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Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
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pacapt package manager checker
# Detect package type from /etc/issue
_found_arch() {
local _ostype="$1"
grep -qis "$*" /etc/issue && _OSTYPE="$_ostype"
# Detect package type
_OSTYPE_detect() {
_found_arch PACMAN "Arch Linux" && return
_found_arch DPKG "Debian GNU/Linux" && return
_found_arch DPKG "Ubuntu" && return
_found_arch YUM "CentOS" && return
_found_arch YUM "Red Hat" && return
_found_arch YUM "Fedora" && return
_found_arch ZYPPER "SUSE" && return
[[ -z "$_OSTYPE" ]] || return
# See also
# Please not that $OSTYPE (which is `linux-gnu` on Linux system)
# is not our $_OSTYPE. The choice is not very good because
# a typo can just break the logic of the program.
if [[ "$OSTYPE" != "darwin"* ]]; then
_error "Can't detect OS type from /etc/issue. Running fallback method."
[[ -x "/usr/bin/pacman" ]] && _OSTYPE="PACMAN" && return
[[ -x "/usr/bin/apt-get" ]] && _OSTYPE="DPKG" && return
[[ -x "/usr/bin/yum" ]] && _OSTYPE="YUM" && return
[[ -x "/opt/local/bin/port" ]] && _OSTYPE="MACPORTS" && return
command -v brew >/dev/null && _OSTYPE="HOMEBREW" && return
[[ -x "/usr/bin/emerge" ]] && _OSTYPE="PORTAGE" && return
[[ -x "/usr/bin/zypper" ]] && _OSTYPE="ZYPPER" && return
if [[ -z "$_OSTYPE" ]]; then
_error "No supported package manager installed on system"
_error "(supported: apt, homebrew, pacman, portage, yum)"
exit 1
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