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Created February 8, 2012 19:52
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# If you've been in a medium to large project, you know how painful
# it becomes to maintain your domain logic in ActiveRecord files.
# Later you extract classes to lib/, so now you have a) domain logic
# classes and b) persistence objects (ActiveRecord). This means you
# started using the DataMapper pattern.
# Below is the draft for a gem to implement DataMapper pattern in Ruby.
# The Unit of Work pattern stands as an observer - whenever the domain
# object changes, the UoW saves its attributes to the database.
# See:
# DataMapper pattern:
# Unit of Work pattern:
# Domain objects
class User
# this class should have nothing related to the dm layer
class Post
def initialize(attributes)
# save attributes
owner = attributes[:user] # triggers UoW
# Mapper objects
class UserMapper
attributes :name, :age, :bio
# of the code, like calling the ORM for saving
class PostMapper
attributes :title
attribute :owner, is: User
# Domain logic POROs. UoW objects' responsibility is to save data under the hood automatically
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def create
@user = "Alexandre", age: 24) # should UoW persist at this point?
@page = "A title", owner: @user) # should UoW persist at this point?
# Persistence alternatives:
# 1. UoW saves data upon app instance termination (DataMapper would be a middleware)
# 2. Domain objects has #persist method, i.e @user.persist, which calls I personally don't like this approach that much.
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