main() {
// Driver program for the Trie Data Structure Operations
TrieNode* root = make_trienode('\0');
root = insert_trie(root, "hello");
root = insert_trie(root, "hi");
root = insert_trie(root, "teabag");
root = insert_trie(root, "teacan");
print_search(root, "tea");
print_search(root, "teabag");
print_search(root, "teacan");
print_search(root, "hi");
print_search(root, "hey");
print_search(root, "hello");
root = delete_trie(root, "hello");
printf("After deleting 'hello'...\n");
root = delete_trie(root, "teacan");
printf("After deleting 'teacan'...\n");
return 0;
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Do you have an idea of what the algorithm would look like that search's the trie based on an inputted phrase for example "welco" and returns all the words that contain the prefix "welco" in the tree?

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