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Last active February 1, 2022 16:22
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commit-msg preventing commit having sensitive information in commit message

preventing commit having sensitive information in commit message

Sometimes it happens that people accidentally push information from inside the organization to the public github repository. It could be hostname, ip address, proxy etc... This information could be somewhere in commit mesage and if reviewers see it, it's too late.

For this reason, I created a GitHook protection (short snippet running locally in your project) that warns you if it finds vulnerable information before you commit.

See the vulnerable commit message

Vulnerable commit

I'm setting proxy to
We need to connect into ( from my POD.

Here s what I'm expecting: Screen Shot 2022-02-01 at 13 47 04

All I need is to create a git hook in the cloned project I want to protect and add execution persmission to it:

cat <<'EOF' > ./.git/hooks/commit-msg


IPADDR=$(cat "$INPUT_FILE_PATH" | grep -oE "\b(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\b")
HOSTNAME=$(cat "$INPUT_FILE_PATH"  | grep -iwo "\b[\.a-z0-9-]*\b")
PROXY_3128=$(cat "$INPUT_FILE_PATH" | grep -iwo "\b[\.a-z0-9-]*:3128\b")
PROXY_8080=$(cat "$INPUT_FILE_PATH" | grep -iwo "\b[\.a-z0-9-]*:8080\b")
if [[ $IPADDR != "" ]] || [[ $HOSTNAME != "" ]] || [[ $PROXY_3128 != "" ]] || [[ $PROXY_8080 != "" ]]
    echo -e "$YELLOW Sensitive information found: $NC"
    echo -e "$CYAN - $IPADDR $HOSTNAME $PROXY_3128 $PROXY_3128 $YELLOW"
    read -e -p " You're about to COMMIT, is that what you intended? [y|n]" -n 1 -r < /dev/tty
    echo -e "$NC"
    if echo $REPLY | grep -E '^[Yy]$' > /dev/null
        exit 0 # commit will execute
    echo -e "$WHITE The message of canceled commit can be found in the $CYAN$1$WHITE file$NC"
    exit 1 # commit will not execute
    exit 0 # commit will execute

# don't forget execute permissions
chmod +x ./.git/hooks/commit-msg

shared hooks

some hooks can be shared to work on all projects. Here's how to do it

Because writing to /etc/ requires sudo, but can be stored elsewhere.

mkdir -p /etc/git/hooks
cat <<'EOF' > /etc/git/hooks/commit-msg 
chmod +x ./.git/hooks/commit-msg
git config --global core.hooksPath /etc/git/hooks
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